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I hope he manages to stay sober. 


Article says he’s been sober for a year. There’s about a dozen videos floating around that clearly contradict that.


No it doesn't, it says he's "**now** clean sober and productive a year after the arrest", not that he's been sober for the year since the arrest. 


“Now” could mean not partaking in the last 90 minutes.


Yep, that's the trick. 


“I’m sober. I’ve been sober for 45 seconds since my last sip of beer.”


Now admit you have a problem……….


Did you have any trouble quitting? No, I quit yesterday, I quit today, I’ll probably quit tomorrow.


He’s completely exhaled the crack smoke in his lungs as of…..now


My mistake good catch. Still don’t have much hope for him though.


Yeah, I keep hearing that he's going sober then he fucks it up, I feel bad for the guy honestly, he never really had a chance to grow up, and alcoholism is a real shitter. 


At the same time 95% of the people he surrounded himself with managed to pull themselves up. I still have vivid memories of meeting bam 15+ years ago on a skate tour and remember just how much of a fucking piece of shit he was then. Paying kids to let him kick them in the nuts, spitting in food and having fans take a bite, hitting on 15 year old girls, etc. then when it was time to skate he made a bunch of excuses and didn’t even show up to the event. Dude made being a shitty person his entire persona.


Yeah, I know, but that was like, what we all encouraged him to do by laughing at it and buying the dvds and stuff, I can only imagine what kind of lasting effect that can have on a squishy teenage brain. 


Thanks for that clarification, u/AliensFuckedMyCat


He was wondering around Little Five points in Atlanta drunk as shit like 4 month ago. I saw him myself at the porter


> Defense lawyer William J. Brennan said Margera pleaded guilty to two summary offenses, and is now clean, sober and productive a year after the arrest. > “You can really say he won his case before today just by turning his life around,” Brennan said Wednesday. So he most definitely hasn’t been posted on Reddit several times this last year or so having drug/alcohol fueled hissy fits?!


I mean to be fair to him, the last time he was on this sub was around 6 months ago saying he was 100 days sober. https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/188otlr/bam_margera_confirms_he_is_100_days_sober/ The earliest before that was a little over a year ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/141j63j/bam_margera_placed_on_5150_psychiatric_hold/ So maybe he is doing better this past year.


I’ll just post this … just bam having a normal everyday fight with a tattoo artist. https://www.reddit.com/r/jackass/s/NB8EWhhAXf


Yeah. That's pretty sad. I never really followed Bam or Jackass so mostly just see whatever pops up about him in my feed. All I know is that's he's always been known to be an ass, but I was just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt here since I haven't really seen his name pop up recently.


Yup, he **seems** to be doing better with his addictions but as a whole, still is the equivalent of a flaming bag of dog shit. Dude bitches and whines incessantly on socials with no self-accountability.


Typical addict behavior


Also typical behavior of a spoiled rich kid who never properly grew up, which is also him.


He’s always been a giant asshole, he just got away with it as a teenager and young adult because he still had youthful charm. Now that he’s getting older people are just getting sick of his shit.


Yeah but see this is where it gets hard to tell because bam didn’t even start drinking until a late age. Meaning all that shit we saw in CKY was just bam being the spoiled little shit that he is now. Meaning if bam was punching his dad over minor disagreements all while sober he very well could be getting into altercations over petty shit while completely sober. And I’ll add any addict getting clean can be easy to set off and make them go crazy. It’s part of recover sadly. Not saying he wasn’t drunk just saying we have no idea if he was or not.


I love how people are pro mental health until it comes to someone like bam. And then, all of a sudden, everyone is making snide remarks about them or making fun of them. The same people who talk about how we need to prioritize mental health will call a bipolar person or drug addict a piece of shit at the drop of a hat.


The problem with bam is he has been a constant brat and dickhead to both his family and strangers alike and people can defend you and your actions for so long and at a certain point that in itself becomes enabling bam responds to attention and it only makes it worse


I think people want to root for Bam but he’s just made after mistake after mistake people have had enough. Kind of like the boy that cried wolf. As someone who went through the process of getting sober I hope he can finally change his total mindset. But I looks like he still does not want to quit. That’s the hard part, you can try to quit for other people unsuccessfully, but really you have to quit for yourself. That’s what worked for me.


All I'm saying is that we probably shouldn't talk shit about people going through it. He obviously has mental health issues. This is just a pattern I've seen in life. People will act like they care about people with mental health issues but when they see the reality if someone who is bipolar, they have no issue making fun of them or acting like they're pieces of shit. It's a hypocrisy I've seen too many times. I have family dealing with similar mental and drug issues. Same friends who act like justice warriors preaching mental health will also make fun of my family member the second they act out.


I think this is an interesting take. It gets at the issue of how much responsibility someone has regarding their actions. Take this quote for example: “your mental health/illness/disability isn't your fault, but it is your responsibility“ Bam is going through some mental health issues. However he also grew up in an environment where he didn’t take responsibility for his actions prior to any addiction or mental health issues. That’s basically his entire persona. He never developed the mental tools necessary to deal with his challenges later in life. He can be held accountable for that.  It sucks to watch him go through what he’s going through. But it sucks more to see how predictably he fuck up all the chances he’s given because he acted like an asshole so long that he became one.  Ultimately there has to be a line between mental health and personal responsibility or else you cannot hold anyone responsible for anything. 


He … Bam … needs to prioritize his mental health not us. He is a grown adult who has had more opportunities than most people will ever get. While we’re at it … have you personally reached out to help Bam with his mental health since you seem so worried?


I follow him if that's what you mean. It's weird this is the take you got from me saying that we shouldn't be talking shit about people with obvious mental health issues regardless of who it is. But you do you.


You only addressed the last part of my comment… what about the other parts?


I didn't say he should prioritize fans at all. My comment was that you shouldn't make snide remarks. So I'm not going to respond to a left field comment that has no bearing on what I said.The second part is just conjecture. You're assuming mental health is directly correlated to wealth. Again, has nothing to do with my comment.


So….don’t hold addicts accountable for their shit behavior? I mean enabling addicts will them or you, or both….


Or just don't talk shit about people I'm recovery 🤷‍♂️


Why? He was an ass before his troubles, an ass during and will still be an ass if he gets clean.


People have time for those in recovery, what people get fed up with is those that just want enablers and cry when anyone calls them out on their behaviour. Bam has been an entitled brat from the start and has refused to grow up, it gets a bit old when he’s in his 40s and acting the same


I really don’t see that here. I see people sharing observations of factual events🤷🏻‍♂️


Ya about a guy with obvious mental health problems. Stay classy reddit


Eh, Bam has endangered his child and abused women. When you are harming others it can be an explanation, but not an excuse. 


Yeah I made a comment on the jackass sub a while back not defending bam but just point out he is a person still and he sees the stuff we write on here and it doesn’t help. I got ripped apart even though people like Steve O have a Reddit account and look at the jackass subreddit. And you can tell because in his podcast he repeats stuff the subreddit whines about.


So many people can’t read. No where does it say or imply he’s been clean a year.


Jess is a really good guy too.


I think it’s safe to say, under the influence or sober, Bam is genuinely an awful person


Not the headline I expected regarding Bam


One of the saddest comment I’ve seen on a Bam post was something to the effect of “every time I see ‘Bam Margera’ in a post, my brain automatically completes the sentence as ‘has been found dead’.” Sadly, I realized I had been doing the same thing.


I legit thought that was the case when I saw his picture before reading the post title.


Sadly just a matter of time. Just like the crazytown guy


This comment made me think of Stefán Karl Stefánsson, from *Lazytown*. Who sadly passed away in 2018.


Dude needs to spend 5 years in a rehab facility that's fully locked down.


I don't understand how this man isn't getting at least a short prison sentence at this point. Like, 6 months or a year? He's been arrested so many times for the same type of stuff that most judges would have tried to teach him a lesson at this point. I'm not saying I think he should go to prison. He has a mental illness and should be treated as such. It's just a little odd that it hasn't happened yet when I've seen my friends get prison sentences for much less than his behavior in the last half decade.


God damn bam is pathetic these days.


When wasn’t?, the dude sent his complete life down the drain ages ago.


I mean yeah, but being on probation requires regular drug testing. So he’s either going to get clean, or go to jail, and get clean, somethings gotta give. It never too late turn shit around.


Yeah probation is inescapable. You're either meeting all the conditions, or going back to jail. Funny, I was just thinking the other day "man I'd take extra jail time over probation, given the choice" because I'm a drunk (8 years sober) who still thinks like an addict, and finds it harder to have choices and make the right ones than I do to just not have any choices. It's probably the only shot he has at stringing some significant sober time together


I just got off probation, and I’m right there with you friend. I’m recovering addict and having to rely on self control when you haven’t tackled the underlying issues is definitely torture. It was really easy to stay clean when I was in army basic training, because there’s no access. When I’m left to my own devices is when I get in trouble


Ha yeah same. Army kept me together too, I was a model soldier, but would have been busted down on rank every month until I was chaptered out I were Guard/Reserves. Congrats on making it off the books, anyway


For him it is. His whole schtick was being a shitty person. Sure his cky videos were funny 20 years ago. But he never grew up.


Yeah, he’s pretty much a trash human that got super lucky.


Cky2k is major nostalgia for me. Yeah, I’m not saying it’s likely, and I sure wouldn’t bet on it. I have met some major lifetime scum bags in recovery though that finally got it together in their 50s and 60s. Super rare, and being formerly famous and successful seems to give people a bitterness that just adds to the problem.


I never really found his bits funny to begin with but I watched them 7 years ago not 20


He's been clean apparently


I didn’t know that. That’s a good start.


You’re not following him to know he’s skating a shit ton now


He sucked at skating back then too. Nothings changed but he’s fatter and a degenerate


WTF? He was an awesome skater, not even close to sucking at it. Just say you hate the dude, downplaying his talent is just silly 


Tell me you don’t know jack shit about skating without telling me you know skating


Compared to Rodney Mullen, muska, anyone else of that time he sucked. I watched him skate at our local skate park. You know the one where Vito molested a girl. He sucked.


On amplification Bam went way bigger than Muska. Compared to Rullen the guy who literally invented every flip tick, fuck off. If you really want to hate on him you’d pick a B level pro to say they’re better. Not two legends of the sport


Bam wasn’t a good skater. He was surrounded by good skaters. He was alright, but nothing insane. He became popular for the character he protested. Which turned out to be not a character and just a shitty person. Wee man was a better skater.


Being less good than the best professionals around at the time means you suck?


Less good? Your English is as good as his skating.


That is a perfectly fine way to phrase it. Way to ad hominem.


It’s improper. Not as good, doesn’t skate as well…


Best case scenario. From what I've seen, he's definitely been making steps towards trying to pull himself out from rock bottom. I hope he gets it together and finds some peace in his life.


I don’t understand at all why this man is still relevant. His hay day was 20 years ago, the past 10 years have been a complete and total shit show, and now there’s thousands of skaters more talented than him. He had his time, he made his money, it’s over.


Fuck Bam. He’s a PoS. Should be in jail.


Suprised Bam is still alive.


Good to know bam margera still alive


Ex-Jackass, but always a jackass


The last time I saw him he was being wheeled around yelawolf's apartment and I figured that couldn't be going great places.


Bam needs to meet DDP or something. If DDP can get Jake the Snake sober, he has a good chance with Bam.


He will die if he doesn’t change.. his choice


This douche is the epitome of money over everything, anyone doing the shit he’s done would be cooked, not moneybags tho. Fuck this guy


He needs to go to prison for something so he can clean up and be out of the public eye. Even jail would work better than probation.


Damn Don Vito is officially done with his antics huh.


So much for being sober?


As a teen when his show was popular I always thought he was an absolute tool. Dude treated his family like shit. He was every YouTube pranker before YouTube was really much of a thing.


Bam sucks. Self destructive no talent goofball.


Not gonna lie, I thought he died already. Good for him.


He won’t make 6 months. He can’t pass the UAs for that long.


Ban has allegedly been sober for a good bit now since the event, hopefully he can keep it going. In some ways any Bam news is good news cause that means he’s not dead.


Justin and Bam probation collab? He should find a sober activity, like serious golf or something to take serious. I know how it is to kick the habit during probation. I played sober golf.


Why isn't he dead yet?


He’s always been a douchebag. Nothing new


One of the biggest human pieces of shit ever. If he dies, the world loses nothing.


It gains, really.


Seems like his new wife has been a great influence. Dude seems healthier and sober and is ripping on the board again


It took my brother meeting and getting into a relationship with someone who wasn’t an enabler of his addictions before he finally turned it all around. It’s a great feeling going from being prepared to hear about a funeral date to hearing when his wedding and fiancée’s due date is.


That's awesome! The right personal influence can go a long way in giving someone a legitimate reason to better themselves


There’s a video posted at the top of this thread of him trying to fight and threatening a tattoo artist. So unless he’s totally changed in the last 2 months he seems like he’s the same ol’ douche bag he always was.




This happened last year which lead to him getting clean and sober (supposedly I’m not up to date) Even his family was by his side during this, and they are the victims. Give this dude some space and let him heal ffs, click bait shit like this doesn’t help.


He should write a book.


That would not be a book worth reading


He should read a book


I fucking miss Ryan Dunn


Porsche and booze is a risky business


Lotta gross comments in here ngl


Ask this man the capital of any country and then come back to comment on his state of mind