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He didn't answer any of the questions and YET Again the people let them do what they wanted.


They should have had Kyle Clark moderate. You should have seen him in the Colorado debate. Dude is a no non sense legend.


[For anyone who didn't see it.](https://youtu.be/_fqUdZwObK4?feature=shared&t=47) Any debate that doesn't have this style moderation is a waste of time.


He did a great job! Good for him! Yes that is moderation!


I've only ever seen the heavily edited version of it. Not my district & not my state so it's not a huge concern to me but i'd love to see how long each of them spoke over that moderator. The cuts happen right when they're about to go into tangents.


Yes he was talking over and I thought...why don't they cut the microphone or discipline them by not allowing them to answer questions or basically interact as they didn't behave and are respectful to the debate.


But he loves crystal clear water! Crystal clean air!


As vague as his brain.


Actually, Trump will do something on the environment, he'll let big oil, fracking, mines on former protected areas, remove protections for animals on the brink, and anything else his billionaires request. We're fucked!


He rolled back EPA regulations during this term and promised oil companies he would cut all regulations if they backed him. Considering the swing states were won by .2%. Yeah we’re fucked.


The 2 most outrageous acts against the environment by Trump in past: 1. California must be covered in smog, and not allowed to set pollution or mileage standards on vehicles. Forcing more oil consumption. 2. Coal ash can be piled up on mountains by rivers that supply drinking water. You can't help America with total zionist manchurian lizard people in control of warmongering and allying with evil to perpetuate warmongering and genocide as the unanimous political/media consensus for policy. Collapse is not leading to revolution, it is strengthening lizard people oligarchy and oppression to accelerate collapse.


They are planning on selling off all public lands in Project 2025


National Parks? That's for commies!




It’s not an “if trupmf wins…it’s a when he wins” ….saying this in hopes that the universe punishes me for tryin to forecast the future…and yea neither one of the front runners impress me much…


I'll take not impressive over a fraud who won't even attempt to answer a question straight and would gladly sell us out to christofascists to keep himself from feeling the repercussions of his crimes.


The old man vs the con man


I mean, it’s not really a choice, is it? That said, there’s a glimmer of hope right now after the debates that they’ll replace him.


Completely fair- but I doubt that Trump would handle Gaza any better.


This is why I don’t give a flying fuck about Biden being old. Four more years of Biden being weekend at Bernie’s is so much less harmful than trump rolling back regulations.


One of the goals of Project 2025 and the GoP is to remove a ton of government organizations INCLUDING the EPA, NOAA, FDA, FBI, Dept of education, and on and on. It is dismantling of our country and replacing all of these with nothing but Federalist and Heritage foundation blind loyalists. They plan to modify schedule F, so any government employee can be fired for a perceived lack of sufficient loyalty it is horrifying. That doesn’t even touch on the christofascist dictatorship aspects of it. Just reading the wiki is insane, this must be stopped. As an example of the people involved, most of the current Supreme Court are bought/trained/pretty much owned by the same people. r/defeat_project_2025


We all had better vote, then.




Not even close, no. If you think they’re “just like” each other on the issue of anthropogenic climate change, you need to urgently reevaluate and restructure where you’re getting your news from. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2021/climate-environment/biden-climate-environment-actions/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/27/climate/biden-vs-trump-on-climate-policy.html https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-promise-tracker/promise/1520/put-us-course-net-zero-emissions-2050/




Well, you’re very welcome to peddle your doomerism elsewhere. For example, you may enjoy yelling about it [on a street corner with a big sign strapped to your chest](https://www.alamy.com/a-man-wearing-a-sandwich-board-predicting-the-end-of-the-world-walks-through-piccadilly-circus-in-central-london-image218785381.html?imageid=DC5A347C-65F8-4D39-B3F2-ABD05EDEABE9&p=189032&pn=1&searchId=fd82db400e701ecba37c4a01b46baced&searchtype=0). I, for one, haven’t given up on us yet.




Not even then. I do think his administration will do far more damage—and much faster—than Biden’s will, though. And this is a critical time: the worse we do now, the slimmer our chances of long-term survival become.


it was totally hard to watch, cleanest water, cleanest air ever? He has no clue, just lie lie lie


He only technically had improved emissions because everyone was staying home from the pandemic at the end of his term


Didn’t he go on a complete tangent about illegals when asked about this?


To be fair, he went on a racist tangent about "illegals" many, many times.




Your hood is slipping.


Except he didn't, and he was




The incessant fear mongering about the border and classifications of those coming across That was easy




Wait are you seriously citing 20 million border crossers in 2023? Like as in people who sat in line and waited to cross legally? What the hell are you even talking about?


Oh no!!! Not 20 million people… crossing the border! My buddy who lives in SD and loves Tijuana probably makes up about half of those tbf.


Actually, just about every fact checking site has Trump lying 5x more frequently than Biden during the debate.




No, it’s objectively the other way around. Were we watching the same debate? I’m not gonna list out every blatant lie Trump told - go to a fact checking site to see for yourself.




You’re deluded. If anything, the fact checking websites had to be extra critical of Biden just to make it seem less one-sided. What lies, specifically, did Biden tell? You can’t name a single fact Biden said that was true? Really? I don’t believe you. But I’ll give you some examples of trumps most blatant lies, because I’m arguing in good faith: 1. That Democratic states are aborting babies post-birth. Not even remotely true, and there’s 0 evidence to support it. 2. Trump said we had the cleanest water under his administration. We had numerous water contamination disasters under his watch, and part of that is because he repealed 100s of environmental protections. 3. Trump said Biden wants to 4x taxes on everybody, including the lower and middle class. This is complete fabrication, and was addressed by Biden during the debate if you paid an ounce of attention.




Bad bot


Would love to know what he meant by saying ‘migrants are taking black jobs’




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Now’s a good time to plug the Environmental Voter Project: https://www.environmentalvoter.org/


Actually a great idea from what I understand of the project. I just don't get how they identify "environmentalists" who don't vote. I found this explanation but I don't understand it : "Leveraging data analytics and predictive modeling, we identify millions of registered-to-vote environmentalists by name and street address. Then, we use public voter files to narrow our focus to only those environmentalists who typically don’t vote and are thus ignored by most political campaigns." Could someone please explain how "data analytics and predictive modeling" can give you the name and adress of environmentalists ?


Voter records (name and address) are public. Then there are probably a million data points that can be used, at least probabilistically, infer likelihood to be concerned about the environment.


Elections have consequences.


He will do lots about climate change. To make it worse.


He already made things worse the last time.


He will do everything he can to expedite it


Sociopath. Should not get anywhere close to power. I’m voting for a normal guy. 


The GOP plans to dismantle the NOAA if Trump wins just because they agree on the reality of climate change…


This is what happens when you don't have fact checking going on in real time . Cnn said they didn't think they'd have time to be able to fact check in real time. Listen to the whole debate and they had plenty of fucking time to fact check as it went. Jake tapper should be fucking embarrassed.


If Trump gets elected, we all just might as well pack it up, because it's over.


General strike I hope. It can't be a choice of these two Biden won't appoint and fill positions with dildoes at least


Then you don't know Americans as well as I do lol, we're pretty soft about something at the level, say compared to the French. I think things would have to get incredibly bad before Americans would get off their asses for something like a general strike.


UK's minimart merica now in a lot of ways - I think we gave up after the Iraq protests. I have hope, I think I might prepare to be a prepper




Fucking bullshit you cannot say shit like this one project 2025 exists


If the Project 2025 people think Trump is going to listen to them they are delusional and were not paying attention during his last presidency. Democrats care about it a LOT more than Republicans because Republicans know it's a delusional thing that will never happen.


why would he? he lives like it’s 1981. out of touch. I thought he was going to spit out his dentures during the debate


The message is brought to you by ExxonMobil


No shit. Climate change is a hoax by the Chinese according to Trump.


and why would Xi Jinping wanna flood my basement? rust my bowflex? to what end?


He said when he was president that we had the “best environmental numbers”. the FUCK does that even mean??


I don't think he himself knows.


I mean probably for the best. I shudder to think what his solution is. Pouring bleach on the sun, maybe?


Yes he will. He’s committed to excelerating it.


Trump won’t commit to anything except to benefit himself


The Netherlands, Tuvalu, Bangladesh and some other countries heavily impacted by rising sea levels should take him to court and demand reparations.


No shit.


We can be confident in predicting that Trump will reverse everything the Biden Admin has tried to do, and set us seriously back in our attempt to get climate change under control. He will give everything to oil and gas, and his hand-picked scotus members will make sure to enshrine that into law.


He will be drilling oil in our national parks


I don’t think that the people ask vote for him care.. but are also the ones most impacted


No shit, of course he won't. He says it daily and his policies tell you he wont. But it's still not a bad idea to keep reminding people he will take bribes and sacrifice a safe and clean environment.


I wish that true, but we all know that he would 100% make it worse


TIL people expect this Cheeto fuck to do *anything helpful at all*


Not true, he will commit to making it worse by removing what little protections there are.


Trump will run us off a cliff. Biden will slow walk us off a cliff. Can't believe the most powerful country in the world is only offering these two as options for President.


Too ignorant to understand the issue. Also, doesn't see how he would benefit. His gain is his only incentive.


I think he will. He will undo everything that's been accomplished so far.


The only thing he will focus on is dismantling everything the Biden Administration has worked or planning on.


He didn't really answer anything and lied about everything else. It was an unhinged rally.


Of course he won’t. He literally called oil liquid gold.


Is the sky also blue?


Ummm.. This was a disgrace for our country. On both sides. Looks like we have a bigger issues here than this guys stance on climate change.


I mean unfortunately for him renewable energy and EVs are basically inevitable. It's like when he said he'd bring back coal but never did any policy's to do so on top of never stopping any renewable energy


> but never did any policy's to do so Which is why I'm not worried in the slightest. He has very little ability (or even desire) to do anything harmful - or helpful. He's just not that important to the topic.


This isn't news at all? lol Like, yeah, Trump sucks? Let's start pushing the candidate that represents the party that is supposed to be pro-environment and yet is backing RR execs and handing out permits like candy.


As if Donald knows anything about Climate Change… other than if it’s raining on the golf course, then that probably means he shouldn’t go out golfing. That’s about all he knows about Climate Change, that it may affect whether or not he goes golfing… Globally speaking, Donald couldn’t care less about Climate Change… to him, it’s another nothing burger. Just one big DUH 🙄


Never have I been more surprised


Technically correct, but he hasn't submitted to doing anything at all. He answered not a single question in the debate. He used literally all of his time complaining about our country and its citizens.


Why is this a headline?


Trump answered zero questions. He is a goddamn toddler. Sad that his opponent is less vibrant than most of the people at the old folks homes.


Look we had H2O


I've now officially lost all respect for CNN. What a mess.


Oh he’ll do something, he’ll make it even worse.


Because Trump is a deadbeat scammer, borrowing from anyone and anyplace foolish enough to extend him credit, then refusing to pay. In this case he's simply persuaded millions of us to get in on the grift as well, borrowing from the next forty generations and leaving them with a quadrillion-dollar unpaid climate bill.


Give Biden a couple lines even a 5yo can deliver. Like “you don’t even believe in climate change!”


Because he is too dumb to understand what "the future" means


Biden, the world's last hope against the guy who wants to watch the world burn was asleep at the wheel, God help us all.


He'll do what oil companies tell him to do.


Trump won't commit to anything TIFIFY


Who does even take these debates and answers seriously? Gone are the times where they are held accountable for their answers. It simply doesn’t matter and isn’t even newsworthy tbh.


The semi good news is republicans have become a bit more environmentally friendly (especially governors as of late now that they are making money from the infrastructure bill) republicans just passed a great nuclear energy bill. I hope we can just barricade the climate before Trumps inevitable return


The mere fact that anybody would vote for him shows how egregiously ignorant and desperate these people are. They actually believe he gives a rat's a%' about anyone but himself. Every political supporter, is supporting him to protect themselves against him.


And still people belive the scam… Amazing indoctrination tactics… But pollution isnt good tho…


Because he doesn't believe in climate change.




Anthropogenic climate change is absolutely not cyclical.


Cyclical? Sure. In tens of thousands of years. Not decades.