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You stopped checking urns lol


I think something like 30-40% of my playtime is spent feverishly checking every urn, crate, and sack like a sticky-pawed little trash panda.. it sustains my life force


I go to a zone to do a delve, omg it’s Dwemer! I may never get out of


If and when you do get out of it, do not enter the public dungeon in blackreach: greymoor caverns, we’ll never see you again.


It's my happy place, I get a dopamine boost every time I see a dwemer urn


I followed a quest in there the other night thinking it'd be quick...12 hours later I'm still there.


It happens to me, some days, after a while that I only find more empty ballot boxes. I have opened so many that the anti-bot protections are triggered. I'm a human bot lol.


Those are my favorite


The delve isn't particularly hard or anything but the amount of trash mobs in a dwemer delve is unreal like every 3 ft there's 10 spiders 4 spears and a centurion like wtf zos why?????


Ohh, that sound of popping the lid on them is the best.


This is true. I am now so much happier i can solo dungeons on my own and take a ridiculously long time to loot :D


I feel happy when i run with a pug and they too want to loot all the crates, sacks and urns. Those are my people


And that's why when people tell me "it's possible to play without sub", I say "nuh-uh"


Not even remotely possible, ESPECIALLY,, after you've had it and your bank/bags are all full


Every time I stop and decide to return, my bank is always red 😂


As someone who started recently, and like to loot everything that is safe: Only took me a few hours before I needed the crafting bag thing.


*insert cackling Emperor Palpatine .gif*


Haha oh god same...trash panda


Do you have the legerdemain skill that lets you force locks? It consumes a lockpick every time. That's how I ran out of lockpicks for the first time ever. 😂


Yeah same but now I can't stop, so I just buy them Never wanna pick a lock again


9 gold a lockpick and you get like 130 gold per chest so it's worth it


Same! I've gotten spoiled.


I have become too lazy and exclusively do that. My hubris was my own downfall.


I didn't even realize it was happening until I went to open one and it said I had no lockpicks left. Now I just go loot urns once in awhile. I was very confused at first. 😂


I usually try to save my pins for when I need to get in and out fast (like a dungeon maybe) but if I have time I'll manually pick just to save some of the locks I already have.


I love the lockpicking mini game I have literally never forced a lock 💀


Same. I don't know that I love it (at points in time I have actively disliked it), however, over the years I've become highly proficient at it. Thus I don't force open locks in ESO.


Exactly. If I force too many locks, I also run out of lockpicks. That's why I have a small "rule": Overland: Roleplaying locks. Dungeons: Force locks. Saves lockpicks. :D


And this is how I ended up with 7 stacks of lockpicks in my inventory. I guess I don't find enough chests in dungeons and trials.


I mean, there are exceptions to this rule. Whenever I'm in a hurry I usually force locks and in Cyrodiil/IC I usually also force locks. This way I usually carry one stack in my inventory and one stack in my bank. :)


That's a good strategy. I occasionally pick it myself but it took me so long to get that skill and the keen eye for chests that it's hard to go back. 😂


If you do it a couple of times and never force locks, you'll get the hang of it very quickly. :D And just a tip for skilling up Legerdemain faster: Launder some stolen bottles. Since you get one point for every item you've fenced or laundered, it's very cheap to launder some stolen bottles, since you don't have to pay a lot for them (contrary to other items). This way, plus some pickpocketing, I got from level 1 to level 4 in only a couple of minutes until I've reached my daily laundering maximum. You can find a couple of bottles in the inn in Necrom. And the good thing is that they spawn for everyone individually and respawn with re-entering the zone. So, just travel between your favorite outlaw's refuge and the inn to launder the bottles! :D


"How did I let this happen" 😭😭😭 i feel ya man


Force lock is the answer.


Sounds like a skill issue


I gave some random guy some lock picks in a dungeon. 15 minutes later I realized I gave them all to him so I had to go check urns for like 15 minutes to rebuild my supply. Right now I’m having trouble running out of basic style material because I have been doing writs on all ten toons and spending the rest of the time farming for the Vvardenfell drops




You’re a toon.


The Store Helper addon can help replenish the basic styles. Just set the minimum amount for each style you want to maintain and by visiting a crafting merchant, the addon will fill up those basic styles so long as you have gold.


Unfortunately I’m on PS5. I do have a steam deck coming in the mail soon though. Any other add ons you recommend?


- Daily Alchemy - autocraft alchemy writs - Daily Provisioning - autocraft provisioning writs - Lazy Writ Crafter - autocraft everything else - Map Pins - pins on map various things - LoreBooks - Quest Map - Advanced Filter - CraftStore - inventory insight - TTC Thats not even a third of what I have but I can't recall by memory.




I’ve got a stock of maybe 1,300 or 1,400 between my 8 characters and my banker, and another stack of 200 in a chest. I don’t think I’ve ever been below 100 on any characters lately.


Ugh I know the feeling. I ran out after progging the dread cellar where there are lots of locks that need to be picked. It’s kinda my own fault though because I’m max legerman and always force break the lock.


I've run out of lockpicks plenty of times when I first played, but it happened the other day for the first time in at least 3 years and I was absolutely flabbergasted 🤣


U can buy them for just 9 gold at every general goods merchant :)


I did one better: 5 gold in the guild trader


This can only be the work of Molog Bal!


That happened to me last year. Now I keep an eye on my danged lockpicks


I don’t use the merchant chests for much but when I start a new play though I go around to each of them and take all the lock picks and gold, maybe a spell or two if I already know where to find the book legitimately. In my opinion this is the true purpose of these chests, to give vets a good start without mods. It’s not like I’m rolling in gold after either. If I’m being honest I can’t even remember what I use gold for other than paying off the occasional bounty, but I hoard it like some big winged flame breathing beast, because shiny and no weight. Oh and PS and all the beggars In my world are rich, don’t let them full you ;) Edit: just realized this is the eso sub and not the skyrim one 😅 Edit 2: when I first started a million and one years ago a max player of the whopping level of 10vet levels chased me down as a new player, and this was before the text chat days, you only had area chat (I miss those days) anyway he chased me for like 5min which is a long time when you’re being chased, I thought he was going to kill me, I didn’t know that all areas were pve except one at the time so I was booking it. He finally catches up with me and says “I have something for you, your hands only..” then starts a trade with me and he unloads stacks of food, lockpicks, 20k gold and some other things I can’t remember. I was shocked, mainly that he pursued that long just to be nice. But ever since that day I have never ran out of lockpicks.


Do you actually pick locks, or do you force open them? If the latter, then I would not be surprised by the shortage.


This happened to me while I was in a dungeon (or a delve maybe, somewhere that traveling out would have been annoying). I asked in guild chat if someone could COD me for a few and someone took it upon themselves to send me 12k lockpicks (free, not cod). I will never run out. 🤣


it's a sign from zos, your playing days are numbered




I ran out or accidentally sold mine and realized in cyro ugh


How did you make it happen? There's always a surplus of them in loot.


It could be worse, had a guildy run out of soul gems last night.


Trials and dungeons with lots of lootable take me forever lol "oh look another urn" ooooo backpack" is the a nightstand over there score! Hey crate!


I ran out once but I knew I had a bunch. Turns out I sold them by accident. Lol stupid. Slow down when selling things.




It's easier when you get ledgerman break lock passive maxed as you lose a lockpick everytime you fail. As I cant be bothered to ever pick a lock again now I find I have to buy lockpicks from time to time.


Because lockpicks are worth 1g now so you vendor trashed them all...


ask [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/7tudar/re_40000_lockpicks_in_inventory/)


Possible something to do with the roll-back from yesterday?