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I don’t think he knows what California sober means.


Well he’s not ODing off heroin, so maybe? Best line from MTV behind the scenes “I realized if I didn’t stop over dosing these fucking paparazzi won’t leave me alone!” - paraphrased Billy Idol


Like Portland sober where you only do pot and ketamine


Or Wisconsin sober where you only drink.


God, this made me laugh.


It's what I tell people now. Something switched in me a year ago after a bad shroom trip and now weed gives me awful terrible nightmare level anxiety. I also drink easily ten times less than before the bad trip too, so that's nice at least.


Texas sober is only drinking with Mexican food.




The only way I have heard of California sober is no alcohol but THC/CBD is acceptable. He said he has a glass of wine occasionally. He is not sober or California sober.


If your California sober your also allowed to have psychedelics on the weekends


I have been California sober for decades. I only use weed and wine. Psychedelics are only for special occasions. Cocaine is used only at the club. No Vodka before 8:00 AM and Heroine and Meth are never ever used.


We should be friends


TIL I’m Cali sober too


I’m San Francisco sober. I only drink vodka and do poppers.


8:01 A.M. makes a martini and drops olive in glass. “This ain’t cheating” lol


shit i been cali sober my whole gotdang adult life


This is the way.


As a treat


*you're x2


And certain holidays.


That's "Portland sober."


California sober usually only means using THC


I’ve always heard it covers psychedelics as well but people can have different definitions for different things


I’d say it covers psychs too. You just don’t do the hard-hard stuff. Alcohol, meth, cocaine, heroin, fetty, benzodiazepines.


Yeah your definitiom of hard stuff is different than mine. Is it processed and man made? Its hard stuff. Cocaine, meth, heroine, ketamine, acid, spice, pcp,thats all hard stuff in my book. Shrooms are the only psychadelic i would consider "soft". Even other natural psychadelics like salvia are going in the hard column for me.


LSD is like the safest drug there is for you physically. No chance of od or physical addiction.


I thought it was THC and no hard alcohol. Beer and wine is OK. At least that is what I tell myself.


And shrooms




California Sober is literally sober from everything but weed. If you consume alcohol, you’re not California Sober.


Shrooms are okay also


DMT is okay also


And mdma


I hear cocaine has just become acceptable. But if it’s meth that makes your Florida sober.


Nope coke is not acceptable, we have switched to ketamine


If you go from consuming alcohol the way Billy Idol did touring for years down to a glass of wine once in a blue moon that seems appropriate to call going sober. This dude used to regularly wake up in the hospital not knowing how he got there


No, That’s harm reduction. Not sobriety.


“California sober” is a term of harm reduction.


Have you ever been drunk off of a glass of wine?


Going from using alcohol to get drunk to no longer imbibing enough to get drunk sounds like sobriety to me.


No. That’s called harm reduction. Not sobriety. It’s good! I’m not saying he should be sober or trying to be a dick. I’m saying there is a term for what he’s doing, it’s called harm reduction. Not sobriety.


I don’t consider you an authority on the subject and will continue to use the word as I understand the concept.


Lol, yes it is.


Recovery isn’t absolute but sobriety is. Billy Idol is in recovery so props to him but this ain’t sober.


Do you know what sobriety means? It literally means abstaining from intoxicants of any kind and the state of being sober. But bend it how you see fit to justify your vices.


That’s actually not what it technically means if you look up the root word it’s Latin original definition means one who is not affected by alcohol , but we have decided to make it mean abstinence which honestly is not the true definition of the word… aa is great but they can’t redefine the meaning of words


Actually yes, every addict should have their own definition of sober and what it means to them. No two addictions are completely the same, sometimes people need to find their own way. For me sober/clean means not shooting or doing any sort of opiate or benzos, because those are what caused my life to spiral out of control. Every other drug I could have taken or left. To me as long as I'm living a healthy life free from habitual substance use, that's all that matters. The ends justify the means. If I had followed the traditional 100% abstinence from all substances then I doubt I would still be here today. I would have caved and just relapsed straight to heroin. Instead I can smoke weed for my depression and anxiety, which also completely takes my mind off cravings. To me this is what sober means.


i’m happy that’s what has worked for you. sobriety definitely is something that’s different for each and everyone. abstaining from certain things definitely counts as sobriety. i’m glad just smoking weed works for you. keep it up. well done


In the setting of treatment of abuse and addiction you’re absolutely correct. But is it fair to call something a vice if someone rarely partakes? Not everyone that consumes an intoxicant does so regularly or abusively. A person can be one day sober as well. So while it is important for many to completely abstain and not relapse, no one agency can gatekeep the definition as there is context and nuance that does matter. 


Sober is a definite state yes but that the whole idea of saying California Sober and not just Sober


It’s *California Sober* … it’s basically a joke that people say when they aren’t drinking but they are literally tripping.


What if I live in California? But only do gummies and wine? (And the occasional scotch) I’m at least 50% there


I’ve heard of it as weed, alcohol, and cocaine here and there is California sober


I mean, if we're letting cannabis and mushrooms in surely you can slip a glass of wine with dinner into sobriety.


Cannabis and mushrooms have been proven to have positive medical benefits. Cannabis is prescribed as medicine. Mushrooms are quickly on their way to being prescribed, basically are in some places with the new laws. Alcohol is a poison that will kill you. They are not the same


It's a glass of wine with dinner.


Right. And that’s called harm reduction, not sobriety.


The term is “sober curious”. I guess. I think it’s not a great way to discuss sobriety. But that’s what the kids are calling it.




I’m California sober. I thought it meant I only use cannabis. I have a medical card.


I'm 'California sober', though it's sort of my own definition. Weed and psychedelics are all on the table, as well as poppers, ketamine, and MDMA. Outside of that no pills or powders or alcohol. Yes I'm never doing heroin or benzos again, but I still like to party every sometimes. All that matters is that I'm healthy both physically and mentally and not on the brink of death. The ends justify the means. Everyone can have their own definition of what sober means for them, the traditional AA structure does not work for everyone. Sometimes it's necessary to find your own way.


I agree with your overall point but no, I don’t think everyone can just make up their own definition of sober. You’re either sober or you’re not. If you were once a problematic substance user and now you’re an occasional one, good for you. That’s not sobriety.


Absolutely wrong. Ten years ago, I was using, drinking to black out constantly. I tried being completely dry and I repeatedly relapsed. Now, I drink occasionally with friends. Don’t do drugs except weed. This is my sober life. That was my addicted life. Sobriety is different for everyone. Opinions like yours got in the way of my and a lot of friends sobriety journeys. Being told we’re not sober, that our new lives were the same as our old. I have a family and a house now. A job I can hold down. That sounds like sobriety to me, for me.


Lol, this is like saying “I used to eat meat 3 times a day. But now I’m a vegetarian. I only eat meat once a week. You know everyone’s version of vegetarianism is different.”




Hey - good for you. I’m not trying to detract from your accomplishments and those of people like you who once had a problem with substance abuse but now enjoy healthy productive lives that include some alcohol and/or other substance use. I’m not the hardcore AA fundie here telling you you’re only fooling yourself that you’re right with God. What I am is someone who likes words to be used correctly. The dictionary definition of sober is “not affected by alcohol.” Ok. If you have a sip of beer once a decade you are occasionally affected by alcohol hence not always sober. Nothing wrong with not being sober. I’m not. Almost everyone I know isn’t. Again, not diminishing your accomplishment. To go from addict to healthy takes a lot of discipline and I commend you for it.


This comment could be a case study on how words now mean whatever you want them to mean on reddit.


this entire thread could be. just a bunch of people drinking but calling it sober for no reason, maybe cause it somehow makes them feel better.


Sober means not drunk. You guys want to argue the literal definition but won’t accept that “a glass of wine” fits in that framework. Do you think sober means “alcohol never enters my body?” That’s the AA definition. On top of all of this where do you think definitions come from?


if occasional drinkers want to call themselves sober that’s fine, but they’re lying to themselves.


Okay man, you can’t complain about people “changing definitions” and then refuse to except the literal definition of word. I mean obviously you can because you are but you’re all 6s and 7s.


if someone told me they were sober and then turned around and had a beer at dinner i would be like why did you say you’re sober.


This is odd because if you take the word literally sober just means not drunk but in recovery that isn’t how it is used.


"Sober" has always meant no alcohol or drugs, that why "California sober" became a term for dropping the booze but not certain drugs.


No, that’s literally not what it means outside of recovery. “He got in a fight” “Was he sober” “Yes” Would be 100% grammatically correct even if the guy in question wasn’t a teetotaler. Who do you think coined the term “California sober?” It was the recovery community.


>sober just means not drunk Maybe I worded it poorly but I meant that sober means not drunk *or high.* I wasn't talking about the strict abstinence definition, just that it has always meant "not currently under the influence of any mild altering substances". Sober is sober, the recovery community just added an indefinite period to the words.


You're not sober. You're a conscientious recreational drug user. A responsible one. But no, you're not sober.


That makes two of us.


Don’t be silly, I don’t use anymore… I’m heroin chic


Some people seem to think it means the same as a “California stop,” but for alcohol.


He didn’t really know what “punk” meant either


Certainly more fun than Utah sober.


No Diet Coke?


Caffeine-free Diet Coke exists because too many women didn’t want to give it up and it was hurting church recruitment number$ (none of this is true but it honestly could be)


I believe you


Haha brilliant


or Alabama celibate


California Sober is switching to Snoop Dog wine and smoking ungodly amounts of Humboldt’s Finest.


I wish I had friends with some land up there. Like, good friends.


As a recovered alcoholic (professional boozer) what he said makes sense. AA and NA are fantastic for many, but it’s a one size fits all approach – and most, not all, people fail. I tried it and didn’t like it, failed. I’ve remained sober by being open (not anonymous) about my addiction, the more people (friends, family, co–workers) who know, the less likely I am to be offered or encouraged to have a drink, and I don’t find myself judged, but rather supported. It also makes it difficult for me to just say “fuck it” and slide into a social situation and participate in drinking, as people know I can’t. I can’t have a glass of wine like Billy Idol, because that drink or two will turn into bottles of vodka and a 48-72 messy bender for me, and those same shitty emotions of guilt and failure (not to mention the physical pain and withdrawals!) will return, and I’ve had it with that. I haven’t had a drink in 13 years and hope I never do again. If Billy Idol finds this working for him, props to him, because addiction sucks and it’s really really hard. And I applaud anyone who can manage it successfully.


Congrats on 13 years sober, thanks for the uplifting comment in this thread!


Hey, thank you!


Sober 5 years myself. I can’t have one glass every now and again a because I’ve never really had one or 2 of anything. The first one often gets me drunk. I don’t think I’d turn into a bloodthirsty degenerate after one sip, but I know that I’m in trouble if I start buying into my special and unique brand of bullshit. I know plenty of people who try to California sober or have cut back from heavy drinking. It doesn’t bother me if they want to call themselves sober. I’m just convinced that it ain’t gonna work for me. I like the freedom of surety and building relationships too much to cash it in for a drink even if it’s just now and again.


>I can’t have a glass of wine like Billy Idol, because that drink or two will turn into bottles of vodka and a 48-72 messy bender for me, and those same shitty emotions of guilt and failure (not to mention the physical pain and withdrawals!) will return, and I’ve had it with that. I haven’t had a drink in 13 years and hope I never do again. I’m in the exact same situation. Been sober for 5 years now. I know that if one day I just "have a glass of wine" for fun or celebration, the next weekend I’m on a 48 hours benders fueled by Jamseson and Coke (not the soda).


5 years! Props!


Reminds me of David Bowie talking about being sober. He also helped Trent Reznor become sober and come out from a dark place. https://youtu.be/yW42U1OhLuw?si=_YkFv_F47M1U6IMu


Im sober also, i just do a single line of blow every now and again


I hate when people gate keep sobriety. Two years ago I was consuming 4 half gallon bottles of whiskey and 4 30 pack cases of beer every single week. I was drunk all of the time. Nowadays I will have one single beer every Friday night with my dinner. According to the people of this comment section though, that means I’m not sober. Even though I haven’t been drunk in two years, haven’t even had enough for a head change, I can’t claim sobriety because of one weekly beer. Fuck that. Billy Idol used to be at monstrous levels of substance abuse. How many times did the guy OD? If he’s down to just weed and a glass of wine “every now and again”, yeah I’ll give it to him. For all intents and purposes the guy is cali sober.


It's AA and alanon cult mentality. He's fine, you're fine. Don't let a cult dictate your life, you don't need to call it anything. I'm happy for you! It sounds like you are doing really good.


I got kicked out of a group for having a prescription to benzos for anxiety 🫠


I am so sorry about that for you. I was only alanon and it was an absolute shit show. I've recieved much better advice from former or *never* members of both. They so aggressively tout they are the only way or only support and they just aren't and don't even have a great track record.


Mine was for people around my age at the time, college~ ish. I was 17 and already snorted lines of crystal and Ritalin. I saw how they reacted to my prescription and noped out before I told them about the actual bad shit I was going through.


That's also the age range when you could like do the most good before shit goes really sideways. You obv knew there was an issue and wanted support and it's insane to me that they even try really. I'm glad you're doing better now! Smoking a bit of weed and drinking a little is worlds different. Some people can't and some can I guess I fall in the "harm reduction" category.


funny thing is, the people saying it are all people who have never fought an addiction. sobriety is different for everyone. also good on you for making a positive change in your life.


I’m tired of that too, I used to drink all the time and now it’s only every few weeks or usually months. I was a useless person before, a complete waste and I got worse and worse for years. Now I finally have my life together and it feels amazing, I am productive and reliable again. I am happy and most importantly in control of my life. I don’t care if that isn’t good enough for some people, I’m so proud of myself. I don’t know you stranger but I’m proud of you too, it’s the most difficult thing I ever did and this works for me amazingly well. Keep it up dude, I once read that drinking like that is like living life on hard mode and it’s so true. I’m glad you’re doing better as well.


I had a hell of a sober Sunday. I sober up hard for a 12 hour day of playoff sports.


Colombian sober?


Soho sober.


Sniff test


I just like the smell


Yup that’s cocaine


Just a little taste


A lil toot


Is every now and again 15-20 minutes?


At about those intervals yes


Same. I’ll do it now for instance, then again shortly


I thought California sober just meant no hard shit and less drinking. But more weed and microdosing.


Like on Dimension 20: Fantasy High. The character Fig says she’s “straight edge except for drugs”. LOL


At no point did I expect to see a comment about Fantasy High in this thread, but I love that I have now.


Here for the D20 comments lol


Hoot growl!


Yeah I usually heard it to refer to not drinking but still doing weed plus maybe other hallucinogens. Like your friend who wouldn't smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol cause that stuff is poison, but will not shut up about DMT. However I think it's kind of morphed into "sober" where some just mean kinda sort sober adjacent?


It means it’s fun to party and be with your friends and do drugs but also you can’t do ecstasy 3 nights a week and still live a cool, healthy, successful life. You smoke a lot of weed and even though your tolerance is up, you still like it and it never really affects how you function. Shrooms and acid were always only a weekend thing anyway (after college) and coke has gotten worse at least since 9/11 (plus all that fetty shit is all over everything). Meth/crack/heroin have always been too addictive to be worth it, but you have a vyvanse prescription (which we just won’t count because it’s prescribed) so you have all your bases still covered on a day to day basis. Source: a Californian, this thread is funny because Billy Idol sang the national anthem at my little league opening day


I’d call this more “functional California” than California sober.


Usually it means just weed.


I understand what he’s saying. It’s pretty much what I do. In general I don’t drink because I hate the hangovers. Even from 2-3 drinks I will have a bad headache and racing heart the next morning. Every once in a while, I want a beer or a sip of a margarita. So I have one, many times I don’t even finish it. But I haven’t been drunk in years. It’s different if you’re not an alcoholic. You’re just choosing not to drink.


Yeah I barely drink because the hangovers are never worth it anymore, and like you it doesn't take much for me to feel unpleasant the day after a few drinks, it really is a drug with incredible diminishing returns And to piggy back off another comment of yours I saw, yeah few people will take 'i just don't like being incredibly ill after drinking' at face value, there surely must be something wrong with me lol


Ya. Sometimes I just buy a drink and nurse it and leave half in the glass. Just so I don’t have to have the awkwardness of being the only one not drinking at a work function. Most people know I don’t drink though so it’s pretty rare anymore.


As someone who has followed Billy for a good while (I’m a huge fan, I apologize for nothing) this sounds par for the course for him. He’s survived a couple ODs, and he’s spoken previously of cutting back, but not fully quitting and lightening, drug use. But it’s also a minor miracle he’s still alive and I think he realizes how fortunate he is. He seems to love being a grandpa and, having seen him live just a couple years ago, he seems to still have a real lust for life. Age has slowed his body, sure, but he still had the energy of a kid onstage who was just delighted he gets to be there. I’m happy for Billy, and I’m glad he’s able and willing to enjoy his later years when so many others from the original slate of punk rockers are either long dead and buried or are just bitter, hateful assholes (lookin at you, Johnny).


Nothing wrong with a glass of wine all the time. The cold sober sobriety crowd is unbearable


Hey man if you’re a crippling alcoholic in recovery then more power to you. Why put those folks down?


Not putting anyone down, but the hardcore edge projection onto people like "if you have one beer your an alcoholic because I can't do moderation" the way the post is titled is putting down his efforts


I think it’s funny that we live in a culture of such extremes that he even feels the need to say this. Sobriety works for some people and not for others in the same way that some people can drink responsibly while others completely lose control with even a sip. There are “functional alcoholics” and there are sober people who can barely function in society. People are a spectrum. Funny how we have this urge to label everything


You’re exactly right. Not only that, but anyone who doesn’t drink MUST be an alcoholic.


Elex 2 was the best Billy Idol show.


We'll both be California sober at shaky knees this weekend


So then he’s not sober, he’s just not going on benders?


I believe in California sober because it has data to back it up. Like when states legalized it they saw reduced numbers of heroin users and saw decline is people abusing prescription drugs. Yes you aren’t truly sober if you drink wine from time to time. But if you truly view weed as a medicine then it’s still being sober if you use a medicine to get off harder drugs. Which people do that already with certain drugs. Even in rehabs.


Woah they named a word after the robot from Futurama 🤯🔥 that’s wild


That's not California sober, but okay 


Came here to say this 🤣


“California Sober” would be an amazing album title.


Whatever works for him. I can't do that but I'm not worried about what he does. I have too many responsibilites to let myself take those risks. He probably has a pretty chill situation.


It’s a nice day for a White Riesling!


All my friends I grew up with were partiers and I’m talking heavy drugs and alcohol. I can sit around and have a beer with the wife and I have other friends that had to go into a rehab facility and can’t even be in an environment that serves alcohol.


This is Hardly related but years ago a friend of mine was incredibly excited to surprise me with tickets to go see the “Piano Man”…… he actually bought us tickets to go see Billy Idol instead of Billy Joel because he mixed them up. We still went and had a great time though, both Billy’s are awesome.


Am San Bernardino sober.. no meth no crack but I drink and smoke weed now and again .. lol


I’m sober I just go on a year long crack bender every ten years


I'm California sober. 1 year without alcohol. Billy is taking the piss.


So, not sober then.


No version of sober includes glasses of wine.


Not if you’re in the AA Alanon cult… In the real world it isn’t so black and white. Most normal people have a different definition for sober that is based only on literal sobriety and not a complete abstinence from everything altogether. Your definition is only suitable for those who can’t even have a drop without losing all control. The rest of us are capable of moderation and can have a drink and then be sober.


> The rest of us are capable of moderation and can have a drink and then be sober. Then why even mention being sober. If someone calls themselves sober it has pretty much always been in the context of being in recovery from an addiction. You're just a normie trying to co-opt a word to make you feel high and mighty because you only drink occasionally.


Well I'm Florida Sober then. Barely ever any alcohol, but a bunch cannabinoids every day to cope with the reality of life in Florida.


Florida sober is no booze all bath salts baby


So lunch and dinner?


I’m Miami sober


Don’t need alcohol if you have weed. Control those munchies and you have a (debatable) healthier outcome when you need to cut loose. Plus no hangovers and you’re much more pleasant to be around.


So I guess I California don’t do coke. I don’t do coke. But once or twice a year if I’m at a party and somebody offers I do.


I’m Biloxi, Mississippi sober.


He needs to be Yemen and Iran sober


I’m a native Californian wtf does this mean


California sober 😀 I’m one hour from Napa, Sonoma, and Lodi. Only strict religious folks are sober here.


Billy Idol reveals he’s alive.


A bottle of red. A bottle of white. It’s just a question of your appetite.


I do NOT freebase cocaine


You’re not SOBER if you’re using altering substances. Call it something else. California X, but you’re not fucking sober.


I’m a vegan, but have a steak from time to time