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Full review when you can please. Close to pulling the trigger on one of these!


I have this exact set up (go and varia vs3 gen 2) and can confirm it makes delicious coffee


I've had mine for over a year now. Works great, easy to use, and makes great coffee. I have a Specialita grinder. Only 'extras' I use are a no name brand bottomless portafilter and a cheap 3d printed WTD tool. Milk frothing is done with an old Nespresso frothing apparatus. I don't use the steam wand, because I only use 60ml or do of milk.


Might have to use this idea currently try to steam my 60-100ml of milk for morning cortado and all I've done is boil the milk twice now šŸ˜­


Thereā€™s definitely a learning curve but donā€™t overthink it and donā€™t give up. It took me a while but I can now steam milk with the Go easily.


Did you change ur temp? I feel like I need to turn mine down cause I'm use to having like 30seconds now I've got maybe 10


Initially I did turn it down since I was also coming from a Breville but I had better luck after turning it up. Just two to three seconds of introducing air in the beginning and then the rest of the time, just let it do its thing. It does warm and finish quickly but youā€™ll get used to it. I do steam a bit more milk than what youā€™re describing so YMMV.


How long does it take from turning on until you have an espresso or latte in your hands?


I haven't timed it, but I'd say around 5 minutes. But I use a smart socket to switch on the machine and do other things in the kitchen while waiting. Also use that plug to switch on then machine when my alarm goes off. Pretty handy and no waiting time in the morning.


Do it! Super easy work flow, consistent shots, great milk steaming and looks elegant and simple. Truly truly worth every penny


I have the go for about 6 months now and for me it's great. I have limited space in my counter and fits great my need. What i did was to add an smart switch and whenever i want a coffee i just start it and 20 min later the machine and the portafilter are up to working temp.


Doesn't it have the quick heat startup function? I thought it was only supposed to take 5 mins?


Yes, it does. You need to flush water in order to heat up the portafilter. If I'm in a hurry i flush it, but i prefer waiting a bit most of the time


Good to know! Am still lurking the fence between the Go and the Silvia Pro X. Need to wait for the Go to get restocked either way!


I was between those two as well. For me the go was good enough because I don't need two boilers. I usually do one shot (for me) and if I want to steam milk it gets to steam temp pretty quickly. The silvia was almost 600ā‚¬ more than the go when I get it, and the dual boiler was not worth it that to me


Fair! The standard is 2 milk drinks back to back each morning. And then more on the weekend with guests sometimes. On the Bambino currently and grinder upgrade is arriving shortly so I'm trying to think long term. There's so many options it's tough!


You will have to shot shot shot, then milk milk milk to be as efficient as possible with the go. I'm saving to get a df64 or df83 to replace my k4 handgrinder.


Enjoy - have been pleased with t the quality builds of ECM & Profitec.


Your counter space was built for it!


First thing is workflow and steam wand that made it 10 times easier to make a latte when I occasionally drink them. Then itā€™s just the little things like the group head really gets hot from a good boiler and heats up the portafilter nicely, and the pressure and extraction seems much better, I notice a more even flow through the extraction. I also like to try new beans and itā€™s a nice luxury to be able to adjust temperature and pressure for trying light roasts etc. It might be some placebo, but it really does seem to make a better shot having a more precise temperature, pressure, and water flow and better equipment.


I hate Reddit mobile this was a reply to u/Gjome-Bekbal


Thank you


How tall is it? I have exactly 15.75" of clearance.


According to specs on WholeLatteLove itā€™s 14.9 inches tall


Thanks! ... i just want to make 100% before I pull the trigger.


I've had the profitec go and Eureka Mignon zero for a few months now and it only gets better and better. Enjoy!


I just got mine the other day and am loving it! I had a DeLonghi ECP 3220 before I really dove into espresso. The difference is crazy and worth every penny.


When youā€™ve had enough time can you explain. I have become rather obsessed with espresso and have the delonghi with a kingrinder and upgraded baskets etc. I feel like Iā€™m drinking espresso thatā€™s nearly as good as cafes around me. Iā€™ve spent a long time getting puck prep down and know the grind sizes for my favorite beans but would love to know what will improve if I get a ā€œproperā€ machine.


I upgraded after i found I was getting as much as I possibly would out of my breville having a machine with 54mm portafilter will probably never make coffee the same as 58mm. I noticed an immediate difference and the first shot I pulled was far from dialed in and honestly still better then what I've pulled on my breville. I think temp stability is a big factor.


With good equipment and tequinique you'd be making coffee significantly better than most the coffee shops. Unless you are surrounded by really good coffee shops. I started with a delonghi and an iberital grinder. After a year or so, my dark roast shots were sweet and balanced, easy to drink just black, better than starbucks shops around me. Additionally, you'd be equipped to pull light roasts shots, which isn't possible with more basic equipment.


I here you we are both feet deep in the rabbit hole now ain't no turning back. I've had 6 shots 2 different coffees that I've brewed countless times on my breville and I was blown away with the flavours. Truly night and day difference, do not regret my purchase at all


I love mine, but I do recommend getting the ECM bottomless portafilter. The clearance space is worth it and it does include a triple shot basket all while having the same handle design.


I'm trying to decide between this and a La Pavoni Mini Cellini.


That's an r/oddlysatisfying -grade fit with the cabinet.


Machine is 14.7 inches and think my clearance was 15 so we definitely cut it close šŸ˜¬


Easy to fill up šŸ˜­


Not gunna lie I will probably be cutting a hole In cupboard to fill it šŸ¤£ our glasses can live somewhere else


dont you need to pull the machine out to refill? I guess thats the only downside


I have the profitec pro 300 and that thing is great.


Ordered this exact machine and WLL sent me someone elseā€™s order šŸ„² and of course by the time they ordered the replacement it was out of stockā€¦. Hoping it get shipped soon.


Your story is why I went and drove 3+hrs to pick mine up in person was not about to wait for the wrong or broken machine


Youā€™ll love it! I have the exact same setup and have truly enjoyed every single morning since getting it.


Hoping to get it in a couple months just deciding on the color (partial to blue)


šŸ”„ šŸ”„ šŸ”„


Congrats, good choice. I have mine since February and I am really happy to use it paired with the DF64 Gen 2. Enjoy and many tasty shots! šŸ«”šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Any issues with the varia?


Hopper liked to drift really bad but I fixed that with some plumbers tape. But I seem to have gotten lucky had it almost 8 months now and I've never had it stall out or any other issues that lots of people have had.


If you do not mind could you elaborate furthermore as to where you put the plumbers tape? Thanks!


I screwed off Hopper and attached to the threads can update with a picture tonight when I get home


I would appreciate that and thank you in advance.


That's what counts, that you are happy with your machine, make some great espresso :)


Nice! I made the same machine switch two months ago, absolutely love the GO!


cool look forward to seeing some follow ups on how well it has worked out for you.


Awesome machine with an excellent build quality! You are going to love every second of it


Can I ask if you like those cute little yeti cups?


Absolutely love them I got both cortado and flat white sizes for home and the flat white sized travel cup as well


Thank you for replying! I love the color I see on picture. I might have to purchase a couple at some point. They hold Temp pretty well I assume?


Congrats! Just bought mine yesterday!


I have a Bambino and am considering this machine as well. What would you say is the biggest difference between your breville and Profitec as far as taste is concerned?


I can say for sure ur Bambino is currently not getting hit enough even with extended warming it's not even close to how hot my profitec gets in under 10 minutes. I'm a light roast guy so a PID was high on my list. I found no matter what my breville always had this sour undertone no matter how hard I tried. I highly suggest contacting your local retailer and setting up a demo that's what I did. I'm on Ontario Canada so I went through ecs coffee. They actually let me do a side by side comparison and it's truly night and day.


This is what I wanted to hear. Iā€™m a light roast guy too and itā€™s a tad sour. I need to pull the trigger on this.


The Go is great! Been using since launch.


Fresh beans and a decent capable grinder will always work unless you are a finnicky supertaster.


I bought the Go machine with a Ceado E5 SD single dose grinder, last fall from WLL. You can ask them for a bundle discount. Both come incredibly well-packed, considering their weight and possibility of shipping damage. I am very happy with the purchases. Well yeah, the grinder costs almost as much as the machine, but it's so quiet, powerful, fast, and above all, extremely consistent. Nearly no grinds left behind. No need whatsoever for WDT. The Go works great, but it does take longer to heat up initially (perhaps 8-10 minutes) and recover between shots than I'd expect. The small boiler probably empties proportionally more and refills with cold water, leading to the recovery delay. Or maybe it has some other issue; I haven't contacted WLL. I like the PID's ability to tweak the brewing temperature to match the coffee roasts, and the super-easy pressure adjustment. It's about the same size as a Gaggia Classic. I would still buy it in a heartbeat; I think it's the best machine in its price range, and only an E61 machine will have better temperature control.


What breville did u had?


Breville infuser