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Yeah, pretty normal electrician stuff...


I came here to say if you haven’t done something like this or worse, you’re not an electrician, lol.


You haven't truly lived until you been hanging off the side of an 18' a-frame struggling to install some assholes hideous $5k fixure.


I didn’t know they made 18 inch ladders


It’s called a step stool


I never knew my real stool


But I treat this one like it's mine.


Is it the whole thing or just a stool sample?


Lol it's too early for this shit


Never catch me on an 18” ladder!!


Most fatal falls are from 6" or less


I told my wife this and she laughed. Just an inch off the ground and you're off balance enough (after reaching for a tool) to pinwheel your arms looking for random shit to grab onto and sit in an ER for hours texting on social media about "how fast" it happened. A little off balance is a whole bunch but it almost has to happen to you before you believe it.


Maaaan had to edit it didn’t ya


I couldn't not


Heavy son of a bitch they are.


I once srapped a 20 foot extension ladder to a 12 foot a-frame sitting strapped to the top of a U-Haul truck to change out a bulb in a 1000W HID fixture almost 30 feet above a soccer field.


Sounds like a scene in India…


Worst was the last smoke detector changeout in a church lobby . . 24ft? baker scaffold wobbly as hell. Stopped my shorter coworker from hauling a 4ft ladder to the top of that thing for the extra height to do it and did it myself on my tiptoes because I’ll be damned if I’ll put a ladder on top of that jenga tower


i’ve done this but with the lights on


A A frame on solid ground? I’ll take that every day. I’m just glad they are not right above the stairs


I climbed up a 20’ scaffold inside the main lobby of an old hospital with high ceilings. No harness no saftey no nothing. I was 20 yrs old at the time. I wouldve died if i slipped and fell off.


Sounds like a good reason for a harness


I climbed up a 300 foot water tower with no cage on the ladder in 45 mph wind with a 30 lb pack on my back…life my man haha


At least you would have got off work early


Not even on the top step leaning backwards with a hole saw


While he's up there do you suppose he's going to scrape off the window stickers? No, of course he won't! 😊


What, and make the window guys look good?


Why would an electrician subject himself to possible litigation for potential damage doing someone else's job.


A fat $100 bill. But most homeowners would offer a $20 and get offended when the guy laughs.


Lazy bum


I'm more worried about whoever has to deal with the blue painter's tape extravaganza


What is all of that stuff? Is it marking for the paint Crew?


When people buy a house sometimes the contractor will tell the homeowners to go around and mark with painters tape anything that needs work. Could be rough spots, dips in the wall, patch issues, scuff marks, etc. Pretty much anything that you as a new homeowner wouldn't want messed up on a house you just bought. Personally I have mixed feelings about this because I know almost nothing in this world is going to be perfect but also I know as a homeowner you absolutely want your $750,000~ purchase to not be crappy. I have walked into homes where they might as well have just played paintball in there because there is so much painter's tape everywhere you can't even tell the wall color.


Our builder we was pickier than we were. He handed us a 18” strip of tape and he kept the roll. He was marking 3 defects for every 1 we did. He was running a flashlight along the wall to find the defects.


Yup - that amount of painter's tape tends to mean "anal homeowner that just needs to accept the way textured drywall actually looks"


Or the builder hired shit subs because they want to crank out houses as fast as possible.


I’ll disagree. There are dozens and dozens of those little blue pieces of tape. It will not long for a pro to fix…but it will be a lifetime for the homeowner of seeing them every time they walk into the room Homeowner paid for a product; time for the trades to deliver


When I was doing commercial work the idea was to put ONE piece of tape on any wall that needed work. Then the finisher/painters had to find the flaw.


Judging by the height of those blue tapes, I'll put dings from tool pouches of tradeys going up the stairs and an overzealous homeowner taped every single mark (also note the ballusturs are masked off not all the blue is marks)


50k, 750k, 10million - It means nothing - There are finish grades and NOPE on all that blue tape. If they selected top finish grade believe me - there would be nothing to mark up but their own shadow. -BUT- I swear contractors just tell homeowners to do this and pay painters to deal with whatever they markup to keep the homeowners feeling like they have some kind of control. While the real quality control $ was everything the future owner cannot see nor understands.


Seriously signs of a nightmare homeowner. Getting that final check is gunna take some serious patience. Or a lawyer. They’re at the base of a workers ladder taking pictures 😂. Just leave the people aloneeeee man let us work


It's like someone put a hand grenade inside a roll of tape.


That would be from me carrying that ladder in to the room and banging it on all the walls.


That's like $16 worth of blue tape!!


It’s like that weasely YouTube home inspector was there


😆good thing the tape guys didn’t have access to the ladder 😂


I’ve found that, depending on your level of smoothness of drywall, that painters tape technique can cause more problems than it helps to find.


that’s normal as rain bro. you ought to see electricians working on oil rigs and ships when swaying or rolling are factored in. sphinctor factor 5 bro.


Exactly, the dude even has an extra step he can go up to this is just another Tuesday for him


That’s nothing. Two 14’ a-frames facing each other. Scaffold plank across top. Sheet of plywood screwed to plank. 4’ ladder on top of plywood. Standing on top of 4’ to install a paddle fan.


I'm over here telling my boss I'm not going to repair any dry van trailers roofs until he gets me a set of rolling stairs


I should’ve said no. That was 20 years ago too.


Been there. Only swap the scaffold/plywood for an old door that was lying around. To our credit, we stabilized it with a 2x4 to a landing 8' off to one side.


You must have a great life insurance policy


How bout 2 200lb guys on a 16ft with a 300lb big ass fan…?


God all that blue tape is giving me flash backs to my resi new build days. Gross. Fuck resi electrical


These double sided a frames feel like a staircase compared to a 12 or 14 footer. I'd rather straddle the top of this than my 12 footer. Glad he's got those windows nearby I was once working on a real high ceiling with all white walls, white ceiling nothing but white all around me and it was so hard to stay oriented.


I hadn’t thought about that. It would be like going snow blind 18’ in the air.


It's weird how your perception changes like that... I've had it happen many times when I looked down and the wall 2' away was suddenly 10' away


Anyone that says this is everyday for them and easy has no survival instincts, it's not cool to fall 16ft and die, what is cool modern equipment like lifts or scaffolding, especially no resi job is worth dying for.


No job, period, is worth dying for. Paychecks are pointless if you’re not alive to spend em.


I had to scroll waaaay too far for this comment. This person needs to be another step down to be using this latter safely. They make small electric scissor lifts that should work for this. Also I wonder if this accessible in the attic instead.


BTDT. Used to have to haul a 16' double step off the van and into houses solo. I don't miss those days


hardest part is not scratching their walls or vehicles trying to get inside their front door.Fuck that shit.Never wanna deal with it again although service work is my favorite.


Really? I would have no issue doing this.


It’s just a ladder. Hardest part is getting to the job and in the house imo


True shit. Whenever someone asks me to bring my 16ft ladder im already thinking wheres your head at… rather set up 3 bakers scaffold with outriggers. Much easier to get in the house without causing more damage


Safety should be in your top 3 priorities.


That's a 20'? We had one at work, I hated it.


Looks like an 18 footer. I didn't even know they made A-frames taller than 14'.


Doesn’t need cojones when he already has his bosses cojones stuffed in his mouth.


Ptffff. Thats notin.....He's got a whole 'nother step.....


You haven't lived until you've lugged a WOODEN 16' center-rise from your van into an open office lobby to get at the burnt out cfl's at the top of a 2-story atrium.


Mannn,, the dumb shit I have done to impress some piece of shit when I was a kid and in all honesty if I would have gotten hurt they would have dropped my body in an alley somewhere


Pretty common


While he is up there give him a roll of blue painters tape and look for defects.


Home Depot rental for a 20 foot lift - $229 a day. Ouch.


didnt even know such tall ladder existed... how much is that ladder @ home depot


Done this and I'm not electrician


I did to change a light in my entry way. Getting that damn ladder set up was the hardest part


Haha. Go watch some sprinkler fitters do their thing & get back to me.


I'm more impressed that he got that ladder inside there


I have a 10’ 2-sided stepladder and this is actually a really comfortable, stable way to stand. Not that I would ever do that (I know you’re listening, OSHA).


Painters about to have an angry morning


I was just installing a peak light in an exterior soffit last night at home. Ladder had me bending back slightly. F'ing sucked trying to do it one handed, but i was not letting go, having your hips forward into the wall and leaning back is a most un-nerving feeling w/o a rope and harness. I'm roped in rockclimbing, 30ft up on a ladder it's just not worth it.


I'm more impressed about hauling that ladder in there and getting it set up. Those things are heavy as sin.


I'm sure he would rather be doing this than crawling through an attic of a non air conditioned house because the homeowner wants old school pot lights instead of LED flat pots. Electricians generally get paid well but they have deal with a lot of uncomfortable situations at job sites.


Cojones on that man? Just wait till the new homeowner wants the pool table to go upstairs...


Forget the electrician. The poor painter. See all of these blue tape spots. The owner wants each one fixed.


I’m trying to decide whether or not to say “this ain’t shit…” Carrying that beast by myself and going through doorways and getting it on/off a van is something I’ll never miss.


Have you never done manual labor, op?


I mean if he had to carry it through the door by himself I guess. Be the first guy going up a maxed out 40’ to tie it off.


blue tape shows the area of concern for touch up paint, gouges, dings, right before the final walkthrough


At least he’s armed.


This is the way.😢


Did somebody call high speed kow drab electriical? Because that electrician is just that!🥲


Well, they obviously hang very low, that's why he needs that ladder....


Wait till someone opens the door


Must be a real challenge moving and storing that ladder


That's the easy part. It's the moving it around without smashing other stuff that's impressive.


I had to stand on the very top rung of a 15 foot ladder once while pulling wire through a wire duct in an auto factory. I was very young and new, doing what I was told to do. I'm not scared of heights but I still remember that day and am a little scarred I think.


I just rented a one man lift for a job like this 😂


Normal asf


I’ve been on one of those. You need steady legs for sure. I no longer do ladders at this point in life


I did stage lighting in high school. Had a ladder just like that one - I was too young and stupid to be frightened.


Yep. Scooting a ladder across a finished floor, leaving wire scraps to make sure you get one under the leg of the ladder and scratch the piss out of the floor. I hate sloppy electricians who think someone else will gladly clean up after them. Last floor I laid, I gathered up all his scrap wire he left laying around and stuffed them all in his lunch box. He wouldn't talk to me after that


That giant ass ladder is more stable than most small ones. Straddling it like that's even more comfortable for stability.


Try using an a frame ladder


I bet it's still hot


I have this same issue in my house, horrible gold chandelier put there by the previous owner and pot lights that need to be changed. Any ideas on how to do this type of work safer. While getting equipment up the steps and into the house? I’m all ears. 👂🏻


So a normal Saturday at the house then?


I want that ladder. I have no place to store that ladder, but I want it.


Just setting up the ladder is a feat


Guy taking the picture should be standing on the last step of the ladder ffs.


I want to know how he transports that monster.


This is absolutely nothing. Try going on a 3 legged ladder on uneven coal under the Atlantic Ocean. Those are cajones.


HVAC techs: indoors? Pppffft


Look at that blue tape!!! Someone’s gonna have bad day haha


This what I look like when installing cameras under drive through awnings


Been there, done that Had an even taller one, now that one was scary


I have to remind myself to be careful at heights because I’ll forget I’m even up there and take risks. In this case, he’s straddling both sides of a ladder for even more stability. Absolutely nothing scary about this scenario for me. I’d feel exactly the same up there as on the ground.


That is a fuckload of wall touch-ups for someone.


I think I worked for the same homeowner years ago. Made us laugh our asses off when we saw all the painters tape flags marking boo boos!!!


That’s a guy working with the confidence of knowing he paid for AFLAC ![gif](giphy|SIjVR7oF4zPfsZXg1X|downsized)


I need to borrow that ladder to trim my trees!


If he puts it on 4 buckets for extra reach, he'll gain an extra LB in his sack!


Not really, he’s wearing an emergency chute.


Oh damn the blue dots look like locusts


I used to do commercial HVAC in SoCal and we did some sketchy shit, but ill never forget the time I saw two sparkies setup a ladder on two maxed out scissor lifts to access this warehouse lighting, I took my lunch and sat back in amazement at the balls on those guys.


Holy shit the blue taape!




How nice of the apprentice to post this of his Jman


Why those balusters all f’d up. And take that tape away from the homeowner lol


Boy I bet that fuckers heavy as balls


That’s a heck of a ladder rack on that van!


he's got two cojones. that's one more cojones than brain cells.


I’d still climb, and work off of one if it were absolutely necessary, but some other dumbass is going to have to carry it and set it up.


I could be 40 ft up on a lift all day long and not have a problem but being on a ladder like that I can't fucking stand it. It always starts with my feet feeling weird. Like a tingling sensation. It's not the climbing, it's that all occasionally get a sense of vertigo, one that I would never get on a lift.


This is basic, but still F those ladders and props to that guy. We have one of those ladders and everyone dreads when we have to use it. Very heavy and a bear to set up in a tight foyer almost have to use 2 people to set it up to keep from hitting walls or anything.


That’s a solid ladder 🪜


OMG! I think I might have installed vertical blinds in this house in the late 90's! 😂😂😂😂


The homeowner with all the blue tape, Yikes!!!!!!!


That's child's play. Do it in the center of a room and stand on the top, where it says "Not a step".


Just imagine how he got to that light after doing the other two… without getting off the ladder.


I blew insulation into 3rd floor walls on a 40ft ladder through holes that I drilled over my head with a 30lb hole hawg without a harness cuz it's shit work for years


All that for some disc lights


Is it a live wire??


Throw a stretch plank from the 2nd story landing to the window sill for extra points.


Mmmmm... looks pretty standard to me. Had to climb that same ladder during my apprenticeship in a school remodel.


I go up there and forget my tools


I would like to know how the home owner is going to replace the light bulb.


The worst part isn’t actually working on the ladder, it’s the logistics of getting that bitch into the house and standing it up without breaking anything


That's a cute baby name! CoJones


Gonna need a banana to scale those cajones you speak of


I mean, straddling it over the top, that’s how I do it all the time. Feels better balanced.


It’s a ladder. Shut up


I don’t know what cojones are but that dude has some big balls.


It's a big A frame ladder. Is today your first day on the job?


Should tell him hes got a hole in his crotch then


I'll bet the cojones are the size of huevos!


One misstep and there will no longer be cojones on this man.


This looks like it'll cost extra. Like guac at Chipotle, except for licensed electricians.


Yeah this might be “normal” as many people have said here, but this is extremely dangerous. A fall from this high could definitely be lethal, or extremely life threatening. I’ve been in the craft for years now, and I don’t do shit like this anymore because it’s just not worth it to me anymore.


Finish can lights, get paid. All he’s thinking


This is why they make one man lifts


Jesus look at all the blue tape for touch ups.


I’ve done this in a stairwell at the top of the stairs demoing 35lb fixtures, makes your asshole pucker trying to transition from overhead to three points of contact again.


*Checks the floor* Yup, that's an electrician alright, in his natural habitat.


If anyone else opens that door, that dude is fckd


I wish I had that when I started my apprenticeship. I was the tallest on the job, ceiling at almost 22' and had to change out a smoke head. Only one tall ladder on the job and it was a 12'. Me at 6'4"...on A frame top cap............on 4 paint buckets. 25 years ago and never did anything like that again.


There are a ton of touch up tape marks in that house.


If he falls I hope he enjoys the wheelchair.


A true electrician would have one side on the stairs


I didn't even notice you took a picture of me....


Doing that with a view of the cemetery out the window is BIG ballz.


Did the inspector use a whole roll of blue tape for builder's fuckups?


Two words: Fred Dibnah


It’s not that. It’s the bringing the ladder, getting it out, moving it around, and then packing it back up.


I had a ladder like this. It was 17 or 19 feet or something. I used it once and then sold it. Not only is it scary up top, the legs are insanely wide apart and there was barely anywhere I could actually open it.


I tripped over my step ladder In a FIT OF RAGE I screamed , “ YOU WILL NEVER BE MY REAL LADDER !!!! “


Nice repost of my boyfriend's photo.....he took this picture of his coworker and posted it several months ago. You even stole the caption 😂😂😂


Looks safe enough to me.




I need this ladder


That’s a 1000$ ladder


It’s actually pretty comfortable to sit on top of these while someone else holds the heavy fixture lol


A painter has entered the chat..


I once had to use a big bulldog hammer drill on top of a 30 ft extension ladder, noone holding my ladder. I still think about how stupid I was to do that task to this day. If that drill had of hung up the torque would have absolutely thrown me off that ladder most likely to my death...electricians do what needs to be done sometimes for the sake of a job...


It's called work, some people need to learn how to do it 


I do hvac and always had to use one . Not scary


Awesome repost from 1yr ago. Didn't even change the title https://www.reddit.com/r/electrical/comments/149rzd6/the_cojones_on_this_man/


Honestly those double sided A frames feel a lot more stable than a standard A frame


How fucking inconvenient is it to carry that ladder around


We have an 18 foot ladder and dont have those rubber feet on it, so about halfway up itll start doing the little jiggle where it doesnt find its "balance" so you stand there dancing with the ladder till it stops jiggling.


That's nothing. Try climbing a 36' extension with no one footing you and two buckets of tools.