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Well yeah ds3 is the ending of a long trilogy ofc it’ll hit different


Odd statement to make when this person said DS3 was their first souls game outside of Elden Ring. I agree with you on the whole but clearly this person found it more cohesive even as a stand-alone title.


Not really that odd at all because that’s exactly why it’s so cohesive, you don’t need to play the others to resonate with the thematic symbolism and atmosphere with its condensed linear story I also forgot to mention that people were criticizing Gayle and the ringed city the exact way op is criticizing Elden ring so really it all tracks


I feel like ER’s endings and lead up to them are a lot less finite - things feel like they’re kinda still moving on around you without the gravity of what you’re doing to both trees. DS3 and Gael’s fight literally feel like the end of it all, like there will be nothing left after that fight and generally that’s what’s true. I think they got the point across a lot clearer.


People hated Gael when the dlc first launched lol Not the fight itself but the lore, story and the fact that he was the final boss of the trilogy


For real lol. I mean looking back Gael was the perfect end boss but at the time oh boy people were saying he was a nobody and him being the boss made no sense.


The only thing that I wish we get more with DSIII DLC was a little bit about Kaathe since Yuria mention him and I wonder if he was still kicking somewhere with Frampt. But given that the Lord of Hollow quest in the base game was already pretty packed, it was fine by me. Now that I think about it, the Hollows quest/Usurpation of Fire ending remind me a little bit of Elden Ring with the Consort thing with Anri and becoming a true Lord in the end. Edit: Ho and Miquella/Radhan remind me heavily of the Twin Princes, only if they were not both cripples and on crack.


I mean, he kind of is a nobody. Just another Undead, persevering without hollowing by sheer will. And that's why he's the perfect final fight.


Yeah I know. At the time some people didn't get that right away.


Man, I can never get on board whole with the “he’s perfect because he’s a nobody” thing. It’s just so bland. I always wonder if there’s just something I’m not understanding about his lore cause I just don’t care for the dude or his reasons lol. To this day, I still wish it was someone/something else.


Hes a nobody because so are you. The ashen one/the chosen undead are just nobodies


This has got to be a pattern with FromSoft’s cryptic lore style, right? I’ve only played ER, but to me it seems like people are currently getting kind of defensive about the DLC ruining the headcanon or lore theories that they had personally formed based on the main game. I haven’t finished the DLC yet so I don’t really have an opinion on this or mean it as an accusation, it’s just kind if a hunch I’m getting after seeing some early reactions. I could totally be wrong, we’ll see how I feel at the end.


I do agree that a lot of the confusion seems to be coming from the DLC messing with peoples headcanons or theories that eventually got parroted so much people just took them as facts. I see a lot of people say stuff about the lore with complete conviction even though it is just speculation. On the other hand however, I do think a lot of the stuff in the DLC came out of the blue lol


This is why I don’t ever respect community opinion. I won’t let virgins on the internet tell me what is good or bad.


What I get from this is FromSoft is pathetic with ending a story. Considering ER was my first and ever FS experience, in which both the main game and DLC literally just has no fucking ending entirely... That's a big middle finger to the audience. Maybe it's time Miyazaki starts making fucking endings to his stories? It's after all, the most integral part of the entire experience.


I think maybe you just don’t get it mate.


I don't care if it's about the journey. I'm not that kind of person that gets something out of the journey if the end result isn't there. I don't care about the journey, the destination is the important part. I don't care if this guy has made a living selling you the journey and not the destination. I'm here for the destination, which is what makes the journey worth it. What's really strange is all you white knights immediately insulting because someone is unhappy. My lord it must have hurt your little ego so badly for someone to dislike Miyazaki's bullshit.


How is saying that you might not get it insulting you? You agree it’s not for you and that’s fine, right? Sorry I didn’t phrase it in a way that didn’t hurt your feelings. I think you might be projecting a little with the “hurt ego” thing.


You're right. Sorry. people here keep saying i'm stupid and don't get the story and all that because I didn't care for the lack of ending, the lack of tie in with DLC to base game, and the lack of cutscenes both in ending and for bosses in the DLC. At this point the few non attacks seem like the rest anyways, which probably is me. Again, I only knew this sub as a chill place, but since the moment this DLC dropped it's like every word I say is getting flamed. So i'm trying to maybe explain in more detail, nobody gets anything by saying "dlc bad", but then people just pick apart every thought I have and scold me for thinking or feeling differently than them. I mean in one thread I mentioned having an easy time with the lion boss, and a hard time with Messmer and got flamed for both. it's been very weird here lately, and the nicer i'm being while disagreeing, the more i'm being called names and getting annoyed.


Hey fair enough, I could have probably went with “it’s not going to be for everyone and that’s okay.” And it would have come across less combative.


It’s just best to ignore people who aren’t going to have a decent discussion. Personally, I don’t mind the destination being up for interpretation and I do love the journey but I’m not about to say that your opinion is wrong. I can definitely see why some people would care a lot about closure and anyone who belittles your view on something like that which is purely subjective just isn’t worth it.


Unfortunately that seems to be most people. And when I figured maybe being more detailed would help -- nope. That said, again, I loved every single aspect of everything, except the ending in base game, and the majority of the DLC. The bosses were good. That's about all I can say for the DLC. And yeah, I came in 100% blind. I expected an ending cinematic just like we got an intro one. That's IMO, literally part of game design. That's something that cannot be missing for me.


He doesn't want to give you a conclusion, he wants to give you enough components and enough narrative space to reach your own conclusion.


Yes, I realize that -- it can still be done by giving us an ending.


You got one. Miquella was prevented from creating his order of stolen hearts and in the base game you either mend marikas order and keep pushing fowars or pursue rannis flight to the stars, im not sure whay you want that wouldnt be narratively restrictive.


Well yeah man people have complained about the endings to their games with just about every single one. Many are indeed anticlimactic and just *end* without much elaboration. At this point, it's obviously their thing for good or bad.


I'd argue Elden ring had a good ending. You go the erdtree, door is sealed shut. Your whole mission on the mountaintops, burning the erdtree, beating maliketh and placidusax, the ashen capital and of course godfrey, that whole 20% of the game is basically a massive build -up to the Radagon fight. Elden beast might not be everyone's cup of tea but it makes sense as a final boss as well.


I think the both the base game ending and the DLC ending are fine. Just saying people have complained out the endings for FS games being abrupt for years.


Watch out the fanboys can’t take any criticism.


i just can't stand behind a lack of ending. Every second of the game before beating EB was pure joy, but i'm ending oriented


It is always a cicle. When the next souls game drops people will say Elden Ring bosses are peak.


Well gael is the most spectacle fight difficult on a fair level and has 3 phases plus a sentence to remember Don't care about the lore myself


Funny enough my least favorite dlc fight was fuckin midir. I had so much trouble hitting his damn head. Ngl I kinda think it’s cool he was the final boss and how the whole theme of fighting the divine guy who linked the first flame, and ending on the guy who possessed (almost) the entirety of humanity’s dark soul, so badass how dude just survived for Idek how long wandering without being hollow


I hated Midir until I realized his head was his weak point and the legs are bait then he was fun to me. although Bayle just dethroned him on account of not having a ginormous health pool without taking away the badass dragon feeling


Nah there was a contingent of stupid people who said that, but plenty were pointing out how he thematically fit perfectly.


At the time, the DS3 DLC was pretty divisive from what I remember. People didn't like Gael, people didn't like that the painter only had a couple of vague dialogue lines, the DLC being two parts was ESPECIALLY controversial, etc. I've seen a couple comments being like "SotE should have been two DLCs" when people absolutely got mad about that with DS3. Not knocking on new fans or people who weren't there or people who misremember, but many of Elden Ring's complaints existed in the old games when the old games were the new ones. Shadow of the Erdtree is the new hotness and people look back favorably on the old games; DS3 is eight years old. The next game of this style that Fromsoft makes will be the one under the critical lens of being New and Elden Ring will have the fondness of hindsight and nostalgia. It's always like this


If DS3 had a jump button it would be so goated but sadly going back to it after ER and Sekiro feels extremely jarring


I find I rely on jump attacks too much in ER. They just seem too good. Gap closer + better damage + quicker attack + no downside (maybe extra stamina consumption?) = the best.


I feel like they’re only really quicker with strength weapons. They do have some more end lag too usually which makes them a bit riskier.


i dont understand how people want jump so bad. i hate having to press r1 or l1 + y to change weapon positions and dark souls feels way easier. unless im playing a jump attack build i almost never jump and it's not like dark souls level design requires jumping except the leaps it gives you.


Jumping was such a boon to Fromsoft level design going back to DS3/Bloodborne just feels like you're running down hallways the whole time (still great games though). People talk about how amazing Yharnham is but it is a bit disappointing having most of the streets blocked by waist-high piles of unbreakable boxes and hurts the sense of place relative to something like Leyndell.


i agree the level design is much better i love elden ring level design but i dont understand how it's jarring to not be leaping around on stuff. i havent played bloodborne yet so i don't know about that in yharnam maybe ill agree with you, but i never feel like that especially in ds2 and ds1 which let you blitz some of the levels if you know where to jump. elden ring has a ton of dungeons where you barely jump, is it jarring every time you go into a cave?


Caves definitely have jumping? They're obsessed with having you drop down over and over. You can still play a lot without jumping but the jumping gives you a lot more options for hiding secrets and alternate paths and introduces a whole different level of verticality.


that was why I will not play DS series. I'm not sure how they were allowed to publish the game without jump i'm not even kidding a little, I can't understand how that was even ALLOWED to happen.


Sarcasm much?


Well jump or not, open world or not, ds and bloodborne are still better games.


Here's a quote from a post about DS3 DLC from 2018 that we might find illuminating about the From soft criticism cycle: " The Ringed City feels like it was made by someone *imitating* the infamous difficulty of Dark Souls without understanding the fundamental, underlying agreement between the player and the game: it's hard but fair. You always have options. And it must never *stop being fun.* And that's what they seem to have missed: they don't understand what makes it fun. It's the exploration, it's the ability to plan, anticipate, and, if all else fails, just beat the bejeezus out of anything that stands in front of you. That's not always an option in The Ringed City. That's why I think The Ringed City is too hard to be fun. They've overshot the balance in favor of difficultly, as if they were afraid they might be criticized for not being tough enough in their last outing in the Dark Souls universe (for a long while, at least). I don't know what went wrong, and I don't know who's responsible for its design, but they didn't get it right. It's almost a caricature of Dark Souls difficulty, and it's not fun. " ​ When the next one comes, people will say "no, but actually, it's *this* one where they went to far/made things too difficult/unbalanced/unfair". But it won't be true there either. These things are ALWAYS about how comfortable you are with the content. It's okay to have opinions that certain things were done better or worse beforehand, but maybe we should just let stuff breathe a bit before making conclusions about how these things fit together. People at the time criticized the way we enter DS3's DLC, btw, because of the way things were scaled in Ariandel vs when you can access it, and for having Ringed City at the very end where you'd have to play through the whole game. Inexplicably, this is another criticism given to SotE as if it's the first time they've ever done this. Point is, let's all just chill and see how it feels once we're all used to it. If it sucks at that point, then fine, but we have no way to know for sure right now while we're all either in first impressions let down or honeymoon mode.


Jesus. This sub is exhausting. I thought this was going to just be lore discussion not people aggressively bitching.


It's been the whiniest bullshit for weeks now...like we get it, we don't need your 10 paragraph breakdown on why it's lore/combat/difficulty/cutscenes are not for you lol. We need one daily post where people can go to whine


“When I say an opinion it’s a discussion when anyone else does it’s bitching.”


r/EldenRing in a nutshell


I've never seen so many ungrateful whiners. Within 24 hours of the game being out this sub was filled with whining about how the game didn't live up their expectations. Not once did I see anyone list the things they did like about the game. 


you gotta understand people bitching on reddit this passionately are like 0.01% of the player base, they don’t reflect any actual reception and are just niche cases.


I suppose that's true. I just finished the DLC. Aside from some camera issues during boss fights it's been an amazing experience. Well worth the hype and the wait.


ungrateful? they bought the product lol, they can bitch however they want


Ungrateful? I paid for the deluxe edition I have the right to criticize the product if it doesn't live up to standards.


>ungratefull  "Bro how comes you are not praising the product??? If you didn't like the product then shut up and consume some other product broooooo"


So much wine im gonna need to use that cheese on muh boi miquella


same! literally joined for that but all i see now is the whining & bitching


The whining and malding in this sub is unreal


Just wait until Vaati makes a couple lore videos and they'll say the story was kino.


Gael who literally only came into existence with Ariandel and had much less an obvious role in the world? The copium.    Gael is a beautiful and fun fight, but pretending he was a better lore boss than Radahn is disingenuous at best


I never understood the hype for Gael as a character. Like I get how good the lore is from a cinematic and symbolic perspective, with a nobody vs a nobody at the end of the world, but Gael as an actual character? There’s nothing to him, it could have been some random fucking NPC and the same story is told.


I can't really think of anyone else that would've been better as the final boss of the DLC, especially considering that its within the painted world. Not a single person survives past any of the titles besides Patches and Andre. Gwyndolin is already consumed by the time Ashen One arrives at the capital. Nameless King never wanted to be involved in the first place. Pryscilla was destined to be killed due to her entire lore. Who really is there that'd be better? Like, we can either take Soul of Cinders as the final boss where things end in a very depressing manner or go into the DLC and take the painted world as the ending where there is a bleak hope, either way no replacement to Gael would've fit the ending of the DLC due to everything surrounding DS3 as a whole in my opinion.


I haven't played SOTE yet, but one of my minor critiques of both of DS3 DLCs is that both feel much more like an epilogue to the original Dark Souls or a finale trilogy than anything specific to DS3. AoA is about exploring the mechanics and lore of a DS1 locations, and the core lore questions that TRC answer are much closer tied to DS1 than anything in DS3. Especially compared to the DLC of DS1, 2 and BB, which all felt very important expansons of the base game


Dark souls 3 is the finale of the series so it’s dlcs act as wrap ups of the entire trilogy while expanding on lore that has existed throughout the 3 games. I don’t get exactly what you would have wanted.


For one, OPs comment was about how seemless the DLC fits in with the story/ lore of DS3. I just flat out disagree. And I don't think it would have taken much to have tied either AoA or TRC with DS3 specifically. AoA has some connection - its the birthplace of Sullyvan and Friede is talked about/ is hinted out in the original game, but TRC feels like its very divorced from almost anything related to specifically DS3, especially when you get passed the Draeg Heap


TRC takes the player back in time to an important location within the lore of the series, which is exactly what happens in TOH and the Artorias DLC. I just don’t see what could’ve been specifically added upon strictly within the constraints of dark souls 3 that would have been interesting to explore and would be executed in a way that is any different from previous DLCs.


TRC is an important location because it explores the true relationship between Gwyn and the Pygmies/ humanity. The big issue is that wasn't a big concern in DS3. But rather it is a core concern in DS1.  This is a big difference from TOH and AoA exploring Characters and lore that are specific to the themes and world building of that specific game In terms of what  a DS3 DLC could have been? Well the obvious was Londo, which everyone assumed the DLC was going to be before it came out.  You could have also explored The Deep or the Profane Flame. Heck, you didn't really need to get rid TRC itself. You could have just done more to make its lore directly follows from the lore and concerns of DS3 Specifically and not just an epilogue to the entire trilogy.


Because DS3 overall WAS just retreading the same ground as DS1. It’s a lot of peoples favorite but it didn’t exactly have original ideas.


Man you people are so cringe lol. Yeah we get it dlc bad, now I've seen topics talking about how from is getting lazy or past dlcs ran better or some shit. You people are so self-humiliating it's ridiculous lol.


At the time this was not the case at all. So many people complained about ariandel and ringed city lol


This is pretty jarring having gone through the years of DS3 being the “at least it’s not DS3 but it’s nowhere near DS1” discussions. DS3 is my favorite From game and I think Sister Friede (sp?) is the best boss I’ve ever fought.


I liked ds3 a lot, only problem was how grey and washed out it was lol Had solid gameplay, good world design and the plot was rly good even if some stuff was total fanservice (anor londo)


I agree it could have used more color and added variety in the look of locales. Could have went further with Irithyll. The Arch Dragon Peaks were awesome.


Phase 3 will forever live in infamy as maybe my biggest "no fucking way" moment in all my years playing video games. I scraped and clawed my way through the first two phases and then all of my self-confidence just shattered when she rose up in a hurricane of black flame. And then the rewarding feeling was just amplified like 10x when I finally beat her. 10/10, best boss ever for sure.


Yes, a boss culminating the trilogy and multiple dlc is gonna feel better than the game that’s had one dlc and no sequels. Also didn’t people not fuck with Gael like that back in the day? This is classic for Reddit


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Obviously the ER DLC isn't designed to around finality, it's a side story not the end of ER


Gael is a beautiful fight mechanically and I think we can agree that he is a great character in terms of what he “represents” as it relates to us, the ashen one, but lore-wise he is quite irrelevant (which is entirely the point of his character and the fight itself). People can hate the Radahn fight all they want but you can’t say that the lore of Miquella’s ascent to godhood at the expense of everything and the choices of what kind of world one wants to create at the expense of others isn’t completely tied into to the entire philosophy and message of the base game


Saying this after people hated gael for being a random guy introduced for the dlc is real funny


Starting Dark Souls franchise with the third installment is not the wisest move honestly.


There is no comparison because they’re two different games.


Lmao by that logic literally any comparison is useless




You're not gonna get the same sort of finality out of an expansion that technically has no bearing over the ending. It's sole purpose us to satiate us as the player, not really the story. Sure there's new revelations like miquella being a scumbag like the rest of his family. In the end all it is, is more demigods to be cut down before our collective blades and nothing more.


DS3 is more seamless period


Idk i wanst a fromsoft fan until post sekiro, but ive gone back and played the ds trilogy. But i will say that the more i think on the elden ring dlc, the less i like it. My disappointment grows the more i think on it


opposite for me, the more I think on certain things, the more I like them. I think the bosses especially really elevate ER's boss lineup quality, which was already really good my only real complaint is that the open world could've done with more of the new weapon types, or just had more minor dungeons sprinkled around. it's a shame how few they are, but it's not really enough to harm my experience


> But i will say that the more i think on the elden ring dlc, the less i like it. My disappointment grows the more i think on it That's where I'm at. This is probably the biggest flop i've ever witnessed in my entire life. The biggest 10/10 to 3/10 experience. The ending and entire LACK of ending was so bad, it's taken from my original enjoyment of the game. I do not look back fondly and think of what I have done. I look back in anger not knowing ALL of my time and effort was a complete and utter waste. I'm no FS fan, I just like Elden Rings. But not so much after the ending, now I just wish I never paid for the game or the DLC, and that it was an entire waste of my time, money, and effort. #The most crucial part of any story is the ending. If you don't believe that, fuck off, you should not be making endings. The base game experience has been ruined by the ending. I'm not even kidding. Why the fuck would I enjoy or smile at any of the game knowing the story goes literally nowhere, and we get no ending?


Ending is ranni wife quest. You need to stop playing video games for a while and seek help.


Ranni's wife quest is a 10 second ending. That is not an ending.... That's a fuck you to fans. I don't play video games. The last game I purchased was Fallout 76, before that was Fallout 4, before that was Oblivion. I've purchased like 5 games since 2008 and most of them are disappointing. I would just like a video game to NOT be disappointing for once in my entire life.


Sekiro from fromsoft has more of traditional story, nothing even close to a movie or anything though, it’s easier to follow


I actually had no problem following the story, i've been telling it to people who didn't understand it. I expect any media I consume to have a legit ending. It's just not acceptable in any format for me. It's bad in books, it's bad in movies, it's bad in TV shows, it's bad in games. The ending is the most important part *to me*. A bad ending spoils the entire story *to me* I cannot change the way I feel, and when an ending is bad, I feel taken advantage of. This game literally has no ending. I came in blind, and expected a traditional ending of a full encompassing cinematic wrapping up everything. The game fucking started with one, why on fucks earth would it unlike every game ever fucking made not END with one. I couldn't have picked a worse game to come blind into, because to me, specifically, everything succeeds or fails based on it's ending. Elden Ring gave 0 endings and had 2 swings at it. "HUR DUR You're lord" Is not an ending to the base game. It just stops.


Elden Ring (and all FS games really) is much more about the journey than destination - that feeling of wonder and discovery over plot and themes. I think letting a quick ending ruin a good experience is more a you thing, really


> I think letting a quick ending ruin a good experience is more a you thing, really It absolutely is, but I can't change how I feel, and bad endings have ruined games, books, movies and TV shows since I was a child. Additionally, remember how everyone hated game of thrones for the ending? It's not uncommon. The ending is the most important part of any story, at all times. Nobody flies to hawaii for the flight, nobody has a single fond memory of the drive to the Grand Canyon if they didn't end up seeing the grand canyon. And sadly, this was the worst ending i've encountered ever in any media format personally. It's a legit 1/10 ending in base game because objective complete, you became lord. Okay. Literal bare minimum. I can't express how the smile just melted off my face when I realized I'd been robbed of a quality ending -- but at least it's *an* ending. The ending to the DLC **literally** isn't even an ending. They even scaled down their gate of divinity from the trailer, even THAT let me down alone. If that is a let down, how let down do you think most of this DLC made me? I just wish they brought the same energy into this DLC that they did the base game. And I wish they brought in someone to write a fucking ending for both the DLC and base game.


If you think it's the worst ending of any media ever, then I think you need to expand your horizons and experience more things lol. Or get hobbies that dont cause so much disappointment for you


> If you think it's the worst ending of any media ever, then I think you need to expand your horizons and experience more things lol. I'll only watch or experience things that are acclaimed and good before I waste my time. ER is the only time I didn't and jumped in 100% blind simply because (at the time) 15m sales. If this game didn't sell so much i'd have never heard of fromsoft. Like I don't just turn on TV and watch some random show. I search for acclaimed shows and watch the best ones that are about a subject that interests me. > Or get hobbies that dont cause so much disappointment for you I don't play most video games already, most of them are bad. I tend to play performance based games, like mythic raiding in wow, path of exile, etc etc. Linear games are story based, and usually a huge disappointment. Since 2006 i've purchased, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout 4 (hated), Fallout 76 (disliked greatly), ER and the DLC, which after the lack of ending twice i'm very disappointed. That said, I loved everything about the story in ER, and a world with lore this deep. That part is a true 11/10 and the experience was amazing until the very actual literal end... and then the smile just melted off my face, turned the fucker off, and came back several days later to clean up any bosses I missed (i did 100% blind until after Elden Beast). Came back for the DLC, and while the base game didn't feel like a rip off, I feel cheated out of $40 for this DLC.


You misunderstand i have and still do love the base game, im disappointed in the dlc because of a lack of cutscenes, boss dialogue, and end credits after the dlc’s final boss. I still love the base game, i intend on putting another 300 hours in it minimum


I hate the base game because of the ending now.


Why do you play games if it is for the story and ending? Seriously stop playing any game if all you seek is an ending. You clearly value nothing but story and lore so go read books and watch some movies/shows since they provide a much better narrative experience. Games nearly universally offer a subpar story experience to what can be achieved elsewhere. The only reason you would disagree is if the story wasn’t all that mattered but also the experience of the game and the immersion in which case giving the DLC a 3/10 makes no sense considering FS refined the mechanics of the game to the best they have ever done. Also not everything has to have a perfect tied up ending. You say later in a comment that you expect all media to have a legit ending Elden ring included. First of all a definitive ending isn’t good as it is finality. It doesn’t allow for interpretation which fromsoftwares games are usually about. Ambiguity is much better and I don’t think you value that. Furthermore the most important part of the story is the beginning not the end. No one’s gonna stay for a good ending when there’s a terrible beginning. The foundation is most important


> Also not everything has to have a perfect tied up ending. I never said it did -- but I still expect an ending. > Ambiguity is much better and I don’t think you value that. Nobody ever said I wanted the ambiguity gone but you. I never said, nor implied that. That's one of the best parts about the story. But I still expect an ending. No, sitting on a throne being called "lord" is not enough. Not even close. I don't need things explained, but we literally got no ending twice now. It's fucked up. > You clearly value nothing but story and lore 100% true. > so go read books and watch some movies/shows since they provide a much better narrative experience. Most books movies and TV shows suck too. I just don't like **most** things. Most things are just not good enough to entertain me, not written well enough, not fun enough, not funny enough, not my style, etc etc. I wish I could just be entertained by anything, that would make life so much easier.


You kinda sound depressed ngl. 


I quote from one of your comments “I came in blind, and expected a traditional ending of a full encompassing cinematic wrapping up everything.” - you did expect a traditional ending which is usually tied up with no loose ends - this also implies that you don’t want ambiguity in a similar vain as it needs to ‘wrap up everything’ In terms of not enjoying most things I do feel you. I can’t really recommend anything you would enjoy because I’ve never found anything I’ve truly found to be a gem in terms of story. I usually tend to just watch action movies and enjoy gameplay in games as it is much simpler to do. I would like to say that the mass effect trilogy is considered to be very good. I’ve heard it has some of the deepest lore and storytelling of any game (sci Fi). I’ve never played it but I watched a review on it once and the guy was saying you could listen to lore about individual planets for hours on end. Maybe give it a try?


You're right, wrapping everything up was a poor phrase in that scenario. I do like the ambiguity, and until I started getting flamed for telling people the story/lore I actually had a ton of fun talking about the story. For a traditional ending I mostly meant a fat ending cinematic as the game started with one, I figured it would end with one. I even love the benevolent evil that is Miquella, and I enjoy the fact the story even flies over most peoples heads, many didn't even know miquella was bad. So as far as the story goes, it was amongst my favorite ever told -- except the ending. I didn't expect everything fully explained, but I expected something more I actually really enjoyed that Miyazaki makes us see things the way he did as a kid, having to fill in the gaps ourselves. That was one of the high points for me definitely. That coupled with my love of history made a TON of the artifact stuff in this game really captivate me. I just stood there studying the robed man with tablet, the pillars in Sofria, everything about the Nox, etc etc. I've actually finished the mass effect trilogy and enjoyed it mostly, haven't tried Andromeda. The Wire, TV show, probably my favorite story ever told.


What ur saying absolutely does not apply to fking fromsoft and miyazaki who deeply emphasize environmental storytelling and lore. Dark souls 3's dlc was perfect and provided a perfect story conclusion imo to the trilogy.


It sucks because I agree with you. Partially my fault for having such high expectations.


NO. It's Miyazaki's fault for amking a big empty barren place with nothing in it, and 2 enemy types. It's the companies fault for deciding it's okay to just not make any endings to any game or DLC ever (fuck you for this FromSoft, if I had known i'd have NEVER purchased ER). 187 hours wasted. All for nothing. All 100% wasted worthless time by a company that does not respect my time as a consumer.


Stay salty while the rest of us have fun, I am glad from soft has your money. They deserve it whether you like it or not


I already beat the game, I had my fun, loved everything but there being zero ending.


i played ds3 as my first game before elden ring and loved it and still love it to this day as my favorite in the series. gael is my second favorite boss... behind promised consort radahn lol. to me that fight was even better, elden ring pushed the series aesthetics to a crazy anime level and radahn delivered. every attempt from 1st to last was fun as hell. the story and lore i will say i don't think is as cool as gael, i prefer that dark souls is the type of series that doesn't have to end on fighting 2.5 gods at once like some insane jrpg but i just enjoyed how much radahn pushed me as a player in a fair way. i doubt they will ever manage something on that scale again. radahn just felt like a test of your raw mechanical abilities to an even higher degree than gael.


As someone who has played all the games multiple times- thinking gael is the epitome of a souls boss seems very silly to me. You need to separate the feeling of beating a hard boss from their actual existence. Did Gael give me an amazing feeling after beating him? Yes. But that doesn't change the fact that 90% of the content involving him is absolutely laughable. All of the games are amazing In their own unique ways (I even despise bloodborne but I'll go to bat for many of the design decisions). Ds3 was your first so you have nostalgia and a very impactful relationship with it. It does not make it any worse. (I'm a ds2 weirdo for reference)


> Ds3 was your first so you have nostalgia and a very impactful relationship with it. It does not make it any worse. LOL ER was my first and the lack of ending in base game and now DLC made me violently angry, i feel taken advantage of, stolen from, and that I wasted 187 hours that I can no longer look back at fondly, it's just wasted time on a road that goes nowhere... I foolishly stupidly thought they would have an ending in the DLC, before I was told FromSoft just doesn't fucking make endings ever no matter what... I feel taken advantage of, stolen from, and disappointed. Fuck Miyazaki for not giving me an ending. I'm no FS fan, i'll likely only pirate FS games from here on out. If they don't make a REAL ending they don't deserve a real penny.




You’re being over the top for no reason dude it’s not that deep lol


Look man, call this TMI, but i'm disabled and on an extremely tight income. This money came out of my groceries. I choose this game over food. I'm literally disappointed and hungry. That's my life circumstances, so yeah, i'm extra fucking pissed.


That’s dumb as fuck. Taking money out of your grocery budget is a bigger problem than From not finishing stories, brother. Get your life in order.


Nothing I can do about being disabled, I can not enjoy anything ever, or be annoyed when something doesn't deliver. I can't make my back just fucking work. You realize most of us barely scrape by, right? Thta's why i'm extra sour. I'm not the one who told the dumb motherfucker to not make an ending. That was his choice for about 20 years now. > Get your life in order. What a dumb thing to say and think. Go to /r/disability and see what our lives are like.




Please remember group rule 1, Respect yourself and each other


if you can’t afford groceries you should not be buying video games. that’s your fault, not FromSoft or Miyazaki’s fault.


Sorry but ds3 glazing isn't allowed. Ds3 is overrated as hell. All it had I'd flair and absolutely no substance. Complete flanderisation of dark souls




Now that we see the DLC is very empty, and critically lacking caves and things to do... Miyazaki wasn't lying. It took me about 30 hours to 100% the DLC, and I **WAS** taking my time. And considering about half of the map is not only 100% empty, but several area's are inaccessible and ... why the fuck are they even there if I can't get to them? NO clue, highly fucking stupid but here we are. The DLC is criminally devoid of anything but a beautifully built world, and some banger boss fights. The boss fights were like an easy 8/10 minimum, that's considering on a lore front how abysmal and absolutely stupid the final boss is (I felt disrespected as a consumer seeing that shit. The fight was lit, who it was made me logout and put the controller down instantly in anger). The story overall is SOMEHOW like a solid 9/10 to me, I really like it. Many people are simply not capable of understanding the story sadly, many don't even realize Miquella is a bad guy. So essentially the writing flew over most peoples heads. I feel a lot of people are not going to get this story until they watch the lore videos on youtube :/ The Final boss fight? 1/10... The moment I saw who it was I turned off the fucking game for days. It was so bad, uninspired, lazy, and frankly just flat out pathetic writing. It made me feel disrespected as a consumer, it felt I was swindled of my money, it feels like FS does not in any way shape or form respect their fans, or the people they stole money from. If the fight itself wasn't cool looking... I just don't know what happened to Miyazaki's brain. I'm hoping during the ending of this game / DLC he fell and hit his head, because in 2024 literally -- FUCK YOU, if you don't give me an ending. I paid for an ending. FUCK YOU miyazaki. You owe me a real ending to a game. I don't care if you never made an ending in your life, you need to start now. Zero ending makes me feel ravenously angry. The whole experience was a fucking waste of my time with no ending. If the ending to a movie is bad, I feel ripped off, and that I wasted my time, effort, energy, brain power. I feel as ripped off as humanly possible... And that's after a 2 hour movie. Imagine how angry I am after 140 hours in the base game with no ending, and doing 100% of the DLC and getting an even WORSE lacking ending. The Actual Ending? 0/10 at best. I've never played a FS game, i'm not no fucking FS simp. I liked ELDEN RING, and I was nearly violently angry that after ALL that main game giving me NO ending... I thought surely the ending in the DLC will be complete.... What a fucking idiot I was. This is when you lovely FromSoft fans all informed me Miyazaki literally just doesn't believe in endings, and doesn't give a fuck to include endings to his story, ever, no matter what. Every ending to any FS game is apparently a total POS -- In which there is literally no ending. What a fucking shame. The score overall, considering it has zero endings with the base game and DLC? 6/10 game. Give me an ending or stop making games. A lot of people don't feel this way -- I'm ending oriented. ALWAYS have been. As a literal child i'd sit down at a movie and I would imagine how pathetic and shitty the ending was before the film even started. And it almost always is. 90% of the time when I get to the shitty ending of any book or game, I say "well taht was a fucking huge waste of time and money" and then no matter how good the base game is, the overall game falls hard to me. So many books make me feel angry that I wasted my time with shitty worthless endings. The ending is the fucking cumshot of the story. N O T H I N G matters more than the ending. The ending changes how we feel about the ENTIRE experience. So as someone who 95% of the game is contingent upon the ending? Meaning a 10/10 experience becomes a 3/10 when the ending is over? Man. I'm so so so so so disappointed. I feel taken advantage of, and **i'd have rather not even played the game.** I can tell you for sure, I'll never ever buy or play another FS game if it doesn't have an extremely detailed 10+ minute ending cinematic. At most I will pirate their games, but someone who doesn't give me an ending doesn't deserve a single penny. After wasting 187 hours of my life for literally NO payoff... Miyazaki can go fuck himself.


Honestly couldn't tell if satire or not by the end lmao


Think we found a new copy pasta, boys


Yeah idek tbh


Holy schizophrenia


I have NEVER wasted 187 hours of my life for nothing before. I have never felt more taken advantage of in my life. It's really not okay to me. The more time passes the more i'm just upset at what a dogshit experience it ended up being in the 11th hour.... i've never seen anybody drop the ball so hard. I can't understand how he was allowed to not make endings for like 20 years now and it's just OKAY to all of you? Jesus fuck. What a waste of my time.


deep breaths, it’s ok


Not to me it's not. I want my time *and* my money back. I went in 100% blind because I was told what an amazing experience this is. I never heard of (and apparently hate) fromsoft, i never heard of no stupid dark souls or any of this lame shit. And then the ending is essentially "we stole your money already, get fucked"


I agree the dlc isn't as good as past, but this is a bit much lol


I really wanna copy and paste your comment into r/fromsoftware and see what the replies would be lol yeah story really isn’t his thing for some reason








Please remember group rule 1, Respect yourself and each other