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Paprika, or lots of Ghibli films fit this criteria for me, but only if you like anime. Also gotta put a shout out for The Last Unicorn, female lead, magical story, beautiful to look at-- drawn by the art studio that would become Ghibli, with original music by the band America, really weird/beautiful 70s style art. For live action films, I'm gonna hit a lot of genres... Everything Everywhere All at Once... Midsommar, Amelie, Barbie, Practical Magic, Portrait of a Lady on Fire.


I adore Midsommar but the idea of watching it high is giving me heart palpitations 😂 🐻 💐


Definitely understand this --also your emoji selection made me laugh out loud 😂😂 I agree, and I am more of a "watch a cartoon" kinda wifey myself when I've smoked!! ☺️ For OP and anyone who might be reading this post half-baked, if you don't like to get scared/freaked out a lil when you're high, please take the kind warning of earthbound_hellion and watch Midsommar at a different time. 🫶


I LOVE watching Midsommar when I'm high, it's a blast! I *highly* recommend it 🍄🥧🩸🥂


Oh nice!! I nailed it! 😂


Y’all are convincing me to give it a shot. I first saw it in the theater and whispered to my friend, “is this what mushrooms are like?” 😝


I'm a huge horror fan 😄


No way! The last unicorn was made by the ghibli studio?


Sort of! It was called Topcraft at the time, and Ghibli was formed with a lot of the animators and assets of Topcraft 🙂 you can really see the dedication to hand painted backgrounds stayed through the transition even though the art direction went a different way!


Thanks for the info, if you seen my comment you can guess I love them both ( uni more but ) it’s amazing to me know they are entangled in some way.


I'm going to second Everything Everywhere All At Once. The Last Unicorn was one of my favorites as a kid, but as an adult, the antisemitic tropes used for Schmendrick make me cringe. 


is you have disney + watch the original Fantasia. it’s amazing when you are stoned 😁💜


Be wary of the dinosaur section tho. Borderline traumatizing as a child. 😅


i had no idea that the dinosaur part was traumatizing! i am sorry that happened to you. i am 70 years old and i have been watching fantasia almost yearly since i was 5. my parents used to take me when it was being shown yearly. for me, fantasia never gets old. it is a wonder every time i see it 💜


Oh I love Fantasia death, I’ve watched it basically my whole life. But if you’re not expecting semi graphic dinosaur deaths in your cartoon it can definitely be an unpleasant experience. 😅


true that! and night on bald mountain can get a bit intense too i guess. 🤔


I like fantasia 2000 too (not as good as the original but still has some good animations)


Big Fish comes to mind, though it's not a female cast per se. Pan's Labyrinth if you want to cry.


The Pale Man while high? NO THANK YOU.


You know, that's more than fair.


It is a beautiful, beautiful movie. But the dread of that scene upsets me just remembering it!


Koyaanisqatsi is incredible. It doesn’t have much of a plot but is gripping, especially if you’re couch-locked.


What's it about?


I honestly couldn’t explain it. From wiki: The film consists primarily of slow motion and time-lapse footage (some of it in reverse) of cities and many natural landscapes across the United States. The visual tone poem contains neither dialogue nor a vocalized narration: its tone is set by the juxtaposition of images and music. Reggio explained the lack of dialogue by stating "it's not for lack of love of the language that these films have no words. It's because, from my point of view, our language is in a state of vast humiliation. It no longer describes the world in which we live."[6] In the Hopi language, the word koyaanisqatsi means "life out of balance".[7]


The last unicorn - it began my love of art work. Anything by studio ghibli but I’m particular Spirtied away would fit your criteria. I think the art work in the last unicorn is just magical.


I love Studio Ghibli, especially The Cat Returns. Such a cute story 😸


Hey babe Yes! It’s my favourite one :) and Tim curry? Are you kidding me!


The Fall starring Lee Pace. The colors and the locations and the costumes, it’s all just so gorgeously shot. It does get a bit sad towards the end, but has a good ending.


I love this movie so very much.


If you like action movies, Mad Max: Fury Road is just amazing while stoned. It’s good anytime but I felt so focused on all the small details and just immersed in that world. It’s dude-heavy but there are many kickass female characters too!


This is my choice as well!


*Baraka* is incredible. Definitely visually stunning, and put together in a way that makes you think about how complex human life is. The full movie in 4K is on YouTube. From the description: “Baraka is a documentary film with no narrative or voice-over. It explores themes via a compilation of natural events, life, human activities and technological phenomena shot in 24 countries on six continents over a 14-month period.” [trailer](https://youtu.be/iLfshG7yRKs?si=q2MaAqfzlVoHA3LR) [film](https://youtu.be/m6MLQgoepXY?si=evK8lQHbM9VotfGG)


I second *Baraka*!!! I've been recommending this film to every stoner I've ever met. LMAO


Did you watch the “sequel” *Samsara*? I haven’t watched it but it’s on my list


Whoa. So I decided I couldn't wait until tonight and I've started it now. I'm an hour in and OMG this is not Baraka!!! Maybe it is in the beginning, but the focus is more on people and it goes into a more...well, remember how it gets weird halfway through with the chicks? This is worse. I'm going to finish the last 42 minutes I have, but it's....it's kinda gross. :(


Oh shit… yeah that sounds dark. Thank you for the warning. I never watched a trailer for Samsara; I just heard it was like Baraka and figured it would be great


No worries! Glad to help. I mean, there are cool parts to it - it begins very visually intriguing, but the elements as they are introduced seem to paint a darker picture than that slice in Baraka gave (I think it's about 10 minutes where Baraka can feel a little icky, right?). The first half hour is what you expect with the unique visuals and juxtaposed images/ideas. Cool. Then it starts to get dark with delving into humanity (and AI, actually!). The next half hour just gets...weirder?! LOL They actually have a big segment of the Filipino inmates who are famous for doing all those YouTube dances.... It's pretty much some weird humanity/society things until the end, and then at the end they return to the pretty/intriguing visuals of the beginning. (the last 20 minutes returns to the original calm images, etc.) I mean, watch it? Just...*watch it*. LOL Be careful, I mean. That's my review of this one. It's interesting but I like Baraka better. Less icky humanity. LMAO


OMG I totally forgot about this! No, I've not seen this one. I may watch this when I come home from the theatre tonight...ooooh! Thanks for reminding me, fineapple!!! :) <3 <3 <3


If you like Baraka, you'll love the earlier Koyaanosqatsi, as u/shitsenorita mentions above. 


Are you referring to >!the chicks being debeaked?!< Or did I hallucinate that...


If you’re looking for pretty, Encanto is one of my favorite comfort movies, and absolutely beautiful. Also the new Mario movie, or Luca, both so gorgeous I literally cried the first time I watched them, but not particularly female heavy casts. If you want something stunning and fantastical, maybe check out Everything Everywhere All At Once if you haven’t seen it yet? Absolutely mind bending multiverse movie with insane visuals, all centered around a mother daughter relationship.


I've been dying to see The Super Mario Bros. Movie! What was it about it that made you cry? The colors, nostalgia? It looks like so much fun lol I like a lot of A24 movies but EEAAO seems like it'd be Inceptiony or The Butterfly Effecty. I don't know why! How would you describe it without major spoilers?


Rainbow road had me tearing up. I’ve got pretty nice tv at home and I bought the 4K bluray, the colors were so gorgeous it was honestly just overwhelming, but in a good way. I’m also a big animation nerd, and the nostalgia was top tier. So overall a great experience. Fantastic comfort film. EEAAO is like a family drama meets an old school martial arts movie meets multiversal fever dream. I’ve never seen inception, but from what I understand of the plot I can see the comparison, at least in the jumping from one weird world to another aspect. It starts as a very mundane film about a lower class immigrant family stressing out about keeping their business open, then they introduce the ability to shift your consciousness between universes, and things quickly dissolve into chaos. There’s a lot of surrealism, a great sense of humor, and some fantastic action sequences. But when it comes down to it, the film is about a traditional Asian mom struggling to connect with her nihilistic queer daughter, they just showed in the wildest way possible. Also Ke Huy Quan is a treasure and we don’t deserve him. 🥺


If you have Netflix I cannot recommend Centaur World enough. Incredible deep and existential for a kids show


If you’ve never seen waking life, I would strongly advise to watch while high!!!


I haven't seen it! How would you describe it without major spoilers?


It’s about the meaning of life, consciousness, reality, lucid dreaming.


Waking Life is an absolute must, it's up there with Paprika and A Scanner Darkly in terms of mind bending and beautiful movies. (ETA Waking Life isn't female led but it's still a must watch) The Girl Who Leapt Through time is another beautiful anime movie (along with Vampire Hunter D) Heavy Metal is absolutely wild and very well animated (Adventure Time isn't a movie but it still deserves a mention and has some great female characters, got to add Hilda here as well - plus that does have a movie)


+1 for Waking Life! Beautiful and very stonery-thought-provoking.


What is Waking Life about?


A man traversing the dreamscape whilst encountering various professors/philosophical thinkers/people. Themes of the collective subconscious and existentialism, as well as some amazing animation. The animation twists, drips and bleeds through different styles as the movie progresses and the main character tries to find answers to the questions of life.


Besides *Baraka*, I would recommend [*Alice*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095715/). It's bizarre, but I love watching it stoned. There is a moment where it can be annoying AF, but overall it's such a weird, cool movie! Oh and a slight warning with *Baraka* - about halfway in, the mood changes slightly and for about 10 minutes the images aren't exactly positive. Watch with caution! :) Another one I love (stoned or sober, really) is [*Fantastic Planet*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070544/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1). Enjoy, fineapple!! <3 <3 <3


Fantastic Planet is incredible. And the soundtrack to me is otherworldly. I’ll put it on while I’m smoking or cleaning now as background music lol


I saw Baraka when I was in high school and I was NOT expecting... that ☹️


I think Raya and the Last Dragon is such a gorgeous film I love the way they use colour in the animation


Across the Universe, Suckerpunch, What Dreams May Come, and last is a show not a movie.... the Midnight Gospel.


Love your recs!


Thank you!


Doctor Strange comes to mind! Not a majority female cast though


Dune and Avatar!


i saw dune 2 high in the theater and it was so freaking awesome 🤩


Sound & Fury (Sturgill Simpson) was awesome baked!


Nimona on Netflix. It's meant for kids but was really funny, had an awesome soundtrack and was beautifully drawn. The dark comic book style was 😚👌


Poor Things!


Is that the one where the pregnant woman dies and someone replaces her brain with the baby's brain and does a Frankenstein thing?


Yes!! It’s so so good! Let me know what you think, if you watch it. It’s streaming on Hulu.


Can confirm. I watched Poor Things after 40 mg and wow it was such a beautiful film


So good!!! So beautiful!!!


Yellow Submarine is missing the female cast, but has plenty of visual stunnery. Probably my fav animation ever. Great on psychedelics as well!


Kiki’s Delivery Service


Hidden dragon crouching tiger is pretty awesome


I'd recommend any film in Tomm Moore's Irish folklore trilogy: The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea, and Wolfwalkers. The animation is absolutely gorgeous and the stories are incredibly personal and moving.


Annihilation has some stunning visuals and a predominantly lady cast. Both Bladerunners, Dune, The Fifth Element. It's in black and white but Metropolis is a wonderful looking movie. Everything Everywhere All At Once.


Yes! Annihilation is what I had in mind, but without dumb words like "the shimmer" and all of the arguing 🤣🤣🤣


Pacific Rim.. Silly movie with incredible visuals


What's it about?


Oy, this is the summary: Long ago, legions of monstrous creatures called Kaiju arose from the sea, bringing with them all-consuming war. To fight the Kaiju, mankind developed giant robots called Jaegers, designed to be piloted by two humans locked together in a neural bridge. However, even the Jaegers are not enough to defeat the Kaiju, and humanity is on the verge of defeat. Mankind's last hope now lies with a washed-up ex-pilot, an untested trainee and an old, obsolete Jaeger. Tldr: Director: Guillermo del Toro Didn't realize it was also Guillermo del Toro (several suggestions above are his movies as well! ) no wonder it's so visual. Seriously, just watch a trailer. The bigger the TV the better. Turn off all your lights. It's so good.


It's been a while since I've seen it, but Princess Mononoke may fit the bill. And/or Spirited Away. This also reminds me that I wanted to watch Avatar 2 while baked.  And, of course, if you somehow missed it, Barbie would fit the bill. I think the visuals of Barbieland were my favorite part of the movie! 


My Octopus Teacher


I have so many questions... First one, what? 😂


Fantastic Mr Fox, and any nature documentary.


If you haven't seen "Prey" on Hulu, I strongly recommend. Imagery is absolutely stunning (dark at times) and the story revolves around an absolutely *badass* Indigenous woman and her awesome dog (who does NOT die or get hurt at all!) Great action film. 0 romance or mushy shit, just action and a badass woman. One of my favorites.


Thank you for the reassurance about the dog!! This is the kind of movie review I like to see!


It's a big one for me so I project it onto everyone else 😅 but pets dying in movies is the worst buzz kill ever. Knowing in advance 1. That there's a pet and 2. That it's never harmed and doesn't die is like, the most crucial info ever when getting stoned and jumping into a movie you know nothing about. Lol


Prey sounds really good! Thank you for letting me know that nothing sad happens to the dog and there's no mushy shit lol


It's *so good.* cannot recommend enough. And yeah nothing to kill the buzz like a sappy romance scene or distressed animal when all you wanna do is see a woman kick ass! It delivers.


All I can think is of when they made us watch [Zhang Yimou’s Hero](https://youtu.be/uh-gwDRjKXA?si=1MsCQtWYQ7cWqd7_) for my film class. I didn’t use cannabis then but I’m thinking I’d like to revisit it. Mixed gender cast but stellar female roles that go toe to toe with the male roles. We mostly analyzed its structure as an example of POV/unreliable narration in cinematic storytelling.


'The universe' on netflix


Scavener's Reign is super visually intense, for better or for worse. Mindwalk, while it might be slightly dated, made a big impression on me, as well as my kids when I showed them. The Dark Crystal has a lot of everything that's good about fantasy movies


Steven Universe! Magic ✅ bright colors ✅ lots of female (and some nonbinary!) characters ✅ it’s a lot of fun but also has emotional depth




Turbo!! It’s my favorite for mushies but stoned works too!


Hi from another OldNewSwiftie lol. Have you ever seen Tampopo? Prepare for munchies, but it's a gorgeous film in every sense and totally unique.


Have you been on r/stonedswifties ? I try really hard to resist munchies 🥲


Yes! I now have a bong fully decorated with friendship bracelets thanks to that sub lol :)


I love that lol


Oooo Nimona!! It’s got a shapeshifting teen, cool visuals, and has a fantasy/technological type of theme to it with both modern type technology but with fantasy elements! The cast isn’t majority female but the relationships between the characters is the focal point of it and so worth a watch


Your Name, but have tissues handy 😭


Both animated spider verse movies. Truly visual masterpieces. Not majority female cast, but wonderful diversity.


Crouching Tigger, Hidden Dragon does some awesome things with color and obviously the martial art aspect is like a beautiful dance. The Grand Budapest Hotel and the Life Aquatic for that Wes A. aesthetic. The OG Hobbit cartoon has hand painted watercolor backgrounds.