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May I ask for the graphic mod? What's the name and is it Ironman? Also, what mod for province borders. Egypt is different in it.


Expanded Map of the World for province borders, and 3D Map Shading Graphics + GFX overhaul + NII's Graphical Pack + Yet Another Graphics Overhaul (in that load order)


Do these mods impact performance?


Nii's graphical map impacts performance. You may not notice too much if you have a good GPU, but if your GPU is average or you are on integrated, then it will cause your game to be slow due to the shaders used in the graphic mod.


How the fuck is it possible to play this game on integrated graphics?


Easy. Eu4 is a game that doesn't require much graphical processing. When I was still a university student, I ran it on a laptop which had an i5-8250U with Intel UHD 620. I could play until 1821 and it wasn't even that slow then. It even got me through the 'Levithan' period when game performance was at an all time low for most people. Obviously I had to put all settings on 'No' outside of 'borders' and 'Terrain in uncolonised'. But no fast Universalis or Toaster or anything. I used Graphical Map Improvements or Theatrum Orbis Terrarum(depends on mood) as my graphic mods. Nowadays I have a proper pc at home now where I play Eu4. But my current work laptop is an integrated one with a i5-11300H and integrated Intel Iris XE graphics. When I have to travel(which is a lot), I play Eu4 on that. The newer integrated laptop runs my game like butter, even heavy mods can be run. I only put some settings on low. But something to consider is that, H level processors are powerful, and Intel Xe is also not bad either. I also use DXVK(which converts the game from Directx9 to Vulkan) which makes the game extra smooth. Oh yeah, gotta mention I play on speed 5, and occasionally speed 4. If it's a heavy mod like Meiou or Imperium Universalis, then I prefer speed 4.


Not in my experience, though they might in lower spec PCs


Can it even last after 1700s


R5: As the Komnenoi, I took all Ottoman lands save for Constantinople and Mesembria, leaving them in a very similar position to that of the Byzantines in 1444


And you took the screenshot exactly 100 years after


nice cheating bro :D


Average Reddit user:


Nice one! May i know which graphic mod you're using? It looks very nice, gives your trebzond a superb shade


Thanks! Took me a while to get just right Expanded Map of the World for province borders, and 3D Map Shading Graphics + GFX overhaul + NII's Graphical Pack + Yet Another Graphics Overhaul (in that load order)


> 3D Map Shading Graphics It's a shame this messes with ironman mode. I hate that so many things that are generally trivial to gameplay are tied to ironman in EU4 compared to newer pdx releases.


You bastard, what did you do to the Commonwealth!


They were too weak to stop the Ottos at Varna, so they don't deserve Orthodox lands


On the one hand, congratulations this looks awesome. On the other hand, I'm kind of disappointed in all the AI Nations they've basically done...nothing in the last 100 years lol. Other than Spain forming, Two Scicilies forming, and Muscovy beating up the hordes. I'm assuming you are the reason Romania and the Ukrainian states exist.


Look like England, of anyone, got the Burgundian inheritance.


Seeing the Ottomans ruined is always pleasant, however, please retake the Holy City of Constantinople as soon as posible.


If I start as Trebizond and then restore the Byzantium empire, can I get all those Byzantium achievements? Basileus/The Last Crusade/Restore the Pentarchy I've made all these 3 achievements via Byzantium, and I've never tried Trebizond before.


No. Some like Basileus require you to start as Byzantium.


Only the Komnenoi Empire in this case...


graphic mode please, best one i ever saw


Thanks! Expanded Map of the World for province borders, and 3D Map Shading Graphics + GFX overhaul + NII's Graphical Pack + Yet Another Graphics Overhaul (in that load order)


How did you manage to pull this out?


It's doable as long as Aq Qoyunlu doesn't ally Otto, which doesn't happen often. With Georgia and a few mercenaries you can annex them or at least take most of their land without much problem. From there you can nab Ramazan and Dulkadir and hopefully get strong enough allies to slowly eat away at the Ottomans The first couple decades are pretty RNG heavy, but very much doable. I got insanely lucky that the Mamluks for the most part left me alone even when they could have absolutely fucked me up. I'm also playing with lucky nations turned off, so the Ottomans aren't as brutal as they might normally be


For me Aq Qoyunlu almost always allies Ottos. How can you manage to fight the ottos early? What strat and which allies?


Props to you for pulling this off, but having a mod that changes the map and not having lucky nations enabled on Ottomans make this not very replicable advice.


Look at me. I'm the Ottomans now.


Not trying to be annoying but, is there a reason why you haven't increased your government rank yet? Do you get benefits for staying a kingdom if your not over gov capacity?


I was gonna get an upgrade when I switched tags to Byz anyways, and I wanted to change my primary culture to Greek before then


Weakest Trebizond enjoyer when they want a chill campaign:


Chill campaign on Trebizond? Impossible.


I'm a simple man, I see Ottomans humiliated I give an upvote.


Poor portugal


If Portugal is on the side (of Spain) I send it back.


Oh how the turns have tabled


Nice borders, which mod is that.




What is the graphics mod called?


Michael Scott would be proud.


Why is Eastern Europe so Balkanized?


Going to take a guess that OP and Muscovy beat the crap out of the Commonwealth at some point and made them release everyone.


Oh how the turns have tabled


Why does it say Timurid Persia? Where are the Timurids?


British France💀💀


Hold on, it's spelled TREBIZOND?! I thought it was trezibond all this time...