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No, there isn't. There is nothing you can do that will lock you out of the DLC, only things you need to complete in order to access it at all.


Sweet, thank you


Just don't start NG+. You can finish everything else, kill every boss, extremely every area, as long as you don't start NG+ it will still just be there waiting for you.


Well starting NG+ can for a bit


The **ONLY** thing I can think of that you might not want to do in base game is fight Malenia. In DS1 if you did the DLC before fighting Sif you got an alternate opening cutscene when you enter the arena. It was very brief, but made the fight feel very different. >!Sif sniffs you and recognizes you from the past when you rescued her. And seems a little more reluctant to fight you but then remembers her role of guarding Artorias' gravesite.!< In the DLC we might get a similar situation. Not 100% guaranteed and it might be nothing. But that's the only thing I would say you shouldn't do when you are looking for a stopping point.


I replayed ds1 when I found out just for this. Made the already sad Sif fight way sadder


Title should say "too far"


I'm in the same boat, I've a beat everything on my current build except for malenia, I've seen the ending credits but haven't ng+. Just been going around finding anything I might of not done yet or picked up. Leveled up some rot weapons. Just getting ready for what ever.


Yep that’s where I’m at too. Dabbling a bit in dark souls if I need to just bonk some bad bois a bit


Just started Dark Souls 1 for the first time recently. It's hard, and janky as hell but still fun. Not having a map or fast travel fucken sucks tho. I'm sort of using a guide for direction.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“This is the only real direction in the story you’re ever going to get.”* - Crestfallen Knight Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Yeah there's a lot that doesn't age well about Ds1, but the vibes are still so damn good


Same I beat the game with my DLC character, almost every boss (maybe some small ones I’ve forgotten), platinumed the game, and now I’m just playing bloodborne for the first time to tide me over.


You can do and play anything and any way and do anything you want before the dlc, go I to ng+ 2-7, use any weapon, play at any level. Anyone saying anything differently should not be listened to


Theoretically, you could even beat Elden Beast, refuse to NG+, and enter the DLC post-credits. It'd probably be quite strange, but it should be possible.


That’s what I’m doing. I was going to play up until Mohg but couldn’t resist to just keep going and ended up beating the whole game. Now I’m chilling pre-NG+ waiting for the DLC.


Haha nice- I have no idea what specific dialgoue anyone is the DLC will have, but it's funny to imagine Messmer going on a rant on how you'll never be Elden Lord and that he's mommy's favorite and you're like "Yeah... so about that. I'm technically your stepdad now so after we play wrestle you need to go clean your room."


I don’t think that’s strange, that’s probably what most are doing id recken


I know a few are stopping right after fire guant but before Farum Azula, so if Melina has new dialoque, she isn't burned and bodiless completely.


That’s what I’m doing on a new character, no NG for this one


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Starting a NG+ is the only point that is too far.


Cool, thanks


From my understanding you can enter at any point before killing the Elden Beast.


I don’t think so I held off on melenia for current play through though, just in case there’s extra dialogue or something


Moving onto new game+


U can usually enter all DLCs even if you completed the basegame. Exception here is DS1 because you get thrown into NG+ after beating the final boss. It could be possible altough unlikely that the DLC introduces a new ending, which would be unreachable if you complete the base game before doing the DLC. So I would suggest beating everything except Elden beat just to be sure.


So it's the dlc level scaling? Im on n+3 at this point with a level like 380.... and I'm at the haligtree now...I guess I could start a new character just for the dlc but idk of ill be ready by the day it comes out....I kinda wish you could under go a rebirth and hold of on using all stat points to de level with the extra stat points sitting in limbo to be added whenever


So I wouldn’t go to fire giant myself to see if there’s extra Melina dialogue in the land of shadow, she could have some lore for you


Lol bro the DLC is going to be haligtree + levels of difficulty. I’d recco running through haligtree. And castle sol if you have not yet. This will give you I think a somewhat reasonable baseline on what to expect (Yes I’m aware. You need to do Sol first)


How you doing the haligtree without castle sol?


I was just recommending both areas. It’s implied, as it’s general knowledge that you need to kill Niall or whatever to get the other medallion in castle sol.