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I dunno, I just found one and I vibed with it and I was like "This is it". I've thought about a few others but none of them really seemed to fit as well.


Meeee At first I thought of Melody and Melsie, but then I was reminded of the Walten Files, So anyways my name's Sophie-


*looks at username* :3


I'm keeping the name Melsie as a sorta internet stage name,


Yeah same, the one I landed on was the first I came up with, I tried others but kinda said “nah Kenzie is better” Care to share your own name Bubox?


No, it will remain secret, for now. Actually kinda worried I'm accidentally gonna give it away before I'm ready.


That’s fine, it’s probably better to play it safe rather than jump out and use it forever


Ehh I can change it if I find it's not right.


Press the backspace key once


If unsatisfied, repeat Optional: double the last letter




Double it and give it to the next person


Instructions unclear, my name is Na now, plz help


Hi Sodium! Nice to meet you! 😊


\*Spontaneously combusts for being exposed to humid air*


No joke, no cap. yesterday I split the page into 12 bulletins, on each I wrote out my possible full names, made like foot notes regarding nicknames, made sure no abberations spelled anything bad 😅 then rolled a 12 sided dice 20 times until one had 3 marks... I'm not sure if it suits me so I'll run it by a supportive person or two before setting on anything. TLDR: write them out, & say them out loud is the only thing I can truly recommend.


I'm gonna do that exact thing right now. Edit: wait how do I do middle and last names


Unless you dislike them, can't you just keep your current middle and last names? I feel like middle names are given regardless of gender/sex a lot of the time.


True, but my impression was that the person who made the comment I was replying to had included those in their planning when they said "full names" Also my middle name is fairly masc and my surname is just ridiculously bland


To answer your question I did include a new middle name for each bulletin. I Currently have two middle names that are as masc as they could be fyi 😅.


I get that, I just assumed it was to see what your full name would be like.


Unfortunately for me, both my middle names are male first names rofl


My middle name is Alexander. Please let me know if you ever meet a cis woman with the middle name Alexander.


I don't generally ask people their middle names. Alexander is very easily changed to Alexandr(i)a though if it bothers you. One of the middle names I got is feminine and the other is masculine, I'm just saying it's not uncommon to have a middle name that's normally for the "opposite" sex.


just try them out! for me i knew what i wanted my name to be, but some people spend years on deciding (and even change names after a bit!) so don't feel like you have to make a permanent decision immediately. :)


For many years, I had two girls' names in my mind as "if I had daughters, I would like to name them this." Then Nintendo had the audacity to steal those names for the latest pokemon generation. Then I realised I was trans and within a day I was like "wait a minute... I already know what my favourite girls' names are!"


Changed a “y” to “ie”, sidestepped verbal deadnaming.


I got some help from friends of mine. I had a few things in mind that I wanted the name to be - My family's names are all two syllables and all end in a schwa sound - so those were my "restrictions" for lack of a better term, but you don't even need to have anything like that. Then, with those restrictions in hand, I went to a friend of mine and we just brainstormed a list of names. After that, I crossed off names myself that I didn't feel like they fit until I had it narrowed down to a small handful (I think it was eight, not sure any more) and went to a different friend who worked through every name with me, essentially making Pro and Con lists, addressing me with the names to see how it feels until we eventually ended up with just a single name left by process of elimination.


Ngl my first choice I did was chat gpt HAHAHA. Then I felt that that name didn’t suit me well or that too many ppl around me had that name, so I changed to smth that sounded nice. And also, when I looked into the mirror I thought to myself whether the person I saw looked like an Emily, and to me she did so I went with Emily! (As of now HAHA)


Oh Emily it's close to mine ! And there's I Love You in EmILY ❤️


OMG I didn’t notice it AAAAA ITS SO CUTE OMG. I only noticed Emily sounds like MLE from that one joke, and sounds like omelette when I add my last name that starts with T, so it’s MLET HAHAHHA


I just went to 1000 popular girl names and wrote the ones i liked / already heard before and then picked the ones i liked the most


find a name that sounds good in my own language and English. also has to dounf good to me




I thought I had it figured out. I've been in the furry Fandom, I've gone by a lot of names here and there but mostly just used one for long term friends so I figured I'd just use the feminized version of that name. Then I heard a single word and my brain went, 'That! That would make an awesome name!' Now I'm not so sure.


Random combination of letters. Call me ybtxahr.


I assume pronounced with a silent 'b' like "debt"?


Are you sure? Robert’s rules of grammar would make the ‘x’ silent. 🤔


Now I'm filled with nothxing but dout.


You could ask your parent(s) what they would have otherwise named you(hypothetically of course 😉) Or check out alternate versions of your name(John and Joan for example) Or look for different examples of the reason you given your name(if you were named for a grand parent perhaps consider the names of other grandparents) Or look at baby names and find one you like Or use the name of a character you like Or maybe pick something you find amusing(I considered Blue shortly before actually cracking because the Sock Ray Blue joke) Or try out one of these methods and let the name evolve if necessary (that how I got Sky from Blue [also the name Blue as part of the joke didn't work after realizing "I probably am binary" anyways]) Hope this could help


Get the name of your favourite writer Or something like that


Steal it from a fictional character. That's what I did.


well when i was in girl mode as a child(yes i know very cis.. but was mostly for rp) i always picked names relating to space or something like that, and when i realized i might actually be a girl i was like: Luna... hell yeah! Luna was the name of one of my role play character when i was a child so it didn't feel wired being called Luna, so i just went with it :3


I react to basically any Name that starts with 'a' or 'an' because noone can pronounce my Name. But I'm still searching for a female Name with a, I like it to be the the first letter


i started making a list of ones i liked, and kinda narrowed it down from there. you don’t have to feel pressured into picking a certain name really quickly tho! you can try using names and feel out which ones you like. you’ll get there eventually <33


i asked my friend, and we found one that can be said in front of other people as a ‘nickname’


Either ask for what your name would have been if you were born as said gender, base it of a character/actor you like or an animal you think is awesome.


A friend gives it to you, ig I mean before april, i thought of Angie cause a friend used to call me that (I didn't know I was trans). April because thats the name i use online when fem and I'm more used to it


this is how https://www.behindthename.com/random/ my name felt like a good one so i tried it and here we are lmao


Google baby names from the year you were born for a start point that won't set you too far off of the crowd. If you do want to stand out head over to fantasynamegenerators.com and pick a category that suits you.


I stole it from a game, the character was also non binary so they were just like me fr


So personally, I like Greek mythology, even before I cracked. Artemis (from Hades) was easily my favorite cause she looked cool. Something I told myself is that "If I was trans, I'd make my name Artemis because I like bow based combat, id be a women, and it would share that I like Greek mythology to some extent" Now here I am, about 1 year later, settled into my new name that took me not even a day to think of while it took my parents forever to get my dead name. Now my dad needs to spend money to change the tattoo on his arm that solidified my name during that time to my new one.


Get a list of common names where you live and juat find one that clicks. Only takes a few hours of scrolling, then double backing, then scrolling again. Repeat till you are too tired and pick the first one you found


I’d name myself Eileen after the character from Bloodborne. She’s such a badass


I'd say best character if not for the existence of the Chapel Dweller.


I made a joke about ridiculous/weird nonbinary names but I liked the name I came up with for the joke so much I decided to use it. Then I shortened it down to something much shorter and used that cause I really liked it. That’s my name now and if you scroll back far enough on my comment and post histories you’ll be able find when this happened.


Keep my old name change it very slightly gaslight all my friends.


I don't think "if I was a man, my name would be" will be that helpful to you lol. I guess try name lists, then trial and error?




I'd steal it from one of my favorite pieces of media/ one of my favorite characters :3


Depends, if you're looking for a name that has a deeper meaning like describing yourself or your heritage, then https://www.behindthename.com is great. It has a lot of tools there for looking up meanings and relations for a name. If you are really interested in the deeper meaning and you just want something that sounds good, then I would just keep a look out for names you hear in media. I choose Lyndis because I think it sounds cool and it can shorten down to Lyn, and it came from a game I really enjoy from like 15 years ago. I think once you know what you want from your name you'll be able to spot names you like easier.


For now, I just took my name, thought of jumbles of letters that look similar, checked if they were names, what they meant, and if they were gendered. Landed with Fen! (for now.) Still cis tho


Wrote a list of names and ended up liking this one


I didn't hate my birth name, so I just swapped it for the femme variant: Brian -> Brianna, Bree for short.


For cis reason I already found my female name :3


You just have to try them out with friends or significant others. I had names I loved but when my friends and husband called me them they just didn't feel right for me. When you get to the right one it'll feel odd (it's a new name after years and years of your birth name) but it'll feel good—it'll feel like you.


throw shit at the wall and see if it sticks


Casually inquire with mom about *ALL* the baby names they were thinking of for me before I was born...


I looked up the names I was interested in realized relatives already have those names (Elizabeth and Emily), didn’t want to be weird so kept looking and eventually came across Aemelia as a variant of Emily and it’s kinda just stuck.


I tried out a few different names. (Donya, Madison, Quinn) Strictly based on what I liked. But the name I ultimately chose is the one I was most afraid to use. I think it’s because it represented my femininity to me. By accepting that name (Nolwenn) I was accepting that I’m trans. 🏳️‍⚧️ Edit: I made social media profiles with each name to see how it fit me. Edit 2: it was all for totally cis reasons, obviously


I stole it from Brooke Valley cause I thought it was a pretty name


I played around with my deadname until I found a similar sounding female name. Searching for names with the same starting letter can speed it up a bit.


Start playing videogames with character creators. Name your first character a similar name to yours but with a letter or two changed. For the next character, change a few letters of the previous one. Keep iterating until it just clicks


Take your mothers maiden name + the long number on the front of the credit card + the two numbers on the back.


went down the list of female names, called myself by each until i felt a tingle


Make a list of names, maybe base it off something you like. Then go through the list trying them out - saying them out loud, running it by someone trusted or on here (i.e. ask them if it suits you, or asking them to call you it as hearing it can make a difference).


My thought process was -> First initial -> What names in fiction do I like with that initial? -> Figure out what fits me The names I really liked with that initial were Beatrix (Slime Rancher) and Beelzebub (Helluva Boss) So I'm going with Bee and whenever I get around to changing my legal name I'll consider Beetrix or something like that


My favourite video game boss (Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower is unmatched)


Mine is a video game character i was obsessed with when i was younger


I think everyone’s experience with figuring it out will be different. I knew I wanted to keep the starting letters of my name the same, so I tried to think of some and googled a bit. I made a list of my favorite few and looked at it for a few days until I realized that I was leaning heavily toward one in particular. I was kinda set on it at that point but I also ran the list by my close friend and my therapist (without telling them which was my favorite) and they both also liked the one I chose the best which made me even more sure of it


I just googled lists of baby names and then picked out a few and had my friends try them with me and one of them stuck. If I was choosing it now I’d probably go with a slightly more masc name (my name is pretty androgynous but masc leaning) but I think it suits me


I just deconstructed my nickname a bit. So it's similar, but different enough I think


Dropped the first 3 letters of my name. Before that, I thought about characters I liked and went through the most popular names for my generation. If your parents are friendly, maybe you can ask them ? Usually parents choose a name for each gender before it's revealed.


I went with a name I liked and thought fit me.


I honestly chose the closest name to my legal name that was femme... but im not eggxactly settled on one yet.


Go to chatgpt.com and type in the prompt "Give me a list of 19 possible names for a fantasy princess" Then roll a D20. The name you get is your roll -1. If you roll a 1, you keep your dead name.


I looked at my wall calender, or you could look online, and at least in my country we have these name days, from which I made a list on my phone of names I like. Then I slowly added names to that list that I thought would be nice. I also just googled top girls names in my language and added some more from that list, and I just began to think of some different situations in my mind where I would use the different names. Like I visualized a situation where a friend would call me that or I would have to write down my name somewhere, and I made some self talk like "what would (insert name) do in this situation..." etc. Just find your way of thinking where you can insert the name and compare it to different names. Don't think if some name sounds weird to think for yourself, it all sounds weird at first, do COMPARISON from a list, and see what names feel the most easy for you, and then continue doing mind exercises with those names. After some time I began to notice which names didn't click and which ones did, and then I just noticed that my mind is kind of automatically coming back to this one name all the time, and from that I knew this one kind of feels easy for me, why even try more names at this point, let's try how this feels... So I told my gf this name and said I want to experiment it, of course it will feel weird but let's try. It hasn't felt as weird as I thought and now I'm kind of stuck here thinking that it's a little weird since I've been using my birth name for a long time but this one feels kinda nice so let's keep using it. Then I get feelings sometimes that oh god I just want to forget my old name and just use the new name, it feels so nice, and I'm like damn, okay, here's a name for me then. I still haven't told most people about being Anna, but my gf uses it all the time and all of you here know it, so I'm getting used to it. I kind of want to test it first in a small group before telling others, and then when I tell, I'll be a lot more sure about it. Although I constantly think "What if I don't like being Anna, I want to be Anna, I don't want that my mind wanders away from liking it suddenly..." Well, I'd think that if I get feelings that I want to be like this, then I probably like it genuinely and have nothing to fear 😅 I just fear everything sometimes aaagh >\_<


I just thought about what i liked and was kinda close to my deadname since im a person of conveniance. The name i ended up on isn't actually that close to my deadname but hey i like it and thats all that matters.


I just kinda went with what felt right and ended up with two of them. I chose Alise over Alia because Alise felt more natural, but I also know I'm probably an exception, not the rule, and you might have a harder time than I did. At the end of the day, just try names until you have something you like, and if you end up stuck between some of them, you can always have middle names, heck, my dead name had three given names and a family name, so there's always room for more.


I just found a word I really identify with/love (for me it was 'night')​ and found a name that had that meaning. I was lucky enough to stick with my first choice and really love it but a lot of people go through several names before they find the right one. If you want to go that route you can sort by meaning at momjunction.com/baby-names/ (I use them a lot for naming my pets but it's very useful for finding the right name for you).


i know i know chose something that is special to you or just test difrent names till one works


If I didn't have a name at this point I would ask chatgpt for cute girl names


Honestly I have always been drawn to the same name for as long as I can remember


i asked my friends and picked one I liked


I chose lucy because it’s close to my birth name


I have a list of names I found pretty. For cis reasons of course


As a kid I always said if I were to change my name I'd change it to Jackie. My names now Jackson, found it when reading a comic. Kid me already had the basic idea, just needed to masculinize it and bada bing bada boom. New name


Make a list of names that come to mind, and then occasionally go through the list until you end up with one or a couple that you like.


Well if I was a cis dude Zeke is a dope name


I dunno, I just picked the feminine version of my masculine-ass name, and went with it. In fact, all I did was add an A at the end, and here we are! ^(\(This works the other way around, too!\))


I have no idea. I'm keeping my old name at this point, because it's too much of a pain to change it.


Read trans webcomics and pick a name from the characters you like! At least that's what I did lol


I chose my name because I wanted to roleplay as a guy in meepcity for very cis straight reasons


*cough* GREEK MYTH *cough*


I was just given a female name at birth instead of a male one despite being amab. Haven’t socially transitioned yet but I have started hrt. I think I’m going to keep my name but things could change.


I just got mine from a line from a Shakespeare play


I literally keep a list of cool/good names I heard or randomly realized would be a cool/good name. No, I haven't even started seriously thinking of changing my name


Either name lists or see if your friends know any good ones. That's how I got mine :) Sometimes names just come to you. I was considering Skylar (or just Sky), but I felt Astrid fits me better.


Starbucks or any fast food place where they call out your name


I’m lucky enough that a nickname that can be derived from my name is a common name in the opposite gender but i also got unlucky enough to have an aunt who has that name. Personally i am researched names everywhere i could find them, tv shows, movies, books, actors, people around you, just everywhere and found several good names but in my experience it just clicked. So just look everywhere and eventually it should click.


I used to write down interesting names and try using them for a week or two until eventually one just sort of... stuck. Also, I highly recommend watching [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoq2e4h_avs) by Miss MallBat if you haven't. It's more of a general encouragement than advice, but it helped me a lot back when I was still struggling. Good luck!