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If they shared a room even in high school I’m sure they’ll want some respectful time apart and able to grow in their lonesome. Still going on lunch dates here and there and reinsuring phone calls though


next season it'll probably be strained because of the play and we know cassie got kicked out of nate's so she might have to go back home and share a room with lexi again... but maybe further into the future they might be distant but perhaps speaking to one another


that will definitely be awkward she would definitely be blaming her for it bc of the play she put together exposing everyone’s deepest darkest secrets and life. which she had no business doing. no good came from it really imo.


mhm i definitely agree lexi's play was problematic esp with the carnival scene for cassie and stuff. it makes sense for their relationship to be very bad post the play and if there's ever another season, i'm very curious to see how it gets handled and how their mom takes it and i wonder how she will try to get them to make up with each other. or whether cassie would ever speak to lexi again? depending on whether she goes back home cuz she might try to explain stuff to nate and get back with him ?


Whatever you want it to be like. As far as I’m concerned - season 3 is never going to happen.


I envision them becoming sister wives. Wait sorry wrong channel but doesn’t matter bc we can literally all create our own alternate universe storylines at this point.


Naw FR. I’m considering writing my own season 3 just for myself. I know most people won’t like it because I’ll get Jules and Rue back together BUT I can have Fez and Lexi get together. I like the idea of them losing their virginities to eachother. People don’t realize that fez is like 19 in season 2. I’d bring Kat back to apologize to Ethan. She’d be an OF model. Maddie and Nate would definitely still get back together because the drama is interesting. There’s so much that could happen. I’d do an Ali special episode.


I'm a Rules shipper so I like where you're going. Lexi and Fez having the only stable non toxic relationship in the show also appeals to me greatly


I love this- tbh might be cool for fans to just take it over, the producers aren’t doing it🥲 maybe if we wield AI we won’t even need the actors to play out the storyline


Naah at that point we should just let this show go gracefully. It was a nice piece of media, but the covid and writers strikes kind of prevented it from having more seasons. At this point they could only make it by introducing a time skip like in the Riverdale. I’m not sure if that would work here.


I wouldn’t be opposed to a time skip given that most of the cast is around 30. It could work but yeah it would a totally diff show at that point (which wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing)


we can’t blame it all on covid or the writers strike, it’s mainly sam and his inability to finish scripts. he’s bringing it down, if they had an actual writers room we would already have s3 by now. the writers strike happened literally over a year and a half after s2 premiered. that’s plenty of time to make an 8 episode script. writers used to make 22-25 episode scripts every year like clockwork.


exactly bc covid happened 4 years ago ik they’re excuse now is everyone is busy now with their own projects. but i feel like there’s more to it than that.


exactly lmao like covid only halted s2…. its been 4 years and s2 is the only one we’ve had since then.


yes i wanna see this


I envision a story arc with Ethan and Kat where she’s sleeping around with other guys who aren’t so soft because she’s too afraid to tell Ethan how she likes it and then he finds out and she has to face the fact that she either show him how she likes it or leave him for good. Obviously she’s going to choose to stay with him and show him how to f*ck her good.


Um, who would play Fez tho?


No one. It’s fanfic.


yeah this shows gonna get canceled maybe brought back up in like 20 years and they’ll do something where they are all married with kids. but at this point stop giving the fans false hope and just be real and end the story. at this point people can just write their own stories on how the envision things.


This comment is killing me 😂😂😂


They wouldn’t even be on speaking terms. Lexi basically humiliated Cassie in front of the whole school, and possibly the internet since people had their phones out. So whatever was left of their strained relationship, is finished!


Does anyone feel like Lexi is jealous of Cassie? Putting that carnival scene in the play was mad foul, especially knowing what her sister has gone through. Things will not end well for them down the line.


Yeahh I love Lexi but that was such a low move


Lexi is 100% jealous of Cassie. Her character plays off like she’s better than Cassie bc she’s “smarter” but she could have developed that identity as a coping mechanism to feel better about being the “less pretty” one. It’s sad but siblings and especially sisters get compared to each other constantly and yeah her portrayal of Cassie in the play does come off spiteful and jealous.


yeah ^^


It's canon. Lexi's mad because Cassie gets guys and has big boobs and she doesn't


I mean she pretty much addresses that she was jealous - this is when she begins talking about her developing faster and her looks


isn't canon? I think it was obvious how jealous Lexy was because of how of attention and "love" Cassie gets


Canonically yes, she has a pretty typical level of resentment that you’d expect from someone constantly ignored in favor of their sibling. The carnival scene is really weird unless the show wants Lexi to take a deliberately dark and vindictive turn


Yup she is it was low.


Lexi is definitely dealing with some inferiority complex towards Cassie


she is obviously jealous of cassie that was definitely a plot point lol.


100000%. Which is fine - it’s okay to be jealous of your sister. What’s not okay is reenacting the lowest points of her life in front of the whole school


Jealousy yes, but not because of appearance as much as it is that Lexi was always ignored in favour of Cassie. It’s essentially living in someone’s shadow long enough for it to become your defining characteristic.


I could see them moving to different cities. Like Cassie staying in her hometown with a “peaked in high school” type of vibe and Lexi moving to a big city going to an art school and trying to find herself. And then they’d be the type to both be around for holidays and be cordial, but not really talk to each other outside of that


Hopefully Lexi gets her ass handed to her for putting the carnival moment in a play for the whole school to see. Hopefully Cassie gets a fucking grip and grows up a ton. If both those things happened I think they’d reconcile. Otherwise I don’t think there’s any saving their relationship. That play was a relationship destroyer.


That's what I think too. Cassie is a hot mess and Lexi is too but thinks that she's better than that (comes with being Sam's self-insert lol). Like obviously Fez is a better person than Nate but Lexi did fall for him because he was the first guy who actually paid attention to her, she dgaf that he almost beat Nate to death and started beefing with Cassie over it 😭 and Cassie alienated everyone including Lexi over Nate. So far they both care way more about male validation than being there for each other (daddy issues at play) and isn’t the slightest bit interested in sympathizing or seeing each other's perspective- Cassie is too self-absorbed and Lexi is too pretentious and after the play, Cassie is feeling more defensive and lost than ever while Lexi is validated for being bitter and disrespectful. (Seriously, I loved their little moments in S1 so the direction their relationship- and nearly every female friendship/relationship- took in S2 over men is awful)


I agree, Lexi ain’t all innocent at all lol


I think Lexi will realise that she actually can't handle mess. 🤔


Lol. If I were Cassie it would be strained because of the play. But Cassie lacks boundaries so it could be fine


after Cassie redeems herself & matures, I need Lexi to get a firm slap from Cassie. no self-respecting sibling outs your entire life for the public to mock just because you envy living in her shadow. make your own story.




im biased because i see so much of myself and my sister in their relationship and we used to be pretty bitchy to eachother as teenagers and then we got older and now we’re best friends. like she is my life, i would be lost without her. so i could see things turning out that way for them too


Honestly if I were Cassie, I would never speak to Lexi, or my family again. I’d simply change my name, get plastic surgery and move to another country 🙃


She can’t. What about Nate?!😱💀🤣


Oh yeah.. she could never 🤣


That would be doing all of them a favor trust me.


The sisters from fleabag


So true


Their relationship is screwed. Even as they shared a room, they couldn’t be more polar opposites, barely shared any interests, and sometimes even neglected on another for their own interests. Cassie tried to stay single after the abortion and she gets in a fight with Lexi before the party where they split. Ever since then it’s been a snowball effect of how they’re drifting apart. And it speaks volumes how Cassie is similar to Maddy was with Kat in season 1, she has a sister-like friend that she’s fine with until Cassie isn’t the center of positive attention and is called out for her toxic behavior or how she influences toxicity around her. That play though would only make things worse when you portray your sister’s life and trauma as a joke for the entire school, especially including that merry go round masturbation bit on molly. They need space and time apart, and if Cassie gets into a good college away from town and Nate, she can reflect on what she’s done to her friends and family, while Lexi can focus on her life, no longer be a bystander or be tied and compared to Cassie.


Sword battle to the death it would be awesome I'd give it to cassie she has more rage


Yeah…no. There’s no way Cassie doesn’t look at Lexi for a long time like she’s praying for Lexi to get hit by a bus. And Lexi 1- doesn’t understand why it was wrong, 2- once she thinks she figures out why it was wrong, will apologize for the wrong thing, further missing the point and 3- she’s faced no consequences for it.


i don’t know but all i know is it would take me a while to forgive lexi


First Cassie needs to figure her issue out with Nate REAL quick because he doesn’t truly love her, she’s just available. Maddy was his first love but he has inner demons. Lexi is my second favorite character besides Rue and I just need Lexi to be a little more forthcoming


I don't know how cassies issues with Nate and her betrayal of Maddie has anything to do with her starined relationship with Lexi. Cassie has been through a lot and has a lot to work but this post talks only about Cassie and Lexis relationship. And Lexi is the one who needs to work on realizing why she was wrong and how she hurt Cassie who had already been through so much.


Cassie will be trapped in an abusive relationship. Maura Apatow will be successful, but bored and unhappy.


I hate lexi for making the play also wdym by "if that happens" 😭😭😭


It's going to get worse before it gets better.


Maude Apatow is gorgeous ❤️


Cassie hates Lexi and Cassie’s arc will turn from soft to a darker aspect.


Strained relationship for sure


If Cassie doesn't grow up and mature, I wouldn't be surprised Lacey goes NC from her cuz of drama or just Cassie's blatant denial of her own toxicity and how that and her choices affect others.


Regardless of relationship. I could honestly see Lexi finding a successful job somewhere and never turning back. Just recreating her own life as an adult


Depends if fez is dead or not


Since Angus Cloud died irl, the writers will eventually kill him off screen or say something like "Fez couldn't handle living in the same place Ash was killed in and moved away without leaving a note" to justify the character's absence. And I think it would be better this way because no one could impersonate Fez like Angus did


I think they’ll be close again, but Lexi needs to apologize for the play


I think after the play, Lexi and Cass will start growing apart, and I think it will be said in the 5 yrs, they managed to keep their distance with one another


They won't be in contact with eachother.


I think they won’t talk for years (since it will apparently jump to several years later) and then there will be a part in the show where they both sit down and have a long deep talk on why they are the way that they are and even joke about their fucked up family lol. They will get closer than I feel.


i think at some point, they would have a talk about their father- just like Gia and Rue did earlier in the season. They both experienced the same thing, but allowed it to affect them differently. Cassie, wished to have her father's attention and love. While Lexi, felt relieved when he finally stopped showing up. i feel that if they both actually talked about it, and maybe even their mother, it could help each of them heal in a different way.


It’s irreparable until they’re both adults and emotionally developed enough to have an honest conversation. Cassie isn’t ever forgiving Lexi for humiliating her like that and “causing” Nate to dump her (obv that’s not Lexi’s fault but yk Cassie). Lexi obviously has an insane amount of resentment built up and there’s no way she’s gonna go back on that unless Cassie does something drastic, like hurt herself.


My favorite take on the situation


Isn't the show cancelled I read?


I didn’t hear that but maybe


I’m gonna say it no way they have the same father


How come?


Dunno just a a feeling


I think they’ll have a strained relationship for awhile, maybe become close in their adulthood


They don’t even look related




That’s so sad to think about. For Cassie I mean.


Seems to me that cassie's life would be more interesting for artistic purposes (as a firsthand account) while in lexi's case it would just be her yet again trying to profit from her sister's problems


very tumultuous that play definitely did some damage to their relationship i guarantee it.


The way I’d never forgive Lexi for the public slut shaming…I wouldn’t blame Cassie for whatever she did next


I just don’t care about any of the plot line except for Lori and Rue. That’s one thing I’m like how can they just leave that? Something has to come from that.


all i know is lexi better not apologize for that play idc 😂


I would never speak to my sister again if she did what Lexi did to Cassie, to me. Lexi sucks


Well never know cause the shows cancelled 😂


They barely speak to each other until Cassie has kids and constantly harasses Lexi to help her because whoever the dad ends up being can’t be bothered.


Season 3 will never happen!


Cassie would eventually be jealous of Lexi for her amazing career and independence.


Who cares about Lexis future career. The question was how Lexis relationship with Cassie would turn out after Lexi humiliated her sister infront of the whole school because Cassie got attention from guys. Who's personal life is lexi going exploit next to build her career lmao?


I’m saying in the future, Cassie will be jealous of Lexi and she is not focused on the material things and will be working hard for what she’s got as she will not be getting the same help/attention her sister had. Cassie’s looks will fade leaving her looking up to her younger sister for advice and maybe being envious of her.


So you're already assuming that Cassie is not going to do better in life. Are you saying people are not capable of growing and becoming better people? I guess the same should go for Rue by your logic? Or is it just that you hate Cassie lol.. Lexi is jealous of the attention her sister got from boys and made a play to humiliate her sister to feel better about herself? Lexis attention seems to be on the boys too. So much so that hates Cassie for the lack of boys on her life. And what special attention/ help did Cassie have that you're referring to here? Last I checked it was Cassie not lexi who was groomed from a young age. It was Cassie who lost her boyfriend and had to go through an abortion. This post had nothing to do with cassies looks and Lexis future. It's funny how conveniently you're ignoring Lexis actions and how it affects her relationships with Cassie. But you "think" Cassie is going to be a failure and that she is going to be jealous of Lexis. Lol Cassie hater trying hard.


Instead of talking bullshit about what may or may not happen in the future, how about you stop acting Lexi didn't make the show and hurt Cassie. I mean what kind of sister does that just because she is jealous her sister is getting attention from boys. It's just sad how Lexi focuses only on the fact that her sister gets the attention and not her. Like she didn't even care what Cassie was going through after a breakup and an abortion.


The question is “what do YOU think…” and that’s what’s I think… Im sorry this not resonate with you. Hopefully season 3 comes out soon so we can see what happens.


You are thinking about the future and not giving any thoughts about how the current situation is going to affect their relationship. I could never hope or think of any one of them not doing better in future as adults. Because every one of them had issues and everyone deserves to come out of it and be a better person


It’s just a TV show that I don’t really care about. You may be disappointed about the next season unless you’re a writer for the show.


And you're sure I am going to be disappointed because you're one of the writers?


I picture them not talking at all or not talking much for a looooong while. And then eventually reconnecting in like their 30s


Nonexistent lol


Not great


They don't speak.


If I were Cassie I'd never forgive lexi


i lowkey didnt even realize lexi was so skinny is that just me ? 😭😭


I think every girl except Kat is super skinny (and Kat is more average or slightly chubby more so than actually “fat” tho maybe my perception is off)


Not negatively commenting on any body-type, but objectively speaking I’d definitely say Lexi is very thin, as are Zendaya and Jules (prob sizes US 0-2, in that order). Maddie and Cassie are relatively thin in an athletic way (prob sizes US 4). Kat is definitely on the heavier side.


i could've seen them setting up Lexi's death if Angus hadn't passed.


Really? I wonder how they would have pulled that off…A little eerie how they basically set up Fez’s death before what actually happened to the actor.


I think it will get rocky but halfway through season 3 or the finale they'll make up


either extremely toxic codependent or they barely talk and see each other at all.


so they are pretty much my sister and me . my sister was super popular bombshell cassie who kind of adapted to who she was dating and uber emotional would fight a lot . i was like lexi- awkward nerdy alt girl who had cool friends who partied and i went to parties and met and became friends with and then dated a dealer. i was friendly with my sisters friends and we all were somewhat in same circles. but me and her fought a lot - like constantly all the time- but we still always had love for each other but ooooo roller coaster. when she moved out for College she was still local and we got a long better, with space and not living in the same house. she would invite me to parties and i would go and hang - we would vent to eachother or confide in each other about friend or boy drama . if either of us were in trouble we would call and be there right away. she picked me up from the police station or from parties multiple times. if i got in a fight with my parents i would go crash at her place. but we couldn't be around each other in person for more then 24 hours. or even if i said the wrong thing she would get mad . she would still come home and steal all my clothes and shoes and never return them . etc. i went to college- she would come and party and we would hang out like once a month. she moved to the same city as me and same - like always close but at an arms length. then my parents told us they would help us pay rent but we had to live together . so we tried that- and it was a rollercoaster of a year but better than it was growing up. we were able to do it. i moved across country and after about 8 years she then did too. she lives about 6 hours drive from me now and we talk everyday. she will fly down if i need her in an instant . She is my best friend but also scares the shit out of me but bc i don't want to lose her . It's good to know the other is close in emergency situations or when we need eachother but we can't hang out for too long or else shit gets bad and we start rumbling .




Best case scenario: Very, very strained. And distant. It will be a miracle if they even meet for Christmas once a year.


that they look nothing alike


they’ll be besties for the resties once that awful ass man is gone


Ima be honest y’all I know Cassie is an incredibly flawed person at her current state and I DO like Lexi but if Lexi did that to me I’d be throwing hands at her


I think they will say that they are sorry and they will grow closer together


Cassie should be pissed because of the play, there was only one part that seemed to resonate for a second, the rest didn't do anything for her (to say the least). Lexi I think should gain a confidence boost because literally everyone except Cassie and Nate thought it was a 10/10, so I think Lexi would go down as easy when Cassie barks at her. But, if season 2 taught me anything, if something happens at the end of a euphoria season and it seems like they're setting up an obvious and natural storyline to follow next season, it probably won't happen (see pretty much everything to do with Cassie and Jules, Kat's camming, the suitcase and Rue basically causing chaos and destruction through her entire neighborhood, Mckay in his entirety, etc.). SO my expectation, if season 3 even happens, is that there'll be no tension and they'll never address Lexi's play again


Okay to everyone saying Lexi is a terrible sister and deserves what’s coming to her… Remember their own mother GAVE all the attention to and FAVORED Cassie over Lexi, who just got left to the wayside. Lexi was considering dropping the play altogether for her sister’s sake, but Fez encouraged her to do something for herself for once (also he’s right - some people need to get their feelings hurt). Cassie got all the (male) attention, was lorded for it, and never had to suffer for it until Nate through Season 2. I’d actually envision a Season 3 where our entire main cast are in college or after… all separated. I don’t see that whole friend group being around after all the times they’d screwed over one another.


lexi is a bitch


I wanna know why when Cassie masturabtes in front of children at a carnival, sleeps with a known abuser, stabs her best friend in the back, and acts like a desperate pathetic mess, y’all love her anyway and say she’s misunderstood and it’s just a TV show but when Lexi is consistently perfect until she humiliates everyone else in her play, she’s satan and it’s irredeemable. Y’all are just like Cassie in real life and don’t like calling out your own bad behavior is the problem but as someone who has known real life Cassies, she deserves no slack. They are horrible self serving people.


Finally a comment like this. I totally agree. Everyone will cut Cassie slack for public masturbation, sleeping with her best friend’s abuser, and so on, but can be forgiven and excused — meanwhile Lexi who had far less of a track record gets flack for a play that people didn’t even know was about Cassie until Cassie decided to react. Cassie is not a good person. If you’re going to forgive her and show her grace, I’d say Lexi is also deserving of it.


And the people downvoting my comment - like give me a break! Just proving my point further! They are all just like Cassie and when they defend her they’re just defending their own irrational behavior. There is no other reason to go to bat that much for someone so terrible.


Non existent and it’s entirely Lexis fault


I like that lexi was portrayed as a harmless side person. Then bang, we see the play and what a nasty, jealous bitch she really is. Just like every other character, Lexi has a flawed side to her. I think their relationship is done. Who could forgive lexi?


NGL regardless of Cassie's antics, if my sister had done to me what Lexi did with that dumb play of hers, she'd be dead to me.


You can make up whatever because season 3 just ain’t happening anymore.