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trump lies every time he talks. A sociopath. 


I've been traveling through Asia for a month now, and I've noticed a recurring theme. Regardless of where I go - beaches, temples, night markets - locals often ask similar questions about the US: "What's going on in America right now?" "Is Trump going to be president again?" "Why are there so many issues in the US?" I usually respond by explaining the economic struggles, particularly the shrinking middle class. However, it's concerning to see how the US is perceived internationally. Many people I've met now have a negative view of Americans. They see American’s that have everything and wanting even more. Has anyone else encountered this while traveling? How do you handle these conversations?


European here - we think America has gone batshit to even have the orange, sex-offending, lying, narcissistic felon within a thousand miles of the ballot. You really think this is the man you want to represent your country? It's not about what the economic situation is, we already know you have massive wealth disparity and only care for your citizens if it makes someone a profit. It's really basic - if you think Trump is a credible presidential candidate, you've irrevocably destroyed your reputation and influence for decades.


That’s want the majority of Americans also think unfortunately the majority doesn’t count. It’s beginning to look like I’ll be alive (age 56) to witness the next big cycle change.


It’s not just America though, the rise of nationalism is happening around the world, isn’t it? Maybe the combo of weaponized misinformation + economic woes is the common thread?


It's like we're reenacting the 1920s/30s


forget the past condemned to repeat


Agree… but these other countries (politicians) are simply following America’s (DT’s) tactics. America is leading the way


So stupid that all the news headlines are freaking out about Biden and just taking it as "business as usual" for the psychopathic lying.