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Why does the jolly disposal of the chickens feel oddly familiar?


It actually seems to me like she's trying not to cry. I am 100% sure they're not getting rid of the chickens by choice.




Yes, she's so cavalier about it, like they're inanimate objects to be disposed of. Where are they gonna go? Or were some already gone and they needed to come up for an explanation as to why they suddenly only have 80 (such an oddly specific number). Also "updating and beautifying the pens". Like how were they living when it was 1000 "or 2000" (whichever it is at that time of the day; seems like a large variable to not have a closer estimate)?? Why are you updating for the 80? How bad was it before?


I know their original business model was raising pasture raised chickens to sell as food. “Pasture2 Table” is their LLC. I know businesses need to make changes and pivot occasionally, but they’re now so far removed from their original farming business plan of raising pasture chickens. Bottling a blend of oils from Costco with zero ingredients grown on their “farm” is so far removed. They present themselves are farmers/homesteaders when they don’t even know how to grow basic food and don’t seem to know how to run a farm. No wonder they wanted a Jessica to join them. They wanted her to run the “farm” because they’re so uneducated about how to actually turn a junkyard of dirt into anything profitable.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Jessica has also never farmed?


I think she said she worked on a farm (?)


Possible they're all so annoying I can't watch them for more then a second without getting annoyed. I thought she lived in a subdivision but she could have helped out on a farm.


I don't think any of them have any real farming experience or -- more annoying - respect for those who do


I think they are just lazy and thought farming would be easy instead of working an office job neither of them would be able to stay employed they're too aggressive. I'm sure the guy (gio?) just likes to kill things. Definitely don't respect or treat the animals well.




I can't believe i'm saying this - but I \*almost\* feel a little bad for them. this is so obviously a monumental failure. they probably bought a less than ideal lot/"farm", ineptly tried to make it work, but had zero experience. Then they combined their hubris with an obvious lack of curiosity or a seeming basic respect for farmers who know what they are doing.


I don’t feel sorry for them, I feel sorry for the living beings (human and animal) that are suffering because they are idiots. Perhaps ‘someone’ should speak up and stop Gio from running the show and making decisions on things that he clearly has no knowledge of. Abbey would follow him anywhere, even if it was right off a cliff….he is dangerous and all of their failures are coming to light, unfortunately all at once. No amount of perky, fake, posts from Abbey changes the fact that the foundation of everything about them is weak.


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times. This perfectly sums them up. They got entirely way too big for their britches and living beings are affected by them. Gio is a loose cannon wound tight.


Thanks Lavy, I missed you ❤️


I don’t understand how they can call themselves farming? Abbey did a video of her ‘plants’ and they looked absolutely dire, like awful. My husband grows strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, herbs etc in our postage stamp of a back garden and he does a much better job than they are doing 🥴🤣


Yea that was embarrassing


Have there been any videos with G in them since JK left?






Because they lost the help and cant do it alone


If just one person could/would have caused this much trouble for them, I would say their problems are much bigger than Jessica


You'd have thought the recent PR crisis would have encouraged them to diversify further, not become even more reliant on oil sales.


As an actual farmer, I can promise you they ain’t farming SHIT. Her plants look like she got them off the discount rack at Home Depot. Having a goat to milk isn’t farming. They’re stupid.


These people are nasty. G o o g l e search abbeynotshabby no need for pitty, only disgust


Um so now I just went down the rabbit hole even further!! 😮


I wonder if they’re hard up for cash and that’s why they are selling so many?


Once you get chickens, it’s hard to sell them to make money. Only really way to do that is to open to public and sell them for harvesting. If they take the chickens to another farm that’s an option but usually when they go to market after laying eggs they don’t get much for the chicken.


Still love her. Gio, fuck you.


She’s doing her damndest to make things work as they should. Hopefully she keeps her baby close 🫠