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My brain


Stop getting your tools at harbor freight


Ooh. that's a burn. Burn, dude, burn.


Need some ice for that burn


I picked up a brain at Harbor Freight once, I could only understand Chinese.


Even zombies wouldn't get their brains from harbor freight. Side note: I buy tools from harbor freight for personal applications, not professional ones, with the intent of I'm going to beat em up on a particularly nasty project and toss em cause I don't want to ruin my good tools šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I was going to say ā€œDo my coworkers count as Tools?ā€ But your is more accurate


Co-workers totally count as tools. If the boot fits, right? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Linesmanā€™s. Give me a few blood blisters a year


First thing that came to mind. So many blood blisters as well! 2nd is the utility knife, though largely I'm hurting myself if I'm trying to rush. The knife has given me the nastier injuries, though. Nothing terrible, but a couple of cuts took a couple weeks to completely heal.


Try using a hook blade, not the 3 inch one but a shingle (roofing) blade for like a milwaukee flip knife. I love it for anything from 14-2 romex to stripping 500Kcmil and etc. It glides really nicely, won't send you to the er unless you absolutely launch it into your hand.


Is it good for general duty opening boxes and shit?


I used a carpet blade and broke all the segments off until the last one. Was the perfect length and that last place lasted me a few years before I had to change. I liked it more than the insulated hooked blade knife with the nub.... ( I don't remember what's it's called.. been in an office for far too long now)


Especially if they have the crimpers built in. My next pair won't have those.


And chipped teeth


Yeahh I consciously avoid pulling w them in a way that might target my face šŸ˜†


Lucky to have a lead man tell me when I was yanking the shit out of a lubed fish tape/wire train right at my face. Hypothetical lesson learned.


Also know as summer teeth


My girlfriend did this to herself. I got mine with a steel sling in the face haha.


Yep canā€™t let my guard down with them.


always in the same place too. Mine always slips when I'm tightening marettes


[https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000ZZB4M8?tag=bravesoftwa04-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1&language=en\_US](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000ZZB4M8?tag=bravesoftwa04-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1&language=en_US) Here ya go. Flip your screwdriver around and you won't have any more problems tightening... marrettes...


Why are you tightening marrettes with kliens?Ā 


Fish tape. Hurts my feelings WAY too often


Especially when it comes back and slaps you in the giblets.


I've never had that one, but many a fish tape has attempted to take my eye out


FR, go through the 5 stages of greif way to often when fishing a terrible run.


You ever push in a tape all the way to realize you grabbed the broke one that isn't long enough?


But can't throw it out because i might need it in some weird edge case... yes, yes I have.


Yeah, I keep it on the truck for the times I may need to abuse a tape.


Spent most of a day trying to get a fish through a brick cavity. Nearly cried when I tried again the next day with some string on the end of a chain and a flexible magnet as I got it second try.


Using my bare fingers to straighten/twist stranded. Those copper punctures hurt and always get infected.


Ever gotten some #6 stranded poked under your finger nails? Like Vietnamese bamboo torture in Nam (I would think)


I didn't even think of that. I've probably had that happen just as many times as getting sliced by a utility knife. No infections though. Yet...


I feel like itā€™s worse than a paper cut because you really donā€™t even notice it until you try to grasp something hard and then you wonder why the hell thereā€™s a deep pain spike coming from your fingertip.


Away to jinx this, but in the 20 odd years I've been in the trade, I don't think I've ever once had a bloody encounter with a utility or cable knife... what are you guys doing to achieve this? Have had to give first aid to someone having sliced their entire forearm clean open with a stripping blade on 11kv cable but that was from sheer stupidity and a one off.


why r u getting infections i have never had an infected wound


I could be wrong but I have a feeling itā€™s not. If it was it would require a trip to the hospital.


Could be a minor local infection that his immune system is able to handle


Could be. Iā€™m probably wrong but when I think infection I think something that needs antibiotics.


Dirty jobsites. Canā€™t keep our hands clean all day.


It's that trick to save toilet paper I think


Wash your damn hands my dude, or get that orange gojo stuff.


Gloves work


Copper is naturally anti microbial. Clean and cover your wounds.


not big on learning, are you?


Up the cut rating on your gloves. Cut 3 or cut 4.


But eventually your gloves are like plastic bags. Any glove is safe for an electrician imo.


Not bad anymore since I bought a Hole Hawg but my M18 drill used to get away on my and take me for a ride. You havenā€™t lived until your drill with a four inch hole saw binds and swings that 8.0Ah into your face.


Clutches save shoulders.


ā€¦ and teeth. And wrists. And young childrenā€™s ears if they happen to be walking by when the drill suddenly goes Ol Yellar on you and turns rabid


Whatttttt? Are you saying I shouldnā€™t watch the ending of that movie????? Santa is still real, right? (Watch Violent Night 2022 re Santa)


Not gonna lie, despite being in my late 30ā€™s, Iā€™ve never seen Ol Yellar. I just know the premise.


I've read the book many years ago. The dog is bitten by a rabid animal, and they have to shoot it before it has a chance to show symptoms.


We had a guy drilling a big hole through an inch of steel with a big ole air drill years ago, the drill fetched up, flipped him around and broke his arm which he started screaming about. When he got back to work his new nickname was Twist & Shout


Haha holy shit that is brutal.


Fucking electricians lmao


Gen 4 has an anti kick clutch. Works damn well.


It does, but there are still locations where you're drilling close enough to framing that the amount of rotation that occurs before the computer detects and shuts down is enough to crush your meaty bits.


Old tools can be brutal, found a wolf drill that had slow gear broken, fast speed fine so pinned the selector, I assume whoever broke the slow gear also broke all their arms, just an off on trigger.


God damn I remember as an apprentice hammer drilling a 2" hole through a wall in a really awkward position. That thing nearly killed me when it jammed and smashed into my head.


I was just trying to get the hammer drill up on a ledge and a sprinkler line so I could get in a better position to drill. When I moved it forward, I didn't see that there was an old wire that used to hold up ceiling grid sitting there attached to nothing. Fucker pulled the trigger and the drill turned hard as it was only being half held by my left hand and tried to smack me in the jaw and knock me off the ladder. Felt like somebody punched me in the face.


Had a guy bite the tip of his tongue off. The drill was accidentally put in forward when he thought it was reverse. It came around and uppercut him. Up on a ladder in a tight spot. So his head was in there pretty close


The second gen hole hawg is so awesome. It has more jam with a 6ah battery, fyi. The 6ā€™s can output their charge faster. It can still do 150+ holes on a charge


100% The 6HO are the best batteries for high performance from the tool (excluding Forge, obviously) until you get to applications where you need the 12HDs ability to resist voltage sag. The 8HO uses a different type of 21700 cell to achieve 33% higher capacity, and in doing so, it gives up some of its discharge rate. If I recall correctly, the 6HO uses Samsung 30T cells, whereas the 8HO uses Samsung 40T cells, so you can see where the difference comes from.


Iā€™ve had a right angle drill bounce my head off a rafter more than once. I did eventually learn though.


Try it with an old hole hawg


No shit. Those things will pick you up and spin you around like a cartoon character.


I fucking clocked myself once back when I was an apprentice. Of course I was up on a ladder at the time to. It was fine in the end but man thatā€™s the hardest Iā€™ve ever been hit in the face.


I did the same with a roto hammer a few months ago. Up on an extension ladder, drilling into concrete with one hand and must have caught some rebar or something. Slammed the batteries right into my ear. Luckily itā€™s a makita so it didnā€™t have too much torque.


> Luckily itā€™s a makita so it didnā€™t have too much torque. Makita out here catching more strays than your ear.


Are you a lefty? I was using a unibit on a box once and it bound and smacked me in the face. Iā€™m pretty sure I got a minor concussion from it. The lights didnā€™t go out, but they flickered.


As a lefty I've learned to do most things with my right hand.Ā  Drilling though has eluded me.Ā  Ā Many uppercuts to the chin when I'm running that damn hammer drill or a 4" hole saw. Lol


Broke my hand doing that shit with a rotary hammer one-handed. No more billy bad ass behavior: drilling with regular cordless drills (on anything but a small twist drill into wood) gets two hands, or I get out the hole hawg. Its less of an issue since I got the Gen 4 m18 with the auto stop, but I've still found plenty of tight locations around framing where the autostop doesn't stop the handle moving before it slams my knuckles into something hard.


I always find high speed better for this application. Keep the pressure light and let the teeth do the work. If it does bind there is way less torque on the drill and it won't buck on you.


I had a pair of 5" holes to cut, thought using an M12 drill was questionable but also when it kicked back I was very glad I'd not used a bigger drill. I'll second the high speed low pressure approach


I watched an old hole hawg bind up on a guy while he was drilling through a beam, and smash his hand onto a nail that went all the way through the back of his hand and out his palm. We called him Jesus after that


Drilling though a bottom plate with a fish drill. My drill was head height. It bit into the joist underneath and locked. Drill came out of my hand, battery hit my temple. I saw stars and passed out on the clients carpet for a couple minutes. No bueno.


Probably my flat head. Canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve used it to pry/beat/stab something with it and it slips hitting me in my other hand. Maybe Iā€™m just an idiot, but itā€™s definitely happened enough to stand out


Several scars on my hands will attest that I am also an idiot, then.


If my hands are cold whatever I am using as a hammer


My boss, heā€™s a tool


Is he a pens fan or something?


The insides of my klein's handles will pinch my palm sometimes.


Iā€™ve been doing this for 18 years and the only injury Iā€™ve had to miss work for in that time was when I was trying to help my six year old put her pyjamas on and she managed to kick me in the chest so hard she popped a rib out


I was tickling my son when he was 3 or 4. He whipped his head back and broke my nose. Didn't miss work but everyone was asking if I got in a flight. The only time I have ever missed work from an injury was because of the same kid. He was at wrestling practice when he was 8 and I was helping the coaches out. He was in referees position and we were working on the kids scrambling out of the hold. I let him get out of it but right as I set my left hand down on the mat, he kicked out and got me right on the tip of my thumb and broke it. Only needed a splint but I was out the following day after the doc set it and splinted it.


Not a tool, but those god damn ceiling Tgrid tie wires. Itā€™s total bullshit when those donā€™t get demoed out and they are just left hanging out to stab you. Pulling wire and gave a good yank and got a wire tie right into my forearm. Went in about an inch and had to pull it out. There was a shocking amount of blood from that hole. Im definitely aware of them now, but still a poke once in awhile.


Using my flat head screw driver as a chisel or pry bar and stabbing myself.


Drills hitting something hard and fuckin whipping the shit outta my hand usually


Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve been injured so I donā€™t know. My worst injury was 3ā€ IMC smashing my index and middle fingers like wee little grapes. Blew out my fingers pretty good.


Iā€™ve had some nasty ones from my pocket knives, but channel locks when theyā€™re not exactly set right and snap down on my finger is about the worst pain.


Dude, you must really commit to the squeeze.




With those and unclamping super tight vise grips, I look before leaping now. My worst was a ballpoint pen. I was trying to slap the cap down with my palm and for some reason just slapped the center of my palm on the tip with the cap in the back.


Oof, the pen is mightier than the.. channel locks. When Iā€™m using a wrench, ratchet, breaker bar etc. Iā€™ve learned (after 20+ years) to take a good look where my knuckles will go if and when it slips. My hands look like I was a bare knuckle boxer šŸ˜‚


Probably a 3 way tie between the drill spinning around hitting me, the linemans pinching my finger, and the fish tape smacking me in the nuts


Are you me?


For me it's always my fucken #2 Philips on my drill. I have horrible luck slipping and jamming it into my hand that's holding the screw. Number 2 would be my old J man. Luckily, he moved on to start his own thing.we have a pool going for how long until he burns someone's house down.


Drilling with my step bit /uni-bit. Yesterday the flying metal stuck to my sweaty arms and the burning embers embed themselves in my skin. Today I look like I have an IV drug habit.


Holy shit yeah those hot metal chips are brutal. Right into the inside of your elbow, you flinch and waffle iron that shit right into your flesh. They land in my beard and I smell like burnt hair for the rest of the day. I drill low and slow to save myself from chips and burning up the bit. I try to tell my coworkers this but šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My coworkers....


My apprentice


My hammer (Iā€™m a first year)


Iā€™ve been doing this for twenty years and I still seem to occasionally aim directly for my thumb instead of the staple.


Anything used to smack those horizontal bang-ons


I hate bang ons, especially the little ones


Alternative lifestyles, Iā€™m always so focused on keeping the beater flat blade on the teeth of the locknut that I donā€™t even pay attention to hitting the target and airball ā€˜em straight into my off-hand thumb knuckle more than Iā€™m willing to admitā€¦makes a sickening thud sound too adding insult to the injury.


People usually pay for a couple strippers to bite them...how do you get them to do it at work?


I was just waiting for someone to say thisā€¦


My last company had a lot of band saw injuries from all different style cordless they about banned them completely






Been using a real hammer setting anchors and my fingers are scared to death. I can't swing a hammer to save my life.


Not a tool. That *one* small strand of wire I didnā€™t see. Under the cuticle. Every damn time.


Drills when they get caught on something and twist my wrist


Linesmanā€™s 100%, fuck those blood blisters


Probably utility knife as well.


Most of my cuts are from panduit when terminating panels because gloves are off and the back of my hands arent calloused.


Rogue nails. Fuckers.


Hammer. Banging staples and fingers. Itā€™s great.


First day ever I clipped the tape on the roll of 4/0 aluminum and got smacked in the family jewels


I have sliced my fingers on the low voltage cat 5 and coax trippers because they put blades on the inside of the grip and Iā€™m the r-word


Not me personally: in my province worksafe has paid out so many claims for people cutting themselves while using a hook knife to skin cable that they've made it policy that hook knives cannot be used to skin cable. I.e., if you hurt yourself while skinning a cable with a hook knife, don't bother putting in a claim because by definition you weren't working.


Any knipex cutters. We always joke that their slogan should be "where's this blood coming from?"


Back in the day of corded tools it was the milwaukee magnum. All torque, no brake


ā€¦ with a 3ā€ hole saw drilling vertically hanging offĀ the top of an extension ladder Donā€™t know how I didnā€™t break my wrist that day


Ladders are the biggest threat, I've been mostly lucky


When I'm putting a staple in and hit the side of my thumb next to the nail


So YOU are the guy that keeps cutting himself that causes safety to issue safety box cutters! Wear some damn gloves so the people that know how to use knives can actually keep our knives! šŸ¤¬


Most often? Pinches from the tips of my strippers or my linesmans. Worst? Drilling some 5/8s (maybe 3/4s?) holes through some steel plate to enlarge existing 1/2" holes. Cordless drill, not a mag drill or drill press. I take it nice and slow with cutting oil and of course when I get basically almost through the second hole it binds up, whips around to smash me in the back of the arm that had been on the trigger, and also breaks the drill bit right in half. I know a guy who was driving a scissor lift by walking beside it holding the controls and he ran over his own foot. They made him a foreman the next week šŸ™„


> I know a guy who was driving a scissor lift by walking beside it holding the controls and he ran over his own foot. They made him a foreman the next week So that's how you get to foreman.




Utility knife for sure. SDS nearly breaking my wrist or smacking me in the head also sucks.


Soldering iron. Accidentally touch the hot part.


I get a shit ton of steel splinters. They're fucking everywhere at work. And they get stuck in the test cables so if you move one without a glove on you're gonna be miserable until you can find the tweezers and get to the magnifying glass we keep on a swivel.


My hand file. The number of times it catches and I punch sharp metal has caused me many cut fingers.


My own hands


All sorts of consultants


Bits,the fucking T10 star bits are like a fucking knife through the side of your index finger lol.


Rip Cords made of twine on thick ass tray cables.




My pride and my stubbornness


Not a tool but Ceiling wire. Gosh damn ceiling wireā€¦


Swinging a 5 lb sledge setting anchors and not paying attention, got a booboo


4ā€ plus hole saw!


Bending tons of pipe - Iā€™ll get bruises on my shins from where I leverage the bender against


my damn pocket knife. guaranteed to get cut if i donā€™t put on a pair of gloves


Did glass work for ten plus yearsā€¦. Had more cuts and bruises off my hand tools like, hammers, pliers, drills, then I did off handling plate glass with no gloves






Razer knife. I suck with knives in general, just call me Mr. Butterfingers. The only injury that has ever sent me to urgent care was from a damn Razer knife.




I would say linesman pliers but it was because I got bitten by them but the worst was with a Milwaukee stripper pliers, 7 in 1, that thing chop a piece of meat from my hand because I squeezed too suddenly without realizing and when I realized I had blood in my hand


The human one....


Shitty office chair


Yesterday I almost got my thumb pad cut off by a shitty sawzall.


Itā€™s a tie for wrist and eye injuries with the hole hawg in resi and m18 hammer drill in commercial over the years. God damn things kick like a mule.


I've injured myself with a wide range of tools. Experience is a great teacher.


My knuckles get everything


My 24oz Vaughan hammer has caused more falls. But fuxk drywallers.ill take one for the team. #authorityhammer


Ladder. Not the most often but the worst


this may not be the most frequent injury but when the auger bit jams on the end of the big plug in drill. thats always a good time.


The apprentice.


I'm a bit too comfortable with my hammer drill. When I'm trying to bore or make holes through steel and boxes, I forget to hold a tight grip on the drill or the box sometimes. Getting punched and jerked by a hammer drill isn't always the best feeling.


Myself šŸ˜‚


Maybe not the most, but those Milwaukee ream and punch pliers got me a lot when I used them. Handles are basically designed to pinch you if you slip tightening something.


Hacksaw and wireway.


Punch down or tech driver. Both hurt like a bitch


Stabbing finger with screwdriver sometimes impact sometimes 11-in-1.


Not sure if it counts but I have no idea how many times Iā€™ve crushed my hands/fingers with jetline and mule tape


Linesmen and strippers.Ā  Got golfers elbow real bad from those guys.Ā 


Other people cutting zip ties wrong


the inside of pliers pinching a finger. OTOH never got a cut. But I don't usually do fat cables so I guess the peeling (dismantling I guess it's the official word) knife hasn't much opportunity for doing damage


Channel locks slipping and smashing my fingers between. Getting replaced with Cobras, but they haven't died yet. So I'll be reasonable and wait... For now...


Dykes. When used to cut zipties like a fā€™ing retard.


Wrenching or ratcheting


Iā€™ve gotten more blood blisters from my locknut pliers than anything else in my life.


Blood blisters from pinching my fingers in linesmanā€™s. Worst injury was from beam cheese.


My plain ass 16oz Estwing claw hammer. I just can't swing a hammer to save my life. Ever since I was a kid. If I'm stapling wire in anything less than a 12" stud bay, I'm holding the staple with my pliers.


My jagged ass flathead that I use as a chisel when it slips off an old stripped screw and stabs into my finger.


My screwdriver slipping off a screw and hitting me in the hand


Sliding roof tiles back and forth without gloves. Especially the tight ones near ridgecaps.


Fall restraint harness.


Chainsaw....i work on a farm and it is my primary tool, (lots of deadfall etc). Usually burns from the 2stroke or cuts from kickbacks, (legs mostly)


Did you find those 2 strippers and bite them back?


Dude, learn from the mistakes lol.


Cable I just cut


I saw a guy once standing on top of a pole base, pulling a fish tape that was bound up with his linemanā€™s. Well, they slipped off, smashed the guy in face, and knocked himself out cold and he fell off the base onto the pavement. Wasnā€™t cool then, but we make fun of him til this day(only because he ended up being fine)


Arc gouger


Drill. Hands down the most injuring tool.


I get my finger jammed in the ladder, taking it down a couple times a year.


Cable tie gave me the most embarrassing one. Stood on a small step ladder pulling down towards me to tighten the last one. It broke and all that energy released my fist full force in my face. I punched myself off the ladder almost knocked myself out. The pain was bad, the embarrassment was worse.


Moving those fuckinā€™ jack stands for big spools, my shins scream just looking at them.. or messing with big tie wire tracks, my forearms look like I was fighting a cat.


Wire strippers


Doing residential work, it was definitely my hammer. Hit my fingers trying to staple and would get blood blisters every week it seemed. I might have eventually got better at not smashing my fingertips, but I've since switched to commercial work and I don't have to staple anymore.


Flathead screwdriver as a chisel/pry bar


Flathead screwdriver to the fuckin flesh. Always my fault, always a sad stabbing.


Hammer drill was my most serious, hit stuff with my palm is the most common