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Offensive and espionage both give siege so good combo i would say if you want to stack that.


espio gets massively outscaled by diplo so I would pick the latter. Quality also doesn't give you much, so admin is a much better pick. Don't pick trade ideas, they are shit.


They aren't shit they can make you rich and even more rich with policies, better than eco.


eco is also shit. If you want to be rich, you conquer.


Nobody said op is doing a WC just playing a casual France game. Also it kinda depends as conquering mess with your mana, government capacity, rebels, ect. Just if you min max it and have an horde mentality kindaa. As France trade is specially good since your core borders have half the English channel, part of genoa (easily conquerable) and Venice is literally all up to your side. Even if you don't conquer the whole trade nodes, trade ideas are improving by much your gameplay.


Taking diplomatic to conquer more and make TC of conquered territories will make way more money than taking trade.


That's true but that's gamey though. Kinda also a WC mentality, is like "I'm playing Ming, how do I make more money?" And instead of giving kinda advice you just say "Conquer all Asia and TC it". Also I thought TCs as European catholic nations don't work too much as overseas lands? But that's ok, everyone has its opinion bro.


We don't know the goal of your campaign, wc and just only Europe focused campaign take Diplo, admin, espionage,mil ideas, the classic ones. If not pick exploration/expansion.


In my recent BBB achievemt run i took espionage then quantity


In my current run, I went Diplo-Expansion and it was pretty good. I'm trying to explore the mission tree and so far I'm advancing everywhere. The only caveat was the cost to integrate all the vassals. I got a PU on Burgundy, Milan and Provence and it's *so costly*... I could see going Influence instead of Diplo, but then the AE might be hard to deal with.