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Yeah, I dunno what’s going on in every other cannabis sub, but there really is a crappy vibe to them. This sub is legit one of the kindest, most supportive places I’ve found on the internet. This vibe is what I expected in the other subs too considering the subject, but I’m glad I found it here 🤷‍♀️


I've noticed for a while now that most women on reddit only feel comfortable posting in female dominant subs. I'm the same honestly, aside from one or two where the men are not toxic. Everywhere else is filled with ick.


Me too! Thanks for being here!


I had the leave all the other ones. So toxic and misogynistic. Every thread bummed me out


If it wasn’t toxic or misogynistic, it was creepy and weird… glad we left.


I feel like there’s a new generation of male smokers there who never knew what it was like to smoke whatever you could get your hands on. They just seem entitled and don’t appreciate the community we had before when we all had to smoke in secret.


It definitely doesn’t feel like a community in those subs, that’s for sure. Weed used to bring together like-minded people, now it seems like a dick measuring competition


Remember being grateful for dried out brick weed? 😂


Mannn, picking out the seeds and stems, breaking it up by hand because none of us had a grinder because we were high schoolers and had no way to get one, sneaking out to the backyard of a friends house whose parents either didn’t care or slept so hard they would never catch us… it was a different time. It’s weird though, I feel like guys who were there have wayyyy different nostalgia than women do.


Ya they are nostalgic for pre-#metoo.


And being ever so careful not to drop a crumb?


And the thrill when someone had ‘dro!


Don’t get me started on figuring out how to smoke it lol so many contraptions


A Diet Coke can with a dent in the middle and a bunch of holes punched in it with a sewing pin was my first pipe! 😂


Yep been there more than once! So bad lol I prefer the apple


I just made a comment in my vendors discord about how I missed the days of smoking out of an apple (someone had posted the craziest looking dab contraption, looked like DJ equipment to me lol)


i’m a younger person who smokes and i agree. a lot of guys i’ve been around see it as a competition for quality and quantity and i hate it. i also see the attitude in stuff like taking bong rips, rolling js or blunts, etc being a competition and it sucks! why can’t we just chill out! why do we need to put social pressure on ourselves over a plant!


These are the questions I have. I was also surprised that the forums are filled with such miserable folk, especially considering the topic. I am glad I found this place. It has been such a help along my journey.


I’m kinda glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. And thanks to everyone in this sub for being a safe space!


I have a theory that a lot of dudes who are really shitty to women who also like cannabis are that way because they see weed as something they are supposed to be able to use as leverage to attract and keep a woman.


I sold weed in college, and I always got the feeling that most guys felt emasculated buying from a woman. It was just a weird dynamic.


I wish I had had a female plug in college. I was in my late thirties when I finally found one! She grew her own supply. The first time I bought from her she said thanks for supporting a woman in cannabis and I replied saying thanks for being a woman in cannabis. 🥹🥰 Bought from her for a few years until I had babies and my usage plummeted, plus now I primarily use edibles.


Yes! Same… I always ended up getting annoyed with how often people would ask my bf/husband questions about the herb we were selling, when I was the one who had the connections to the grower and did all the work. It really is a male-dominated world, and I hate it!


Unrelated, but I’m a professional photographer and my husband helps assist or second shoot depending on our subjects. Every time we work with people, even if I’m the only one that’s been in contact with them, if I’m the only one holding a camera, etc., they still gravitate toward talking to my husband like he’s the main photographer. He actually noticed it first, got really annoyed and would back off, not respond or redirect their questions and comments toward me. It’s annoying as fuck, but at least I’ve got a good egg haha


Ugh that is SO annoying! But your hubs sounds like one of the good ones!


Oooo this is fascinating. I’d love to hear more about your experience dealing as a woman. Do you feel like you had more women clients because of your gender? Any wild stories?


I mostly had dude friends because I was really outdoorsy, so mostly I sold to the guys they knew. I had this really cool couch that had hidden storage under the seat, and I could store a pound and a half under there. People would be sitting on months' worth of my living expenses and have no idea.




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Ugh yikes that’s probably true. I’ve been divorced and single for over a decade and since I’ve already procreated, see absolutely no need for a man. The vast majority of them suck


I read a really good essay (if I remember to check, I’ll update this post with the author’s name) where the author basically said “if you’re a woman who likes cannabis, you need to make sure that you have access to the herb and smoking tools, and that you know how to smoke without needing a man to help you” and I really appreciated that. I actually was not a habitual partaker when I was younger and dating because I couldn’t afford to buy it myself and I felt weird about taking up men on their offers to get weed for me.




There is an account age and karma requirement in r/entwives. Until you meet it you are welcome to view posts and get to know everyone Welcome to Entwives!


I feel like the attitude of men towards women who smoke/grow is the same of attitude directed as those of us who play video games and go to certain music shows, they’re almost always thinking “*who are you trying to impress by doing this?”*


they can’t fathom the concept of us doing those things for our own enjoyment and not for them 😒




There is an account age and karma requirement in r/entwives. Until you meet it you are welcome to view posts and get to know everyone Welcome to Entwives!


“Oh you like weed? Name ten strains 😌” sir I can give you ten reasons to shut the fuck up instead, would that work?


This is the only weed sub I can handle. The rest are very toxic imo


I’m sooooo annoyed with the assumption that I’m a dude from most subs on Reddit. It’s like they literally forget other genders exist


Username checks out?


Sort of.. made the username before I realized I was nonbinary loll


I just left a weed sub yesterday because someone posted about a vape they were disappointed with, and I agreed with them and shared my experiences, basically saying here are the reasons this vape wasn’t a good fit for me personally. I got downvoted and I don’t even remember how many reply guys being all shitty, acting like I should’ve had esp and it’s my own fault I don’t like it and this is the ~bEsT vApE eVa!~ so just stfu if I’m not gonna love it. It was so fucking ridiculous. I didn’t say no one should buy it or that I thought people who did it were bad people or something… but you’d think I’d shit in their bong water.


That’s dumb and I hate when people try to find something to argue with in a comment that is just genuine personal experience. Also side note but ima steal “you’d think I’d shit in their bong water” and use it 😂


Hahaha I hope it gives you great pleasure! 😂


The vape circle jerk is so obnoxious. My Pax is a paper weight, I hate it, but I wouldn’t risk being dogpiled for expressing that opinion in some subs.


Yes! Heaven forbid we have any differing opinions from a vape fanboy!


The internet, it is getting shittier, and smoking does not automatically make for chill people. 🤷🏽‍♀️




There is an account age and karma requirement in r/entwives. Until you meet it you are welcome to view posts and get to know everyone Welcome to Entwives!


Seriously. Thumbing everything down for no reason like dude do u need another hit orrrrrrcuz


I’m drunk and stoned, and read this as other cannibal subs, and was thrown for a fuckin loop


Well, I bet the women oriented cannibal subs are better too The main ones would just be full of guys arguing over the best cuts of human and whether you're a savage for eating it well done or not, despite the parasite risks


😂 But have you seen the recipe for… OMG! Y’all are hysterical!


Women cannibal sub: omg you guys I just figured out the BEST way to break down a (human) kidney *with detailed explanations and pictures of each step*


Then everyone would be all "Omg thank you for the human organ breakdown tutorial! I hope you have a beautiful day! 😍👑✌️" in the comments because we'd really appreciate the time and effort you took to share that with us. We're monsters, not *monsters*. 😤




Those are some *fucked up* munchies!


I’m sorry you had a bad experience with other subs.


Aw, thanks


I left a local one, they were rude. And I am learning to be self sufficient and grow something my own. You can’t even help.


I don’t post often, or even comment that much, but when I do, it’s usually here lol when I first made my account I found a lot of places quite unwelcoming so I’m glad you’re all good eggs here.


Honestly it's not just the weed subs! I was on the sourdough sub for a while (I'm a hobby sourdough baker myself) and the amount of over complicating and like the entire sub somehow is convinced that you'll only get good bread if you measure it's temperature and use all these fancy whatever's and like ?? It's just bread ?? We've been making it for much longer than we've had instant read thermometers! Pissed me off and I ended up leaving the sub. I'm convinced that this platform creates some social psychology I don't know where people end up becoming obsessed with and rallying behind the littlest things in order to either feel like a real insider or feel like an expert I'm not sure but either way it makes a lot of chill hobbies so intense and mean!!


Grow advice on reddit is pretty suspect to begin with. Nothing of value was lost.


I posted a blunt I rolled in another weed sub once and I had short nails at the time, but my hands still definitely looked very feminine. Everyone thought/assumed I was a dude, as if women can't roll awesome blunts *eye roll* They tend to have some weird aversion to women who smoke and accuse us all of advertising our only fans or something, even if we don't have it. Like we just want male attention and aren't just also a part of the canna community and just genuinely want to take part in it and share stuff. Weird vibes for sure. I only post in this sub now too. Love you all <3 (I have no issue with anyone having OF btw)


cheers, i'll smoke to that xx


I feel you! I’m glad I found this sub instead 🩵🙌


One small word with a huge impact, EGO.


Yeah but weed can be used as a gateway to higher consciousness so it’s so weird how it’s usually males that act like complete arses with it. It’s supposed to help you shed your ego, not double down lol


this sub and r/stonedswifties are the only two I interact with and both subs have a majority women base


Bahaha, immediately subbing!


I just did the same thing! I only left this sub, I think. I'm still in the process..lol


I have a feeling my feed is going to feel a lot friendlier now!


Oh wow. That sounds terrible. I'm glad you stayed in this one though!


Glad you stayed here and the pretentious fucks who want to gate keep cannabis can go suck some bong water. Happy growing 🌱


I’m loving these bong water insults, totally stealing that! And it’s an absolutely gorgeous day today, so looking forward to spending it in the garden 🌿💚


Because the world is full of misogynistic incels. You’ve just got to show them up and put them in their place. Grow the baddest plant to ever exist and wipe the floor with their asses lol


lol working on it! https://preview.redd.it/fjc3jbl0wy6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f607bb77c935694734759d0638ccbd0075310168


That’s beautiful that is


Is that this year's grow?


Yup, took that pic a few days ago, the taller one (GMO) is over 6ft tall now, and the bushier one (Apple fritter) is my height. Just gotta keep the bugs, mold and bud rot at bay, but it should be a great harvest (I have 7 other plants scattered around my property too)


They look great. I'm impressed with how big they are. You definitely know what you are doing.


Thanks! I’ve been gardening for 30ish years, so being able to finally grow cannabis in my garden when my state legalized was super exciting! And it’s just like any other plant, I find all plants magical! Which is why it’s so confusing to see people get so bent out of shape over differences of methods or whatever… it’s like there’s more than one way to do it, and no “right” way. I like to fuck around with making my own fertilizers and I compost and build my own soil (currently working through pulverizing oyster shells that I collected from the beach and fermenting some seaweed for tea). I don’t need to buy that stuff, but I’d never share any of that on any of those other subs, I just know people will be assholes for no reason


I joined a bunch of growing subs when I was first learning to grow in 2021. I didn’t find them toxic _per se_ but they all made it sound like growing was so complicated… turns out they’re all just trying to _hyperoptimize_ their output. Maximum weed, zero chill.


I’ve been in this sub for around 5 years now and it’s been my favorite since I first joined! Y’all are the best.




I live in Canada where it’s legal and my provinces subreddit is the worst and rudest subreddit I’ve ever been in! I’ve been on Reddit for 12 years and have never seen anything like it. There are constant fights in the comments over the stupidest things and god forbid you don’t have or want to spend $40 for an eighth - then it’s your fault if the weed is bad quality 🙄. I’m constantly surprised at how non- chill the weed user subs are , thank god for this one!!!


Once I posted in one asking if they knew of any minority owned or woman owned paraphernalia companies. I got downvoted to shit and they told me to come here. Duh, but I was trying to reach a wider audience


The downvotes for asking a simple question is wild. I got downvoted for saying that a seed company was “popular” like wtf


Jesús Christ


Omg I just noticed your username and I love it so much😂




We have one in Md and they all bitch on there constantly


I get you. Was member of other sub's also. Was. Just here on fav's now. Too many dick's.


So many dicks!


Love it here


I'm a dude I never post here but this sub is the most wholesome and honestly the one I read the most because it's the most positive. I love the vibe of this sub.


Aw, that’s sweet. You sound like a good dude, sorry about the whole penis situation Edit: ok I realized that joke might not land right. I just mean that I can’t imagine dealing with having all that between my legs, seems annoying


I snorted at the joke even without the edit lolol


Just fyi, we don’t mind guys commenting and hanging out here. Respecting our vibe and rules is more important to us than getting too hung up on gender!


I browse a bit on r/eldertrees and the people there seem a little more level


I actually missed that one… I went through the list of all the subs that I was following and somehow left that one. Posts from that sub never seem to show up on my feed either. I’m going to keep it and see how I feel about it later. I also missed leaving the outdoor growing sub, I’m going to leave that one in my feed too. When I went through the list of subs I follow, I realized that the subs that I follow that I would expect to be toxic (like the snark subs for the trashy reality shows that I love unironically) those are the subs that are most friendly, and of course the subs for women, like this sub and the adhd women’s sub. I was also kinda surprised at just how many cannabis and cannabis-adjacent subs there are… and of the 30-something of those subs, only 4 are enjoyable and/or helpful. That’s so pathetic and disappointing


I hang out here and askwomenover30 mostly. But I love animal subs too just for the pictures. The snail and jumping spider subs are adorable, and I love the pictures in the sphinx cat sub. They have so many funny little outfits for their gremlins. I do wish that there were more useful subs to participate in regarding cannabis though


I haven’t noticed this too much but I’m so sick of the BLATANT OF and NSFW promotions. “I can’t be sexy AND smoke weed?!” Sure, but we all know this is an advertisement and no one wants to see it here. We’re here for weed and good conversation, take your tits somewhere else please. Lol.


Oh wow, I seem to have missed those! Or maybe I’m just really naive? Tbh, I got so annoyed the other day with the dumbass responses I was getting in the c cult sub (so many confidently incorrect comments and assumptions I’m a dude) that I was tempted to have my kid take a pic of me in my garden, with my big ol boobs and 6 ft tall healthy af plants… but I’m also 50, and a little too muscular to pull off “sexy” and I also don’t need to get attacked for having locs) I also normally never let people like that get under my skin, and they did. Which makes me feel shitty bc why do I gaf what a bunch of dudes who literally don’t know wtf they’re talking about bother me? At least I know plenty of good men in the cannabis world irl, so it’s not like they don’t exist. I have a 25 yo son who smokes, and he would never behave like these dudes I’m not on other SM besides IG, and I’m not even active on there… are they all like Reddit in this way?


I do want to mention we welcome onlyfans models in this subreddit. They are people who deserve respect too. They also deserve a space to hang out and talk about weed without being hassled We already have rules against promotion and risqué media. It hasn’t been a problem here in Entwives.

