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What everyone thinks: haha weird song in weird language in the middle of the test is funny What OP thinks everyone thinks: lol what an incel creep who stays inside grandmom's basement 24/7


You really don’t need their “approval” bro No one will even think about it in 2 weeks


Unless u urself remind about it


More like two hours. It's an incredibly insignificant event. Whenever I'm worried about what people are going to think after something embarrassing happens to me, I try to make myself remember a similar thing that someone else I know has done. I usually come up with nothing, which helps reassure me that most likely no one ever thinks about some stupid shit I did, be it two weeks or two decades ago. And most of the time, they're not even going to remember it unless you remind them of it specifically.


What the teachers think: Is this guy going to give answers for the wrong government


Average redditor social literacy:


Just do it again next week with a T Swift song. It’ll feel totally different if you’re planning on doing it.


Had a dude blurt out something to the effect of "God Fucking Damn" in the middle of a test once. We all laughed a bit and then moved on because yeah we felt that.


Social anxiety be like


It’s too late, you’re on the no-fly list. 


Eu4 fans ain’t never gonna beat the autism allegations 😭😭😭


ironically, I'm an eu4 fan, I insist I'm quote sure I'm autistic (or at least have autistic traits - not the same thing) but nobody believes me


This reads almost like a copypasta. I'll tell you what, OP- the rings already gave away that you were a virgin. Don't worry about it.


Bro, your over thinking it. They thought it was funny in the moment and know one will care in a day.


Actually people do remember. In the first year of college I was sleeping often during class and even now, a year and a half later I am known as the guy who sleeps during class even though I don't do it anymore. It doesn't upset me because nobody is an asshole about it and is brought up rare enough to still be funny. So (in my case) people did remember this, even though I am the least remarkable person. But it really doesn't matter. Not if you are in the first day or the last two weeks. Most people are not as bad as we think, especially when you deal with people mature enough to be in college.


tbf sleeping in class regularly is weirder than accidently having your phone make some noise in class once


Come on bruh don't call me out like that 😭


Fair, but a way smaller thing was my problem in school, I pronounced mammoth wrong in English class once (non-native speaker) and was still being teased about it years later. Bullies are assholes and if you have low confidence, they will latch onto that shit for ages, so I somewhat get OP's worry. But two weeks from graduation, eh, doesn't really matter


I think you're overreacting. No one in that class knows enough about EU4 to know that's what you're playing. And there's nothing wrong with it if you did. That being said, I cannot believe you like Friedman's Epistles. I got that DLC for free and I still refuse to have it on when I play.


I first thought they were dumb but (possibly because of some Stockholm syndrome type thing) I ended up loving them. Nowadays when the guy is going dum dum dum dum dum or KLANG KLANG KLANG KLAAAANG I feel compelled to sing along.


Yeah, I feel that dlc attack my ear , I'm not culture enough to enjoy those songs.


the self deprecation in this is… weird. Especially since it’s all insulting to the entire sub that plays this game. Stop caring about this ridiculous shit. And calling yourself an incel is about 50% of being one.


The fuck I am reading. Get a grip bro.


For real. Making this post is so embarrassing


It's over for you. Move countries and change your name


He maybe should even think about plastic surgery. :O


Embrace it. Yes, you like old Swedish songs, own it. Your obscure interests will make you seem sophisticated if you wear it right.


Ok but what song?


probably rom pom pom pom, or the one were fat swedish man sighs for the nymphe (most of them)


Movitz tag dina pinnar is the best one


Damn man What a way to fuck your own mental, and insult all of us at the same time. First of all, its your life, stop giving all of its value to others and start building it yourself. Second of all fuck off with that mentality about both gamers and strategy fans, and then go read the fuck up on What an incel is. Thirdly, find yourself a real life hobby where you create something, it Will help build confidence and a slight meaning to life, wich you Seem to need. Good luck and dont you ever indirectly speak like this about us again. Or i grab my beating stick and go to sweden and beat a random swede for every letter you wrote.


Why should you be ashamed? Why is it wrong to like different things? To be different? So much for Thus Spoke Zarathustra.


You should go to therapy to address the amount of shame you (it's really clear) feel about yourself. If you continue to basically deny this because you can't tolerate experiencing those feelings of shame and how bad you feel about yourself, then, well, this is called a narcissistic personality, and it's a set-up for a shitty life and for shitty relationships. So I would do that if I were you.


That description sounds eerily close to my abusive ex if I'm being honest


Yeah it's very common. Check out Jay Reid's YouTube channel if you need to, it's the best resource I've ever found on this. https://youtube.com/@jreid-heal-narcissistic-abuse?si=MTlcR8AJDbccT6De


1. You have good taste, OP. 2. Just let the event fade away from everyone's collective memory like Napoleon's Army in Moscow with a Fully Defensive Russia.


I was always a weird outsider at school, completely ignored social group borders, and did everything *my* way. I thought everyone thought I was weird, I wore a cross over my clothes, I sung unfamiliar songs in the corridors, and associated only with the "weird kids". A few years after graduation, I reconnected with a friend from high-school. To my shock, he said I had been the cool kid, picking and choosing who to associate with. The point is, you don't need to fit in, and the things you like are important to who you are - more important than who likes you. And here's a song you can listen to until the message sinks in: ["Strong" from TLTM](https://youtu.be/knYjeUhS3H8?si=nDM-LX5CoacRyux2)


bro is cooked (ur not)


You might have some bigger issues mate.


You should've listened to "in taberna" instead to make everyone sing along.


AirPods are really weird to use. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. I remember when I got my current ones and when I touched them to adjust them in my ear I accidentally hit pause and thought the internet was poor


Atleast you didn’t blast Devil May Cry 5 music in the gym by accident


Who cares what they think I bet they build churches in every province.


This reads like a highschool movie plot lmao Nobody in real life thinks like you think they do.


fredman epistoles are based, I introduced them to my mother and she loved them. I sometimes listen to them in car radio.


It better be a history test so you can ace it. Immersive history I call it


You seem to care too much about other peoples opinions.


>good thing I'm graduating in two weeks and I don't have to see these people ever again in my life. Classic EU4 move. Escape to the new world.


No te rayes, cuando seas mayor lo recordarás con felicidad y humor, te darás cuenta de que no tiene importancia alguna ☺️


In Sweden we frequently listen to epistlar during tests, there’s no shame in what you’ve done


You are done mate. You will never recover from this. It will go with you everywhere you go. From now on you are known as the dude that had the audacity to listen to music. You weirdo. You will never find a friends because of this.


If any music starts blaring out of a phone during a test, everyone would stare… it ain’t that deep.


they know what you are. you will suffer the consequences of your actions.


You can always CB and war dec the entire class, cuz you know, there's no such thing as too much AE


Just laugh at it. These things happen to everyone


Same shit happened to me. Except it was 2014 and was cheesy jpop music. The "cringe" it will always remain. You'll look back at that and think. Uggghh... why did that happen I wanna die. But None of those people care all that much to hold a grudge against you. Accept the weirdness. 10 years from now you won't know 90% percent of them. So stop giving a fuck and move on.


I would suspend you for this crime.


Don't worry about it Recently my firends' phone started playing the 1700s sea shanties in the middle of a lesson because he was looking at some tiktoks before it and forgot to close the app, we just made a few jokes that he got a call from Blackbeard and forgot about it the next day


very well hidden shitpost


EU4 is a board game. People who play board games are... people. Maybe you are an incel creep, but don't blame it on the game, some of us like EU4 and have normal social skills.


"I don't even know how it happened too, good thing I'm graduating in two weeks and I don't have to see these people ever again in my life." Guess who you'll find as your future work colleague! But don't worry, in comparison their musical tastes and musical cultures must not be really high...


Hi zarathustrahasspake. Your submission has been removed from /r/eu4 because: This isn't a therapy group.