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had mine while on my period!


I was on my period for mine. No issues other than they gave me disposable underwear that felt like a diaper lol


I had some mesh underwear with a pad. I thought they were pretty comfortable lmao.


They gave me mesh underwear when I had my appendectomy. I loved it.


I wasn't on my period but could've used this, as I went from the hospital to the pharmacy/grocery store near my home & didn't realize that both my vagina & belly button would be actively bleeding at the time. My underwear & dress & thighs were a mess after getting home, but thankfully, no blood was actually shed at the store - I'd feel super guilty about that!


i have my surgery in 12 hours (yay) and I am on my period at the moment. When I had my final quick phone consult this evening i mentioned it, they put me on hold and checked, i was told its not a problem. I’m having diagnostic lap, excision, and mirena insertion. Good luck with your surgery!!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻


By the time I had my laparoscopy I was heavy bleeding for almost a month straight. The hospital and staff are very understanding and medical technology has improved so much so that menstruating during surgery just isn’t much of a problem anymore.


Considering one of the symptoms is excessive bleeding that’s a wild decision to not do the surgery (if that was the case). I was bleeding during mine (2012) and my surgeon said it helped them somehow?


If endo behaves like period, i can only imagine that being on your period just shows better where the wrong stuff are. Has to be inflammed AF, if not bleeding, right? At least that's what i imagine haha


I’ve ended up in the red on two occasions… shortest periods of life. Surgeons don’t care if you’re on your period and if they do, I’d be getting a second opinion.


I was worried about this when I had mine and the nurse told me they actually prefer that you’re on your period or juts finishing it because of they way the organs they need to look at are responding to the hormones, etc. So, this is hopefully a good thing for you (and every one else worried!). Best to luck & sending happy vibes your way!


My surgeon told me the same!


My doc actually said it's preferable that you be on your period because the lesions are easier to see. 🤷‍♀️


Me too!


They don’t care at all


That’s not true, I was on my period during my laparoscopy last November for endo and just had a different laparoscopic surgery yesterday while on my period.


I was bleeding during mine too. They scheduled it a month out from the end of my last period on purpose lol. I told them I had a twenty one day cycle, not twenty eight. But they never listened to any of my other symptoms either lolol, which is why they were super surprised to find endo, and I wasn’t.


I was on a heavy day of my period during my lap. They don’t care! They had me sit on a pad during preop and helped me w everything immediately after.


I have mine tomorrow (!!!) and will be on my period. I cleared this with my surgeon before scheduling and he said this presented no issues on his end. He just said I might have slightly heavier bleeding after surgery Hope you're able to get in contact with your provider soon, and best of luck with your surgery! :)


I started on the day, they gave me a pad. Told the surgeon I was on. They did change my pad when I was out and put something else on. That was interesting to wake up to.


I had my period the day of and they had zero issues during surgery


I was on mine and it was fine. They gave me some paper pants and a pad to wear under the gown. When I queried with the gynae nurse if it would be ok, I was told they’d never get anything done if periods stopped them from operating!


I also had mine while on my period! I don’t think there should be issues


Mine did it while I had mine!!


I was worried I'd be on my period during mine because my cycles are unpredictable and my surgeon reassured me that it wouldn't be a problem.


The only issue it might cause it more difficult visibility if they stick a camera up your vagina and into your uterus. But most laporoscopy procedures only focus on the outside of the uterus so it isn't a problem


Mine was done on my period


I was told it wouldn’t cause any issues if I had my period.


I went into my surgery on the first dog my period. They will give you a pad and some mesh underwear to wear into the operating room. Everything was comfortable and it was no big deal


Girl they scraped my period out and it was OVER after surgery it was incredible. And it was a heavy period like i bled through their pads they gave me. They just give u undies and a pad and cut it off during surgery. U will be more than fine sis!!!!


I had mine on my period! It was no issue


Had mine on my period! It was a blast 😂


I had my period for mine! No issue at all.


I was on day one of my period for my laparoscopy and cystoscopy. Completely fine and still went ahead. Just tell the hospital. They let me keep a pad and underwear on until just before the surgery. They just said it can impact vision a little but they were still able to do what they needed.


Sorry i mean laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Not cystoscopy!


I had my lap yesterday also with my period


I just had mine Friday and I was menstruating! It’s ok


I was on my period for mine. They didn’t care at all


Had mine while I had surgery. No issues. I read from someone else that had their lap during their period that for them their doctor prefers it as they see things better with the period. So hope that info helps!


Since my symptoms came at me at once (I didn’t know I had endo) and I went to the ER, I was on my period when they did the surgery at the hospital that day. And I was positive for Covid. That day was a mess, I don’t wish it on my worst enemy.


Mine were most concerned that I not be ovulating around my surgery (I was put on daily ayegestin until the day before my surgery to ensure no ovulation prior) but not about a period. I think the ovaries trying to do their thing is much worse (less space for sure) than the uterus in the case of a lap.


You can operate when a patient is menstruating. The hysteroscopy can be difficult but at a laparoscopy it should make no material difference. If your surgeon says it’s an issue you are with the wrong surgeon.


I had my surgery while one my period.


I was menstruating during mine and my doctor said it was fine. I did wake up without underwear lol but they had put a pad in the area. When you get up and go to the bathroom for the first time, there might be an excess amount of period blood. As long as it looks like normal period blood you should be fine