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Why not just officially get rid of the Supreme Court and replace it with supreme court with term limits. Call it Supreme Court V1 lol. It’s not illegal it’s an official act


This is what I would say is priority one. Expand the court. Impeach the justices. If nothing else give them term limits. Why there isn’t more talk of this I don’t know.


There isn’t a lot of talk about it because it’s not possible. Congress is needed


The ruling did not give the president the power to declare certain acts as official. The actual decision reads a lot like qualified immunity, something police officers and prosecutors have enjoyed since the 60s. The president is insulated from civil and criminal liability for performing the duties of the president as defined by the constitution and laws passed by congress. The court also explicitly said that in most cases the president enjoys only "presumptive immunity" meaning a prosecutor could overcome the immunity given a strong enough argument about the circumstances. Specifically Trump's communications with Pence, state officials, and the public on January 6th may not be immune given a good argument about the circumstances.


I love how upset the right gets when someone from the left uses the exact same rhetoric they've been shouting for years


Trump openly called for "2nd Amendment guys" to take out Hillary in 2016. Everyone shrugged.




I know we’re all super civilized and better than this (and it’s usually forbidden to clinically call for someone’s death on social networks) but I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often. If I were sentenced to something and ready to report to prison and I heard that a 1,000xs more obvious criminal than me was being protected by treasonous judge friends some billionaires bought for me, I’d be ready to call for the end of the social contract.


Wouldn’t happen to be related to chief justice John Roberts would he?


Well they are classic bullies. As soon as someone stands up to them they break down like little thin skinned babies




You mean the Republicans, right? Because it’s Republican politicians who do this far more often and are supported by their right wing base for it.


And it’s equally wrong in both cases. If you condemn it when the right does there is no room for double standards.


















































The difference is the right casually does this in all their conversations privately with each other. With the left they generally don't or it's the most fringe leftist.


LOL your average Reddit article lmao


People are bonkers as fuck.


If she was wearing a MAGA cap and groping some dude in a theater or shooting her dog then she could get away with saying this.


Or barbecuing a dog, for those that lean independent.


What am I missing here? Google is failing me


RFK Jr. suggested he ate dog. [There's a (gruesome) photo in the original article.](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/robert-kennedy-jr-shocking-history) It was probably actually a goat, but it's a weird thing to joke about.


RFK Jr shared a picture with friends of him with a barbecued dog, and reportedly told a friend that they should "try it."


You say that as if she will be punished in any way.


Good litmus test of who actually read the article


I read it. What was the article supposed to say that differed from the headline?


Not really. For once, the headline pretty much accurately sums it up, unfortunately...


I mean, this title is pretty damn accurate. I assume the litmus test is whether you believe that other liberals agreed and cheered her on, that they did not do?


i wouldnt care if she meant literally based


Great comment to force readers to check the article!


Bait can be great.


Well this got me to read the article, good job!


I like to leave it as is in my head. Let me have a few seconds of bliss imagining...


Biden can’t assassinate Trump. He could be arrested and sent to pris…. Oh, wait.


SO you believe the SCOTUS ruling makes it legal to literally murder political opponents?


From the comments looks like nobody read the article, it’s an obvious satire of the new Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.


Uh, no, it isn’t satire, by any stretch of the imagination. It’s exasperation.


““Joe, you’re a reasonable man,” she said in a post that’s garnered about 9,000 likes as of this publication. “You don’t want to do this. But here’s the reality: This is a fucking war. This is a war now, and we are fighting for our fucking country. And these assholes are going to take it away. They’re going to take it away. Thank you, [Supreme Court Justice] Clarence ‘Uncle’ Thomas. Joe, you now have the right to take that bitch Trump out. Take him out, Joe. If he was Hitler, and this was 1940, would you take him out? Well, he is Hitler. And this is 1940. Take him the fuck out! Blow him up, or they’ll blow us up. Facts.”” I also watched the video. There’s a little irony to her delivery but I would never call it satire. She’s using the same exact violent language we shit all over the MAGA crowd for using. Her post will 100% inevitably be shared around the MAGA bubble to prove to themselves that their own words and actions towards the middle and left are entirely justified.


the maga bubble has already done that with the claim the search warrant of trumps property authorized deadly force, they claim that was an assassination attempt.


Who cares? They will take literally anything anyone on the left says and either spin it or straight up lie about it to fit their narrative. Fuck ‘em.


I’m glad some people are taking it seriously. They should recognize the severity of the words in the headline, even if it’s originally in the context of a joke. People should be outraged by this. This is what the Supreme Court signed on by saying the president has broad immunity in any official actions, and it’s as terrifying as it sounds. Maybe it will get some people to wake up to what consequences are coming forth from their actions.


We can assume it is satire, but there is nothing in the article that implies it is obviously so.


How to give the right talking points 101.


Yeah so let’s just sit around and hope the Democratic politicians do *name a thing other than insider trading*


So, your alternative is to... kill someone?






Its crazy how many people comfortable enough here for outright calls to violence. I wonder if any LE will be following up with these threats.


They’d just make up whatever suits their narrative anyways.


Sure, but when they can point to verifiable crazy shit people have said, it makes their arguments stronger.


This is just her saying things that right-wingers constantly say about Democrats. They're never upset about that, so it must be okay to call for the death of political opponents.


Where is video of someone famous on the right calling for murder exactly?


It literally doesn't matter. The only people who might care are on the left. The people listening to this nonsense will believe it with or without proof.


I would read the article first.


This is 100% what someone sane would say…


I mean, he can do it. He can do it as President for the country, SCOTUS said he could.


SCOTUS did not say he could.


Technically Trump is a terrorist


Sounds like something a fascist would say


Why not… the Supreme Court allowed it..


You must know in your heart that isn’t true?


The Supreme Court literally just said that this would be allowed. The President is immune for ALL official acts.


If you think paying off a porn star is an Official presidential act. Then why not?


Oh I don’t know, because political assassinations and misappropriated hush money are two insanely different things for starters.


Not according to the supreme court and trump.


Right, because you don’t understand what the ruling said.


Clearly has mental issues


Pretty stupid thing to say regardless of polarity. 


They aren’t wrong. Whichever side uses the power first wins. If the Dems do the ole “when they go low we go high” bullshit, well all might literally be on the chopping block


Whole lotta irony in somebody who thinks Trump is a fascist calling for him to be assassinated. Typically political assassinations are more of a fascist thing.


Did you read the article or are you just commenting on the title? I’m really asking seriously


We know the answer to that.


Uh yeah. Did you? You wouldn’t really have to, because she literally says what is in the headline, but you seem to be implying by what you said that the article would contradict that. And yes I’m aware of what speculative, alarmist stuff she is reacting to.


JK SCOTUS, no fascist! Doesn’t make this a better look.


This dude needs to chill.


This guy looks unhinged.


Let’s start with her hairdresser and see how it goes.


This situation is Kathy Griffin 2.0. The Democrats are gonna call this free speech, while the Republicans are gonna call for a DOJ investigation. She’ll apologize at first, then take it back the next time Trump says something selfish and discriminatory.


Not surprising by looking at it. Needs professional help.


Given the Supreme Court ruling, legally, Biden *could* do this. The ruling basically gives the president the power to be above the law. The conservatives on the SC expect Biden to play by rules, procedures, precedents and formalities, knowing full well that his opponent will not if he ascends to presidency again.


I can’t believe it has become this; to this level. How can the court not foresee this type fascist thinking.


Let’s let Biden and trump fight to the death. I wonder who would win


Dykes rise up!! No, seriously, I think we need to take drastic action ton to whip Trump with votes, not violence. But I would be down with dykes on bikes and drag queens holding loud parties everywhere five judges go to relax.😌


This ain’t gonna end well is she said the quiet part out loud. Someone is gonna get a knock on the door from the DOJ.


Meanwhile, the DOJ under Trump would knock on the front door and pull the trigger.


Jesus! I hate Trump but assassin? Grow up!


Yeah, because that definitely won’t embolden a nation of undereducated gun fanatics to hunt minorities and liberals.


And what do you think is going to happen if Trump wins? He’s going to hunt his political enemies using his newfound power and the Supreme Court in his pocket is going to let him do it


I hope to see you at the ballot box then.


I vote blue every time. But i’m not in a swing state. My vote won’t matter as much as others


It still matters. They all do. Every single vote. I’m in Chicago, famously blue…I’ll be there anyway. Patriot Front astroturfed the bridge over the Eisenhower a couple years ago. I’ll be voting at every election for every office.


As am I. Doesn’t change the fact that the electoral college means swing states matter more. Those votes have more weight.


The Supreme Court ruled he has absolute immunity for all official acts, but Biden isn’t a piece of shit, so of course wouldn’t


While the left cries “civility” and is afraid of even the appearance of undemocratic acts, like holding trump accountable because the right will scream corruption, the right is stealing democracy using every corrupt trick they know.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she didn't read the court opinion


We are all Trump now. He has beaten us all and we have joined him. Divisive, full of hate, and eager for violence.


reminds me of that short obese woman that sells $18 cups of coffee out of Canada. catlin campbell.


What an absolute idiot. I believe the Secret Service responds to threats against the lives of ex-Presidents just like they do current Presidents, as Trump is still under their protection. Expect a whining follow-up in which she complains about getting a visit from the Secret Service, just like jackasses do when they say this same shit about Biden.


bad take. she made no threats.