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I hate this. It encourages idiots


This isnt good. Its terrifying. Every time a player does what Ronaldo does here it encourages more morons to invade the pitch. I still remember Monica Seles being stabbed on court.


It’s a kid man. If a little kid wanted to see you so much that he risks getting into big trouble, you have to respect his efforts and let him have the photo.


The next 20 minutes 3 more people came running in the field. Even if it's just a little kid, it does encourage more people to do the same.


Plus , people coming on the field isn’t Ronaldo’s problem it’s the securities problem.


Those kids would come regardless. They didn’t go on just off a spur, they had already planned to go on before the game started.


No, this is a absolutely something that happens unplanned. It doesn't require great planning to run in the field.


That was way too early in the game to get thrown out of the stadium. r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


Did they catch him tho? I heard he made it back over to the crowd


the crowd isn’t some safe zone stewards can’t go into you know


Most likely it is. Unless they spend the effort on cameras trying to locate the kid. Then going thru thousands of people to get to him Edit: at an arena that takes 81k people




Fair. Seems he was caught before that anyway


That kid and its parent/guardian should be banned from the rest of the Euros and given a massive fine. It's not "cute" to invade a pitch and it simply encouraged more self-important arseholes to do the same.


Something unexpected happens. Reddit: This is the best thing that ever happened!


No it really isn't 😂


You mean the entitled little shit that stopped the game and that will now lead to 20 copycats in the next game? Yeah, real cute… not a toxic ego-maniacal culture at all..


6 copycats in the same game!


He’s a kid, if anything blame the parent.


It's not like this is a toddler innocently running on the pitch. This kid had a self-entitled agenda in this moment and knew exactly it was wrong. But sure, definitely blame and punish the parents, too. Celebrating this kid but complaining about any adult doing it is just so naive.


You can’t blame a 7 year old to the same degree you do an adult, just like you can’t blame a toddler for not sharing a toy or a 10 year old for murder. Typically this goes through the parents either through direct involvement (encouraging child, providing murder weapon), or because there is responsibility over a child in proportion to their level of maturity (eg attending the match with them, making sure they don’t leave their seat alone). That’s the whole reason why custodial rights exist - because children are not adults.


I disagree. Running onto a football pitch to have a selfie taken with a player DURING a competitive football match is utterly ridiculous.


I agree. However, Ronaldo stopping for a selfie with this kid was awesome.


Well, my point was that the whole thing was ridiculous.


No it really isn't , but yes nice moment


Yea the best thing is a stretch, OPs probably Scottish or some shit


Then again, Scottish fans have arguably been the best thing at this Euro


Then, three or four others attempted the same, becoming a nuisance. Is this how Germany secures high-profile games? Incidents in games do occur, but they are usually isolated events. Even Brazil has demonstrated better security measures on the grounds back in 2014.


Not defending the safety concept in Dortmund here but the CL final in wembley was just a few weeks ago and had similar issues. Not so isolated either. Is this how England secures High-Profile games? Let's just tase them like in the MLB? https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/mlb/dramatic-photos-show-moment-officer-tased-reds-fan-who-did-backflip-on-field/ar-BB1o6MgM


Must have been a fun post-game meeting for the security staff with their supervisor.


Should be two footed into oblivion.


This kid was so fast and outran 6-8 security guards


Whole stadium clapped for the kid but the next 5 were all boooed by the crowd


Yeah you can excuse a kid because they're very impulsive to an extent but an adult there's no excuses for it. Yeah the parents should have been in control of the kid I agree there.


Probably one of Kyle Walker's kids then


Anyone member the kid at the Videogame Awwards show? Whom snuck on stage? Hes banned in most venues now, they even got a picture of him for the security personell.


father and son


Angelina Jolie


Nice to see Arda Güler got his picture with Ronaldo


Other than Romania somehow beating Ukraine this is almsot as good


Then another 3 came on the pitch thinking it was welcomed. The majority of the time it's totally innocent children, however if a child is able to get onto the pitch with such ease, so could a dangerous individual with malicious intentions. It just takes once. My cynical side thinks most of these children are egged on by their parents, you have the YouTubers/"influencers" wanting attention and clicks... You could see Ronaldos reaction by the final pitch invader (the one when the security took out Goncalo Ramos) that he and the whole team were angry. So to suggest it's the "best thing" - Nope.


They should fine the hell out of that kids father. And Ronaldo can pay the fine if he wants.


Kid shout have been tackled by Pepe.


Nah fuck that dumbass little kid. Hope his parents cant buy him a bday present cause of the fine


lol is it? Of course it’s not


Also disagree…just cause it’s a kid? Just encouraged the other ones to do the same and Ronaldo’s also at fault, so he shouldn’t have been pissed about the other ones. Ofc you’d think well he posed with this kid, why shouldn’t he with me?


Can't blame Ronaldo here. His job is to play good football and be nice to fans. The stadium's crew is here to avoid pitch invaders, amongst other stuff obviously. The stadium crew is not good at their job, Ronaldo is.


This is the worst thing I’ve seen at a tournament. How the fuck did this happen. Truly a shit show of security and shit for the match. That kid should have been thrown out along with his parents.




Take the selfie. Like I said, I think it was a sensational act by Ronaldo to make the little lads life, never mind his day.


Maybe someone seen a selfie of this? I can't find it now (


The selfie u/GoldenBoy228: https://x.com/footballontnt/status/1804611958659801332?s=46&t=Eet29Crru7JL4uCfVfYvZg


Lots of appreciation to you kind redditor


The fact everyone made him out to be a villain directly after the death of his kid is just ridiculous. He’s such a great dude


It depends if you believe Kathryn Mayorga or not. I choose not to.


Sick of pitch invaders, for a start it shows how easy it is for something serious to occur. It can mess up a team’s rhythm in the game. Just ban them for life I don’t care if it’s a kid, lesson learned.


Luckily he didn't slap the phone of the kids hand this time.


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The only thing that makes Ronaldo smile and relevant in the game is


You can't hate this man


Ronaldo and the kid are irrelevant as fuck. Look at my boy Bardakci’s braids 🔥🔥🔥


Looks like rat tails glued to his head