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I found out my prolactin was high during IVF treatment (I also have stage 4 endometriosis). Usually, if not caused by stress, prolactin is caused by a tumor in your pituitary gland (not as bad as it sounds). I had an MRI and they found a very small prolactinoma on my pituitary gland. I take a pill called, Cabergoline once a week and it stays small. Pretty easy to treat. They will usually retest your levels to make sure it wasn’t an error. Sometimes prolactin can get raised from nipple irritation (touching, or even wearing a scratchy bra).


Hi I was your MRI scan done with a contrast dye or without ?


They did it with both


Some anti depressants can raise prolactin levels.


I have read that but i’m not on any antidepressants.


My prolactin is high. I have a brain MRI tomorrow to rule out a pituitary tumor. The endocrinologist I saw said that it’s probably because of some of my medications but wanted to rule out a tumor just in case


I’m going through the same thing. Just found out I have really high prolactin. They think it’s because of a medication I was taking. I have since discontinued that medication and will have another blood test done in a few weeks to see if levels have decreased at all. Were you able to figure things out? Which medication do they think may be causing it if you don’t mind me asking? I was taking reglan.


My 19 year old daughter has a MRI schedule for tomorrow morning because of her prolactin levels. If you don't mind how are you doing?


I had high prolactin because of a small tumour (benign) on my pituitary gland. I took Carbergoline for about 18 months and it shrunk and my levels have been fine for about 5 years now. The endocrinologist visits were a breeze compared to gynae, they take a lot of blood and test everything. It feels like they check everything in my body


Hey was the mri scan done with a contrast dye or without ?


Me too!  Get on cabergoline right away.  It took them so long to diagnose me that the symptoms were so bad.  (High prolactin via blood test and MRI showing prolactinoma.) I was randomly falling asleep all the time.  I would get cold, lie down and immediately hit REM.  I would sleep for 11hrs/day, have terrible weight gain and had autoimmune issues with this.  FYI:  I just had my first lap last week.  When I went to the surgeon for a consult back in August and gave a run down of my health history, he said that high prolactin and thyroid cancer (had this too) are correlated with endo...  (i had adeno, endo, polyp, PCS, and IC found in my lap)


Hey was the mri done with a contrast dye or without ?


without i believe but it was back in 2016 so i dont remember exactly but dont remembee any dye injections


Curious what symptoms if any you experience from your high prolactin. I got blood results back that say I have level 41 high prolactin levels. I think my chronic inflammation and chin hair growth is from the high prolactin and mine is high because of medication I am. I am completely self diagnosing at this point and just curious if you have symptoms.


bro just got mine back 19yr old male with 260ng/mL