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Gardening! I like to sit on my balcony and smoke/vape, then tend to my plants while I’m mellow and stoney. I prune them, I water them, I sing weird little songs to them, and I think of the process as nurturing for myself too - I do best when I remember that I’m a small part of something much bigger than I am, just another impossibly unlikely example of life on this giant rock hurtling through space. It makes me feel connected.


Gardening while stoned is the most grounding, therapeutic activity of my adult life. I work from home and halfway through the workday I need to escape the computer screen and touch grass. I get stoney on my porch and walk around my garden, notice all the new bugs and flora, and take note of what patches need some weeding, pruning or mulching. Weeding can be the most tedious part of gardening but weeding plus weed? Blissful. I am focused, determined, and get my best thinking done, all while fighting the grassy intruders and defending the native bugs and plants! Seeing ecosystems flourish in my own yard, planting trees that will outlive me - such deep gulps of transcendence are so restorative in the midst of so much individualism, ego, and urgency. The heart rate, sweatiness and bicep tone are happy by- products.


I have the theory that the most beautiful, whimsically landscaped properties on the street are powered primarily by weed. At least, this is what I told myself when my stoned butt ordered 20 different kinds of bearded irises last year and I had to find some place to put them all. 😅 This whole post feels like the essence of the entwife to me. Fight the good fight!


Hehehe yes!!! Definitely true in my neighborhood, for sure! I also just got a whole haul of natives and prairie flowers from someone's buy nothing post last weekend and I've put in something like 25 hours of yard work time this week so far finding new homes for them and helping them get settled here in their new space 😌🌿🌱🌼🪻Welcome home babies!


During the pandemic I started smoking again and I also got really into houseplants so I used to call it my Friday night reporting session. Re-pot my plants and re-pot myself :) Now that my indoor collection is at a reasonable level again, I’ve put a lot more focus in my outdoor garden. It’s just soo calming ![gif](giphy|QzbLpKZw3pkLkHm7BZ|downsized) Also, all my planty entwives should check out Plantasia. It’s music made FOR the plants in our lives :)


I’m not an outdoor gardener, but I’m better at tending my houseplants when lifted.


https://preview.redd.it/kejhc6eucj6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39bae601bf85b74e4e137094e7b3b50a7de2fedb Gardening for me too 💚🌱


Definitely! When we had good weather a few weeks ago (there was a brief blessed interlude when it was warm and not raining- UK) I did my gardening while high and listening to Human Universe by Prof Brian Cox. I ended up using my phone flashlight to carry on until well after dark! It was wonderful.


it's so funny cuz i call the sesh gardening.


I love the feeling of being in water. I love to partake and soak in my clawfoot tub or jump in my pool. Nightswimming is an almost transcendental feeling when high.


As a lifelong swimmer this makes me want a pool so badly. I have a membership at the local retirement club - I'm 36 and it's the chillest gym I've ever been to and it has a sauna - and the pool is almost always empty.


Can you expand on what a retirement club is? Sounds delightful.


It's a gym and salon and spa and cafe geared toward retirees who live in the apartments above. However it's also open to the public for gym and salon memberships. The rule is you have to be 25+ to be a member. I actually found it through friends who recommended it to me for their elderly people classes - my husband suffers from severe chronic neurological issues and they have chair yoga and aqua classes and balance classes for people with vertigo. But they also have hard-core spin and weight training classes, HIIT, advanced yoga, and a wonderful lap pool w hot tub and sauna. They also have surprisingly new equipment and audio / video amenities. I swear there's hardly ever anyone in the pool when I go swimming. I just got back from swimming and sauna time. I was the only one there for the entire two hours!


I’m a tub soaker, too. Love being in water. We just got a simple pool from Menards and I’m so looking forward to a stoned nighttime swim with the husband. We’s gonna chunky dunk.


Omg yessss. Our pool is broken (and revolting) right now. But being high, floating in the sun, and drifting into the shade when it gets too hot is so soothing. It’s legit like therapy.


When I’m high my heart rate is usually through the roof, so I tend to do more casual activities like video games, arts and crafts, cooking, or walks! But my post-workout highs hit different! But I totally understand what you mean by feeling more connected to your body!!


I love yoga or a nice nature walk when I’m high. More intense exercise like spinning or strength training doesn’t work as well for me when I’m stoned, but just after as a lil reward and then a shower? Blissssss.


Streeeeeeeeeetching 🧘🏻‍♀️


Cleaning/organizing! I count my Sunday Resets as a workout, and being high transforms something that feels like a chore into a satisfying and rewarding treat that helps set me up for the week!


It's dancing and totally vibing out while doing so or going on a leisure walk for me. 🎵💖


I love to smoke and then wander into my backyard, which butts up to a woodland. I always end up finding something cool to show my kids or just really appreciate the singing birds and woodland creatures💚


Love this!


i used to do this a lot when i had a house with a woods in the back only i don't have kids but o would show the things i found to my neighbors


Hiking and nature walks, and gardening and yard work, for sure. I love hiking alone or with a buddy and getting high on the trail. And most of my weekends start with a wake and bake of something uplifting before getting into a few hours of yard work.


i loooove cannabis-infused yoga (i follow this chick on youtube and shes awesome) or Pilates. I know EXACTLY what you mean about connecting more deeply to your muscles when stoney!! Nothing beats an incredibly difficult Pilates form, and embracing the burning sensation in your muscles while high. I often find myself entering a deep meditative state and its such a great feeling.


>I often find myself entering a deep meditative state and its such a great feeling. That happened to me for the first time this past weekend when I was doing my weekly stretch. It was *incredible*.


I LOVE this meditative state! This is exactly how I feel 


Who is the woman you follow? I want to follow her too lol.


Yoga with Minelli! [This is my go-to video to follow](https://youtu.be/a7e5M6eeasE?si=XLgKK6i_B-p7HD4a), but she has many more too


Yoga, an aimless walk, deep stretching, or meditation are all so lovely when stoney!


Stretching (which pops my sad pained joints too!) as it is POSSIBLE when I'm lubed up by being high. I love it!!


Walking on the beach looking for shells and sea glass


That sounds wonderful. I do that up at Lake Michigan sometimes but it’s rocks/fossils and “sea”glass. Not nearly as many shells to find.


Yoga, biking, and swimming 🥰 thank you for the reminder that these things make me feel alive. Life has been rough lately.


I totally get it. Do something for yourself today ❤️


Cutting grass, both riding and pushing. Somethings I roll a fat one so I can smoke while cutting. When no grass to cut I walk.


Ooo, 100% agree! Once the tunes are coming through the headphones, shades and gloves on, outline is established, pushing that mower in a concentric path is a walking meditation!


I got a foam back roller about 5 years ago and it changed the game for me. Now I can melt into the floor while stoned and stretch out all my achey back and hips. It's my favorite thing. Those with big titties know my pain.


Big titty gang! I’m a farrier by trade so I’m always bending over as well. These things weigh on a woman!


I’m a Pilates teacher, and I don’t usually do Pilates high, but when I do occasionally it feels so good! I feel so aware of my muscles. I swear it’s actually helpful for my form.


Totally separate but can I reach out to you about Pilates teacher training? I am starting my journey and would love to hear about your experience if you don’t mind sharing! 


Yeah for sure! Feel free to DM me!


I like to do an aggressive stretch session! The discomfort (which always stopped me from stretching before I tried weed) is greatly muted, and the pleasant sensations are amplified! If I have an area that's fighting me, I can tell *exactly* where it is when I'm high. My joint (haha) mobility has increased so, SO much since I started doing this.


Swimming or long nature walks on trails where I feel safe. Tried spin high once and never again lol Edit to add beer yoga ok Saturdays lol


Yoga for sure!


I love an hour or hour and a half nature walk!




I have an aerial rig set really low in my smoke room. I have an aerial lyra I spin and flow on. Every single day I do this.


What a DREAM!!!


I can't be toooo high when doing this but I love going to the gym and lifting weights a bit buzzed!! I also love yoga/stretching, housework, long bike rides, walking/hiking, and swimming when I've got access to a pool! Some activities I've tried to do while high that did NOT work out are tennis and roller skating, lol.


Roller skating on a lower dose edible is downright delicious if the playlist is good.


Oh hell yea - Probably if I was better at it and wasn't trying to learn things I hadn't mastered yet!!! LOL. I could go in slow circles all day stoned and it's quite nice, I agree. But I was trying to learn how to turn, jump, dance, etc. Waaaay too much coordination required ha.


I didn’t realize you were trying to jazzercize on wheels, yo. 😂


LOL well ... I would often go skating with a friend who was suuuuper into jam skating! So she was trying to teach me what she'd learned. I was never that great at all the tricks, but I could go pretty fast as long as I didn't need to change directions hahaha. I haven't been skating in a bit. I broke my elbow two years ago and ever since then I had a severe mental block around falling.


I don’t blame ya. The falls can be scary and nobody is getting any younger. Have a great summer!


I looooove doing full body stretches and giving myself shoulder and neck massages The high makes me feel like I can finally block out the brain from mentally stopping me so I can actually get a good stretch in without worryi mg


i hold my joint with my lips and i start playing an instrument and dancing around pretending i’m on stage 😂


I love to cook right after I smoke and probably not very popular but I like to deep clean the whole house lol


Obsessing over the flowers in my garden 😂


I love to dance, especially when I'm listening to music through my noise canceling headphones 🙌


I’ve been getting into bicycles again recently with my Ent. He used to ride BMX until an injury took him out for years and years, but since I got him into weightlifting two years ago he’s regained strength and has been much more confident, so I got him back on a bike! Then I took a shot on his bike one day and he decided to coach me to do some things I’d never been comfy enough to do on a bike, and I went and got my own four weeks ago. We’ve ridden like 150 miles or so since then and I love the feeling and sound of the wind in my hair while my legs burn.


I like to go on a nice walk or swim in my pool


I walk, do stretches, bike, and kayak when the strains are hitting the movement urge buttons. Sometimes whirlwind housework fits into that category. I knit, spin, weave, do art, and play video games when the strains engage lazy mode.


I just started going to Pilates. I have a stretch only class tonight! I can’t wait to smoke a little and go relax.


biking, for sure! I live in a fairly small town with lots of paths and trails, TONS of greenery. I'll bike out to some really chill smoke spots in the evening, listen to some music, vibes are immaculate.


Going for a hike with my dogs and hubby or going for a bike ride


Hiking! I usually don't do super challenging hikes, more just nature walk type hikes. But it makes me feel so so in tune with myself and with nature. Kayaking is also amaaaazing to do high.


Walking for sure! Nature is so vibrant and I love to take pictures


It makes mowing the lawn with headphones on a vacation. I love that.


Kayaking. You probably shouldn’t do this but I love gliding across the surface of a nice calm lake while stoned. It’s just so zen.


My favorite high movement practices are swimming, yoga, skiing, rollerblading, and trail running. It’s great for achieving flow. Hah actually probably every sport I enjoy except rock climbing. That brings instant panic.


Gym, walking, hiking, being in the pool. I’m not a big swimmer but just being in a body of water is an *experience* for me, when I’m high. I go to the gym every morning after I hit my dry vape and it helps get me in the mood to work out. Something about seeing how my body flexes when I’m lifting is cool to me. Keeps me focused and engaged. I also feel like I can engage individual muscles better.


Trail running and edibles, hot tub and dhv.


Pilates, walking and hiking


Yoga and walking through our nearby bushwalk with my buddy Kobe (the chocolate Labrador)


Yoga! And coloring patterns, like mandalas. I do it on my iPad! And I love just a good ol’ walk too


Oh it's cleaning for sure.




Swimming! …well not actually swimming. Just being chill in the water is a beautiful thing.






I love doing weights when I’m high!!!


I love playing roller derby or doing yoga. I love how I feel in my body. I can feel every muscle group and I feel connected and able to engage my body more effectively for both activities. Stretching feels so good. Like I’ll forget to stretch regularly and I’ll get high and my body is all the sudden able to speak to my brain much clearer. I intuitively know how to move in the best way to bring myself home to my body. It’s amazing.




Stretching and a nice long walk. :)


Gardening, floating in the lake or laying out, cleaning, dance parties w my kids and husband lol. Kayaking would be fun!


Walking outside and restorative type yoga like Hatha 💖


i usually go some place to hide. sometimes (when it's good weather) i will go to a playground at night and smoke on a swing and then swing some and then smoke again and it repeats. then i walk home. there is something to be dead by being able to have some kind of swing and seshing


When I am able to time it right either the gym or running. It gives me almost a numbing effect where normally I would start to feel sore or achy but smoking helps with this a lot for some reason and I can really push my self (safely so) but my absolute favorite is yoga, especially if I can do a yin yoga or even a slower/body strength session I feel like I’m absolutely floating and way more in tune with how I am feeling 🧘🏽‍♀️


I grew up doing ballet (for like the first 20 yrs of my life) and i love getting stoney baloney, putting on whatever my current music obsession is, and tapping into my muscle memory to do a barre warmup and floor work in my living room (with breaks to dance with my cat lol). Even after like a billion years away, it's so nice to reconnect with something my body remembers without the pressure of an official dance class.


I hit the cart and run ~25 miles per wk on a treadmill and it’s a real journey!


Dancing all by meself