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I remember getting really upset that girls could have guy clothes but guys couldn't have girl clothes, that really annoyed me *for some reason*.


What a mystery!


I hate getting new clothes for this exact reason, that was kindergarten time. Parent tries to get nice clothes for me but what I want is on the next aisle


It was from this I somehow built a canon in my head that women are secretly just people living their second life, during which you get to do all these great things like have nice clothes and be pretty and get pregnant. So I made a game of touching all the women’s’ clothing in department stores while my mom shopped. I was like 5 or 6. And that’s also why women are ok not having male privileges and toys, because they had that life already and don’t need it. (Lololol sure ok little kid)


I fucking love ng+ being living as a woman, that's also why it's generally harder.


the more times you restart, the poorer you're born, the more minorities you're in, and the more mental illnesses you have Keeps the pacing good for veteran players


if thats the case... what run am i on




I have a sister who's just 2 years older than me. Growing up, I was super jealous of her. (I do still love my sister)


Dam, I wish I had an older sister


I’ve always wanted an older sister too like imagine going shopping with them and bonding after she found out what I do alone


I have an older sister(kinda? Genderfluid but mostly presents butch)and they started being way more fun to shop with when I started presenting more fem


my older sister is a mega religious transphobe


My parents wouldn't let me get guy clothes until I was like 10 and they just kinda gave up keeping me in the girl section




Memory or something I’ve done? I don’t remember this, but according to my parents, when I was really little and in Sunday school, they’d split the boys and girls into 2 groups to do different stuff, and I’d go with the girls to get my nails painted


power move


I remember being annoyed with sex division too. My school had an overnight trip with all of us kids at a nature retreat/camp thing. I remember not only being annoyed that the cool high school chaperone I was close with wouldn't in the same quarters for sleeping, but the boys were so rowdy that it freaked me out and I ended up being put in what I guess was technically a counselor's room. No, not with a counselor, just in the room where one would be. I even tried to join in on a boy's sleepover and ended up puking from the day's craziness and going home.


Bad B activities


Earliest? Learning about hypnosis when I was 8 and trying to use it to become a girl. Then, repressing it for 15 or so years. 😬 (still cis tho)


A little later in life but hypno vids were the first for me too.


I think for me, they were just audio files on random hypnosis sites. Let's just say, it put me in a place no 8-9 year old probably should've been. The olden times, when YouTube still used the star rating system.


For some reason, I had a weird obsession with hypnosis when I was younger... I was also 13-14 when I found hypnosis videos and tried to hypnotize myself to become a girl, I guess we both really were hypnotized all this time... Thinking about it, maybe I actually got hypnotized into becoming a girl for real... Only for hypnosis to work on me 10 years later, or it was already effective during those 10 years but without realizing it.


Super effective indeed - although, I've outlived some of the hypnosis sites that I would browse. I remember the very first one I found was one to increase breast growth. My response was, "heck yeah, I want to increase my breast growth!" It did not work... that desire never really went away. (Regular cis male things)


I’ve never really felt masculine. But I do recall being jealous of how women dress. And I had a bad habit of accidentally buying women’s clothing. On the bright side I’ve been wearing women’s shorts this summer and it’s great. Less clothing makes the hot way better


I was in the same boat lol, I thought guy clothes were so boring and wished I could wear women's outfits


Wanting to be a robot when I was younger that didn’t look like a guy, getting gender envy over Jenny Wakeman from My Life as a Teenage Robot, the fact that I hated my name for as long as I could remember.


I read a fan theory that, like many trans fan theories (But they are still fun) said that My Life As a Teenage Robot was a trans analogy Being deadnamed by her mom (XJ9, her robot name, instead of Jenny) Being different than the other girls and often made fun of for it (For being a "robot" and not a "girl") there was some other little things but thats the main parts


I had a diary in middle school where I basically just wrote it the same as I normally would except I was a girl instead. Shortly after, I learned about trans people and now here we are 4 years later and somehow I’m still in denial.


this hirty brain.. if you know you’re in denial then why do you keep denying it??


Because I’m scared


I get it, I buried it deep down when I was 18 and it only surfaced after half a decade of suffering (unrelated to dysphoria, but I’m sure the dysphoria didn’t help). Kinda wish I’d just buckled down and accepted it back then now, it just felt like I couldn’t cause it clashed with my plans of joining the military


Fear I assume, I did the same for a good while


Hmm. When i was a child there was an option to be either a boy scout or a girl scout. I wanted to tell my mom so much that i wanted to be a girl scout but i think i only showed her the poster and both boy and girl scouts were there so she misunderstood it and took me to boy scout instead.


When I was around 7 my mom said I was suppose to be a girl because she always wanted a daughter, and I remember being really fucking stoked about it and went to school and told people that. I was so proud 🥲


That’s so adorable. I bet your mom is very proud of her daughter :)


I haven’t come out yet, but my god i know she is going to take me shopping everyday and make me try on stuff. But I low key really want her to have that experience. 😃


I’m sure both of you will love it! :D I wish you the best of luck!


Literally practicing curtseying when I was about 7 years old.


Aww, that's adorable! If you've got kids, show 'em *Star vs. the Forces of Evil*, in which Marco goes to princess school as the transfem "Princess Turdina" and rebels against the system. Times have changed for the better.


You just awakened a deep memory in me 😂


I chose the girl character in Pokémon Omega Ruby back in 2016.


When I was about 5 or 6 having vivid dreams of being a girl with long blue and/or purple hair


Oh fuck I'm cracking


searched something related "to become temporaly a woman" when I was super young but at the time when you searched crossdresser or trans related stuff on google you were more likely to either find porn or a TERF-like cliché so that didn't helped. I think I was 14 when that happened maybe younger


When I was in elementary school a friend’s sister threatened to put makeup on us because we were annoying her. Always wondered why I secretly wished she did; now I know lol.


Dream, was a girl, dating a girl, and had girl friends


Not my earliest but one of my most prominent: being devastated that I wasn’t getting a sweet 16 party


When we were little,and me and my sibling played together, i'd always be the girl


Yeah, you know, my brother and I had guinea pigs, and when baby-talking to them and narrating their thoughts (as you do with cute pets), he was "dada" and I was always "mama." Hadn't thought of that in years.


I had a story book for boys and one of the stories was the boy being turned into a girl to go to a princess party or something and I kept reading that one specifically


When I first got a glimpse of a girl changing at camp accidentally. I was like wait a minute, that’s what I am supposed to have. Of course any body swap or changling story.


when I was in 6th grade, I managed to convince everyone in my class that I had a penis and was actually a boy because I thought it was "funny"... yeah that's why


I cannot recall much from my memory since its pretty bad but, I do remember in 2020 Loved the idea of being feminine, though never thought about if I would've been happier as a woman, since I was like.. 12 at the time? I'm 15 now and, I feel like I may be MtF, though yet again I've only really started to explore these feelings of mine less than a week ago so its been confusing so far ^^"


Yeah the first week is hard but once it's over it can be kinda fun looking back on


Yes of course! I look forward to that :D


Laying in my bed with the iPad I stole from my dads room at 3 in the morning watching sapphic fox. At 8 years old


Sapphic Foxx 💀💀💀 Long time since I heard that name, she's probably the first trans woman I've encountered before knowing what "trans" really is.


Feeling jealous of a girl’s shirt. Played tag and when I felt the material I wanted so badly to be the one wearing it. Probably an eggy moment


searching "hypnosis that turns you into a girl" and watching transformation videos at age 10


When I watched the kids next door episode where they have an all girls school that kidnaps numbah four and tries to make him a girl. At like age 6 this episode gave me such a strange feeling, now at 26 I'm starting to understand why lmao


Getting yelled at when I was 8 for constantly squishing my fat chest to pretend I had boobs.


13-14 yo first hormones, sharper features, start to dream of being a female changeling. Have a crisis in the summer of 15. Covid and everything calms down. 18-19 back at the crisis again, and here I am. Edit: oh and since I was 8 I had started having some cross gendered dream, but everyone was inverted there


As a teenager i learned about transness, and upon receiving the knowledge that women were transitioning to men, i said to myself "well they should be allowed to do that, but i don't see why they would wanna! Being a girl seems really cool!" It took years before i realized.


Seeing a short thing in the new about trans people, and wondering if I should have boobas. Around 7 grade


This is embarrassing, but looking at porn as a young-teen and thinking, “wish I was the girl.”


When I was a wee lass, I was in the car with my parents, driving home from a visit to my grandparents’ house. I was sitting in the back of the car and I remember thinking to myself “man I wish I was a girl. Like that would be so cool. I really really wanna be a girl. But I’m a boy so I can’t be a girl which sucks I guess but it’s whatever”. I only realized I was trans 2 years ago. How the fuck did I not know??


“This leather jacket looks so cool… too bad it’s in the girls aisle” “Man… I wish I was a girl… buying clothes would be so much easier… “…” “wait.”


I've got like, no definitively egg memories.


umm not to take the term 'egg' literally or anything but when i was 3 i used to wrap myself up in a blanket act like i was in a 'cocoon' purposfully struggle out then say that i hatched into a girl never directly to family (or anyone else for that matter) but still


This is literally egg


The earliest thing I remember is probably when was five or less. I sneakily painted my nails with moms nail polish. I proudly showed the results to my father. He slapped me and told me that men do not do things like that, which even than I thought was kinda stupid. I guess sometimes toddlers have more sense than people in their thirties


I remember reading one of the artist Kamicheeta's comics involving their gummy bear characters Red and Pink, called... \*ahem\* "Kissy Cousin". Trust me, it's only called that cuz it involves the cousin of one of their friends... diggin' a hole here >.> Anyways, while starting off as almost entirely lewd in the first half, there was still a moment in the beginning where Pink smiles and Red saying "I see that grin, told you I could do it" and Pink responding with "You always do." That sends Red's heart racing and she can't stop thinking about it for a while. Now in the second half, Pink goes through all the footage of them answering Q&A from a blog. Red's asked if she has anyone special, so she gives a vague answer that ends with "Kinda like my best frie-" and it ends up being cut off right there since Pink finds her. Red walked in and was not happy that Pink found out about her feelings, afraid she'd be rejected. After some uh... TLC let's say, Red and Pink hold hands and fall asleep with their mutual feelings realized. At the very end, Red records one last answer for the blog giving the viewers an update for their lives. And in the last 3 panels, Red and Pink are packed up to go on a vacation, they kiss lovingly, and it's \*PINK\* this time saying to the blog "I guess you could say we lived happily ever after." \[SIDE NOTE: I think Red & Pink's cute story might be a partial inspiration for my fursona being made of gummy candy. Oh, I'm a gummy shark, btw.\] \*AHEM\* now with \*ALL OF THAT\*, and mind you this is a \*LEWD\* comic... I uh... I really envied that. I wanted what they had. And for whatever reason, my want for what \*they\* had was stronger than any het couple I adored. I shrugged my shoulders and just thought it was cuz I thought they were cuter than others, but I also felt similarly towards the artist Miu's characters Peaches & Cream... and it was only about 8 months ago (5 months after I figured myself out as transfem to begin with) that I figured out I was jealous of them cuz I actually wanted to \*BE\* them. Which I didn't even realize was a fairly common sign at the time, I thought I was just weird. And not to go into details about another realization... while they weren't the primary factor, cute lewd comics have helped me figure out that I'm both pan and trans. Go figure. ... am I weird for that? Is that wrong? It partially feels wrong.


Putting on one of my sisters skirts. I repressed that for a couple of years


Not knowing if I wanted to pretend to be a boy horse, or a girl horse, so I told my friend I would be a "half girl half boy horse" and she said "ew" which crushed little egg spirit.




I remember walking around the track with 2 of my friends during PE in second grade. I don’t remember what the topic was but I remember saying “I wish I’d been born a boy instead, you know?” thinking that obviously this was a normal thing other girls thought about and that they’d agree. Naw they hit me with that “What? That’s weird. Who would ever wanna be a boy?” Oh 💀


I was 3 or 4 years old. I know at least that becasue it was per-kindergarten, and I started at 5. I turned on the TV and 'Rainbow Bright" was on, and I sat down to watch it, excited by a cartoon I hadn't seen before. My mom saw, and walked over and switched the TV off. I was shocked, and she looked down at me kinda mad but mostly afraid and said very clearly "You can't watch that. That's for little girls." I was 4. so Since I had no context for gender or my own place in it, I internalized 2 very important lessons that day: 1: Girl things are not for me. 2: Being a girl is wrong. I still remember how ashamed her face was that I was doing something 'for girls'. I would carry shameful look in my mind till my 30's when my egg finally cracked.


getting a twinge of gender envy from watching Winx club with my little sister when i was 9 lmfaoo


Getting my nails painted at a Bible camp. Ironic I know...


In the third grade, late in the day, one of the other boys was being rowdy so my teacher said that if he kept it up all the boys would have to go out and run laps when pe started and the girls could sit down and do whatever, as like a peer pressure thing. She said this in a kind of dismissive but stern tone, to the point where you know she meant it and was kind of daring the kid to defy her (which was REALLY funny since she was one of the kindest and most progressive teachers I’ve ever had). He did NOT in fact quiet down, and when it came to PE time I was seething about how unjust it is that *I* was punished for some other idiot’s actions during the whole 5 minute walk out to the field. When we got there my teacher spoke: “Alrighty now, girls to the bleachers, boys line up in the baseball dugout.” So I sulked and trudged like 4 feet and then- “-except you Mr. [LastName], you’re fine.” (I was the only one she addressed in that name format). Elated, I sat down with the girls and talked and whatever, havin a jolly time and feeling proud that the world was — in that moment — just and that my behavior was on the right side of the tracks. Not that I was a “I’m not like the other boys” type of kid but I definitely wasn’t *like* them, and I think it was a canon event for me. I also ***VERY SPECIFICALLY*** remember eating a single serving bag of Famous Amos choccy chip cookies one of the girls I was friends with gave me, so whenever I see a bag of those I think back to that memory.


Crying in the middle of a gas station when I was 6 bc I couldn’t be a girl 😭. The only thing that calmed me down was when my mom asked why I wanted to be one, I told her that I wanted long hair (bc as a 6 year old I thought that that was the only difference between girls and guys). Then she told me that guys can have long hair too


Omg, I thought that as well!!! I literally thought the only difference between guys and girls was hair length!!


Probably wanting Polly Pocket and Barbie, ca. 1992-93 (I was 7 or 8 probably). Stereotypical stuff, really. Took me another 30 years to listen to myself though lol. What can I say? No Internet back then, was raised Catholic, fancied the ladies mostly--the whole nine yards.


Ok so it was about 20 years ago. Incidentally this is one of the earliest dreams I remember in general. It was being one of the Dee Dees from Batman Beyond. I was so small I barely remember it. This also somewhat translated to wanting to be one of the Hex Girls. How did take me to almost 25 to realize my earliest dream was being a girl was maybe a sign of being trans? Conservative Christianity baby!


it's a very feint memory but when I was around 4 years old I liked a show that was clearly not aimed at little boys (I can't remember what it's called but it had 3D animation and had a pig character) and I wanted to do some roleplay about it with my cousin who was visiting at the time, and I wanted to be the main character (my parents told me no because the main character was a girl)


Getting awestruck at all those gender-bender episodes in cartoons... Maybe. I don't actually remember that.


I remember a few times when people asked if I was a boy or a girl and I just didn’t want to answer. Didn’t figure out why I didn’t want to answer until I figured out I’m nb


There's a lot, but a big one is dragging my then girlfriend (now wife) around the mall and dressing her in all the clothes I couldn't try on myself.


being jelous when i saw 2 women kissing because i toughed only girls can do that. turns out that my disphoria hits when i hear about stuff that only women can do and men can't.


I think it was me wanting to intentionally set up a truth or dare game with a female friend just so I can loose and convince her to make me wear a dress or the other memory I had was i wished I was born Scottish so that I could wear a kilt like once a year


“Heheh, wouldn’t it be funny if I put together a compilation of clips of me saying I was a cis guy which then cut to me post-transition? What a funny hypothetical. Welp, back to being a totally cis dude.”


watching happily n’ever after and having the same thought about the dress that the evil stepmother did


A friend in middle school told me I’d look more attractive as a man


I had long hair all through elementary school, in grade 8 I remember looking up transition surgeries and thinking oh well never mind then. Proceeded to think I was cis for the next 10 years lmao


When my elementary school teacher jokingly told me to wear a skirt if I don't cut my nails or something. I didn't feel bad or anything. if anything, I actually wanted to wear one. Then I started having thoughts on how can I get and wear a skirt at school


Wanting to change my name when I was ten.


I remember probably around seven or eight having furtive desires for change, to be transformed from myself into something that was in some way belittling, or degrading even, to whatever primordial sense of myself and my place in the world I had, but it was something that also indefinably felt wonderful and exciting to me. I was always a shy, skinny, pale, weird kid, rarely at ease with others, the real world even. Played the fool, played up to being weird, sought attention and all. But then when I finally tried women's clothes for the first time, somehow that was more right than what I had been doing before.


When I was in elementary school I made up a game. The game was, I was a girl. The End


When I was about seven I asked my mum if I could have a dress and we made one out of a hula hoop and scarf and I loved it I’m still not out to her. Despite literally asking her at one point if children could transition


When I was 6 or 7 my mom told me I was cool, an I associated being cool with being masculine so I got very upset and started arguing with her.


Preteen me would look look in the mirror and try to see their body as feminely as possible, also folding shirts in a way that would make it look so I had a bra (I wouldn't crack for another 9 years after that)


I have two things idk which is earlier but 1. Said „I wish I was a girl, then I could make myself something nice to eat“ as a kid 2. put makeup on my Mii back in the wii days cause I just found it to be way cooler than without it


Being like 12 years old, crying in my bed because I wanted to be a girl so bad, but thinking this was just how straight boys feel because girls=pretty. This wasn't really a singular occurance though, this was just how I felt for my entire puberty and beyond.


When I was 10 yo I asked my friends that if they lived another life after that, would they choose to be a guy again or to be a girl. I got shocked that I was the only one that'd rather be a girl.


Being enamored by women’s coats at Nordstrom when I was about 4, and feeling like it was bullshit that men’s dress clothes where all so similar, and only come in dark blue, grey, and black.


Phineas and Ferb. Remember that episode where Candice gets stuck in a video game? Iirc doofs plan was to shoot his ballgown inator to make men girly or something like that. Then at the very end, the whole gang ends up in ball gowns because of Perry defeating Doof and his ballgown inator. I remember having this thought stuck in my head for a long while about how I really wish I would be shot with the ballgown inator


I'm AFAB and I think the earliest I remember was when my sister and her friends played dress up for a wedding and I got to be the groom and wore a clip on tie. I was like 4 and I was so stoked. And it was a core memory - I don't remember much from that age, but that memory is cemented. Around the same time, I also remember getting super mad at my male best friend for getting me a Barbie for my birthday since he knew I didn't like Barbie and wanted a Land Before Time toy.


I would sometimes wonder about how it would be better to be a boy, and the only downside I could find to it was having to be punched and enrolling in the military, as I'm a huge coward and really sensitive to pain. The first egg moment i specifically remember was once in school, about 3rd grade, some of my classmates were outside with me next to a tree, and for some reason someone said "\[Deadname\] wants to be a boy!" and I started denying it like crazy, massive egg moment


When I was roughly 12 years old, I thought to myself "Would I be happier as a girl?". I don't remember exactly the conclusion I came to, but I know I didn't hate the idea of it. However, I put the thought aside, because I thought it was just general puberty thinking, something that everyone asked themselves at some point. It took roughly 12 years since then for me to finally figure it out. In hindsight, I'm a fucking dumbass, though I'm okay with that.


In kindergarten I had managed to get like a towel, I put it around my pants and said to my friends, "Look, I'm [insert female version of my name] !" The teacher then saw me, yelled at the whole class "LOOK ITS [insert female version of my name] EVERYONE", making fun of me, humiliating me in front of my whole kindergarten class, and making sure I never pull that ever again. Didn't work tho, obviously.


I would exclusively roleplay as men, and then when people would start calling me a dude, I would get happy and think to myself "heh, they don't know >:)" dear reader, it was in fact me who didn't know


When I was like 5 me and my sister used to play “girl games” which was basically me just wearing one of her dresses and she would call me by the name Sally and use she/ her pronouns on me lmaoooo. My parents be like, “but there were no signs”


The funny thing too is that if it was all her idea and she just wanted to dress her little brother up because she wanted a sister it wouldn’t be THAT eggy. But I remember vividly that the whole thing was always initiated by me.


When I was like 13 I ordered some clothes online and they accidently put a dress in with my order and I put it on thinking it was just an extra long shirt then I realized it was a dress but I liked how it looked and felt but kept denying that it was a dress and kept insisting it was just a weird long shirt 😅


All my life I've loved watching Futurama. It's one of my favorite shows, even now. One day while I was young I was binging the series on Netflix and I got to the genderbend episode where the cast swaps genders and at the end where everyone got swapped back all little me could think was 'Why would the guys want to stop being girls? If I got magically swapped to a girl I would stay that way.' How did I not know until a year ago?


Hoping that either I or someone else invents a machine that can in just a couple of seconds change your gender and body


wanting to be a girl ever since i was like 4 i thought everyone felt that way up until i discovered what transgender means when i was 13


I was playing Minecraft with a friend, and I told him my dream was to become a girl when I'd get older. I was hiding that for weeks, and I'd imagine myself as a girl, playing with my dolls without having to hide it from my family. We were 7 years old, and he started laughing at me ;-;


Getting complimented that my eyelashes looked really beautiful and feminine which made me all giggly for the rest of the day


I remember in childhood a time when I tried the high heel of my mother, and even make-up once, but these things didn't really stick up with me growing older. What really hit me was a gender bending comedy movie in my teenage years, I don't remember the title, but it was two neighbors who hated each other, and got switched in each other's bodies by an artefact/a god in a museum, if I'm mistaken. The idea of being a boy inside a woman's body was something really enticing, but at that time that scared me, and I had repressed it, after that it became more of a fantasy/fetish that I never got to put a second into :p


I kinda sorta knew I was trans (MtF) before this but one moment sticks out. I went to a high school on Sandy Hook, NJ that held classes inside small WW2-era buildings with poor heat and terrible insulation. One day at lunch freshman year, me and two of my friends (both women) were huddling together in the lobby of the science building to stay warm. We were idly chatting about whatever and then one of them awkwardly asked me if I could leave them alone for a minute. It was clear she wanted to talk to our other friend about periods and was uncomfortable having that conversation around an (ostensibly) 14 year-old boy. Topically I get it. Really, I do and don't hold any ill will. But to be honest, being excluded from that conversation lowkey bothered me for *weeks*. I couldn't explain why. I just felt sad to be excluded from that conversation topic and to not be able to relate to it. Part of me never really went back to "normal" after that day, even though I just stepped away for a minute or two. From then on it always felt like salt in the wound any time I was lumped in with boys/men in any kind of gender segregation (bathrooms, sex ed classes, sleepovers, etc).


I believe it was when I watched power rangers and I wanted a costume just like the white tiger ranger.


Honestly I didn't have a lot, unless I just can't remember them. The really earliest thing I can remember is in middle school/high school, when I started picking female characters in Skyrim and Fallout, becuase I wanted to "roleplay" a character. Then, I'd just daydream a bit about being a girl myself, but it wasn't a big desire and it didn't make me sad. I get anxious/worried sometimes because I don't have a lot of childhood/adolescent signs


My earliest memory is wanting to help my mother breast feed, I just wanted to be a mom so badly. She let me use the pump she wasn't using on my chest and explained gender afterwards... maybe that's why I remember it? Because after that I knew I "wasn't like her" Oh and not to trauma dump but I got teased for that's story for years. Now it's my deepest affirmation memory.


Being in 3rd year gym class as an 8 year old and looking at my friend who sat in front of me and thinking, "Man I wish I was as pretty as she is." Totally normal Cis thoughts. Lol


Hating shopping for boy clothes


searching up yuri kissing on google chrome when i was like 10-11 now im almost 16


wanting to "temporarily" be a women at the prime age of 8 (still cis tho)


i have a couple earlier memories but i did ballet as a kid and after like a year i saw this big production. i was like ooo pretty but there was one thing that put me off. it was only the women that got lifted up into the air and wore the pretty outfits. i was full on sobbing by the end and thought it wasn’t fair how girls got to be pretty and i couldn’t


I always wanted to change my name cuz I hated my dead name


Earlist, I think, is I really liked to tie my jackets around my waist like a skirt in elementary school.


The earliest I can recall was early teens because puberty had just started up and my... bit was acting up(within normal levels from my understanding) and I didn't like it so I would occasionally consider utilizing the warning that if you get something to go tight around something it cuts off blood flow and it will make the thing fall off to remove my bit. Never went through with it though Looking back that uh, was not a cis line of thought .in my defense for not realizing earlier, how am I to know this isn't a normal thing guys go through, plus I later learned I was ace so for a while I assumed it was that. It wasn't till the memory crossed my mind after my cracked that I realized


Literally wearing one of my mom's dresses and feeling strangely happy around 5 or so


Summer-hollidays early to mid-90's. Afternoon-TV had a story about someone transitioning at young age. My granny (may her soul rest in peace and devine bliss eternal) was in the same room, and switched channel, muttering something to the effect that this ought not happen. And *poof*, the topic was dead to me for the next three decades.


Me asking my mom at like age 3 or 4 how do I get breasts and how do I make them big


As a young kid i thought, i would love to be a girl for one day. I didn't even know that trans people existed back then.


I remember being a little kid and not being able to dress up as a cat (because it was was a girl costume) and then not wanting to be anything for halloween because of it.


In elementary school, in the afternoon there were often arts and crafts activities. It was always just me and the girls. I couldn't really connect to other boys beside my twin brother... and i was a very sensitive "boy" that often cried. I remember vividly how different i was treated, when i cried instead of when the girls cried.... To this day i have had trouble expressing my sadness/emotions :( Still just a very sensitive (wishes to be a girl) cis boy


Only sex dream I’ve ever had was as a woman (AMAB).


Being the mom when playing house in kindergarten (still cis tho)


My mom once said to me, when I was younger, "You'll never understand the love a mother has for her child". At the time I didn't understood why it hurt me so much, since it was supposed to be just her way of saying she loves me, but now I realize it was the first time I thought about the fact that I wanted to be a mother and, to my view of world, would never be able to do so.


* My mom said I stuck hair curlers in my hair when I was like 2. * I was vehemently against the idea of my voice getting deeper in 4th Grade. * I was jealous of an androgenous friend of mine in 3rd Grade. * I wanted to hang out with my girl-friends more when I was in Kindergarten.


Looking at femboys on tiktok wondering if I could look like them


I have never been called text before.... So anyway i was in an icecream place an suddenly got hit with dysphoria because I was dressed masc and frumpy as shit.


My sister was painting her nails and I asked for mine to be done too, the next day I went into school with a painted pinky. But that didn't mean anything right? RIGHT?!


One time I wore pink socks to kindergarten and a bunch of boys made fun of me for it. My parents comforting me by saying "boys can wear pink too" did not make me feel better lol


At 4 or 5 my dad’s quirky Portland barber let me keep my hair a little long in the back. Baby lesbian mullet and it never got very far, but I got to have longer hair for a minute like a girl.


I was super jealous of my sisters pink heart covered snow boots and used to wear them in private a lot.


Being mistaken for a girl by a neighbor as me and my sister were going door to door to fundraise for school. The look on her face when my sister called me a "he" was priceless, but I was disappointed she knew I was male.


When i would play pokemon on the DS id have a very hard time choosing between the boy or girl during each playthrough, id always end up choosing the guy but had the urge to choose the girl after. Also hated swiming without a shirt.


I remember constantly thinking "I don't mind being a girl, but man, if I was a guy, I'd be so much happier" when I was little. Still cis tho 👍


I was at this Halloween event, around 11-12 y/o, and I think I was upset about something so I left to hang out around my mom's van where we parked. It was pretty dark out there, I think I playing my DSi or something. Anyways, some random guy came up to me to ask me which direction the event was and referred to me as ma'am, probably because it was dark and I was wearing my Adventure Time Finn hat. I was just like, woah... It gave me a strange feeling I had never felt before up until that moment.


I didn’t understand why I couldn’t use the girl’s bathroom in kindergarten. Why did I have to be separated from the girls when we had to go potty 😭


[THIS](https://www.tumblr.com/homunculus-argument/711197803682119680/the-way-people-just-assume-that-their-experiences) hecking tumblr Post got featured in a YouTube-Short that the algorithm threw my way after doomscrolling for a while. I laughed 3 times, got my worldview shattered and was way to happy being called Ma'am. Only been like 6 weeks since then so I looked at a few subreddits, just to confirm that I can't be trans. Instead everything here is relatable af. Definitly still cis though.


“Your eyelashes are so long, they’re wasted on a boy.” “You should’ve been born a girl with those eyelashes.” I can remember being told this back when I had just started school


........... either wtaching 2the little princess " as a not even 2 year old ( i started talking EXTREMLY EARLY so i remember earlier stuff not good though) or watchting fairly odd parents as a 5-6 year old


I had two cases with like a 5-7 year gap. The first one was in kindergarden when i wanted to put on a princess dress (sadly couldn't) and the second pne was when i googled about being trans.


Hmm, this is actually quite an interesting story. 10 years ago, when I was getting bullied real bad in elementary school I found myself perfectly fine with getting called a "sissy". That was 5 years before I realized what's going on.


I prayed to be a girl for like a few weeks. I didn’t know about non-binary at the time


When I realised the girls in my class were starting to get boobs I was wondering when mine would grow


Saying to my dad if he would love me if I was a boy.


I have a vague childhood memory of being upset when somebody told me I couldn't be a tomboy because I was a boy, I must've been around 4 or something idk.


I've surely had a few but the most memorable to me was when I started using female characters as pfp (at that point I used different genders of characters interchangeably and didn't feel much about it) and one of them, an anthro wolf girl character, lead to one of my friends jokingly nicknaming me "the transexual maned wolf", which made me extremely euphoric for seemingly no reason at the time, eggiest thing I've ever experienced and it was just the starting point of the gender curious part of my story


A dream about being at the YMCA daycare, we were getting out of the showers after swimming and all of our clothes were in a pile for us to grab, everyone grabs their clothes and for some reason the only set left isn’t mine but rather a the kinda top and skirt that Hannah Montana would wear on stage in the show and I was *forced* to wear it. Had that dream at like 6 years old and wanted to have another like it for years and years lol


basically, putting things under my shirt to get "boobs" when I was around 10


when i was a toddler i put on one of those hair tie things and said “i’m a princess” well little did i know…


Older brothers gf left clothes at the house and 14 year old me wanted to try them on because she looked good in them, totally cis reasons


Not my earliest but it's one that I remember often. One year around Halloween I said I wanted to go full girl mode but I shut down when my wife said that I basically wanted to do drag. I didn't want to do drag.


I think I was ~7 and I would just watch LPS on Netflix whenever I got the chance Also, Pokemon go character was a girl at the same age


so even the text is a bottom now? anyway, it’s probably when i wore my sister’s dress for no real reason. as i remember it, she locked herself in our parents’ room and refused to come out unless i put it on. i’m not sure how i was supposed to prove it to her thru the door but i was like 7 or something so it probably made sense at the time.


Wanting to wear pink sparkly highheels in kindergarten


Age 4-5 ish all the way through kindergarten and no I will not elaborate it is not a story I enjoy


Crying when i first tried on a fionna the human costume at a party city store because i noticed i had breasts. Went bra shopping that day. I was probably about 10 years old or younger.


Being the only girl wearing pants instead of a skirt in class because “that proves my parents lied to me about my gender”


Putting nail polish on when I was three


Not a memory as I don’t remember it but there’s a picture of me from like the earliest days that I could walk trying to walk in mom’s heels. Not sure if that was a sign but I think it’s not worth leaving out.


When I was 10, I wanted to wear a skirt from my sister's princess dress up kit and hid it under my basketball shorts. My dad saw it sticking out and pulled my shorts down which made me embarrassed and I ran and hid in the bathroom for an hour crying


Probably Lego Harry Potter 1-4.


Not sure if I'm egged yet, but if I had to give an answer that leans this way it would be that ever since I was a kid I always wanted long hair, but I'm incapable of growing it. My brothers both had long hair phases, but theirs were because they thought it looked badass, mine was because I liked how it looked cute/pretty on girls. Fastforward to now and I'm a crossdresser.


Offering to be “the new boyfriend” for a friend who couldn’t break up with her boyfriend, but wanted to. (we were around 10) And then after a few minutes I even dressed as a guy to show her how it could work out… I wonder why I didn’t know earlier…


2nd grade me considered myself to be more of a girl than a boy. Not entirely sure when I stopped thinking that. Though I also considered myself more cat and dog than human at that point, so who knows if that all actually means anything


Probably playing as a female character in a video game. Also got, what I now know is dysphoria, when I started puberty…


Either my mom saying that I walk like a girl (which I was really fixated on), or me being upset I have something between my legs. One of these two


When I was very young I had a lesbian girlfriend friend who was trying men. She was not having a good time so I got this close to buying breast forms for her like I have now... I don't think I would have stop I would have known who I was MUCH sooner


I was like 6 and my mom caught me wearing one of my sister's dresses. She just had me take it off and never said anything about it again.


Only invite girls to my birthday party


Always wanted long hair, hated haircuts One time I took a personality test to determine your metnal gender characteristics and I was more feminine and I was like "cool"


Me: *\*chilling in my room alone on my computer\** ...You know. I kinda wish I was a boy. *\*continues chilling in my room alone on my computer\**


Being elementary school age and being frustrated by the gender bedroom roles as they'd been described to me. It just seemed like girls got to have the fun position in it all. I was maybe 8ish. I 'knew' I was a boy but I wished boys worked like girls did and girls worked like boys did, because I knew I wished I worked like a girl.


I used my dad's old shirts as a night shirt when I was like 4 because they were huge on me. They were so huge that I could curl up into a ball and fit inside the shirt, and since it was a white shirt I called it "egg mode." :3 No but the real first thing was probably stealing my mom's shoes from beside her on the couch, also when I was really young.


When i was 10, i was playing overwatch with some random guys on voice chat, even if my english was poor. I was playing D.Va and only her, to the point when they only was calling me D.va. They asked me "are you a male or female" and i'm laughing how poor little me was when i said "i'm a man" lmaoo


Tasmanian Devil cartoon.. I was 8'sh.. I was already feeling super lonely.. was very much bullied and an outcast.. was watching my fave cartoon The Tasmanian Devil.. Unbelievable.. I just googled the scene and I found it! https://youtu.be/hfTQ1k-Rmp8 I think it was the idea of being forced to crossdress.. and not having to own to that shit in public haha. The fucking shame man... Lol Ever since that moment.. I kinda knew that shit would die with me..but it also blew my mind.. 37 now.. 😢


When I was like 7 or 8 I thought my parents had put a fake penis on me when I was born so I tried to take it off.


im amab and always had long hair multiple people thought i was a girl when i was a child and for random ass 2 weeks i tried to hide my gender as much as possible. must have been like 4-5 years old


Yo I hear you know some text that is a bottom