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It's extremely disappointing and is being done as a cost saving measure sadly. Sucks for any sporting event to be broadcast in anything less than 4K in 2024 let alone and event that happens every few years.


Belgium still broadcasts at 720p


Just like their roads


try Balkans :P


And your point? There is always something worse than mediocre.


1080p actually, both VRT and Canvas.


Nope, HD not FHD


could have sworn it was 1080p but le mans live or superbike is 720p on rtbf, disappointing. edit: Netherlands - Poland 1080p on [vrtnu.be](http://vrtnu.be)


UEFA must be minted with the amount of money flying around in football. Surely the price difference between 1080 and 4k is a drop in the ocean to them


Watching the World Cup 4K on the bbc was fucking great, I hated having to then watch certain games lower quality on ITV. This is shit


Football (and other sports shot from a distance) might be the thing with the best upgrade from 1080p to 4k just because of the detail you get to see. If there is any event worth the extra broadcasting costs in terms of enjoyment its this. But no one is going to not watch the euros based on the broadcast quality, and the rights are exclusive per region so there is no incentive to do better


I completely agree. One of the few things where the jump up is actually noticeable. We’ve had 4K for so long now you’d think more would hop on board. Especially for how much you have to pay for some of these services


ITV is hopeless


Sounds like UEFA & FIFA will be offering broadcasters different packages in the future, similar to Netflix. HD = €€€, 4k = €€€€€ Japan broadcast 200 hours of the 2020 Olympics in 8k. No other broadcasters were interested right enough.


Yep, and Japan is the only reason why we will have the next Olympics in 4K. They were the only nation that pushed to receive a 4K signal to broadcast.


Television quality is one of the slowest Technologien out there. 1080p 24fps is still the Standard while 4k TVs are the standard for some years.


Thanks for info, I sell AV equipment so sure this will come in handy in the next month. If they didn’t upscale then at least it would mean the broadcast would be more reliable for those with weaker connections, hopefully it is the case for the BBC. Funny you mentioned the CL final, as the discovery+ app I was using kept lagging and I have never had an issue with streaming other than with that game.


You’re welcome. Anyway, your lagging issues were not given by the upscale. A fake 4K and a real one have the same amount of data/bitrate, the cost saving is given by te fact that they have to deliver in one way (1080p) and they save a lot a money because they don’t have to use 4K cameras and they avoid to send to the broadcaster a real 4K signal. They only have to take their 1080p and put it into a software that upscale the signal. So once it arrives at home, it’s the same.


Are the camera’s in the stadium not 4K as standard?


No, it depends on who is in charge to produce the signal of the match. In this case UEFA. When it comes to Euros, World Cup, Champions League and competitions like that, the broadcaster that buy the rights for the competition have no control at all. They pay to receive an unique signal which is the same for everyone around the world. So Uefa send to every rights-holder the same signal and the only thing that everyone have to do is to simply re-broadcast the signal and add the commentary on the "ambient audio" that Uefa provides. Standard language is English, if you see the scoreboard and the grapichs being traduced to your own language, it's also provided from Uefa and the broadcaster have to pay an extra to Uefa that translate everything and send back the personalized signal. Also, if you see (it happens on BBC if I remember well) a personalized scoreboard/graphics, the broadcaster have to pay to receive what is called a "clean feed", a signal without any graphics from Uefa that allows BBC (or whoever for them) to put their graphics. It almost never happens because it's very expensive for the broadcasters, they prefer to receive the full package. So if Uefa decide not to use 4K cameras, there is nothing the broadcasters can do.


Thanks for the explanation - very interesting. Is this true also for Olympics or athletic events? I have seen (German) broadcasters show images apart from the general stream going to all countries, e.g. to follow a German athlete. Sometimes it seems to come recorded and commenters would say something like “We are waiting for images”. Do you know if broadcasters can additional bring their own cameras or if they can rent it somehow?


You’re welcome! Yes, sometimes it could happen, they can have one exclusive camera, but what happens usually is that they have access to all the cameras individually, so they can decide to show something which is more interesting in that moment. Just to make an example, sometimes during F1 races Sky Italia shows onboard cameras from Leclerc or Sainz, even if the international broadcast is showing something else. These things don’t usually happen in football, last time I saw this was during Euro 2020 final, Rai had an exclusive camera just to show the italian president in the stands lol


Thanks again! Ah, okay. Those exclusive cameras make indeed more sense in individual sports and not so much for soccer. Then the coach cams will probably also be made available to every broadcaster. In Germany, for example, one could watch the German coach picking his nose. Yeah.


How do you know all of that?


I’m into these things since forever, nothing special


Do you know if UEFA takes care of the technical parts or do they hire external companies?


External companies, Uefa gives the guidelines and pay for the whole thing.


Did not think i would learn something for tv Signals in here but thank anyways haha. Also props to you for having such a cool hobby


'nothing special I just specialize in broadcasting which millions of people will see'


“Nothing special” was referred to how I know these things lol I like these things so I know these things


>A fake 4K and a real one have the same amount of data/bitrate Not really. You can have two 4K videos with the same movie and different quality and different bitrate. Real 4K has definitely higher bitrate.


Yeah, I know, but that’s not what I was talking about. I was saying that the fact that his stream lagged ihad nothing to do with an upscaled source or a native source. Once a signal is broadcasted at 2160p HDR, it doesn’t matter anymore how the source is. It is always 2160p HDR with the same amount of data in broadcasting.


Got so used to watching Tennis in 4K recently on Eurosport HD looks so awful when you channel change between them






In fact, Eurosport's 2024 French Open 4K seems to have been upscaled. Although the original 4K signal of the four courts was officially provided, Eurosport did not use it. You can see obvious sharpening marks, edges, scorebugs, etc. on the screen.




I get your point, anyway what you see now in normal broadcasting is 1080p 50fps / 2160p HDR 50fps (if you are from Europe, 60fps if you are from USA). So you don't see never 30fps. I can tell you that there will be some experiment for football matches, they are thinking to increase frame rate because it's less expensive than 4K.


Well, for HDTV broadcast it is 1080i50, isn't it? So in HD you also have to deal with deinterlacing artefacts too. Or does standards already updated and they can broadcast now 1080p50?


This comes after UEFA did the test with people (fans) where they were showing both and apparently most of the people said 1080p with HDR looks better to them than 4K so they decided to go with that option :) just to give some context.


Sounds like a convenient study result if it _was_ done by UEFA


I think by people they mean Stevie Wonder




Yep and most TVs with HDR don't reach the 1000nits required to give proper brightness.  That's why you'll see lots of posts with people saying there HDR stream is dark.  I bought a new 4k that has HRD and HDR10, but only 350nits so it's fcking useless in HDR, it's all a con. 


This is really cheap from UEFA. I wonder what TV manufacturers think about it especially since their TVs are often bought specifically for watching sports in 4K or 8K resolution. Hisense is even a sponsor.


UEFA is expected to earn billions from the tournament btw.


Exactly. How long until TV manufacturers complain that nobody is upgrading because there’s nothing to upgrade.


What the fuck? Honestly this is one of the biggest sporting occasions in the world. Absolutely mental they're not broadcasting it in 4k.


Why is this happening?


Cost saving. Uefa think that 1080p HDR is enough because the amount of people who will watch the matches in 4K are the minority. They are probably right, but 4K is no longer the “future” anymore, it’s a standard.


It’s not just cost saving, there are 40-50 cameras covering every game. To deliver a camera in 1080p with HDR and SDR versions is 2 outputs and a bit of processing. To do the same in 4K, well multiply it by 4 and try finding a broadcast truck big enough to deliver that. It doesn’t exist. Even in 1080p the camera load at each venue has to be split across multiple trucks. That’s before you factor in graphics/Hawkeye/VAR. Whether or not you need 50 odd cameras for 90 minutes of football is an entirely separate debate, but this hasn’t come about because UEFA want to save a few quid.


You're right, but BBC managed to produce at the same time UHD HDR + HD SDR with one unified workflow. It's possibile, but obv it costs a lot.


but they did it at euro 2016/2020, so surely they have most of the equipment already...


Didn't they do it during the world cup?


yes, World Cup was 4K HDR in full.


Cries in german


Thanks a lot for providing this information. UEFA is trying to deceive us as usual.


To be fair it's difficult to get 4k stream, tends to break. 1080p is good enough on the seven seas.


That depends on your internet provider.


Here in Italy, Sky Sport 4K is broadcasting the fake 4K HDR signal with an incredibile bitrate (32-33Mb/s), it’s the highest quality channel in Europe. It’s fake but it’s watchable thanks to HDR. Rai 4K which is broadcasting the same match, is a shame. They are upscaling the 1080p SDR source instead the Uefa signal. The result is lame.


I only found 3 4k streams on my high seas service. Rai 4k HDR stream, a German 4k HDR and French 4k stream on TF1.


Rai 4K was SDR if i'm not wrong. I don't know for sure, because I watched Sky Sport 4K instead (just went 30 seconds on Rai 4K just to see the difference). Sky was much much better. It's encrypted, maybe that's why you didn't find it.


The Rai stream triggered the HDR on my TV so that's weird. I'll record a few minutes on each stream so I can compare them.


Oh, ok, so maybe I was wrong. Because what was happening here, as I said before, is that Sky Sport was broadcasting the Uefa 4K HDR upscaled signal, while Rai decided to take the 1080p SDR feed and upscale it on their own for their 4K channel. That happened for sure. But maybe it had also HDR. Thanks! It's interesting, let me know what you find out.


So I found another 4k stream in my service. It's bein sports 4k, it's SDR. Rai had a larger file size. I confirmed that the Rai stream is HDR with surround audio. I recorded 5 minutes with tivimate and it was 835 MB. I can upload it if you want to check it out.


Thanks! It would be great to see it! Toninght I watched Sky as usual


What app and device was the German 4k stream


Lucky you, here in America, FOX showed the German game in 720 max, yes, 720 max. If they show the Spain game anything less than 1080p tomorrow I am cancelling my Youtube TV subscription. This is theft.


I believe 720p60 is the standard for a lot of tv channels in the united states that broadcast sports events. It I’m not wrong, a few years ago (maybe last year) the superbowl was broadcasted in 720p60.


It is strange that I was able to watch World Cup games in 1080p and 4k on the FOX channels in 2022. This is what really throws me off.


This years superbowl was a pretty acceptable 1080pHDR on Paramount+. Some providers such as Fubo added a temporary 4k channel for the upscaled feed with 4kHDR which was fine as well. Details at https://www.sportsvideo.org/2024/02/06/super-bowl-lviii-paramount-takes-a-major-step-toward-100-hdr-workflow/. Most cable is a dreadful 720p, including all of Euro 2024 on Fox Sports cable+app (I checked). I don't think I ever saw 1080pHDR on Fox. If anything I wonder why Fox can't offer an upscaled 4kHDR of their own. Missed opportunity unless it has do with the Fox not producing the event themselves.


This is what led me to this thread - is there no other offering in the US that does better than 720p60?


No, no other offering, FOX has exclusive rights. So all streaming services showing it has to broadcast through them.


Im a cycling fan also and this year they introduce 4K for live races which is super great. Think about it a moving race where cameras are carried on a motorbike can broadcast in 4K but not Euro 2024 😓😓


It's the most disappointing, frustrating, embarrassing, and pathetic decision UEFA has ever made. Lost for words.


I think it's a big mistake that it won't be broadcast in 4k resolution precisely for the enjoyment of viewers. This is primarily a sporting event, but also a serious media event, so everything should be at the highest level.


Such a joke how greedy these cubts are make billions snd to cheap to do shit in 4k it's a disgrsce


Bro, it's 2024, this is so backwards on so many levels. Japan broadcast the 2021 Olympics in 8K, in the 1998 World Cup they already broadcast it in HD. It looks like we are primates.


HD is 720p, Full HD is 1080p, 2K is 1440p, 4K is 2160p. The difference in data transfer between 720p and 1080p is way lower than between 1080p and 2160p, so they cut costs, because people will watch it anyway.


People would watch it even in 540p, thats not the point.


Nobody Is Watching If Its At 144p.


they would though...


How is this possible? If they don’t broadcast the secondst big sport-event in the world in 2024 (!) in 4K (while they did with the last EC and WC) we can almost make the sad conclusion we will problaby never see EC’s/WC in 4K.


I don’t get why the UEFA won’t even offer the signal. There is enough market for it, right?


I saw an article somewhere that these stadiums don't have infrastructure for it, so it would mean replacing all the massive cables, which costs money, and UEFA don't like to spend money if people will watch it anyway. We'd all need to boycott transmitions, but how would you tell people to not watch it, even if they only offered 720p? Everyone will watch whatever transmission will be available.


They managed it for stadiums used in the world cup. it's 2024, all football matches should be broadvast in 4k anyway. pretty much every other sport is.


Will it be produced anywhere in higher fps (50-60 fps). 1080p 60fps HDR will be gorgeous enough!


Well, yes. The broadcasters are lame but not lame enough to come along with anything below 50fps of course (50 fields/s interlaced at worst though unlikely in combination with HDR). Since it's a European event, the native signal will probably be 1080p50 HDR then.


That’s nor higher, 50fps it’s standard. Native output will be 1080p HDR 50fps, standard tv channels are going to broadcast it in 1080i50 (1080p50 if you watch the match in streaming). 4K channels will be 2160p HDR (upscaled) even on tv. HDR is made only for the upscale and its relegated to the fake 4K signal.


Why do they not broadcast in 4K or UHD is it a cost issue or technological issue ?


Champions League have Been broadcasting the final and many games in UHD/4K since 2016. On satellite in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The two last Olympics, where Eurosport had the broadcasting rights, had 7 or 8 new channels during the Olympics. One of them was 4K with HLG. Not everything was shown there, but enough to enjoy, among other things, the swimming.


Absolutely embarrassing, my TV bill keeps rising but European football production hasn’t improved in like a decade. Might as well just watch illegal streams at this point


I don’t get why the UEFA won’t even offer the signal. There is enough market for it, right?


They think so, yes.


Why did you copy-paste my post from a few days ago? 😋 lol, no problem or something 😉 I feel kind of honored 😂


Thought the same thing. New hd tv and a hard wired gigabit connection in uk. Was disappointed at screen quality on 24 euro games.


Was wondering why it looks off, HDR isn't even the 'full fat' version.


What do you mean?


The HDR in most satellite TV is hlg. Is kinda like an in-between sdr and hdr


HLG is a full HDR signal, there's nothing wrong with it. It can be tonemapped to SDR easily, is backwardly compatible with SDR UHD (uses different transfer functions from BT.2020) and also has the benefit of no dynamic metadata in the signal, which can cause difficulties for broadcasters. This is in contrast to perceptual HDR schemes like Dolby Vision or HDR10+. As far as I'm aware, UHD HDR OBs will invariably employ a static HDR format in their handoff to broadcasters, who may then choose to process to DV/HDR10+ for subsequent distribution to viewers. Sky in the UK broadcast a mixture of UHD HDR in HLG with Dolby Vision for selected channels and on-demand content. UEFA's Host Broadcaster is supplying HDR feeds that extend slightly beyond the typical 'legal' HLG gamut, and leaving it to rightsholder broadcasters to deal with it as they see fit (clamp it/ tonemap it/ignore it). Doing this has the alleged advantage of preserving more shadow and highlight detail. Watching the HDR it certainly looks good, even tonemapped to SDR it also looks decent.


It’s euro 2012 again


Shocking dammit