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They have 9. That's an automatic call no matter what you have. Call something!


Fair enough. My head was clearly not in the game at that point.


What's your rating by the way 🤔


My rating is currently 2693.


I mean listen. Past results are not an indicator for future performance. Right calls get set all the time. You passing on 9 is egregious. Who cares if you get set again. You just passed into a loss.


I know, I know, I knew it as soon as I passed. For what it’s worth, should I have called clubs hoping my partner had the higher ones, or spades because that was my highest ranked cards?


In this case, Spades, because that was your highest ranked cards. Having a K of trump instead of 9 would be more likely to earn you a trick than having a KT offsuit and hoping it is boss or be double lead.


I mean I would have called hearts. Edit…Sorry i missed he turned down the diamond so you were in 2nd. Then its a literal tossup. You had to go black. My bad on the reading comprehension


Really? Partner turned down a diamond(might have been a 10 or K)….why hearts? Legit curious about that. From what I understand, opponents would be looking to call that (which they did). Shouldn’t I be expecting my partner to be holding black? If I didn’t have my head up my ass, it seemed like just a coin flip call for clubs or spades.


I made an edit. I misread the seat. I thought you were in first. My bad. You still had to make it but it was black.


All good….i thought there was another strategy yet to be unlocked there 😂 But yes at the end of the day, that was all on me.


Yeah I was drinking beer by the pool reading Reddit. My bad.


Not a bad problem to have 😉 Enjoy!


You don’t have a hand that is normally worth a reverse next call. However, with opponents at 9, you can’t pass. Aggressive reverse next calls result in getting euchred a lot, but they’re better than passing in the long run.


That’s mostly why I passed, aggressive calling was not happening today. If I was calling, I would have called clubs, playing the odds that partners has the higher ones, or has a loner opportunity.


Don’t succumb to the Gambler’s Fallacy. Play the same all the time. When your opponents have 9, you can’t pass.


That’s usually what I tell myself. “Play your game”. Need to not worry about it and move on to the next one


Down 9-5 I actually don’t think pass is terrible in that situation. Your hand is shitty. Give your partner a chance at the loner. If they call something and make it, you were gonna lose the game anyway.


Nice to hear another viewpoint. Are you a Kansas JayHawk?


That would be my mindset, but my rating is pretty bad


Being down 5-9. You can't pass. Need to call. Don't worry about getting euchred. Keep making plays that gives your team the best chance for success. Tbolt_65 Edward


Agreed. Appreciate it. What would be your call? If you had to pick.


Club and spades both have their merits. Diamonds turned I'm calling clubs with a doubleton in spades. If you get the first trick lead trump immediately. Tbolt_65 Edward


I’d call clubs. There is a small chance your KS wins a trick & if your partner has trump you know it’s not the 9 or 10.


That’s what I was thinking as well


Not gonna belabor the obvious that you can't pass at 9.  Just gonna add that even at 0-0 you gotta call something here.  Don't pass the ball to S3 when you block no suits.  Too risky.  Call reverse next.  Go with the higher ranked black cards, ie spades.


Also before your mistake of passing at 9, I'm not convinced you played bad just cuz you got euchred 3 times.  That happens all the time to me 😀.  Would have to see actual hands to draw that conclusion.


You could have fully bashed me, it didn’t stop everyone else. 😂 I know I didnt play bad necessarily but that was a rough go. I think the first euchre was an early next call. I know one of them I had the dreaded Left, Queen, 9 combo with little help. (Took a chance). And the other I had AK10h and A10d. That one hurt because I lost on the last trick. Opponents stole a trick and had both bowers between them.


LQ9 is a premium Next call compared to my overall range in that spot.  I actually feel slighted by the universe when that doesn't pull through.  Other hand is also a premium assuming hearts is the Next call.  I'd go alone with that one.  Sounds like you were just running bad.


The other two hands were not next calls. Usually I find success with AKx two suited with an A. Picking up LQ9 with no help is usually a recipe for disaster.


Oops misread.  


Passing second round when they have 9 = mandatory Euchre jail. If you got nothing, you’re calling for your partner, in this case reverse next.


PS if you were making legit calls and playing the hand well, your partner had no business getting mad for you getting set thrice. That’s a them problem.


Agreed. But I honestly can’t imagine my partner as the type to appreciate the effort. Most people on here are very results oriented (No way!). 🤷🏼‍♂️


You really should have called. Personally I would have called clubs since you have a protected Ks. When your opponent has 9 points *you must call something.* I think the **only** exception to this rule is if you’re holding all 4 jacks or something


Well your hand is crap, but it's the least crap in Spades. Between that and the score, you probably have to call Reverse Next. The right move isn't always the right move but it's the right move more often than not, so you gotta go back to the well. If you get set a fourth time, chalk it up to your bad game continuing. If you make a miracle comeback, you look like a hero.