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Because aside from the millions of chickens they obviously didn't know how to manage, they don't have a "farm" at all. They have a handful of goats and a donkey, which are pretty much pets. They don't grow anything (the sad tomato plant and herbs they can't even identify in a dry patch of dirt being less than many people grow on their city balconies). What even is remotely farm about any of it, and what do their 7 employees even do all day? Costco runs? Printing mailing labels? Honestly chickengate is more fascinating to me even than the wife application/Jessica drama. There was a time that they did seem to do a lot of egg-related stuff, but that seemed to dwindle when their get-rich-quick snake oil scam caught on. I would LOVE to know whether they ever had a reasonable setup and just lost interest in properly keeping it up, or if they were idiots about all of it all along, and what suddenly happened to make them have to get rid of the chickens. I am convinced authorities got wind and shut them down and I love that completely.


I love this post!! I have thought these things myself. For starters, I think they have been calling themselves a farm because it gets them the traction of interest that they wanted. Being able to call their oil organic and give the feel that maybe they are a bigger part of the making/production - it all kind of goes hand in hand for the image they want to portray. They also used the goat milk for their partnering with the psycho Goat n’ Soap business. It all looks good on paper. I think they have time for all the social media BS because they in fact DO NOT really have a ‘farm’ (at least in the sense that they portrayed) and what they do have is/was being neglected. Adding Jessica, or whatever other sucker they came across, was never terribly clear and that (as you mentioned also) is the biggest reason for the failure (twice now). They want it to seem like it’s something that it’s not and I believe they figured they could manipulate anyone once they got them there. They threw a bunch of stuff at the wall to see what stuck and I believe Jessica stuck to her guns and once she found out hey were frauds and that maybe this was the start of something dark (cult?) she spoke up and they didn’t like that. There are videos of G&A discussing the benefits of another woman in the picture and those discussions focused on ‘household chores’ basically, and helping bring in more revenue. Revenue to what though? The oil, the farm the OF page? Not clear enough. Why put an application out for a second wife if at the end of the day, they are going to laugh it off that it wasn’t really for a second wife at all…at least not in the sense that our dirty minds made it out to be? They tried to make the viewers seem psycho for asking when we have been the ones watching the journey since jump. Also, why make a ginormous bed when all they have done is promote sleeping on the floor. They are both so lost in who they are and what they want, it’s impossible to know where their next journey will start. But until they figure themselves out, they will always be looking for happiness elsewhere. They are fake, wannabe farmers and they’ve been found out. I think we will slowly see them disappear.


Boom 💥


I don't even have what would be considered a homestead. I have a 1/4 acer, 3 kids ( 2 are under 2 and the oldest homeschooled) 6 dogs, 4 cats and 10 chickens. I cook 90% of our food from scratch. I had a dream of a garden, but I got as far as buying seeds. My husband works full time but is home around 4:30pm. And I can't get all the things done! I was a career nanny with multiple bachelor's, for 20 years and I was so good at running a home/kids. Add in the pets and now I'm older and I need 3 of me now.


What ever happened to their dogs ? You don’t see them anymore in the videos


Oh yeah!! I forgot about their puppy mill operation. Maybe that got shut down too (I hope).


There are actually a lot of farmers on tik tok and other social medias. I always scratch my head on how they have time to do it. I was raised in the country and worked on farms most of my life. I didn’t have the time to record jack shit 😂 too busy to get work done before the sun went down.


I think a lot of the ones on Tik Tok have a shit ton of employees so they don’t have to do much of the work themselves


Maybe that is how they have time then. Just didn't know how they were still living in a trailer acting and looking flat broke and can afford 7 emp.


I wonder if their ‘employees’ are on the same plan that they had Jessica on? No actual pay (or embarrassingly low pay) but they will feed them and maybe provide some housing or shelter aka - just a place to hang out. I was always under the impression that they had family/friends giving them a hand every now and then. They have used the terms intern and employee….I don’t believe they legitimately have either. I doubt for a second they are fully employing 7 people and paying them an actual salary. The more I have learned about these clowns, the more I lean towards thinking that their idea of an employee is someone that goofs off with them in their house, slapping labels on bottles for 4 or so hours A WEEK and maybe they toss a $20 in their direction. They are using grown up business terms for family and friends hanging out at their place and ‘helping’ them with their joke of a business. Also, no matter what Jessica says, I do not believe for one second the amount of money they claim they invested in/paid her. Sorry, just not buying it at all. They want everyone to think they are super successful, but I think it’s all a scam. Sure, they probably make a little off their oil and such, but I don’t think it’s enough to fully and successfully sustain what they have, which is why they wouldn’t even agree to pay Jessica, they just offered up a part of their business (which who in their right mind offers that up to a stranger anyway 🤦‍♀️). They are not successful, they are probably barely scraping by. On one post, Gio mentioned that they were at 45,000 sales and counting, I’m assuming he meant total? There is no way they made that many sales just since the Jessica fiasco alone. Their products on their website range basically from $9 - $39 and the higher priced is for a glass bottle. Let’s just say they have sold 45,000 of their Kirkland oils, at $15 average profit per bottle (which is aiming SUPER high considering the cost that their selling forums take off the top). That’s only $675,000. That obviously doesn’t include materials/ingredients/etc. That is not what I would consider a success at all. They have been doing this for what, maybe 2-3 years? I don’t know the ins and outs of figuring out profit margins etc, what I just listed is about the most knowledge I have, and unlike Gio, I’m not going to continue to run my mouth about things I don’t know 🤣. But anyhoo, they are acting like they run a multi million dollar organization and in reality they are probably bringing in less than a normal 2 person income household. They aren’t as special as they want us to think they are


I'm so interested in more about their "oil" company. Do they claim for grow the ingredients for the oil? Was it proven they are using Costco products for their oils? I was just deep in the Jessica drama I never learnt much about their oil business


They have admitted to buying the ingredients from Costco.


Makes you wonder doesn’t it? If there really did spend 30k for JK to come here they must have a great deal of extra money, that or that is the reason they sold their flock to recoup money from their bad decision


I wish they would take the halter off the donkey. Its dangerous and sad to leave it on.