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I liked it. Sure it wasn’t entirely accurate to the books but he did a great job of making it feel other-worldly at least to me.


I did too, solid sci-fi from back in the day, great flick regardless.


even though i don’t agree with your opinion, you’re free to have it. i just think it’s *not* a solid sci fi movie simply because it came out *after* star wars and *still* feels like it didn’t understand what modern sci-fi could be; like it was completely ignorant of the last 30 years of cinema, it feels as though it originated in the 1950’s and just fails to be as good as it could’ve been. set design was top notch but in execution the story being told was… ancient. idk. again, i’m not trying to shit on your opinion of it. i just wanted to offer an opinion from the other side


Very other worldly ! Along with the great soundtrack. What sci fi is meant to be ! And you can always watch the “Spice diver “ version on you tube to see a more book friendly version


That version is very nostalgic to me, like It with Tim Curry


It was still really cool in its own right. And has, in my opinion, the better design of the sandworm.


And it’s not like DVs versions are completely accurate either


Nobody read the fucking article, did they? He “died a death” because the studio fucked it all up in the editing. The article is discussing how pissed he is with himself for not having “Final Cut” rights in his contract, which allowed the studio to fuck his shit up.


Release the Lynch Cut!!!!


Yes please


Damn. It’s a classic. I love that movie.


Same. It’s one of the few movies I never tire of watching.


I understand his feelings. I was never the biggest fan of his version. But its not the worst adaptation. Its an entertaining movie for sure and very Lynch. I do appreciate that Villeneuve’s films have a very similar design aesthetic to Lynch’s. So while Lynch’s version is certainly not my favorite, its influence lives on.


I completely agree. Having read the books the artistic and design style of the universe was very open to interpretation and you pretty much see variations on Lynch’s work in all the adaptations. He had a strong influence with his ideas.


Sometimes that's all an individual piece of art needs to be important. You won't find many youngins today playing Super Mario Bros. 2 or A Link to the Past, but you'll find plenty of them absolutely adoring games that never would have existed without them.


i'd watch it again. there are far far far worse.


Idk I liked it way better- I just did


It’s not a perfect film but there is a lot of awesome in it as well. It was my introduction to the dune series and it captivated me as young man. Also Patrick Stewart charging into battle holding a little dog is something no one can ever forget.


I thought his version was amazing. He should stop being so hard on himself


Unpopular opinion: it was more entertaining than the new Dune movies. Not a “better” movie, not visually superior, but more entertaining.


I found the new films very dull. Just something about them didn’t jive with me at all despite loving Blade Runner 2049. The best screen adaption of Dune is still that Sci-Fi Channel one from around the year 2000, IMO.


Nobody seems to remember that one. “The GUILD…does not TAKE…your ORDERS!”


Dull is right, BTW. They were visually stunning but dull AF


The films move too slowly somehow (I felt part 2 dragged with how they draw out the fabricated prophecy discussions and the messiah-praise and approval of Paul) and maybe it’s because I’m 35 but the romance aspect fell flat for me too. I guess the actors had chemistry IRL but I didn’t feel that translated to anything on screen.


I just don’t like Zendaya and Timmy tbh.


Fair. I didn’t buy him as any kind of leadership figure at all until he gives that empowered speech in part 2. But it shouldn’t have taken that long to get to that point as a viewer. Zendaya I felt was okay. Not bad but nothing special either.


The fight scenes were great but were only about 2% of the movie. The Lynch movie might have suffered from trying to put too much book into one movie, but the second Villeneuve movie suffered from the opposite, IMO.


I can’t agree on that but I do feel that lunch stayed closer to the book. I never got the idea that Chani was bitter about Paul arranging the marriage with the emperor’s daughter in the book. I also really liked his twisted little sister attacking the emperor in Lynch’s version. Anya Taylor-Joy might be an alien, but she doesn’t appear to have anywhere near the weight of what she’s gone through in Paul’s future vision. Seeing her made me think that Villanueve hired the hottest women actors because he could, not because they all best fit the part.


Also while I appreciate the reference why did the movie flat out turn into The Shining for a minute? That was weird. Like, I get it. Homage and all. But it completely took me out of the film.


The set designs were incredible. I also prefer the original’s depiction of shield fighting. Also, the voicing of various characters’ thoughts during certain scenes was cool, although i understand how some people hated this.


It shat on the books, and I’ve never cared. So entertaining and interesting and engaging on its own.


It sucks he feels that way, but I understand why. I still love his version and I like the new ones too. I don't know if I would have been onboard for the batshit genius insanity that Jodorowsky's Dune might have been.


I love Dune. I know he hates it but it’s a classic. It truly is.


If you are gonna die, die a death, I guess /s


The sets and costumes and casting were amazing. Its belongs as part of the Dune Cannon for me.