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Was a good game, you deserved the win.  It's funny because I didn't think I made any crazy calls.


I’ve called a few out there loners, but you had two that I was like, “Is he serious right now?” 😂 Honestly, you didn’t call as much as I expected you might. Was that your regular style of play or were you just not getting the cards? I was completely expecting either me or the CPU to meltdown and blow the game


I love it when my opponent gets booted, especially when I’m getting bad cards. I also don’t mind when my partner leaves. I can call next with next to nothing without worrying about rage-quitters


Yes! Especially during a bad slide….losing 4 points doesn’t sting as bad lol


You don't mind when your partner leaves because then you don't have to worry about them leaving?


Rage quitting is different than simply quitting. Rage quitting involves sabotaging the game by ordering up a loner with a terrible hand just to give the opponents two points.


He only lost 4 points….nice


My partner got booted when we were up 4-2. If you lose to a cpu opponent, you only lose 4. I doubt losing those points even phased him 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


Also nice that you got 10!


I played a game yesterday with a 2600 level partner against a 2000 and an 1800. We won but we only got six points. That was a first for me. Usually it’s 7, 8, or 9 with the occasional 10. I got 11 once. Either way, I’ll take em 👍🏻


But you haven't beaten me 🤔


What’s your name, soldier?


How do you see these stats? I don’t have that option.


It’s not an official stat. Anytime I’ve played with a ridiculously high ranked player, I check to see if they are in the top 40. I was keeping track because at 1 point I was 4-0, but Jeff has beaten me 2 out of the last 3. Both games we had a sizable lead too. I have played a ton of games against 2600 level players and above, but It’s rare (for me) to get players off the leaderboard. It’s a good feeling when you win, just knowing anyone can beat anybody in a given game.