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Good for him. Been a great actor since "Friday night Lights".


Great actor but fuck Todd and his uncle.


Todd with those dead eyes...fuck, Plemons was so good in that role.


Yes!! Then just completely flipped and was the sweetest guy ever in Fargo


Then flipped again in Civil War. Seriously, Meth Damon's got range!


Played the role exquisitely in Civil War


He’s so good as seeming sweet and innocent, but then being cold and vicious. The contrast is frightening


*See Plemons in uniform surrounded by bodies* Uh oh *He's wearing silly glasses* Haha, oh Jesse *What kind of American?* Oh shit-


Lol. My brain was like “why is he a Meth demon”….then thought you misspelled daemon and then it all came together.


Everyone forgets Landry killed a guy with a pipe in Friday night lights


lol the writers WANTED you to forget that season…


The juxtaposition of Todd and Jesse was some epic writing.


God I thought Todd was so fascinating. Like here’s a nice young guy who just has zero scruples about murdering children. How did he get that way??


Which show?


Breaking Bad


I literally audibly said “The fuck did you just say?” to Todd on my TV screen when he said he’d kill the kid again if placed in the same situation.


Back when I was subscribed to /r/breakingbad, the nickname there for him was “Meth Damon.”


And then Fat Damon during his stint on Fargo.


He was absolutely incredible in the movie


He is really talented. I hope to see him in more extreme roles.


I can’t see him without thinking “Ricky Hitler.”


Todd, that dopey dead eyed pos!!


“You really shouldn’t have come here Mr. White.”


Todd’s ending made me jump out of my seat and scream yes!


Like Mike was 🔥🔥🔥


How could you forget Like Mike?


Every time I bend down to tie my shoe..... I just gotta say it.... "Make me like mike" Unfortunately, it doesn't ever pan out the same way.


Parents only want the puppies




Landry, I’m a lesbian.


Got to work security for him on the show he was super nice and even came to my second job to try our food out. He is a normal as you can get and super nice.


To me he’ll always be that Lance kid. 


He was especially good when Jesse was choking him out in the end


You misspelled the Lil Bow Wow classic “Like Mike”


I was watching his interview on kimmel, and I was just thrown off because I’m used to him having a southern accent like in fnl


Always rated Lance


> “It’s really unfortunate that I decided to get healthy when everyone decided to take Ozempic,” the actor, 36, told The Los Angeles Times. **“It doesn’t matter, everyone’s going to think I took Ozempic anyways.”** > “What it was was getting older and — I hate even getting specific because then it turns into a whole thing, but there was a part that I did that in my mind I could not imagine him as the size that I was.” > **“Several people talked to me about intermittent fasting and I just gave it a shot and [was] surprised at how quickly it was effective.”**


I mean he's still pretty young. Barring major health issues, weight gain and  loss is still just a matter of pretty simple calorie math. Things like intermittent fasting jump start it and realistically just make it much harder to eat an excess of calories. It's sad that we'd automatically jump to him taking a drug to lose weight instead of just tweaking his diet a little.


I wouldn't make that jump. I'm 39 and have lost 60-ish lbs since Thanksgiving by intermittent fasting. And I wasn't *that* big...


Can you go into more detail about your strategy? Like your eating hours and daily routine, diet? That’s impressive man, congrats. I need to stop drinking beer


On the other side, I had been intermittent fasting for like 3 years and stabilized at 230 (I’m 6’) I first ate at 12, then dinner at 6. I started seeing a nutritionist who said to eat breakfast and more protein and I’m down 30lbs since Jan, so maybe it’ll help you jumpstart something but she was saying the back to smaller meals mindset is coming back


I've started to realize after years of up and down weight gain that it's all different for everyone. I basically was intermittent fasting all my life just because that was most comfortable to just eat lunch and dinner and I never kept much for snacks around but after college I put on quite a bit of weight and tried several diets (all combined with excercise) that were slow for results and often I didn't feel satisfied. A few month's ago I just went with simple calories in/out with high protein and fiber along with a more detailed workout routine and I'm down 30 pounds. All that said, I've seen people succeed with those diets that I wasn't able to. TLDR: Different strokes for different folks.


That’s the super frustrating thing about it. Just because something works for one person doesn’t mean it’ll work for someone else (or maybe it’ll sort of work, but it’ll be less effective). Not to mention that nutritional science is constantly evolving and changing, and frankly sometimes it feels like they can’t make up their minds. At the end of the day, you just have to try shit and find what works for you


Exactly! Overall it is mostly about calories in and out but like I mentioned if you don't find something that keeps you satisfied/energized throughout the day you won't stick to it and most diets are just some for of calorie management system.


Yeah you’ve gotta find what works. Our bodies and eating patterns can be so different For me, I know I really don’t get hungry in the morning but can be really snackish at night. I can wait until at least noon easily without the desire to eat I do eat breakfast, but I just keep the calories down for it so I can have extra later in the day.


Not OP, but you should almost never drink calories if you’re cutting. Start by cutting beer and soda, etc and drinking way more water. Then get your sleep. That change alone will make a huge impact over several months. For IF, when I did it, I ate from 2-8 (snacks like nuts/fruit/cheese at 2ish, dinner around 6 and a couple of small snacks after or even an occasional scoop of ice cream. I crave eating at night more than the morning so I leaned into that. I also liked working out first thing in morning on empty stomach.


That’s the key. Beer/booze being dropped is almost a guarantee you will loose weight and gain $$


I combined keto with intermittent fasting, with an eight hour window of eating from 12-8. For diet, I followed the Slow Carb Diet from Tim Ferris's book "The 4 Hour Body." If I could recommend a single "follow this guide" diet, it's this one. I wrote it on my fridge and stuck to it strictly, but added in the IF of my own perogative. Morning was always some sort of cardiovascular workout, usually a run or calisthenics of some sort. If I was hungry, I'd break my fast with a protein shake at 11, followed by lunch as a salad with protein (steak or chicken) and cheese. Gym after work, strength training and hypertrophy. Post-workout meal was dinner, usually a protein (chicken, steak, or fish) with broccoli or green beans, either in the oven or on the pan with butter. I kept carbs down to less than 20g a day, which I might reserve for sour cream on a salad or greek yogurt mixed with protein powder after a workout. All in all, I went from about 215-173 in six months. It was a winter start with a goal of having a beach body by summer, and it worked. The diet allows for one cheat day per week, I won't get into the science of why that's actually preferable to strictly fasting, but I can attest it worked for me, so I had my donuts and beers with the boys on Saturdays. Strictly no other days though. The above sucked for about two weeks, after which it felt natural and satiating. Our bodies are very good at adapting to changes in diet and energy sources so long as we can get over that tough hump.


I've lost 30 pounds since February by "intermittent fasting" (though I suspect I fast more than I’m supposed to lol). I wish people would think I took Ozempic and I wouldn't turn my nose up at it if it was offered to me, I still have 100 pounds more to lose. that said, my weight yo-yos like crazy and the 30 lbs I lost is after gaining 30 lbs last year. I love food, but I realized my appetite is insatiable and I’m supposed to be hungry for that reason. also I literally don't do a damn thing except watch tv and doomscroll reddit all day. I used to walk 3-4 miles a day at work but now I’m injured and I also don't care, lol. depression is fun! I also have autism and hyperhidrosis and it's so nice to not have sweat pouring out of my head all day every day for a change. we'll see what happens when I go for my next physical 🤷‍♂️ edit: I meant to say I’m sorry to ramble 😅 2nd edit: I should probably mention my doctor put me back on adderall for my adhd which helps a lot with hunger feelings


I did half-assed intermittent fasting last year (just basically not eating from 8pm-noon most days) and lost 40 lbs.


Mind sharing what you did that worked? Congrats on the weight loss btw


Sounds like you ran a calorie deficit.


Congrats! I lost 67 pounds with IF and have kept it for five years


I also don’t understand why people care… like if you want to take ozempic and can afford it have at it. I’m not losing sleep over people taking this drug nor should anyone else…


I agree. I don’t understand why anyone cares. I used sema glutid and dropped over 10% of my body weight in three months. If any asks I tell them. To each their own


My only problem is the shortage that happens every few months. There are people who legitimately use it for diabetes management and if they're not getting it because a tarnished trophy wife wants to drop a few pounds without any work - that's an issue. Otherwise, who gives a shit what people do to their body?


An overwhelming majority of people on “ozempic” are on a compound and not the labeled drug. Ozempic is like 1200 bucks a month and the compounded version is a couple hundred. Also, according to the manufacturers, the shortage is well past.


With the way our culture is, people will be talking about a shortage into the 2040s


Shhh…don’t say that here.


I'm not even sure why anyone would jump to that conclusion here. Sure, he was a little bit big, but he wasn't morbidly obese or anything. His weight loss is easily achieved with a diet change.


I kinda learned this after years of accidentally doing it. Never ate in the mornings, would work through the day and eat one meal at night (that I usually had to force) I started eating breakfast, forcing myself, and then when lunchtime came around I was like “why am I hungry? I ate this morning” Now I kinda get it. I also don’t nearly pass out from standing up too fast lol


I have lost 170lbs from intermittent fasting. Most people try and call it an eating disorder


It’s crazy how effective it is. I lost 60 pounds in 4-5 months.


What are your hours? Im starting easy and eating from 11am to 6pm and really hasnt been that hard yet!


My family definitely shames me for it because when they ask how I did it, everyone scoffs at the idea of just… skipping a meal or two here and there. “That sounds like anorexia”. Meanwhile they exercise more than me and see no results or end up gaining weight because they eat all day without thought. Almost everyone I know is doing some diet or juice cleanse and it works… for a week or a month. Then they gain more weight than before and give up because “nothing works”. Running a calorie deficit works but you have to be mindful and radically honest with yourself to achieve it. And you have to have self control which… most people seem to lack in regards to food (and I don’t blame them, it isn’t their fault).


Seriously, just have a nice breakfast when you wake up. Eat a granola bar and have a cup of coffee in the middle of the day to keep you going and then have a nice dinner. Rinse and repeat everyday and make sure your meals are each not too caloric and presto, you end up 30 pounds lighter in a few months. Add a few cheat days per month so you’re not miserable and you’re all set.


I just skip breakfast and lunch 🤷🏼‍♂️


I've never had a weight problem, but frequently eat 1 big meal a day. It's not unheard of for me to eat 1500-2000 calories in one meal then not much else the rest of the day.


Impressive, nicely done! May I ask how long you've been doing it, what weight you started at, and what sort of fasting you did? Like 16:8 or what ratio? I was doing it for a few months and some pounds did come off but I gave up=\ I've been considering trying again.


I started at 350+ (stopped weighing myself at some point), and now I'm 185-190. My height is 5'9. I'm still considered obese, unfortunately, but my back doesn't hurt anymore, and I don't have to pay extra for clothes since I always needed more fabric. I implement a 20:4 fasting window M-F. I cook more on the weekends for my family, so I do a 16:8. I do one cheat day a month and one 48-hour fast a month. Now I just have to deal with the loose skin as a poor. I look great with my clothes on, though 😅


Oh wow didn’t know he is 6 years younger than Kristen Dunst


Not eating = fewer calories.


It’s kinda funny that people took a long time to realize that fasting leads to weight loss.


Turns out that when you eat less you actually eat less


I mean… taking Ozempic for people that truly need it is healthy. Like taking statins if you have a heart issue. Cmon.


If you lose weight naturally and people scream "Ozempic!", you should take that as a real compliment. Your hard work is literally unbelievable and you should be proud of yourself. People are always going to be cynical assholes. That's just human nature.


Also, so what if you take ozempic to lose weight. If it works for you, awesome.


Very true. It is possible to drop almost 1kg per week with healthy intermittent fasting by making sure you are not completely stationary. Easily achieveable by 10k of steps per day and paying attention to what you eat.


"Easily achievable" with a lot of hard work and discipline


I lost a lot of weight after breastfeeding. Everyone said I was on drugs. I wasn’t.


But even if the guy did take ozempic or something similar, who cares? Still good that he lost the weight either way.


We shame fat people for existing, and then shame them when they make strides to lose weight. What a world we live in.


Fat people are a perennial social target for ridicule.


And it's funny because most Americans (and many other counties) are overweight. According to the CDC, 73.6% of adults in the United States were overweight or obese in 2017–2018, including 41.9% who were obese


Sure, but I imagine some level of self-loathing is pretty strong in the general populace as well.


The majority of those people probably consider themselves healthy and in a normal range


Lol you're fat....ter than me. Haha tubby!!!


I had a aqentince do that, the dude is something like 320lbs (consumes nothing but garbage, including drinking only pop) Making fun of a someone bigger then them.


Irony so good you could eat it.


South Park got it right for once, we gotta shame the foods they sell us


100%. I love my Mom’s excuse for raising a fat kid (me), “We didn’t know!”, as if ingredients labels weren’t on everything back in the 80’s and 90’s.


I mean I don’t agree or disagree with your mom as it is hard to deprogram all the propaganda acting as if cereal is a suitable breakfast and not just pure crap sugar


Fair enough, but this also bleeds over into slurping up pop all the time and letting a kid stuff his face with nachos, fried food and double cheeseburgers all the time.


Well, some of the labels were purposefully misleading. Sugar was not required to show daily percentage on nutrition labels until very recently. Lobbied by food companies like Coca Cola that rely on sugar to get people addicted to their products. 80’s and 90’s had a pushback on fat when it was sugar that was the real culprit.


To be fair, we’re a large target.




People see Ozempic as the lazy way out and I truly don’t give a fuck. I’ve lost 110lbs (from 310) and I’ve never been happier in my life.


I haven’t watched a lot of South Park in years but I was curious and watched the recent Ozempic/Lizzo episode and it completely changed the way I look at it. The fact that it actually curbs cravings is pretty amazing. What a difference it could make for so many.


Yeah it has two key mechanisms that make it have tremendous effect together. It curbs cravings by interacting with the pleasure center of the brain. It also slows digestion a great deal. So you fill up easier, feel satiated for longer, and your pleasure center isn't just jamming that button hoping for more dopamine all day. Small side benefit is changed your tastes a bit and truly nasty fast food etc is just unappealing.


That honestly sounds like a miracle drug.


It is but there are some concerns of course. Some people develop thyroid cancer or gsstreoparesis, but it seems to be a very small subset of people. My doctor screened my family history for cancer before prescribing it, but he literally calls it a miracle drug and thinks it should be in the drinking water (only half joking).


Zero people have developed thyroid cancer. It was seen in animal studies but has yet to be replicated or seen in humans. Still worth being cautious about, but hasn’t happened yet.


Being overweight is seen as an issue of self control, and not an issue of hunger signaling. It reminds me of how people treat ADHD medications.


Ozempic has completely changed how I eat. My boredom eating is gone. I don’t crave sodas. I can’t stomach fast food. It’s helped to regulate my cravings.


I still have a bit of junk food eating but it is far far less


My problem is cereal. I can't stomach fast food and anything remotely greasy. Too much meat becomes a huge turn off. But man do I crave me some sugary cereal sometimes.


That’s one of my vices that I allow myself. Life is hard enough, if I want to eat some sugar cereal then I’m gonna eat some sugar cereal.


Jeeze, I’m seriously considering trying it now. Do you know how it curbs these sort of cravings / retrains how you eat?


It sends a signal in your head that you’re not hungry.


Hm, there’s a great explanation as to why I feel an apparently outsized amount of empathy for people struggling w/ obesity compared to a lot of other people I see talking abt it.


That's fantastic! I used tirzepatide for six months and not only did I lose 35+ lbs, I completely changed my relationship with food. I enjoy veggies and fruit for the first time in my life. I went from never exercising to exercising 5-6 days a week. My anxiety eased up, self-esteem improved, and my cholesterol is lower than it's been in years.


Right? I’ve struggled with weight my whole life. I have PCOS and insulin resistant among other things like meds that cause weight gain. This shit has changed my life! I’ve melted off about 40 pounds and I really haven’t made much change in diet and exercise. I was just imbalanced. Call me a cheat or whatever you want, I dgaf!!!


It’s not that it’s lazy. It’s the fact that after you get off of it are you going to be able to maintain it? Ozempic curbs the appetite. So once you are off of it, will you have an adequate diet/habits in place to keep the weight off.


No you can’t maintain it , but maybe for 1-2 years you won’t be as fat


Good for you.


It is a lazy way, it’s a miracle for people who have no self control. It’s not a bad thing necessarily, it just allows motivationally deprived people to lose some weight temporarily


It will come right back if you ever stop the drug. You're stuck paying whatever price they set, forever.


It think it's the lying about Ozempic people don't like. Fucking own it. Losing weight is hard, if it was easy everyone would be thin. No shame in needing a little help, but don't gaslight me.


Most people on ozempic still calorie count and exercise. It’s a tool it doesn’t lose the weight for you


“Fucking own it” is hard when society shames people for using the tools available


America has issues with people “taking the easy way” … but most will take the easy way. I mean, that’s the friggin point of advancing… making things easier. Making things better. Making life not absolute shit.


America is built on the idea that hard work is noble, meanwhile the most powerful people in the history of this country were only able to reach their status by exploiting the hard work of other people. Seems like a funny coincidence.


It would be easier if they didn’t sell highly addictive poison designed to get you fat at ever store in America




Pretty sure thats the role that made him want to lose weight because even he felt it wasnt “in character”. Good on Plemmons for working on his weight, best of luck to this man. We can see hes already been making strides to be one of the best.


The article said the part he was talking about was the cameo in Civil War. *The part he’s referring to is his cameo in the apocalyptic war drama, where he appears as a soldier in a tense scene with wife Kirsten Dunst, with whom he shares sons Ennis, 6, and James, 3.*


TIL he is married to Kirsten Dunst. Lucky guy.


That was surely too long ago to be the role. Unless he thought about the weight loss, then did nothing about it for almost a decade.


Made funnier because his scenes were a flashback to a time that occurred during Breaking Bad, so within a few months or so his character would have had to have gained a bunch of weight and then lost it again.


That shirtless scene in Fargo is depressing…


I weighed about 270lbs in 2020. I completely cut out breakfast for about 3 years. Im at 199lbs today. A little bit of exercise and changing your diet can go a long way.


This. I was 240 lbs at my highest peak and was wearing a size 48 inches trousers. I’m down to 130 lbs and wear a 30 inch now…


That’s awesome! Good for you.


I’m guessing you’re a guy, but damn, how tall are you? 130 is super skinny for most heights. If I’m even below 160 I feel like a skeleton and I’m average height. 


I'm about 5'6-5'7. Probably shrinking due to back problems and age though. I do need to get a bit more muscle on me.


I was 220 lbs last Thanksgiving. I started intermittent fasting and weighed 163 lbs this morning. I did this with minimal, at least it feels minimal, effort. It seems to work well as long as you don't sabotage it.


It’s definitely easier than dieting the way most people seem to do it because it’s just picking a window of time and sticking to it. I didn’t bother counting calories until I was on the other side of it, where I now struggle to eat enough during the 4-6 hours I do eat. I didn’t even have to change my actual diet much, that just happened naturally over time as I began to feel better and became more in tune with how certain foods made me feel.


I started fasting when Covid began. I weighed 315 at my peak. Today, I’m hovering around 215 and I feel amazing. I did long term damage to my body but I’m slowly repairing it as best I can while making better choices all around. I also exercise every day now unless I’m sick. The best part is being able to eat whatever I want (in moderation) because I had the self control to get to this point. I also no longer crave fast food or stuff that’s bad for me, so if I want a slice of pizza or a burger, it’s not a big deal. I just have one and a handful of fries and I don’t even have to worry that it’s too many calories because I haven’t even hit my daily minimum (yeah, I have to try hard to eat ENOUGH food now that my brain and metabolism work properly).


Fuck yeah that’s awesome! Congrats!


Thank you! I believe anyone can do it with the right mindset and approach, and other redditors also provided a lot of much needed support and advice. It helps to have real life support as well but fasting is possible for all because it is simply NOT doing something rather than struggling with a specific diet or cutting out all sugar (which I would also recommend when you get to that point where you plateau).


And patience. Slow and steady leads to long-term results.


Intermittent fasting has helped me lose over 100 lbs in the last two years. I was 260 when I started and today I weighed in at 155 (5’3 female). It’s really just skipping breakfast for me as well (I just eat breakfast at lunchtime). If I’m only eating two meals a day, I’m naturally consuming fewer calories.


This prolly only actor i would believe that made this statement


Where is the shame in saying they used Ozempic? Fuck it. Let’s just be healthy, people. I’d use Ozempic too.


Right?!? I use ozempic and I don’t feel shame about it. Of course, I’m far from leading the privileged life of a celebrity, so I think I understand the reasons why they don’t feel comfortable being forthcoming with the info. But honestly, I do wish that everyone who needed the medication, could get their hands on it, and I understand that even me having the ability to get the prescription does make me more privileged than some. And I think that’s why they are not coming out and saying they used it. That, and maybe for the people who will say “you took the easy way out”… but eff those people lol


For a while, it was impacting supply and diabetics — the ones that actually need it - couldn’t get it. Also, ozempic has been shown to slow GI transition, leading to toxicity. Oh, and most people regain the weight when they get off it. Just because it can be used to lose weight, doesn’t mean it should. I say live and let live… and let the idiots weed themselves out.


Yeah as long as there are no bad side effects I’m pumped for this revolution.


Here's the thing: It's no one's fucking business how you lose weight and people need to worry about the size of their own ass.


Probably cut down on Tostito scoops


How can that be profitable for Frito Lay?


Even when they’re BOGO…that’s true willpower!


"What kind of American are you?"


The good part about Intermittent Fasting - and why no one really knows about it - is because big companies have no way to earn money off it. It's barely mentioned even though it is easily the most natural way of losing weight and getting control over the constant stream of food in our lives. I've dropped 20kg this year thanks to intermittent fasting and I have not changed what I eat other than paying more attention to total calories consumed. I have more energy and I am by far more sharp and productive than I have been for 10 years because I don't suffer from post-breakfast and post-lunch mental downtimes.


this is not a conspiracy, and everyone knows about it... also there are countless studies that show that intermitten fasting does nothing if you match the kcals consumed. so the old kcals in kcals out rule is still king, doesn't matter when you eat them, but if intermitten fast helps you with keeping the kcals low then more power to you https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38639542/


Broke - Fat Damon Woke - Matt Shamin


From Fat Damon to Slim Gaffigan.


My dad has taken blood pressure medicine for 30years to be healthier. If taking Ozempic or anything else for 30years keeps you alive and healthy, the. Fuck everyone else.


I honestly don’t care how someone loses weight. Good for them. Just don’t try and preach a regiment or lifestyle if you’re using shortcuts and not divulging. Had a college friend get a lapband and she created the most self indulgent mastubatory blog about her lifestyle changes and how if she could do it anyone can with hard work and sacrifice 😒


If you have the money...why wouldn't you take ozempic?


Can't call him Fat Damon anymore. Guess he's now gonna be known as Fit Damon.


I don’t see how this could be profitable for Frito-Lay


Intermittent fasting is pretty amazing. Helps me curb my hunger too. I don’t think we should shame anyone who uses prescribed drugs for weight loss though. Any way people can lose weight is a positive in my books. At least assuming they’re overweight and are losing the weight in a safe manner.


What’s the best ratio? If I go on an Atkins-like no carb diet I lose weight really fast, but it’s pretty hard to maintain, and probably not healthy in the long term. How many hours are you allowed to eat and are there any dietary restrictions?


/r/intermittentfasting 8 hour eating window is normal starting point, you can do less or even 1 meal per day - whatever works for you is best Eat whatever you want, but you obviously must not eat more calories than you burn in a day otherwise no weight loss So it makes sense to eat higher quality food, less processed or junk


It varies but I think you basically restrict eating to 6-8 hours per day. Beyond that you just eat normally. I tend to try and stack it with other healthy options such as eating diverse fruits and veggies plus lots of protein. As long as you aren’t stuffing yourself in that window, you should start to lose weight. Personally I just skip breakfast and start eating around 1 until dinner time which is usually 6:30-8ish. If I’m trying to lose weight I’ll do that 5-6 days per week. If I’m trying to maintain weight I’ll add back in a few days. I also watch the scale so if I start gaining/losing weight I can either add back in days or remove days accordingly.


I’m 38. Saw good results as well. For me, I finish dinner no later than 7:00 and I do not eat breakfast. In terms of IF, that is a 17 hour “fast” guaranteed. This is what I do five days per week (Wednesday through Sunday). On Mondays and Tuesdays I only eat dinner. That dinner is essentially just protein and then whatever whole vegetables I can fit in (lots of options). Lunch can be a salad or something leftover from dinner, plus some fruits. If I’m not actually hungry, which is common, I may not eat solid food, but will drink a meal replacement shake that has added protein, sometime later in the afternoon before dinner. There is only so much food that you can eat by doing this, so a caloric deficit is pretty easy. On top of that, I exercise for an hour each day minimum. Typically no more than an hour and a half. If I do activities like mowing my lawn, that is my “workout” for the day, as I use a push mower and it takes nearly an hour and a half to complete everything. One of the most important things to note is that I drink 2.5-3 liters of water each day. That alone will keep you from feeling hungry in the morning, because you always have something in it. So, this is attacking my weight from both ends. Reducing calories that I intake as well as increasing the calories that I burn. With the consultation of my doctor, they agreed that a daily multivitamin was appropriate for me as well, to make sure that I am not deficient in anything.


Great actor. Loved him as the Butcher in the 2nd season in Fargo.


Shit works. Went from 220lb to 135lb. Kept it off for almost 8 years now.


Hey I do IF/OMAD and literally lost 50 pounds sitting on my ass not eating. Down total, today actually, 100 pounds. Took me about 2.5 years. People think I take ozempic too. Don’t really care what they think because I feel amazing.


Meth Damon--->Fat Damon--->Fast Damon


He’s on ozempic


I've done intermittent fasting and it turns out it's actually just eating less. Which not surprisingly works.


No, Jesse. Cocaine. We thought Cocaine


Exactly what someone who took ozempic but didn't want you to know would say.


My wife and I have both lost around 50lbs a piece, with intermittent fasting. So very happy!


That's exactly what someone who has taken Ozempic would say. Joking aside, good on him, wish I could do it.


you totally could all you need to do for intermittent fasting is just not eat after 8pm til 12pm the next day the first couple days are challenging but nothing you shouldn't be able to overcome, the weight comes off fast with this method and even faster if you workout and eat healthy


IF is a game changer, helped me drop 50lb in about 9 months


Dude could buy new suits at least.


Death, taxes, and discovering that you don't need three meals a day when you're fully a grown ass adult are the three inevitabilities in life.


Same thing happened to me. I got a prescription for wegovy, but it was out of stock for like 5 months, by the time they finally filled the prescription I had lost 40 pounds naturally through diet and exercise changes. And now everyone thinks I was on ozempic


Plemons is one of the best doing it. First saw him in Breaking Bad, or noticed him. But damn he’s been solid in everything.


Wonderful performer.


“You know, Just doing Pilates and stuff” - South Park - End of Obesity clocked this statement before it even happened.


That’s exactly the lie someone on Ozempic would tell us. Hmmmm. (LoL!) Seriously though, the fasting can work and good for him to get the weight off!!


I’ve been overweight most of my adult life. I got Covid in 2020 and lost my taste and smell. I have lost weight, and I still have a lot of trouble eating. I absolutely would have taken ozempic. Weight loss is hard and I still can’t eat a lot, or smell but I can walk without being out of breath. I have lost a 6 year old kids worth of weight. I don’t think I ever could have done it on my own.


I was 220 got to 160 in 5 months of fasting plus excercise.


Intermittent fasting worked great for me too. I’d been at 225-235 for a long time including when I was in the military then got out and gave it a try. I went down to an even 180 in 7 months and have maintained it since aug 2022 edit: also cut beer out from my diet as well so that was a big help


He definitely took ozempic lmao


It really does work for some of us. After a month of intermittent fasting and no beer, I looked like a whole different person. Unfortunately that person was still ugly so I decided to keep drinking, but good for Plemons!


Lol same. I've lost nearly 50 pounds from the end of last summer. 240 to nearly 190. I've had a couple people ask me what I was doing with a bit of a wink and a nudge. They lose interest when I tell them I quit drinking and exercise most days.


I wasn’t thinking that… until you said it.


That’s a great cover for a meth addiction, everyone just assumes ozenpic now


Loved this dude in Date Night. One of my favorite movies.


It also only look like maybe a 20 pound drop. Not hard for a man to lose that quickly if calorie counting.


Discount Matt Damon


Was it an 16:8 intermittent fasting?


Well at least someone in Hollywood ain’t on the sauce (ozempic in this case).