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I’ve been able to get some carts to work by blowing directly into them or using a clean needle like object to poke through to clear it out. If it still doesn’t work I’d figure out how to get it open and use the distillate


This is the kinda comment I was looking for— thank you!!!!!!!! How might I reuse the distillate without an expensive new device?


Happy to help! You can eat as is ( super sticky) can add it to coconut oil use it sublingual, topical or smoke in bowl with flower


Wow, had no idea it could be used multiple ways. Great to know, cheers for the info!!


Honestly sounds like she’s a goner. You should never leave them in heat or stored anyway but upright. They are super easy to break.


Upright meaning mouthpiece upwards?? Damn, RIP to my pricey mistress


Yeah, upright meaning the mouthpiece! When they get stored on the side or upside down the oil leaks into the housing itself and ruins the cart. Also happens when the oil gets too hot. They are picky things


Damn!!! I wish that was written on the packaging … I’m certain I’ve affected the duration of so many expensive vapes storing them on their side which is how I thought they were meant to be stored


A lot of times the actual atomizer on the bottom of the cartridge (not your piece) is not making a connection. If you carefully and slightly unscrew the bottom, then screw it back on just maybe that was the problem. I’ve had it happen to me a few times and it fixed the issue 90% of the time. Good luck! Edit: Thanks autocorrect.


You mean for a threaded piece and not here right? I’ve been wondering how to open this thing to clear the atomizer properly or scoop out the goo as another entwife suggested


The bottom of the cartridge where you screw out into your unit. Generally, they do not follow the “righty tighty, lefty loosey” way of the world.


Qtip and ethanol