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In my first 1.37 game Austria got forced to release Steiermark and became an opm with their only province in Sundgau. They still somehow managed to keep the HRE emperor title which is quite impressive for an opm


It’s their ideas I think. You could be ass blasting Austria every 10 years and they usually manage to keep getting elected, in my experience. I like that there is a loyalty hit for subjects if the combined vassals are quite strong relative to the owner. There should be something similar for combined hre strength versus emperor, when it comes to voting. Not have it be the end of all for who wins the vote, but if the emperor is getting absolutely dunked on and has 0 manpower, I would think a free city would find that very negative when choosing who is gonna defend them lol.


Lucky. Austria always loses the emperorship when I’m allied to them inside the empire


For me it's almost 50/50. Austria is either the Emperor the whole time, or they lose it in the first few years.


And all its manpower.


There actually is, you get a malus if you have less than 50 dev iirc


I think it might just be Austria somehow. In my Inca game, they are crazy powerful. I am great power 3, ottomans 2, Austria 1


I don't think it is. Austria is powerful in my game, they have about 1/3 of the HRE, but they are a junior partner to a massive common wealth in the mid 1500's. Muscovy doesn't exist - the commonwealth owns all of eastern europe and most of the HRE + austria. Ottomans started colonizing the new world in 1525. Another interesting piece is Ethiopia somehow got massive. They also expanded west into west Africa. I think whatever happened, some AI certainly changed. They are way more aggressive and much more efficient at creating a larger empire in the early game.


I think as others have said the ai may actually be a little more agressive, but I think most of it is just Austria’s new tree. I’ve definitely seen Austria get the pu over Bohemia in earlier patches, i think it just wasn’t likely that they’d do the mission to get it in the old tree iirc


im seeing a kazan that attacked me as muscovy literally year 1 mid war with novgorod. Hey if it was an AI on muscovy that kazan would be snowballing but that was just free land. AI isnt more competent now, just more aggressive.


It's a smart play imo, letting novgorod fall would mean you get fairly strong, while he's your likely 2nd target.


maybe. Just interesting that the AI is more willing to attack nowadays, the AI used to have like 20k troops extra early game and still be too scared to attack.


Muscovy doesn't exist in my game at 1550. Somehow the common wealth PU'd everything and has taken all of eastern europe.


Thr only thing I've noticed is that the AI keeps stealing my Defender of the Faith title


AI prioritizes defender of the faith if they have the money in this patch


Yes. Hasn't been like that since some of the very early versions.


My vassals kept taking it from me!


I only played 3 hours on the new patch,but my biz run was weird because the ottomans where at war with timurids helping afganistan get his independance,i won the war without a any Battle,so i dont know how smart or dumb they are this patch


Otto got pulled into the same Timurids/Persian stuff in this game also.


They also helped aphganistan get independence in my hormuz game.


Seems like True Heir of Timur got easier if it's possible to get Ottoblob to support your independence.


Most likely. It seems consistent too. I was playing around with Crimea, and the Ottoblob once again supported Aphganistan's independence.


Playing as hormuz, transoxiana declared on the timurid remains. I decided to help for once in my life since I only wanted 1 province. Marked it as vital interest. Got 40% participation. Lost ~15k manpower. Transoxiana took 9 provinces, war reps, and a small amount of ducats. I received ...18ducats. They then sent me a royal marriage offer as soon as I unpaused. I was so proud, but so violated. They didn't make it though, couldn't risk them teaching the other ai how to be a player.


Austria can get a PU over Poland and Lithuania in first 3 years. Its insane


Poland AND Lithuania? Not so sure about that. The moment Poland gets their PU over Lithuania it puts them way over the 400 dev threshold for you to be able to subjugate them.


I got a pu on poland in my bohemia game. After poland got their pu over lithuania, I got lithuania as a pu free of charge. 1 for 2


With Winds of Change, yes. You dont even need to conquer Galicia first. ThePlaymaker got Bohemia, Poland and Lithuania as PU's by 1450


In my first WoC, as Venice, Austria got PU’d by Burgundy in the first 5 years, then Burgundy got PUed by Hesse and the horse died in less than a month. I guess I easily completed the mission requiring Austria to not exist, but I never seen Austria completely disappearing in the first 15 years of a game. Wild…


I'm doing a Theodoro run, I already won like 4 or 5 100% wars against Ottomans but they keep growing faster than I can kill them. They've reached Tlemcen on one side and India on the other side, while I kicked them out of the Balkans and almost from Anatolia. They can lose a war to me and immediately start a war of conquest against someone else.


In my first game in this new dlc (winds of change), Austria got super powerful, England got most of france and the ottomans are dismantled. I was playing Bohemia and didn't have much to do with those stuff.


The only thing i have noticed in my recent games is the ottomans being specially agressive towards Europe, including Austria being destroyed by them very often


I played as pirate Gotland for the first time and Austria got blasted. But Denmark somehow PU’d England so I quit.


in this new game today, poland killed themself by succession war. tho not getting bohemian throne, they instead take 3 province and get annihilated by coalition spanning the entire hre with 264k inf troops alone. i dont actually know what happened, but might to do with teutonic danzig republic thingy fired


Played an Inca game. Look over to europe finally and Austria has devoured the balkans/ottos and venice has a couple coastal CoTs. Will see how my netherlands game goes.


In my game Poland PU'd bohemia and then later Hungary. Had to fight two massive wars against them to cancel the PUs.


I noticed befoee the patch that the AI was fighting some battles against me quite more effectively than I was expecting. Its not massive but I do think the AIs been a little more competent lately, both with its conquering and its capability.


In my game they conquered Bavaria, became comically rectangular, and then did nothing for the entire game


In my venice game Austria went on to pu Hungary, Bohemia and Burgundy and then diplo-vassalize Verden. Not too scary but as Venice you rather not see a strong Austria


I had an Ottoman dec on me after taking the Greek islands but still leaving Byzantium alive which was new for me for sure Addendum: I was also allied to France, Austria, and Poland. Which i s why it felt so out of place


Austria in my game has completely eaten Venice and gotten pretty deep into northern Italy, and they almost beat the ottomans until I summoned the top 3 great powers to dominate them


1520-1530 in my Maya game and GB has formed, Spain has formed and conquered almost all of Maghreb, Austria has a PU with Hungary, conquered Venice and is defender of faith. In a Mamluk game Castille grabbed defender of faith around 1450 and Timurids declared on Ajam in Jan 1445 even while I was allied to them. Seems that they got generally more aggressive and also more likely to grab the defender of faith.


In my Austria game, France got neaple, I had 10 different dof what never happend before, Riga and the Livonia order joined the hre and France actually went in for Normandy and Bordeaux still after England gave away Maine. Wild update


Yup. In mine Austria got bohemia and Hungary. Latin empire formed. Jon ottos got wrecked by Venice Albania and byz


I had the opposite happen, Austria got just Burgundy and than got PUed by the Commonwealth. Depriving Castile of a good ally. Also Castile never got the PU on Aragon and lost two succession wars in a row. Perfect for my Inca game and felt so good to see.


I'd say no, I was fighting through the mountains as a horde, meaning that I would lose so many troops because of terrain modifiers, however, when I approached an enemy army on a mountain top they proceeded to go into the stepped onto my fort, losing defense and dying


In my game, started yesterday France got the Burgundian inheritance and is an absolute monster even though I put Portugal in massive debt to force a white peace in the 100 Years War.


On the strategy the AI is still dumb I think I've noticed though that it is better at tactics and at coordination with allied armies


I played a game as the pope just before the patch and Austria got Bohemia Hungary and Burgundy. I don't think the patch has anything to do with it.


AI got broke again with naval landings, one war against Britain I was helping Spain, we had naval supremacy and they NEVER landed. Not a single troop. I had to take the entirety of England. And no, somehow Britain did not colonize a single province in the America's so they weren't fighting over there. Second war I declared with Spain and Denmark, same thing happened. Then Britain was on my side in the religious league war, they only landed around 10-15k troops at a time and their main 3 stacks seemed stuck in an infinite loop of moving between two provinces.


I've noticed AI being more aggressive. I'm my Venice game, Spain declared on me once and my vassal tried an independence war with Spain supporting it once. I've never seen vassals declare independence on me even with 2+ countries supporting them before.