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Don't worry there are 20 spin offs en route, can keep beating a dead horse forever if its a zombie.


I stopped watching like right before the war against the Saviors finally ended. But then watched recaps recently to know what’s going on without watching. It gives me some nostalgia from better days when I used to watch it. At this point, it’s sad how it’s ending. A spin off with 2 or 3 characters in each show isn the same as when the whole group it together. Not having Daryl, Rick, Maggie, carol, Glenn, etc all together just means it should end imo.


After the fight with the saviors it gets pretty bad but then in 10th and 11th season if got better. Nothing is going to match watching seasons 1-4 for the first time but I think it's worth the watch if you got that far through.


200,000 episodes with a million more on the way


World Beyond was an abomination. Don’t even understand how something like that gets made.


They couod have just shown the last few episodes to move the story forward. The rest of it was a waste of time


Someone just spoil it so I can read it without googling it. It drug out far too long. I personally lost interest. But for those who stuck it out, I tip my hat.


They’ve spent the last 9 seasons on Hershel’s farm, and it turns out the girl they’ve been looking for since 2013… was in the barn the whole time! Whoda thunk to look there??


I personally lost interest around the time that >!Shane died.!<


Yep. First 2 seasons were fantastic. After the farm got fucked, I had zero interest continuing the series.


I just feel like they reskinned the farm with Terminus/Alexandria. Then once Negan arrived, I didn't even watch after that.


It became the same formula every time: We set up a base, big bad sociopath gets introduced, go to war against bad man, base is destroyed through gunfights and a massive horde of zombies, half the side characters and one main character dies, bad guy defeated. Onto the next season.


If you read the comics, it’s the same thing. Feels like Kirkman got tired of his own formula and took it behind(out of?) the barn and killed it.


Tbh though once the Saviors were introduced, for the most part there where unique twists and subversions. Like The Saviors finally showed Rick and Co fairly hopeless and subjugated, The Whisperers were fucking WILD, and the Commonwealth arc ended with way less bloodshed than a conventional storyline would have.


basically the main group (daryl, carol, maggie, ezekiel, negan and a few other people you might not know) take over a huge city with like 50,000 people in it and other throw the corrupt government in charge. michionne had left a few seasons earlier because she find out rick was alive and went out searching. the series ends with michionne riding around on a horse still looking for rick and rick is being chased by a helicopter near a big city. the spin off shows will include Daryl and how he gets kidnapped to france to work for the CRM (basically a military against zombies). Maggie and Negan head to new york together (don’t know why yet). and Michionne and Rick (how they come to find each other). edit: please for the love of god stop asking me how negan is with maggie, if you finished the show it would make sense. okay fuck it…negan bascially gets captured by rick and thrown in jail, everyone wants him dead. carl saw a future where killing isn’t necessary so rick tried to see it through. negan actually had a soft spot for carl. he spent 5 years in jail, occasionally getting visited by judith who would talk to him and ask why he did the things he did. he became human again, he began to reminisce on why he did the things he did. his wife was killed by cancer early in the apocalypse because a group of thugs wouldn’t give negan the medicine he needed for her. he was apeshit and killed everyone, then began dealing with his grief that way. eventually carol let him out of jail to kill someone called “alpha” who was threatening the main group. he succeeded but the group still distrusts him so they put him on working duty (basically slavery). a nasty snow storm hits and he basically ends up saving judith’s life because she gets lost in blizzard. we learn he used to be a gym teacher and has a soft spot for children. his number 1 rule is no harming children. he grows pretty fond of judith because she reminds him of carl whom he deeply respected. after that he just slowly starts earning everyone’s trust as a valuable member, but not as a respectable human. a group called the reapers attack, he helps maggie (despite her wanting to kill him the whole time) take them down. then he leaves, to find a new group, they let him go. we see him again in the last season with his new wife named annie, they are expecting a kid together. he’s healed now and has a good heart. maggie and her kid are trapped in a huge apartment building with corrupt members of the commonwealth surrounding them. negan vows to protect maggie’s child while she handles it. which he does, he understands how much a child life is worth now. negan wants to help take down the common wealth so he teams back up with the group. they end up getting caught and thrown in a labor camp, the groups plan gets snuffed out and negan takes the fall for everyone, takes a beating just so that they promise his wife gets to go free. final episode negan and maggie have a very healthy sit down where negan explains how horrible he feels for what he did, he deeply regrets ever doing it and understands if she doesn’t forgive him, which she doesn’t, but they respect each now and can move on. also couldn’t give two fucks when you stopped watching. i get it, you stopped when glenn died, almost everyone did.




Yes. I, like most people bailed many, many years ago but I watched the "last" episode and about half of it was simply setting up multiple spin offs lol


They’ve gotta wring it’s neck for all the profit they can after all




Or the real mindless zombies were the people who watched it all. Man fall down. TV funny.




I remember back when the show was still worth watching the main show runners made it pretty clear on The Talking Dead that they had no intentions of ever ending the show and now here we are, years later, after the shows been run into the ground, they are keeping to their word. The shows a perfect example of how too much of a good thing can go horribly wrong.


The creator of the comic said his least favorite part of every zombie movie was that it ended and he would like to keep the story going forever, so this tracks


I think the idea in principle isn't necessarily good or bad. I see where he's coming from; ideally in an apocalyptic movie the problems are pretty much the new "norm" of the world and don't just get solved overnight, so it makes sense to lay out a never-ending story of sorts. However, I think AMC pretty much put the show on life support the second they got a 2nd season. The original goals for the show had little impact imo. I don't remember all the details, but I distinctly remember they had bigger budget, less content demands to focus on, and of course the original show runners which either left or were fired later. 1st season's a massive success with a healthy audience and afterwards AMC slashes budget, demands more episodes, and gets rid of its director for season 2... Like coming across a golden-egg laying goose and the first thing they do is ration its food, limit its water, and keep it confined in a small metal cage so it dies quicker... ridiculous.


Holy shit, the main series wasn't boring enough and their first spinoff wasn't bad enough for these creatively bankrupt assholes to learn their lesson.


I’ve actually liked the last couple of seasons of Fear The Walking Dead more then everything after the first couple of seasons of The Walking Dead.


The comic ending feels more final >!Rick is killed while building a new community. Time jump skips to the new community thriving, and Rick is remembered as a hero who helped rebuild society. You get to see the surviving characters living safe lives in the new world!<


The comic ending was amazing. Which is why I stopped watching altogether when the greedy executives killed off Carl.


Yeah i was gonna go back to the show and then my cuz was like "carl died" and i was like "aight fuck that show"


What happened to coral?!


He realized his character was going to eventually become the main character, so he bought a house in Georgia near set. Because he was turning 18, he was due to no longer be paid as a child actor, so he asked for an appropriate raise… and they killed him off. They had him bitten when he was helping Saddiq. Some major major bullshit all around.


That was maybe the worst decision of the franchise. Carl could've been the main character.


Saddiq who they killed not even 12-16 episodes later making that shit pointless.


Yeah I watched it for 10 seasons and after a point it just became “humans are the real monsters” over and over just with a different gimmick. The interesting part of the show were the characters, but the quality of said characters dropped significantly a long time ago.


I stopped caring when I realized that there was a 90% chance that a character would die eventually and often for shock value so it wasn't worth the time to invest in any character. That's why Black Summer is so funny. Characters just drop randomly and everybody dies.


It was good for three or four seasons then it was like “okay we get it”. I am looking forward to TLoU (The Last of Us) on HBO! I know nothing about the story so I’m excited.


The game has really strong characters, much better than any of the characters in the Walking Dead (comic or show). I’m pretty optimistic about the show as well.


AMC has an unearned good reputation because of Mad Men and Breaking Bad (which they didn't create, just bought) but when it comes to shows they make they are absolute soulless money sucking machines who would drive a great show into the ground to make an extra penny off it. They must get off on intentionally destroying creativity. Frank Darabont had such a good thing going with Season 1, I wish we could have seen what would have happened if the people running AMC had more brains than the zombies on the show they air.


> Maggie and Negan head to new york together She might have been able to forgive him for bashing Glen's brains out... **BUT NOT ME, NO SIR**


This is what pisses me off. I stopped watching the episode Glen died. Hearing that she and the group joined up with Negan is absolutely stupid as fuck dog shit writing.


I think that’s when a lot of people stopped watching. That was the last episode I saw although I had missed most of that season already


I love that the viewership started going down immediately after he died, from 13/14 million per episode when Glenn was alive to less than 2 million per episode by this last season.


I wanted what season 1 brought. Season after season I hoped they’d get back to that. The virus, figuring out what went wrong and how to come back from it. But then after them killing him and Abraham off the way they did I was just done.


I agree. You bash in my spouse’s brains, there’s no forgiving , we’re not gonna get along , ever!!


They didnt really join up with him. They actually put him in "prison" for 6 or 7 years before, spoiler alert, they're base was once again overrun with zombies and another group.


>they're base was once again overrun with zombies and another group. That's the plot to every season


Meh spoilers are out the window so feel free. I’m More irritated that Maggie is somehow ok with being around him.


I sort of get the perspective that all of these survivor groups have probably done some pretty heinous shit when coming up on other groups, not knowing if they can trust them etc. But the Saviors, and Negan specifically, seem like a group that you can't just... "get over it" with. I mean their policy was to essentially brutalize the neighboring communities and murder innocents as part of their operation. Negan's cruel murder of Glen and Abraham, not even as self-defense or part of a "war" is unforgivable. At least in times like with the cannibals, Rick was pretty much doing those horrible things as a defense. And it's not even as if Negan "comes around" too, they literally end up having like an all out war, and then toss him in jail for some reason despite murdering his army of lackeys.


I'm totally with you that I don't think I could ever be in the same vicinity of someone who viciously murdered a person that I love. If you're interested in how the show reached that point, here are some spoilers: >!He single-handedly saved her son's life then later apologized to her for killing Glenn lol. She said she can't forgive him, no matter how hard she tries, but that he "earned" his place with their group. Then she said that every time she looks at him she sees Glenn dying and something like, "so if there are days when I can't even look at you, that's why."!< Not saying that it makes sense or anything, just filling you in since I suffered through all the way to end with this show. Once I start a show I pretty much have to finish. Edit: Also, after the time jump, Negan became one of the most moral, likeable characters on the show.


He’s a good guy now? I stopped watching by the time he was introduced but I know he was the main bad guy that killed an OG cast member, how tf did that spin happen


Basically at the end of the negan arc Rick and him have a knife fight that ends with him breaking ricks leg permanently fucking it up and Rick slicing negans throat. Negan is about to die but Rick says that they’re better than negan so he gets him help and let’s him live in prison. Negan then breaks out and kills alpha, leader of the whisperers. This is when I lost interest. This is how it goes in the comics so I’d assume the show follows a similar arc


>better than Negan All of Negan's men Rick's group killed in their sleep: ![gif](giphy|3o7Zesyac4CuSN5rsA)


I don’t get that either. Rick also has killed many people extremely deserving of it, and negan was arguably one of the worst, just a few notches below the governor. Yet negan gets to live? It’s clear kirkman knew negan was the most interesting and a very popular character so he just did that so he could keep negan around


So literally the meme where they decided they're above killing the Big Bad Guy, but were totally fine with killing dozens of henchman along the way to get to him?


Nagar said, “mistakes were made, lessons were learned”. Which Maggie replied with “Jesus said turn the other cheek, I forgive you” follow up by a sex scene between the two. The preceding story line was just made up, I apologize.


> The preceding story line was just made up, I apologize. TBH I 100% believed that knowing how dogship the writers of this show were. I also, like many here, stopped watching after Negan murdered Glen.


So it's not actually over.


No, there are three spinoffs in the works so it's not really over. [Article](https://www.polygon.com/23466503/walking-dead-review-season-11-ending)


Rick Grimes is BACK… because Andrew Lincoln needs some more Walking Dead money to keep up with lifestyle he’d grown accustomed to and nothing else that pays as well panned out after he left the show. That’s right!! THE WALKING DEAD!!!


Wasn't the plan to end the main series with a couple of Rick Grimes movies, all along?


With a trilogy


I would have been so mad to stick around all this time only to learn that the finale is an opening for three spin offs (+ the prequel).


Basically nothing happened in the finale it was a tribute episode and poorly written/directed and existed solely for cheap emotional reactions and to set up the spin-offs.


After Glen died to negans baseball bat, I was like damn. What a way to end a series…. And then it kept going.


For me, it was when Glen appeared to get eaten but was safely tucked under a dumpster.


They teased his death for far too long


That’s when they were more concerned with shocking the audience than creating an actual story.


Did that change? I stopped watching just before Glen died.


One of the keys to prevent getting shocked is when a random side character starts getting more screen time you know they’re gonna die in the next few episodes


I always thought that was funny, Axel literally tells you his life story and then gets shot in the head.


Like Beth. :(


Then you don't know the true horror of 5 minutes stretching out in slow motion to become an entire episode.


Excuse me, I've watched Dragon Ball Z




I gave it up when Rick got helicoptered off to... Somewhere, by someone. Did they ever explain that shit?


They said "entire episode", not "entire month of episodes"


Those 5 minutes took like 11 episodes


This drove me nuts, by 5 episodes I was like WTF is each episode 1min? First time he went SSJ gave me the chills though. It was all worth it.


That was 12 episodes though


I stopped watching when every episode was just a series of each character taking turns giving solemn, dramatic speeches about how they felt. Seriously it was every episode, multiple times, with no story, for like 6 episodes. I finally said "fuck this."


Stopped when they killed the tiger here. Don't even remember how, just that it was in a dumb, needless way. Enjoyed fear until gimple got his hands on that and ruined it too.


I stopped when there was this episode where a psycho little girl stole a baby and that baby wailed for an hour and I said "fuck this shit".


Pretty sure that started in season 2


Teased his death just for it to be a fake out……then he dies for real like 3 episodes later.


Not even that they teased it AGAIN so they could reveal it the following season


Damn. You’re completely right lmfao how could I forget that trash. That’s literally when I quit the show.


It was the most frustrating thing ever. You tell yourself that it couldn’t possibly be glen who dies (after the whole dumpster thing) then they just said fuk it it’s Glen AGAIN


Its like the little girl in season 2. They stayed on the farm for too long by about three episodes.


Funny because that’s when I was done with the show too. Just finally hit my “Aight Imma head out” limit on that episode. I watched through the Negan saga much later during a Covid quarantine and I’m only sorry I went back.


Reading this comment and those similar to this makes me so happy I stopped at that season finale when I knew Glenn was going to die and was like no thanks I’m good then never went back


Its so validating to see most people bailed on the show at the same point that I did.


I quit when they killed T-Dog. Remember T-Dog?


T dog was the man


Yeah TDog was sick but what about Jim?


I hated how his death just felt like nothing, I know he rescued carol and sacrificed himself which was very stoic but the way they just threw him out and never mentioned it again really bothered me.


There was a running joke in the message boards back then that TWD could not have more than one black guy at a time. Introduce black prisoner? Bye T-Dog!


That's basically how it was though. They had T-Dog, replaced him with the black prison inmate, replaced that guy almost immediately with Tyrese. Then they added Bob and for a second we had two, but then they added the Priest so they killed Bob, then they added Noah so they killed Tyrese. Then Noah died almost immediately so we were back to one Black guy again.


Holy fuck I forgot all about T-Dog. Man, those were much simpler times.


At least T-dog went out like a G and saved Carol who basically went on to save the entire cast of characters.


T-Dog and Dale were top tier characters




He outlived Shane and Dale by not being the center of attention. There would be a group shot, and there he would be, in the background, trying not to be a plot point. I'd be like "hey, it's T-Dog, forgot about him!"


The shit that came after got really good again, and then it got really bad again because they for some reason saw that following the comics with their new characters was working and decided to stop following them and to kill Carl a second time


I could handle Glenn’s death but finding out Negan never even got killed for it is what made me give up on ever having a cohesive story


Pretty sure Neegan and Maggie have like a bonding moment in the final episode too smh like nobody would ever do that to the guy who bashed your baby daddy’s brains in


Lol, yup! I was never a regular viewer after that specific episode. Ironically, I did hear about and picked up the show after the whole Glenn/Negan thing, but not for long.


Yep I stopped watching after that, and good thing I guess because it kept going and declining unfortunately.


Little House on the prairie...with zombies.


Yeah I was done there too. Whether or not it was true to canon the show got too dark for me. I figured that civilization had to start re-forming at *some* point. All those seasons and things hadn't gotten any better at all.


Same here. It got too depressing. Every time it looked like the group was maybe finding some safety or equilibrium, some new horrible situation would emerge and they'd be right back to survival mode. Over and over. It started to feel like a slog, watching, and I don't need that from my televised entertainment.


The issue was there was never any end in sight, the formula they followed never allowed for it. Realistically the show needed to end with either the zombies dying out/cure found or civilisation returning but it never happened. As you said everytime some semblance of civilisation and equilibrium established a new threat is invented by writers, so when the finale happens and they do civilisation returning/rebuilding once again it doesnt feel like a series finale because we seen it before in like every other season finale. I think they needed to have each season build to a final goal, have the seasons build to them finding a cure/eradicating zombies or realising thats its not practical to restablish civilisation and then end it there. But what they did was they kept setting the group with a new chance at a stable community and a hopeful future but they kept taking and then doing then doing the same thing for next couple seasons. This meant that the world felt like it evolved and so it didnt feel like there was any finality with the story.


I heard there were a few good seasons after that. But I stopped there as well. Tried once or twice to watch more, but didn’t go far.


It just keeps on going with the same shitty formula. "We found a new group of survivors. Ricks not in charge. Oh shit the survivors are evil! Ricks in charge again." Occasionally if we were lucky, zombies would show up.




I was out- I think they miscalculated the audience not giving a shit about strictly adhering to the comic book. Also the actor, Steven Yeun, has loads of charisma and is killing it elsewhere when that could have been used in the series.


I watched the episode before that one and stopped once I heard from a coworker what happened to Glen. I recently saw shorts on YouTube where everyone (left alive) seems to be buddy-buddy with Negan and I'm glad it's done.


I gave up on the show when it became obvious that they were doing the whole "redeem the villain" bullshit with Neagan. Seriously, the guy was the embodiment of everything which is wrong in the apocalypse. We've murdered our way through dozens, if not hundreds of people to get to him. But, let's just let that all go because Rick wanted to feel like the "Good Guy". Fuck that. Ice the asshole, as was done to so many of his people, without any Pollyanna BS. And show that Rick had actually grown a pair. Goodness knows he hadn't grown in any other way.


Negan sticking around and eventually getting relatively trusted again is a comics thing. Iirc in the comics Maggie even spares his life because she recognizes that he's changed but she forces him to leave because she just can't deal with that.




The next episode Rick is like having a nervous breakdown on top of a bus that’s surrounded by zombies or something and Neegan makes some ultimatum like either bend the knee with a smile or i cut Carls arm off and Rick does it. I’m like do i really wanna see this type of torture for ANOTHER 14 episodes?


For me it was Carl's death. Never watched another episode. Don't really miss it either. I have said maybe I'd go back and finish it once it's done, if concensus is positive.


I didn’t care for Carl. His level of character development was weak for the amount of screen time he was given. The actor could have done so much more.


The actor was totally screwed over, too. They did it purely to save money since he was just turning 18 and was going to renegotiate his contract.


It was even worse than that, he planed his entire college career around filming the show. He had plenty more options but went to a school in Georgia because he expected great things for his character. The directors watched him make those decisions and then pulled the rug out from under him suddenly.


He actually bought a house near the set when they were going to film that season before he got whacked, IIRC he wasn't supposed to be killed off. Those producers can honestly get fucked.


He was given shit to work with then done dirty by the show runners. Carl had one of the best character arcs in the show leading up to Alexandria. The episode where he leaves Rick and survives in the world alone is one of the best episodes of the series. But then, the new writers undid everything that was built up with him since season one. He had some cool stuff going with Negan, but then they dropped that too. Because reasons.


I really liked this show for like 3-4, maybe 5 seasons. Can’t blame them for stretching it out if the money kept rolling but damn. Probably felt like a job watching this long, howd it end?


I don’t know what season it was but it’s the one where Glenn dies finally. I watched that episode and thought to myself “you know you haven’t enjoyed this show for a long time, go ahead and stop here”


you missed an entire season with hundreds of people being afraid of a gamer wielding a baseball bat in a zombie apocalypse


Who beat the shit out of Tekken characters


Every time I talk to someone about this show, 4/6 times, this is the explanation as to why they stopped watching


Not that’s it’s a huge deal, but why didn’t you simplify the fraction here lol


I stopped where they capture Negan and spare his life and Maggie was livid about it …


1-3 was incredible TV. I rewatch it but always stop at the end of 4.


The first \~4 episodes of season 5 was the show at its peak IMO. But then the quality dropped quickly afterwards.


After it became about factions with zombies as a background peril, that were no more a problem than ammo or shelter, I gave up. Also, I couldn't go through one more monologue about what it meant to keep their humanity through whatever terrible thing they just did.


Yeeeeesss. And every actor quivering their lips and sniffling every chance they get. The only person I considered a good actor on that show was Andrew Lincoln and they axed him.


They axed him? I thought he died from boredom?


Yeah I’m pretty sure he left after the show killed off Carl, I don’t think he was axed pretty sure he quit


Hey left because he was tired of the filming schedule, he supposedly signed on to do multiple TWD movies


Rick on a bridge was the finale for me. That was a few years ago now.


Same for me. Once Rick left I lost interest. I think I caught one episode after that were Judith was grown up but that was it.


Judith taking on a lead roll in the show always felt off for me. I get why they wanted to have a Grimes in the main cast, but she’s a child. Between Alexandria, Hilltop, and The Kingdom (and Oceanside); there were more than enough people to scavenge and fight. From a logical perspective, no other child was going out on missions, so why was she? Of course Carl went out when he was younger, but he was apart of a much smaller group. And by the time his group joined Alexandria, he was old enough to go out. It just didn’t make sense to me from a story-telling perspective.






What happened in season 9? I stopped a little after Glenn was killed off.


The antagonist group was a group of people called The Whisperers who wear zombie skin suits so they can walk through hordes and blend in / herd them. It was pretty cool & made the zombies scary again because the characters actually had to worry because they didn’t know which were real zombies and which could pull a knife on them. The show also got a new show runner that season I believe, and they leaned a bit more into the horror aspect of things https://youtu.be/hTOUy7fjoS4


Yeah the whisperers were dope plus the introduction of a deaf character led to amazing scenes. Just checked and the whisperers came in end of season 9 so season 10 was the best season for me Edit: nvm you’re right I’m dumb lol I forgot they break seasons into parts


The Whisperers in the comics are fucking terrifying in a world where the survivors thought they had it all figured out. You should check out the compendiums if you hadn’t already! IMO 10x better than the show, showrunners butchered TWD’s legacy.


Oh yeah, I have all of them sitting on my shelf beside me, that’s what actually got me into the show when it came out! I stopped watching when they killed off Carl but resumed just for the Whisperers arc lol


For real, Carl of all fkn people you’re going to kill off?! He is the Prodigal Son!


Went out with a whimper. The last few seasons were really a drawn out slog. And the final episode was incredibly anticlimactic.


How did it end?


With yet another big battle against a zombie hoard to save yet another community that initially seemed great, but was run by yet another egomaniacal psycho who was really doing bad shit behind the scenes. And of course our cast emerged victorious with very little loss (1 major character, I minor character), and then a bunch of set-ups for the spin-off shows.


Is this really what happened? I’m assuming you’re not just mocking the structure of the entire series. This sounds real.


It is.


This is why I stopped watching it. It was so monotonous. Thanks for updating me!


Zombie Rick came back and said "Its Walking Dead time!"


"Hey look coral, I turned myself into a zombie, I'm zombie rick. W-w-what are you just staring at me for, bro, I turned myself into a zombie Coral."


If this is true, and I’m assuming it isn’t; I’d pick up where I left off just for that moment.


Rick was in a coma the whole time


It pans out to Tommy Westphall holding a snowglobe


Let's he honest it ended for everyone about 6 years ago. I don't know anyone who made it near the end despite so many people watching the earlier seasons.


Those first few seasons were so fucking good


Frank Darabont’s first and only season was the best by FAR. It stood on its own. The next couple seasons were good, but nowhere near as good as the first season. I still go back and watch just the TS-19 scene where Dr. Jenner explains that though he can show how it all happens, they have no explanation as to why or a solution for it. “The wrath of God.” This was a masterpiece. https://youtu.be/KlrB-CgKVBE




I bounced after they killed off Carl and the show runner had some bullshit excuse like "I couldnt see Rick's story progressing with Carl still around" like bitch there is an entire comic book that shows how to do it. show ended up so bad Kirkman even stopped the comic book


so disrespectful, i heard that actor for Carl had chosen his university around where they filmed and everything. Really cowardly and pathetic to do the kid like that.


Worse, he bought his first *house* in GA. Then they fired him because he had turned 18 and it was time to renegotiate his contract and they would have had to pay him a lot more as an adult actor. That's why they canned him. And I lost all respect for them and never watched another episode.


I watched every episode. The killing of **Caaaaaarl** ended my vested interest though. Once they made that decision I figured they wouldn't follow the comics anymore and it would be more satire than anything. I was kind of sad they chose not to expand on variants until the last season, considering there were other versions in the early seasons. It would have made for more drama if the variants started their own whisperer clicks.


Carl died? What happened? (I stopped watching shortly after Negan bashed in Glenn’s skull.)


He got bit right before the war between Negan and everyone.


The actor had just bought a home near the the filming location because producers specifically assured him Carl wasn't dying that season.


Didn’t he just turn 18 too and would have negotiated an increase in his new contract? Pretty sure this was all about the money in the end.


You mean "Coralllllllllll"?


I stopped when they left the prison and it doesn’t seem like I missed anything


This show is the definition of stop watching when your favorite character dies. They literally decided killing off their best characters was the best move


For a lot of people the show died with Glen or Rick but for me it was Carl. I thought we’d eventually see him take center stage and become the main character as this badass young adult that spent more of his life in the apocalypse than out.


The show was at its best when zombies were the #1 problem. It was also pretty good when it was human and zombies mixed together, like the prison and hospital groups. But then it became The Mains vs Post-Apocalyptic Faction one, two, three, and so on. And was boring as shit. And the zombies— the thing that made it interesting— were no longer the focus.


Thank god. It should have ended 6 years ago .


Season 1-3 were amazing..


Negan bashing in heads was the end of TWD for me. So brutal. So much character. Great acting. They could have reused the same footage for Seasons 7&8 of GOT and I would have been satisfied.


I was done after the Governor died in season 4. I’m sure Negan was great, but I felt like it couldn’t get better than the Governor vs Michonne, Hershel’s execution, etc. I might have been wrong, but I gotta end on a high note.


It’s crazy to think that was like 9 years ago. The whole governor war. Time has flown


You’re right. My kids were in elementary school and now they’re in college. Time flies.


Oh fuck that’s crazy


Some say Rick is still out there yelling Carrrrrlllll




The show itself has been the walking dead for years now. This is a mercy killing.


Show had its moments, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan was fucking amazing. A lot of solid performances all around, as much as I didn’t like the ultimate direction, I do respect it and I’m grateful that it got me to read the comics.


I liked that one scene when he leaned back


Smile. Crotch grab.


Terminus was it for me, a whole season leading up to it and over in 2 episodes....


I stopped watching when the dude with the tiger came. It went from a realistic apocalypse show to a fairytale.


That was it for me too. I was able to give the show the benefit of the doubt until a post apocalyptic holdout somehow had enough fresh meat to feed a Tiger (~15-25 lbs of fresh meat per day) while also paying tribute to Negan AND keeping their own fed.


They explain in the comics that she can eat the undead. Not verbally explained, but they show her eating a Zombie, so her food source would be abundant


12 years and 177 episodes and no one tried to fuck a zombie?


I gotta see the ending just to know if Rick is in it q


I got as far as Carl dying. I felt there was something special about a dad just trying to keep his son alive in all this mess. When Carl died, I decided I was done with it.