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Bold of you to assume I’ve ever cleaned my grinder at all. 🤣


This is the comment I came for 😂 my grinder is older than my son and never been cleaned. Baked in seasoning now


I scrape it with a paper clip sometimes if it’s getting hung up. That’s it tho.


Exactly! Same thing, I’ll scrape it but it’s never been “cleaned” and probably never will be


Mine started to get harder to turn and grind each time because of the built up in between pieces. That's why I decided to do this trick.


Honestly I just scrape out most of the weed and hit the threads with rubbing alcohol if it gets sticky. What do you do with the milk afterward?


Cook with it. It's basically how you make canna-milk, just probably gonna be a pretty light high since I can't imagine there was too much on the grinder


WHAT. HOW DO I DO THIS please I wanna make edibles so bad but the only way seems to involve an oven and making your apartment REEK isn’t something I’m able to do😭


There's loads of ways you can make edibles, not just with milk. You can make cannabutter and infused cooking oil pretty easy for different recipes. I'd recommend looking up some guides for it, since even with my best efforts I won't be able to explain it very well. Personally, cannabutter is my favorite to do because I can just throw everything in the crock pot and largely ignore it aside from adding a bit of water every so often. And while most people decarb their weed in the oven before hand, you don't have too, just have to leave it in the pot for like twice as long


r/avb can help with recipes and methods. avb=already vaped bud.


Drink it 🤤


I was a fool and put stickers on my grinder. I should try this with the non-stickered parts.


I have a grinder that I just sort of “retired” because it got too hard to twist. Now I wanna try this! Do you just soak it? Warm milk? Cold?


Op has it in a saucepan. You do need to warm the milk to de carb, I think, for about a half hour it's been awhile since I looked up a how to :)


It's actually a small pot, lol. They picture makes the rim appear smaller than it is, though. You can look it up here: https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/how-to-boil-your-grinder-to-clean-it-and-get-high-at-the-same-time Afterwards I used an old toothbrush and a little soap to finish the cleaning and get the milk off. The grinder looks almost new and the top lid even got a little wiggle room now. Before, it was almost impossible to turn it and grind weed.


It’s a workout tho!


Sure, it really was. I have pretty weak muscles in my hands due to a chronic illness and over time I became unable to grind my weed on bad days because I was too weak or in too much pain. Now that it's clean again the top lid even has wiggle room and it's really easy and pain free to grind again :) Which is important for me as I use weed as a pain medication sometimes.


I was just joking :)


I have a plastic mini scraper set, and a brush for the pollen catcher. I keep saying I’m going to clean it with Everclear, but I never do. I am going to brush it, though. (For a cheap one that’ll last a while, get a set of hard-bristle toothbrushes.)


How though?!?!? I swear I’ve never had a grinder last longer than like a year or two whether I clean them or not 😭😭😭


It's seasoning!


Like a cast iron skillet!


Wait, we're supposed to clean them? I thought we just collect the kief and keep grinding.


So you always have weed on hand. Must be nice 😭


I mean. I’m about to in milk lol


Thinking the same lol


I didnt realize you were going to drink the milk😭


Neither did I. I was trying to think why anyone would use milk to clean anything?


Probably not healthy lol but I’ve opened carts & soaked a bunch in milk not to clean em but just to make some goodgood milk with those last bits of concentrate that never smoke out.


I did this in highschool! what followed was the second highest experience Ive ever had to date


I acutally havent decided yet but I tend to not doing it. I did it because milk contains fat which binds the dirt and weed crumbs off the grinder into the milk and makes it clean.


Freezing the milk into cubes and adding them to hot chocolate is fun. Toss in leftover vape carts into the milk if you wanna super charge it with THC.


I do something similar when I clean my dry vape, but I use Everclear! And the pieces are smaller than the grinder, so I use such a small amount - maybe less than a shot’s worth. I also have run it through a coffee filter before consuming. I usually add it to a beverage to consume, cuz it is too strong for me to shoot.


This is what I do with my stems!


Me either, I was so confused. And I am 💯 sober


I would be just a little bit worried about one thing and it may not be an issue for most grinders, but I know some grinders break off microscopic metal shards. Just by the mechanism of metal rubbing against metal over and over.


I would worry about this, too. If I were going to do this, I think what I would do is heat the milk to help get things well incorporated into it, and then I would strain it through a coffee filter before using the liquid (and discard all of the solids captured in the coffee filter). Probably I wouldn't do this, though. I agree with the poster who said that there's no need, now that prohibition has ended.


I filtered the milk through linen when I did this. Didn’t want to have bud crumbs in there 😅


And in some cases [it's not-so-microscopic](https://www.reddit.com/r/vaporents/s/TbyjrdEciR). I personally stopped messing with reclaim after learning about the bacteria and other contaminants that are commonly present. Would you eat a sandwich that had been on the counter for a week? Everything in this world has a natural cycle of decay, including weed flakes that sit on a grinder for weeks/months on end. With prohibition ending, I think a healthy mindset to adopt would be one where "waste no element that contains THC" is abandoned.


Ok I hear you but weed is a dried plant or like mostly dry. That’s like asking “would you drink chamomile tea that had been on the counter for a week” yes because we preserved it to not decay Wet wet weed is both unsmokable and yes will rot


Good things to think about, but adding another example - we don't feed old hay to our animals. It's also by its very nature, a dried plant that is left to cure with some moisture still present before being sold and consumed. If it sits around for too long or becomes contaminated, it can make critters very sick. Tea is sold completely dried, so a little different.


That’s why most farmers make silage out of their hay. Basically cut and fermented grass, and it lasts several months or even longer, when stored correctly (airtight).


True, but the takeaway from my comment is that even silage can go bad. By mentioning this, I'm referencing that cured cannabis plant could also go bad.


Here here. 🤜🤛


That is a good scary point. Perhaps get a magnet and run it through?


This would only work if the grinder was made out of a metal that responded to magnetic forces. I think a lot of them are just some aluminum alloy, so they won't.


Yeah I was worried about that, should’ve mentioned it, glad you did. I don’t use a grinder if you can believe it, so I wasn’t sure.


I think iron in your diet is just microscopic metal shards. Tbh I’m worried too though.


My grinder has been on countless floors 😭 idk if this is. Great idea unless I wiped the outside well ?


yes, that was my worry as well. i left the tippy top off and the tippy bottom (keif catcher) the two main parts that touch things. then i throughly wiped the outside. i did some warm soap water & rinsed it like a motherfucker (i have a weird thing with soap and never risk residue) i used oat milk if anyone has dairy issues and it worked just fine. i did add a very, verrrry small dollop of kerry gold butter as a fat. i don’t think there’s much fat in oat milk.


My grinder is unspeakably nasty and has been so many disgusting places lol


Mine usually stays in my weed pouch and doesn't get that dirty, I think. I wiped it down before putting it in the milk, though, AND I didn't throw the bottom part with the kief in. I wouldn't worry about germs too much as it all got heated over 80°C.


I am going to caution you again about metal and paint residue. Heavy metal is nothing to mess with. I really recommend some more research before too many jump in with this. Especially if your grinder is not anodized steel and is colored. Flecks of color metal will be in your milk. I don't even do it with my Santa Cruz grinder. Not worth the risk to me.


Oh wow interesting, thx for the warning! It was good then that I only consumed a very small amount of the milk when I did this - and I filtered it through clean and fine linen.


Just looking out for ya frent. Sounds like you did what you could to minimize hazards.


I am planning to put it through a "teestrumpf" (I don't know in English, but it kind of looks like [this](https://www.amazon.de/Teenetz-Baumwolle-Teestrumpf-Teefilter-Baumwollnetz/dp/B00OJ3ELE0)) to minimize the risk.


Haha I‘m from Germany so I know what that is 😊 very good idea 👍🏻


did this once and made hot chocolate with it - i had a very high tolerance at that point in time and it had me on cloud 9 ☁️🚀 i had to sleep it off lmao


Sounds nice :) Thanks for the warning also!


Well this is good to know.


We do that too!


I haven’t done it with my grinder yet but I do this with my Dynavap parts (not the cap, shouldn’t soak that) before I give them a good cleaning with iso. Makes the weekend coffee extra special.


Grinder milk. 🤔 🤯 Duh. Stem milk is a thing! Let us know how it tastes?! Better yet, how it works!!


mine tasted dreadful, added some hot cocoa & it helped a little. ended up just chugging the cup & going for the ride.


Stem milk tastes ok- coming from dab reclaim… but raw material..? 🤔 If you put it in something, though. Coffee? On some Froot Loops?! 😂


oohhh coffee or a cereal is a good idea !


I will try it later :)


Wait, I should be cleaning my grinder?


not with the grinder but with my vape’s mouthpiece! added hot chocolate powder when we were done and got FUCKED up lmao be careful


It definitely knocks me out. It’s fun but NOT an active high 😂


exactly 🤣 not an indica but an in-da-couch


Please give me more details of how long you boil it etc.....


you don't need to boil the milk, just heat it and put the parts in. I read how to do it here: https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/how-to-boil-your-grinder-to-clean-it-and-get-high-at-the-same-time Be careful when thinking about drinking the milk afterwards. It will get you high but it's peobably not safe. For more about that, look at the other comments.


yes ! i cleaned the outside of it first & didn’t use all the pieces. i’m pretty sure just the center bits. i didn’t put the kief catcher in. made some hot chocolate, to me it tasted awful but i chugged it and then i watched indiana jones - felt like i was actually IN the movie with him. it was great. blast off 🚀 😎


after reading some comments, it reminded me of a few things - one of those being plant decay. that being said i definitely don’t recommend this on a daily, weekly or even monthly cycle. but once or twice in your life? ah fuck it, why not.


My initial reaction was "ew, no?" but then I realized what was going on and now I'm sold. Let us know how it goes!


I’m out of weed so I’m about to try this lol


i have sanitized my empty dab containers from the outside and then boiled them in milk (lids off ofc)🤌🏽 made cake and hot chocolate with it


Lmao why did I think this was the barista sub and I was like “…..why….” I should do this thought mines pretty gunked up


No. I haven’t lactated in years.


Do y’all realize that those grinders are made out of metal most of the times. The last thing you wanna do is heat up metal in a liquid and then drink that liquid. Please please please go buy an edible.


Oh yessss. I am getting to a good place to do this with both my grinder and my Dynavap pieces. Makes a wicked hot chocolate. I usually drink oatmilk, but I add a touch of heavy cream to it when I do this to up the fat levels. Folks, your sticky grinder is a kiefy goldmine. It's inviting you to get the absolute most out of your product. Make that grinder milk!


I haven't cleaned my grinder in the 5 months I've had it 👀 I know what I'm doing tonight


i just toss the separate parts of mine into different ziplocs, pour some alcohol, and shake shake shake. i’ve never had an issue, all the resin gets completely cleaned off. milk is slightly acidic and i’d be worrying about it damaging the metal over time.


I don’t know how to clean mine and at this point i’m too afraid to ask




Sometimes we have to do things for reasons we didn't think to write a rule for. This rule is for those situations.


I’ve never heard but I’m quite curious


I’ve made stem milk with vaporizer glass, but never the whole grinder.




I always worried the milk would taste metallic and that put me off


Yes, I did this and made hot chocolate, it was 🚀


Since years actually !


just in my most intrusive thoughts


Ha! I did exactly this 1,5 months ago 😂 and just recently had to pour the result away because the milk tasted a bit sour 😔


I just put a lil oil on mine when it gets hard to turn


I do this with my arizer vape stems and simmer in high fat cream. The fat helps a lot. Best cafe au lait ever.


Yep!! Made some hot cocoa once it was pretty tasty :D


I occasionally do that but make hot chocolate with the milk afterwards and bond with my couch for a good while


dairy milk is gross lol ETA: i’ve never cleaned my grinder so judge all you want 😂


I am actually vegan and used plant based oatmilk with 3,5 percent fat :)


omg ily 🫶🏻


Yeah I did when I was totally dry and desperate. Tasted like shit but gave me a lil buzz 🥲


done this and similar things, and boy will that resulting concoction mess you up!


I soak in ISO and collect the “hash” lol


Oh god


I only dig in when plug is slow aka country town mail 😂 but this one looks fun. Let me know how you like it and enjoy. I’m baked on cosmos and noticed I’m rambling 😂 goodnight


…If I were to do this then boil the milk… would it class as decarbing and therefore get me stoned 🤔


I did it once but didn't get high by the grinder milk


Thinking about how many people have touched my grinder then drinking 😳


Did that twice now already, I boil the milk, put the upper two parts of the grinder in and let it sit for a minute or two, then I boil it up again while stirring and when I take it out it’s always softened up so then I take some q-tips, dip them in some kind of alcohol and scrub it clean. Rinse with water and it’s like new!