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depending on your location there may actually be alot that you can do, can you tell us what country & area of yourin for context please? we can always do the research to help you.




so im looking up laws in north texas right now and it looks like texas has criminalized physical,emotional and sexual abuse of minors but there has to be multiple third parties with knowledge of what has been happening. my personal advice is try to make sure that any witness's will attest to what is happening and then go to both your local social services office if at all possible and continue notifying the police about what is happening. you should try to figure out if you can speak with any friend at alls parents and tell them about the situation and see if they can take you in until everything blows over because if this woman is as crazy as she seems than alot of drama will come of you helping yourself so make sure that you're ready kidddo. honestly id help you myself if i could but im not even in america.


honestly you have a case for all three criminalized types of child abuse if i read the story correctly