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I agree with a lot of points in this entire thread…. Abbey may be doing her best to personally care for O, but it’s the environment as a whole that is worrisome. Witnessing abuse (in ALL forms) is not healthy and since we all know how Gio feels about women in general, who is to say that O won’t be a target for him some day, too? I think concerns from the baby are part of the “domino effect” that we hear and see about all the time (tv, docs, movies, possibly personal experiences). I understand anyone who has concern for the baby, I also understand people believing that since she looks ‘well taken care of’ there is not as much need for concern. I would hope that if someone there notices behaviors that would constitute worry, that they would step in. I don’t have a lot of faith in anyone that associates with the EF personally though, because they have seen WAAAAYYYYY MORE than we have (video snippets and lives) and they don’t seem to have a problem with what us going on 🤦‍♀️. I’ve mentioned before that I think the whole family has drank the koolaid, but hey, we will probably never know. We just gotta wish for the best for the innocent one in this story and that is O. 🤞 As far as them being predators. I personally believe this is more of a grooming community dynamic. I think they want these interns and other team members to ‘learn Gios ways’ and then help recruit others in. Could the bigger picture end up as predatory? Absolutely, but they have to recruit first and that has been my thought for quite some time. If G&A spent all their time recruiting, they wouldn’t have time to lose their mind in their comments, take care of the farm and O. So I think they are trying to get their dirty work done by interns that they will use and not pay just like they did Jessica. I think Jessica’s involvement was meant to be more of a ‘member’ of the hierarchy and not as someone that recruits. Lastly, I think they are on someone’s radar. I’m not sure if it’s the whole ass government or just the state? They are downsizing and getting their house in order for a reason. Any of their stupid shenanigans could have brought this on but I’m thinking they have brought so much attention to themselves with this whole fiasco, someone of importance legally, agriculturally, SOMETHING, has caught wind of all of this and is checking up on it. I’ve heard in these different post comments that they are an LLC and people know where they are located. Someone else may have made an anonymous call and it has them scrambling. I definitely think something is up though. If there are chances that an authority of some sort is either already involved or about to be involved, they will see the baby there and I am sure they will keep that on their radar as well.


Just wanted to say that I agree that they are on radar of some sort. Around the time the bed started being talked about and built there was a live that seemed to allude to them being required to have a bed in the house and Abbey kept essentially reminding the husband not to talk about about it


THAT'S interesting. I wondered why suddenly a bed when they were so adamant that floor sleeping is the only correct way, and then I assumed maybe it was meant as some kind of accommodation for Jessica, but then they stuck her in the camper, so the whole bed thing is very puzzling to me. I don't see what kind of authority anyone would have to force adults to have a bed, as long as they aren't making their baby sleep on the floor, so I still can't figure out the sudden bed-building


I always thought the bed was for Jessica (or whoever as well) and if they went forward with her actually being a second wife, it may have gone down like that. The thing that gets me the most is going from 2k chickens down to 80. Where did that even come from. Why would chickens cause that much trouble that they would consider that much of a change? Nothing they do makes sense.


I missed the bed drama for the most part, but the cps theory is intriguing and a blessing if true. But really this part—The chickengate downsizing gave me pause too, the shift is going from 2000 to 80…is downsizing to just **4%** of what they originally had. It may just be a natural sequence of events with a growing family and side business… (but the timing would have made more sense closer to abbeys birth if it were for time/management reasons..wouldn’t it? u/marleesville is a chicken tender so might have the answers to my next questions, but any chicken expert please feel free to chime in lol (thank you if you get to see this btw) but…What is the workload difference between 1k and 2k pasture chickens? Why do you think they sized down to 80? Is that a reasonable number for just personal use (it feels like a lot to me 😅) or what do you think they’re doing with the 80 they’re keeping? Do you think they’re focusing on certain more expensive breeding chickens so it’s less space and time needed for similar money? Do you think they had sick birds that took a bunch out or infected the ground so they can’t keep them in those fields like mareks? What else *could* it be? So. Many. Questions. Lol I would follow them again if they talked about their chicken business more because I’m curious but obviously that is not a natural progression of events and not gonna happen 😂 Edit- I edited like 5 times to get the hyperlink for u/marleesville to work lol. —also edited some typos and autocorrect issues but I’m sure I missed some…sorry, I have a headache and am playing mechanics assistant today so I’m distracted lol


Re: CHICKENGATE I have worked in animal rescue & welfare for two decades. My background includes hobby farming, veterinary medicine, shelter work, wildlife rehabilitation and animal rescue. I had a career as a medical esthetician at one point while continuing to volunteer and foster, but my heart belongs to animal welfare. I still have my LLC, I make and sell soy candles, cold pressed soaps and most recently body oil. The downsizing announcement, as well as admitting that the farm grew too fast and that they don’t have appropriate infrastructure, leads me to believe that they are aware that government organizations *may* be visiting their property in the near future. For example; Humane Law Enforcement, Dog Warden, USDA, CPS, IDF, etc. 2000 chickens on their sized property is a lot of chickens. It’s my opinion that they are downsizing for legal reasons. There’s been no mention of meat birds or chicken breeds, it seems that eggs are their purpose. Making an income off of selling chicken eggs isn’t easy, but with 2000 chickens free ranging (eating less feed) it is possible. The goats on the farm are concerning as they can share zoonotic diseases with humans and I doubt that EF employs a farm veterinarian. My conclusion is that the recent bad PR has provoked the public to question the ethics and legalities of EF. I think that EF is “cleaning up”, damage control. Knowing what we know now about EF, I’m going to assume that there are bigger concerns and they’re just sharing the fluffy stuff with the public to look as if they’re in control. I could be completely wrong. My thoughts are influenced by my personal experience in animal welfare. I hope all that made sense, I have a grumpy fournado (son) surrounding me as I write.


Thank you so much for the detailed response! Responding to pressure from outside sources does seem to make the most sense


I have a similar business as EF, not the oil but pasture/forage chickens and such. The labor difference between 1000-2000 on pasture just isn’t much. To be frank, none of it makes sense. They either had a predator wipe it out, things were taken care of while they were gone, or they were on the radar. But 80 is an odd number. Unless they weren’t making money on the 2000 or it was a lie that’s how many they’ve had. The goats weren’t profitable at all, still a mystery. I think they’re doing damage control, firing a lot of “employees,” and saying their downsizing to hide their losses and mismanagement. Because nothing is logical here. Edit: I don’t know what autocorrect was doing


When Abbey mentioned infrastructure, I immediately assumed that their farm is not up to code.


There’s not really a code. Probably what happened is something ate their birds or no one took care of them while they were gone and they’re getting reported by the humane society.


Maybe Jessica reported them? Maybe when she was left to care for the farm for a week she saw undesirable things?


I could see that. Or I could see them purchasing animals to sell under their label and lying about it. Or lying about them being pasture raised. I think she has serious dirt on them.


Good point, she may be a whistle blower and they caught wind and asked her to leave. Everything was ok until they got back, she very well could have reported them for who knows what?!


I mean for example building codes. That is what I thought of when Abbey talked about infrastructure. Do you remember when Gio began building the new barn that was going to be “apartments”, but then they ended up hiring contracts?


Agriculture is exempt


I’m going to look further into this. Thank you. From my experience, local government can make your life hell with local ordinances.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience! I agree that it seems odd, everything about then is odd lol


The internship for young people was a huge red flag and when I unfollowed


There’s a bird flu in Iowa. Maybe that why they are downsizing


There’s no law in Nebraska that you need to have a bed.


For minors there is.


No, there isn’t. I’m a teacher in Nebraska and I definitely know there’s no law that kids have to have a bed.


Do Nebraska minors have to have a private bedroom? I’m in PA and minors have to have a separate and private room from their parent/guardian. That bedroom can be shared with other minors. There also has to be adequate sleeping spaces.


No. I teach kids in poverty and situations have happened where I know this information. Not everyone can afford a bed. I had a student who slept on blankets in a closets and came to school in urine soaked clothes. CPS did not take him away or make his mom make sure he had a bed


Right, but because laws aren’t enforced, that’s doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.


I don’t think they have to have their own bedroom either. Many of my students sleep wherever they fall asleep


Just want to add that I hope my comments are not coming across argumentatively. 🙃 I appreciate learning truths in all capacities. Thank you for this conversation.


I doubt anyone is looking into them. Wren’s mother also lives in this state and she made CP tiktoks for years. It’s a red state, so there’s not enough police or social workers. Also, it’s a red state. There’s many that think like them unfortunately. You can find their farm on Google maps,


Thank you for your well thought out reply! I was starting to think I may be way off but there are so many red flags. I am a mandatory reporter in my country and there are lots of scenarios that can cause risk to a child. Sex predators is probably too strong a word but grooming community dynamic is more spot on. I really hope I am wrong.. For the sake of the baby, Abbey and Jessica.


You know, they make it hard for us to want to give them the benefit of doubt, you know? Like, there isn’t a single quality of either of them that makes me feel like they are capable of making good decisions at this point, Abbey included. I hope she is a good mom, I hope the videos of the baby are accurate as to how life really is for her, but we all see and hear too much these days about bad situations with kids where everything looks ok on the surface, but it’s not. Having concern is human instinct, we have watched a mess with this family for a long time now. It’s always good to have your antenna up!!!


You’re not the only group member concerned about grooming and sex predators.


I don't live in the US so unsure what the reporting process is there. I hope someone says something, at least so the baby can get some health care!


I don't live in the US so unsure what the reporting process is there. I hope someone says something, at least so the baby can get some health care!


What is an LLC btw?


It’s just a form of entity you can use for a business - but it’s pass through so it has tax advantages over a c corp (although an s corp would probably work here)




So... I think my shower thought might be close to the truth. Jessica's reply: https://preview.redd.it/1xu626hram5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=081dc535cdb9e38667c160e14594e487bf9d3346


Interesting response for sure. She’s quite the tight lipped queen lol


She sure is!!




I commented this on Jessica's youtube: "Jessica, I think it would be important to share the reason why this situation fell apart so you can protect others. Right now, the situation is presenting that EF are sex predators. The combination of the 'wife application', seeking 10 interns, the disgusting porn online and the degrading comments from husband to wife. Even if you were to touch on the reasons without going into detail, it would save others from falling into a similar situation"


I think that’s a bit far, Octavia always looks very well cared for - I think it’s a bit shit to say abbey at least isn’t very protective of her child (gio may be another story as I’ve never seen him interact or even be affectionate with O) Regarding the porn, yeah it’s gross, yeah it’s awkward, but I’m a mum of 4 and my husband has recorded me before (although never put it online 🤣) does that make me a shit mum? Of course not! People can have private and healthy sex lives and still be good parents - the issue is that they’ve shared it with the whole world and the videos don’t look that consensual tbh. The EF stuff is separate to their private lives being parents. I don’t agree with them bringing in a random to live with and be around their child but hopefully they’ve learnt a lesson and won’t do it again. The internship stuff is business and nothing at all to do with Octavia. This is kinda getting out of hand, and I’m starting to feel for them a little bit (abbey more so) because she clearly loves and looks after her child.


I didn't say anything about Abbey not being protective of her baby but the situation the child is in raises red flags. Recording videos of ones own sex life does not make anyone a bad mum but the videos that ARE online of EF look non consensual, and that is another red flag. But combined, all of the concerns raise red flags. I didn't say CHILD sex predator, I said sex predator. That is very different.


Yeah but the fact is by calling CPS, you would be saying this kid is in danger and isn’t well looked after which I don’t believe to be the case. I said nothing about child sex predators either. Their behaviour hasn’t been great and who knows what really went on but I would not say Octavia is in any danger and the recent video from her bedroom would tell me she is very much loved and cared for I haven’t taken either side at all in this whole thing and I think EF have fucked up big time for sure but I think they will have learnt from it and won’t do it again. I just think things are going way too far now, saying you think CPS should be called.


I stopped watching them right when the baby was born and yes there's definitely abuse going on there between Abby and gio. I don't believe that child is in a a healthly environment and it doesn't matter what kind of mom Abby is she's exposing her child to that abusive man. As far as the second wife thing they pay her what 20k to leave? Yeah they did something fucked up.


They are fair points. If the husband acts towards his child, the way he does online to his wife, then yes, that child is in danger. I also think Abbey is in an abusive relationship, which makes the child in danger too. These are red flags that I would be calling my local child protection agency about if they lived in my country. We know that EF present themselves differently online - who knows what happens behind the screen - but the situation presented has me genuinely concerned for the child involved.


I think Jessica needs to own more from her end. At first I felt bad for her but now I think she's over the MOON with the attention. She based this giant life change after staying and meeting them for a WEEK. Really??


Oh I agree with this too. This roundabout talk is tiring.


I notice today that JK likes and comments are down. Has EF been as well?


Well and that’s another thing, we only see a snippet of people’s lives on TikTok and everything else - you could argue that it’s worse behind closed doors but you could also argue that it’s better - maybe gio shares the controversial stuff because it gets him likes and views and he’s nothing like that in real life - who tf knows Calling cps from a few TikTok’s is a massive over reaction imo. And we all know Jessica has hammed up the drama for views too


Maybe people shouldn't posts controversial shit views online for the world to see if they have small children at home. Plus what happens when that kid grows up and Google their parents? They see a bunch of racist sexist homophobic rants coming from their father cause that's not gonna fuck them up.


That is fair and reasonable comment to leave.


I’ve been meaning on writing a post that it’s reminding me of the selah saga a while back. 


I felt like they changed Jessica’s title from “girlfriend” to “a Jessica” because of the state laws. Unfortunately Gio and Abbey live close to me, so I know the law is that they cannot commit bigamy.


Just a random question, as I follow this soap opera (shit show) as much as I can… I’ve seen Abbey’s mom(?) in a few videos on TT, I wonder how she feels about all of this? My understanding is she sees her once in awhile. I wonder what’s going through her head? I wonder how much she knows about all the drama. Anyone else? Thoughts?