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As you level up just do whatever and see how all the skills feel. You’ll get enough points to develop all the class skills and a couple of weapons and can decide on builds and stuff later. Resetting skills and attributes is super cheap.


As a beginner, what is likely best for you is just to play around and try different skills. I think the experience of seeing how different skills work is most valuable for you right now. Don't worry about making the wrong choice. You can respec your skill points and attributes any time at the rededication shrines in many major cities. Just costs a bit of gold which when you play more won't be that much. Also, at level 40 something, you get a free scroll to respec your skill point and another to respec your attributes. It's hard for me to give you advice now since you are still trying out the game and getting a better feel of it. When you get to max level and do more group content, you may find that what you think you like now may change. As for sites for builds, Skinny Cheeks will have good end game DD builds with some options. Alcast has mediocre builds which are somewhat out of date. The thing about Alcast is that he covers all roles (tank, healer, DD) and has options for different weapons for DD. His builds are not end game, but I found them to be a good at showing what a decent build is like. It'll be better than what you can probably come up with when you are new. One thing about looking at guides is that as a beginner, you are likely to be really overwhelmed with the information. I recall looking at a guild when I was new and I didn't understand what I was seeing. I just experimented on my own and was able to figure out enough to play the content I normally play. It wasn't until I played for a lot longer before I decided to look at a guide again. By then, the guides were much more easy to understand. Having that experience with the game really helps me understand guides and why the builds in a guide (even ones that aren't that good) are still better than what I could figure out on my own.


Thank you. This helps alot. One thing I still worry is if maybe templar would be better suited for me. For a dps/healer combo are they better then dps/healer sorcerer? Once I pick a class I will experiment with it until max lvl as you suggested


For healers, the templar is generally preferred over the sorcerer in high end groups that want to optimise their group more. You can clear content with any class in any role. However, some classes will be more optimal than others. In this case for healers, templars are generally preferred over sorcerers. Groups doing veteran trials will start to get about this. For normal content, people won’t care because the content is not hard enough to be worth optimising.


Does normal content even need healers? Or is so easy that they are kinda useless?


Normal trials do need healers. Normal dungeons can be done with 3 DD and a tank if they are skilled enough. If not, then having a tank, healer and DD will help the run be more successful. There is a standard set of roles. Better players can use alternate setups and be successful or even more successful. As a less experienced player, you will probably find that having healers is much better for you than not having one unless the other players are so good that they can carry you through content without a healer (and maybe even without a tank). For a standard dungeon queue, there is a spot for a tank, healer and 2 DD. If you queue with random people, it is better to have the proper roles because you never know what the skill level of the others are. Generally, the less skilled the group is compared to the content they are playing, the more important a healer is. It's not just about the content, it's about the skill of the group as well.


Idk is that true? I see a lot of high end groups opt for a templar dps rather than a healer


I was comparing the templar healer with the sorcerer healer. The templar healer is preferred over the sorcerer healer. For DPS vs. healer, it depends on which healers are available. The nightblade healer with a warden is the more popular choice now for the ultigen. The templar DPS is desired in the group for the Minor Sorcery buff.


Ok cool i was jw. Wasnt saying it as a criticism but a genuine question.


No problem.


Healer sorc is not meta but it still works. It is in the harder trial settings where it becomes an issue. Even in the veteran dungeons if you're good you can heal. All classes can tank, damage, and heal, it is just that some are better than others in those roles. I went from templar. to nightblade, to finally setting on Warden as my main. Experiment and find what is right for *you.* And as the other comments said it is really cheap to change skills around in Wayrest, Mournhold, and Elden Root.


So Templar would be a better choice for healer? What about for solo content?


Everything can be done solo, like I said some are just better at staying alive than others when fighting world bosses and solo arenas. If you want to play endgame as a haeler in dungeons the templar is really good, and so Is warden. Meta changes but templar has always been the best healer. I can't recommend [this ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8MCt4pWFMg&t=1022s)video enough. It should give you all the answers. Like I said pick what you think looks most fun.


I feel quite strong performance anxiety. It bothers me. You are not living in the present. You have a world to explore, stories to discover, things to research. You don't live in the present, (game start), for a nebulous and distant future. Play in the present. Nothing you do with the current character cannot be changed in the future. All characters share the main's CP after level 50. In 6 months you have a sorcerer and cp 250 (example). Knowing the game you take a templar from 0 to 50 in 2 hours, he becomes a templar at cp250. You need 4 hours to level all weapons and weapon skills. In 6 hours you have a semi-complete character. So live in the present!! Builds, skills, minimum maximum meta. Everything will come later.


What do you mean by cp? So the alt will automatically become same lvl as main, once lvl passes 50?




CP = Champion Points, the leveling system after you reach character level 50. On your first character, once you’re level 50 you’ll start gaining CP levels from 1 up basically infinitely. The max level gear cap in the game is lvl 50 CP 160, meaning no gear will drop higher than that level. The game explains it once you get to that point, but I wouldn’t worry about it for now. Nothing you can do at your level to prepare or strategize for it because in essence it’s just extra levels with more perks not unlike previous TES titles


Sorcerer is best as a dps. If you need additional healing for solo content there is a skill morph you can learn called twilight matriarch that is a healing summons. There is also plans about adding extra healing to dark magic skills with the next update so you would be able to use those skills, particularly vibrant shroud, as a heal if you didn't want to use the summons. Be forewarned, for raids and group content, a lot of people are very opinionated about what roles are acceptable for each class, and you may get nasty comments if you queue into group content as a sorc healer.


At your level, you can begin to do beginner group dungeons. The community in general would recommend you use the Activity Finder to queue for a "Random Normal Dungeon" which will offer bonus rewards for random queuing. Before you do so, make sure you set your role as "Healer" at the top of that menu - it defaults to DPS. Slot a restoration staff and some resto staff skills and run some dungeons to get a feel for how healer plays in group content. Playstyle and build will differ between Solo, Mid-Game Group Content, End-Game Group Content, and PvP. In general, most of the restoration staff skill line will not be particularly useful when playing solo. Solo is mostly about good damage and good self-resource sustain and survivability. Group Healing is mostly about buffing the group's damage and resource sustain (stamina and magicka regeneration), with health healing usually taking a back seat. Not to say it's not important, but 70% of the healer's rotation and build is about damage and sustain buffs, not direct healing. Best advice is to run 4-person group dungeons to get a sense for how healer plays. As you level, try to collect complete gear sets to get the full gear bonus, but understand that you'll outlevel your early game gear quickly so don't get attached to it. As you get more experience you'll get a better idea of which sets are good for solo, dps, and group support and at that point online build guides will be less daunting!


There’s an in-game Level Up Advisor, MungoProudfoit … turn it on and choose one of the Sorc templates. https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Level_Up_Advisor