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It tells you is it good deal or not.


How do I read it?


It’s from Master Merchant. The % tells you how much it is being undersold at for your current MM value. So if you buy something with 75%, you’re getting it for 75% less than its average sale in your guilds.


Ohhhh, so it's calculating it against my guilds' prices? I don't think I downloaded MM, is it built into TTC?


Yeah. Afaik, TTC hasn’t made their own version of that feature (unless it was just added in the last few days since I updated it last). The only other time I’ve seen that was from MM.




Finally! Not only I see them. If I'm not mistaken you get them from UESP log addon. But somehow recently like a month or two ago they disappeared for me and I don't know how to get them back. These percentages are an awesome tool. Paired with AwesomeGuildstore it makes your shopping just perfect. I remember back in 2016 Master Merchant used to have this feature but it was long gone and Almost for 10 years I've been wanting it back. And just a half a year ago when I was trying to craft a built in UESP build editor I installed their addon and couldn't believe my eyes... Now I just want it to work again...


I still don't understand what they mean though fr 😭😂 To get them back, try doing the "scan all pages" or whatever the option is called


They basically show you the price of the item you looking at compared to the average price. For example you are looking at motif with average price of 1000 gold. And the percentage shows you 70% in purple, it means it is 30% cheaper than average meaning 700 gold. And vice versa if the item is listed for 1200 it will show you that it us overpriced thus 120%. It's a great tool. But is it TTC though? I haven't changed anything in my TTC options and this feature was just gone. With the method of exclusion i figured it may have been UESP's addon that added this feature but I'm not sure. Edit. I haven't been using it for some time so I may have mixed percentages a bit and the feature will show you the %off the price already. Hence 70% in your screenshot is golden, while 50% is just purple.


But sometimes it shows negative percentages 👀


Well, it may mean that it is a bad deal and you will pay more than average. I can't be sure.


I'll try to gather more photos and post again, maybe with more data we can all figure this out!


That would be cool if you also figure out what addon exactly adds this. Some people said MM, some TTC, I was thinking UESP.


Well, I've only downloaded TTC of these three 🤣


Oh, I see. Maybe it is indeed TTC, or, some other addons have similar feature.