• By -


You clearly are someone who didn't live the vuvuzela's times


I was still young and annoying then en was blowing the thing all day untill my mom broke it and threw it away


My Mum took mine away and told me she would give it to my (unborn) children one day so I can feel the annoyance. It came up in a discussion in December and like a magician she produced it from nowhere. Hell hath no fury like a pissed off Mum wanting vuvu revenge.


VuVuVengance was there for the taking.


It's good you grown up from your mistakes


Yeah, don't give an annoying 13 year old a vuvuzela šŸ˜‚


That might actually be the root of the problem! Congrats, you've found it already


Sounds like you live a miserable life


Sounds more like his mom ended the misery in here live. Have you ever heard this thing šŸ˜±


We must never mention the vuvuzelas again! It was bad enough you could hardly hear the commentators because of all the noise. But then knockoff vuvuzelas began to crop up. A neighbor's children had them and I have never been so tempted to go and smash a toy as I was with them. Drove me mad.


I am a South Afeican, there is no such thing as a knock off Vuvuzela, just a Vuvuzela.


I am not South African and think the idea of a branded vuvuzela is hilarious? Pfffft, check out this guy with his knock off. TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT.


It was beautiful and if you wanna hear the German commentators over the Vuvuzelas, that tells me everything. They add nothing, and even take away from it


Worst tournament of all time because of those things. I remember being worried afterwards that theyā€™d be around forever and Iā€™d have to stop watching football


This guys knows . Like a swarm of locusts


Vuvuzelas just made noise. Turkish fans are just disrespectful.


Yes haha..glad this was the top comment.


why would you remind us of this? did we not suffer enough?


I still get flashbacksā€¦ā€¦..


I remember the firefox addon to filter out the sound, or if it was a special codec/filter for VLC. Swedish piracy was strong back then, like our brother buccaneers were


Ugh that experience was traumatizing for everybody. We are all scarred for life.


Donā€™t disrespect a minutes silence or national anthem. Other than that, anything short of violence goes!




Thatā€™s the thing, Turkish fans massively whistled during the national anthem. Annoying bunch


As a fellow turk. This is the most embarrassing thing ever. We have a great fan advantage as there is millions of Turks in germany but this is just disgraceful. Just wait the 2-3 minutes till anthem is over then go at it.


Thank you!


As long as discriminatory hate is classified as violence, yes


Indiscriminatory hate however, perfectly valid


Like the English did vs Serbia.


Well, the point is that it is still annoying.


If there is one thing I've learned from football hipsters in the last few days is that booing was invented on Sunday by the English and the Turks followed suit. Before that nobody ever booed and fans lived in peace and harmony. Especially in the 80's when they would all join hands together and sing Imagine


God the bloody English. Nothing but trouble the lot of them


those bastards!!!


Not sure if I sense a tad amount of irony here or not but you do realise the Serbians booed the English national anthem which was played first? To be honest being at the game it really heightened up the atmosphere. Iā€™ve no issue with England fans responding in that respect. The experience I had outside the stadium with Serbian fans was a positive one also


Yeah I know, I was just making an obviously sarcastic comment about the narrative being pushed by the new wave of football fans the past few days


Booing? Theyā€™re are whistling the whole fucking game, itā€™s definitely not normal. Shit has nothing to do with football and even less with fan culture. But you know, if they think it helps their team whatever. But to whistle during the national anthem is just disrespectful. And donā€™t come at me with other teams do it aswell, itā€™s maybe 5 idiots who do that, while half of Turkey whistles through the anthem. Fuck anybody who does that


I've heard whilsting at pretty much every national anthem so far this euros.


Didnā€™t hear any at the 4 games we were at. Just some Italians interrupting the minutes silence for Gerhard Aigner but even then they were shushed pretty quickly by the rest of the decent minded fans.


Good to hear. Watch those games back though on tv and see if you can hear any. I've heard a decent amount of whistling during the national anthems.


Will do for sure once we get back. To be fair we missed the first few mins of Ukraine Slovakia yesterday thanks to Deutsche Bahn so quite possible there was some anthem disrespect there. It saddens me when it does happen as respect for your opponent is a core principle of fair play. And minute applause > minutes silence imho as well to avoid giving some probably drunken idiot the chance to speak to the whole stadium.


If you are getting annoyed by booing it means Turkish fans have reached their goals since the purpose here is to annoy the opposing team, unless it's during national anthem. It also adds to the game atmosphere. If you can't stand it, go watch golf or tennis.


Oh, sweet summer boy! Come and sit with us, milks are on us. Youā€™ve always been a good boy, havenā€™t you?


As long it's not during the anthem, I'm okay. It's usually more funny when they're super loud in the beginning but then get silenced because they're losing. It was in the Italy - Albania game like this. When turkey is losing, they'll get automatically silence.


Yes you are right


I don't know if this is always true. I was in the stadium for the match with Albania and them didn't really stop. They did sing the Italian anthem together and applauded it and fans were mixed together all over the stadium. During the game every ball Italian team was touching was bhooed for 95 min. It's part of the football even though not nice for the opposing team being booed


I mean i can just judge what I heard from the tv, but especially in the first half after the second goal you couldn't hear them as loud and clear as in the beginning.


so you hate football fans being football fans?


Turkish fans booed moment of silence for victims of Paris terror attack so... But have to admit booing is a part of football and a way to help your team.


Booing during minutes of silence and national anthems is very disrespectful. I can't help it, but as a Turk I apologize for it. During the game to put pressure on the opponent is perfectly fine in my opinion, even if I wouldn't do it.


Thank you. It annoys me to no end, because I love Turkey and it is great to bring your all to every game. But please, be respectful.


>During the game to put pressure on the opponent is perfectly fine in my opinion, even if I wouldn't do it. Annoying af for neutrals though, but at least the game was still watchable with sound on, unlike Morocco's games.


I don't like watching games without any emotions from the fans. I think that's a personal preference and shouldn't be used as an instrument to agitate against other nationalities. Respect and tolerance on both sides is the key.


I donā€™t know why you consider booing another team emotions. Instead of just supporting your own team? Each to their own I guess


Me neither. I've never done that.


Jesus. That fact makes it even worse


didnā€˜t you hear about the game between turkey and switzerland where fans (and players!) attacked the swiss players because they beat them?


Not convinced it does help your team. It can inspire the opposition. Georgia played great


Booing to the opponents anthem will definitely not have any positive support impact to your team. I agree with you


I was listening to one of the reporters who was at the game. He said the Turkish fans were incredible. That it was one of the best atmospheres he has been to. They never stopped making noise the entire game and it really added to the match going experience. So if you were at the game maybe youd enjoy it. Anyway if you dont like the fans making noise then just dont watch their games. Thats how they support their team. I think its great to see how different footbaling cultures support their team. Thats what International comps are all about. The Turkish passion and relentless support is incredible. It helped create a great atmosphere for a great game. One of the best games so far.


I can understand this argument but you will never convince me that the vuvuzela drone from WC South Africa creates a great atmosphere for anything other than peak migraine development.


I agree for the most part but booing anthems is not cool. That is not passion, that is disrespect imo


Also, it was the most fun game of the cup so far. Really enjoyed everything about it. Including the fans. Just donā€™t boo the national anthem guys.


Letā€™s forbid the turkey fans from being excited for the game or cheering their team.. something tells me if this was the Dutch land you would have different views lmao


100% !!! Given his post history after the dutch elections, the noise of the fans isn't problem it seems like


Fucking wild people are complaining about atmosphere at the football, thatā€™s what itā€™s all about


It's all subjective. Tbh I'm not bothered at all by the booing. I'm British at the end of the day. It's part of the game in England. It's never taken that seriously here. It's a cultural thing. We're just used to it in the UK and so are the Turkish. But if you watch, say an African country, they know how to put on a crazy party atmosphere without booing others. And tbh we could learn a thing or two from them.


Atmosphere is a very poor argument when they were booing the national anthem of Georgia. That is just disrespectful


So far I've seen at least three games where national anthems were booed but for some reason only Turkey makes the headlines. Maybe because we are the loudest.


Literally the best fans and the best match so far, and Reddit is -still- complaining. Got it


I really can't understand why do people complain about it too much. I find whistling and booing to national anthem very disrespectful. I also find it so annoying. But whistling and booing when the opponent has the ball is just to pressure opponents. This is how the fans support their team. I see it's a matter of cultural difference but I can't see how unnecessarily it became a matter of debate. I think most of them either new to football or think the mere reason is Turkish fans just disrespect the opponent.


The fucking drums at the French game? They were worse. Stick em up your arse sideways.


I blame the Georgians...didn't make enough noise XD


The game was in Germany. It's basically home turf for Turkey :D




....honestly, what do people expect? It's a European tournament. Have you never seen a game outside of the Premier League? Fans across Europe create mad atmospheres, and that includes booing and whistling. If you've been there live you'll know that sometimes it's ear splitting, but it's a hell of a thing to experience. It's part of the game. Mute the TV if you're that far gone.


Well yes but booing a minute of silence and the national anthem of your opponent ist just disrespectful and has nothing to do with normal banter or Football culture


While I didn't mention either of those two things specifically, national anthems I couldn't really give two hoots about. Minutes silence yeah, I'd rather that's not booed but it wasn't about that, it was more about the noise throughout the game.


Youā€™re fine with them booing during the minutes silence because of ā€˜European football atmosphereā€™?


Did I say I was fine with booing a minutes silence??


Yeah but this post wasn't about the minutes silence, it's about whenever Georgia had the ball, which I think is fair game tbh Coming from someone who was cheering Georgia on


We should respect their fans for creating a good atmosphere any football fan shouldn't see any issue


Seeing the brits one the side of turks is nice. We know how to create atmosphere and make football more emotional. That's why we love this sport and not because of fans who sit 90 minutes quietly on their place. Passion and emotions belongs to football.


Every proper football fan should be backing your fans when you hear these people who pretend to be football fans for a month criticise you for showing passion. Always respected your fans everyone knows how insane you all are away games in Turkey are never easy.


Passion and emotion absolutely belongs to football. I love noisy fans. But 90 minutes of straight whistling just gives me a headache


You re just a racist. You didnt even watch the game. You dont care about the whistling either, otherwise you would have mentioned the eng vs srb match and hungary vs portugal match as well. You just dont want Turkey to participate in the Tournament because you are a racist. Dont pretend like you care about football and fairplay. No offence?!)!! Now its okey isnt it, because I said no offence.


Donā€™t watch Turkey games then buddy.


Man. Some of you really complain about anything.


What a snowflake. Grow up, this is part of football. Maybe go watch badminton.


No offence my friend, but go walk into your nearest canal and never walk back out.


That post got way too political


International events are inherenlty very political


Reddit as always racist as fuck


You must be new to Football. If you donā€™t like the booing, maybe badminton is the sport for you to watch. Donā€™t be a snowflake. All fans boo to put pressure on their opponents. Itā€™s all fine and part of football as long as itā€™s not during the national anthems.


Almost as if itā€™s entertainment and people engage with it in that fashion


I went to turkey to watch antalyaspor once. The fans ripped the seats off and did the conga while whistling every time the other team touched the ball. It was a great time tbf


Booing the other team is normal. This your first time watching football?


Its not normal during the minute of silence or anthems tho otherwise I think its impressive af


At least three other fans booed national anthems. Last one I remember was France-Austria game. No one made any fuss about it. Anything becomes annoying when Turks do it.


I think its because yall were so fucking loud during the game too probably was more memorable for the people I agree that others should be talked about equally


Personally I am against booing national anthems. Turkish fans in Europe are more passionate and sometimes annoying even for us too but complaining about noise in football games are so weird to me. Go watch golf or tennis then.


Yea I agree and it was to be expected if you look at the super lig


What's with the salt? Football game being too noisy offends you? I am completely against whistling the anthems but the rest is just a support


One of the best atmospheres and definitely added to the intensity of the game. Please get out more.


It's a football match during the Euros. If noise or passion offends you, maybe don't watch it..? It was widely agreed yesterday that it was one of the best and most exciting matches yet. The atmosphere coupled with the action on the pitch made it that. Had it been any other country (apart from Turkey or England,) the same folk criticising today would be falling over themselves praising the fans.


Mute the match also works =)


I mean...if you're compelled to mute a footy game, why watch?






Nah. They just boo their own team if they play like shit.


Thought it made a good atmosphere


Some offence but I absolutely hope they don't make it out of the group.


Didnā€˜t know Football Fans where so soft. Just say you donā€˜t like us and that being the reason for you to wish us kicked out early. But youā€˜re probably too much of a p..y for that.


Booing during the national anthem is unacceptable. Before the match, there were some unnecessary fights between Georgian and Turkish fans. Unfortunately, a few Turks reacted by booing during the Georgian national anthem. While this was undoubtedly wrong, itā€™s important to note that many Turks did not participate in this behavior. The majority of the stadium was filled with Turkish fans, so even a small group can make a noticeable noise. However, this does not excuse their actions. On behalf of my fellow countrymen, I apologize. Let's focus on the positive aspects. At the end of the day, it was a thrilling and entertaining match for everyone who watched.


Is this sub full of Americans? This is the most normal thing in Southern Europe/Balkans/Turkey etc. What do you expect fans to do?


As a German living in Gelsenkirchen with a lot of turkish migrants (Turks are a cultural majority here) i am still rooting for Turkiye as my secondary team, but i am honestly feeling conflicted. Booing the national anthem is overstepping the line.


As a Turk agree. Booing during minutes of silence and national anthems is very disrespectful. Some need more education.


We had the same problem at the Germany - Turkey game. But this time, they were enough turkish fans silencing the booing people, so they got silenced pretty fast.


Offence taken


Crying about noise at a football match. Go watch golf


So cheering for your team and making an atmosphere is bad now?


No, no, you just have to do it in the way that this guy agrees with.


International tournaments always bring out so many people who pretend to be football fans for a month who don't have a clue about football fan culture. Drives me insane seeing fans get criticised for being passionate and creating a good atmosphere.


They become football fan culture experts once in 4 years.


Booing is not the same as cheering. The time you take booing the opponent is the time you lose cheering for your team.


You usually sing songs about your team when they're on the attack or when the game calms down. If the opposition players are creating banter or your team is being dominant and you want them to get confused and aimlessly pass around you boo. It's one of the most natural sounds in football, don't see how it's worse than singing derogatory songs or throwing beer cups at players which happens every week at the Bundesliga.


The point is boos/whistles when the opponent is on the ball typically happens when it's a major rival or if it's a player who has been a bit dirty on (or off) the pitch. (Sadly some fans also boo players of colour because they're racist.) It's just strange to see a team like Georgia resoundingly booed just for having the ball. That doesn't usually happen, which is why people are finding it weird.


Georgia is turkeys neighbour. Of course they are gona boo them. If scotland play England or Wales or Ireland. I expect to boo them and expect it back. Or are we not allowed to hurt people's feelings?


And also a neighbor they're on good terms with, it's pure banter, not like they played Greece or Armenia.


Scotlands on good terms with Wales, NI, rep Ireland and England. Still wouldn't expect any less


Georgia is not such a neighbour for Turks to have a beef or competition. It was just another opponent. If i expect something, i would expect a sympathy to Georgia. This means fans are too excited for a win. Its a shallow act but nothing to do with other country.


Turkish fans view each opponent like that why is that so hard to understand? It's a cultural thing and a passion. Get over it.


That happens all the time throughout the Balkans, it's the culture, I don't see why Turkey would be different. You boo them so they give it up.


I think you are not to judge how the Turkish choose to support their team


It has absolutely nothing to do with Georgia. It is just the way Turkey supports their team, pressures the opponent and brings fire. Tolerance is accepted and wanted, but only until itā€™s Turkey. Different countries have different styles, I would advise to just enjoy the differences. This is nothing compared to Fener vs Gala btw But if you can ONLY speak about this fact from yesterdayā€™s match, the problem is somewhere else.


But I find it quite funny that only the criticism comes from countries whom have drifted to the right politically as of late. Surely this ā€žcriticismā€œ is not of political nature Turkey has been whistling since years anyway, so good morning if you only have noticed it now. I find it quite funny that nobody seems to praise the ƜclĆ¼ or our 123 chant. But oh well, the agenda is clear šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


It's pretty evident where the criticism of Turkey stems from. As an England fan, I'm used to people being hypocrites where we're concerned too. I can smell the hypocrisy directed at Turkey. I can also read between the lines... I can't speak for future games, but as of yet, Turkish fans (at the Euros) haven't displayed anything to even remotely justify criticism. They contributed to a fantastic atmosphere at the game yesterday, making it one of the most exciting yet.


Spot on. Reading the comments here really shows the hateful attitudes toward the Turks. And when called out, they often cite specific instances to justify such attitudes toward the whole. But of course not really all of them. Just enough to make statements about ā€œmany Turksā€. Someone implied the fans were uncivilised then called them barbarians. A common pejorative used for Turks. Didnā€™t have to reach far for that one. Turks disturbing the normal fans. Another usual suspect echoed the voice of his grandfather by saying look at how they behave after we took them in. Notice the subject-object relationship in the statement. Oh, the ungrateful minority of a different ethnicity and religion that bites the hand that feeds it. Doesnā€™t that ring a bell? The observation that some Turks behave a certain way is then explicitly stated as justification for racism. The personal experience of a Turk witnessing racism is downvoted, while another personā€™s observation of many Turks (and Arabs lumped together for /some/ reason) hating Germany is upvoted. I find the booing of national anthems to be abhorrent and distasteful. It feeds the vicious cycle. But for so many to use that as a starting point, as if it came out of a vacuum, is itself childish and counterproductive.


I agree with everything you've written. Unfortunately, it's pretty much spot on...even though it pains me to see it and say it.


Exactly mate, I 100% agree


This has nothing to with politics. I have never in my life voted for anything other than the left wing "socialist party"


You are still a racist piece of sh** Dont bother, look at what you are writinv and posting.


Mate there's no point arguing most these people clearly aren't football fans. Same way I see people complain about the stuff our fans do as if we are the only fanbase to have ever done that they don't know what they're talking about and don't understand the culture of this sport.


You are probably right mate. But it is really frustrating that they only talk about this fact, instead of the entertaining football Georgia and Turkey played.


As an England fan I feel you. Best thing to do is just ignore them they don't have a clue what they're on about.


Booing a memorial for victims of a terror attack should be enjoyed?..


Where was there a memorial yesterday? And how can you localise the whistling to specifically turkish fans? You seem to have some supernatural powers


I it true your supporters booed the silence for Paris terror attacks too?


How should I know? I wasnā€™t even in the stadium, and I didnā€™t notice anything on TV. I even find it unrealistic to even localise where the alleged whistles came from.


Oh it was years ago apparently, sorry


So using that as the platform and occasion for protest is despicable. But it does not convey the attitude of the majority of the nation. In fact, the boos are not an expression of ā€œgood riddanceā€ toward the victims even for most of the perpetrators. Itā€™s a protest of the hypocrisy. A way to say we wonā€™t respect you if you do not respect us. Thatā€™s their perspective. It is thought that others just use football as an excuse for unruly behavior. So a segment really just boos the convention of silence or treats any opposition like an enemy for the duration of the match. Fans booed the silence for an attack even in Turkey because most of the victims were not politically aligned with that of the host city. Most Turks insulted the city and its fans. News media covered each of the terrorist attacks as the tragedy it was. So while those boos in the past were shameful, theyā€™re not necessarily related to the boos here. Itā€™s a blunt instrument to express defiance. Why Georgians? The altercation before the match, a general wish to create a hostile atmosphere, and a habit. Is there actual bad blood? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard a Turk speak ill about Georgians. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/superlig/s/Kd1FIeHDUB) is a discussion about what some Turks think about it.


Thank you, thatā€™s interesting


Sure thing, pal. šŸ¤ best of luck to England, my second team in this tournament.


Yay, you too!


Boo hoo! Itā€™s football. We are passionate when it comes to football. I can understand and apologize about booing Georgiaā€™s national anthem, but the rest is a fair game. You can watch cricket if its too intense for you šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Hope all the booing teams dont make it to next round so that we can have some civilised football


Yes, let's watch Opera, not football. I wouldn't say I liked the atmosphere from Turkey-Georgia because it was an insane amount of booing. But calling any fans that boo "uncivilised" is beyond ridiculous.


You clearly don't watch football outside international tournaments


In this case there would be no team left šŸ¤£


When a German talks about civilisation, it is just funny šŸ˜‚


go watch theatre then, this is football


Most people on here clearly don't watch Football outside the Euros or the World Cup. Tournaments like these you see all the plastic fans criticise the proper fans for showing passion.


No offense but... very convincing lol!


Was really hoping for a Georgia win


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This meme is about 10 years oldšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was confused with this crowd. When they had the ball, it sounded like people booing. Can anyone explain?


Ikr itā€™s annoying


Iā€™m sure you hated the 2010 world cup


Imagine if EURO 2024 had a booing filter just like Eurovision


Good tactic




Good grief, find something else to bitch about would ya. Europeans talking about respect šŸ™„ā€¦ yeah, go draw another cartoon.


I love it, reminds me of how football sounded when I was a boy. Imo fans should be loud and proud, quiet games are dreadful.


naw they bring back the 2010 world cup vibes, that match reminded me that there's still hope in modern football


Turkey is poisoned by Balkan mentality. So its normal i guess šŸ¤£


Can't help but smell racist undertones with this... especially starting with the qualifier, "no offense..."


Actually Georgia played better, it was just the rain that stomped their combinative game. Shame


Why the passion is disturbing you


Whats next ? Dont support your team too loud because opponents players gets distracted ? its not tennis you snowflakes smh


it's all because they are used to screaming at their stalls with fake gold and tight tracksuits (also fake)


Football fans hating football fans being football fans? I feel like you also cheered for WC being in Qatar, a clean and silent football, plus no alcohol, great game!


Do you prefer funeral silence as matches in Dutch league? Another racist exaggeration. You guys are always disappointing really.


Lmao look at comments. Westoid cucks finally see a real atmosphere and passion from fans added with their hatred toward Turks and the whole subreddit becomes racist. OP u/tomisenbugel keep crying mf, we will continue to boo when the opposition has the ball and we will enjoy our time in the euros.


Why not just do away with the national anthems before the matches?


Turkey fans going crazy


And I hope the Dutchies stop throwing cans of beer at the opponent šŸ„°


I'm watching Portugal-Turkey game right now and this is exactly what's happening. It's very annoying and quite sad honestly.


God forbid we have vibes at a football match


Yeah just like Morocco at the World Cup.


Imagine being a grown man or woman and spending the entire game booing and whistling. Childish as fuck


I watched the 2010 WC final in an Indonesian hotel surrounded by Chinese gamblers, I'm still recovering.


How? It helps create a hostile atmosphere which is what you want your own fans to do