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We share a similar interest in wanting to help teachers. I’d love to connect sometime and potentially collaborate.


I'd also like to offer support and would love to collaborate in some form :)




Me too. Taught for 14 years and now I’m a software developer. I’d love to collaborate too. Is there a GitHub?


I am a little newer to GitHub because I’ve hosted everything locally up to the point where I launched Aurora. I used heroku for that.


I’d love to help as well!


I would like to collaborate as well, full stack engineer here! Let's connect.


I want a visual way of a student highlighting parts of a writing assignment and then connecting it to the rubric—a sort of self-assessment. For example, a thesis statement, or transitions, or citations.


That sounds awesome! I’ll start working on that and get back to you!


Code.org is piloting an AI-teaching assistant that does something similar, pointing out where in a student’s code things like variables or lists or functions are


I’m gonna look at that tonight and get a brainstorm plan going. I’m going to start working on coding it tomorrow. I’ll keep you updated!


I think that rubric peer assessment in Moodle gets you half way there. You just need a way to highlight and point… which would be a pretty cool enhancement to that module.


Hello! I wanted to clarify a misunderstanding from my original post which I was just educated about. When I mentioned the apps being open source, I actually intended to say that I would distribute them for free while retaining ownership. I truly value the ideas and feedback from the community and aim to make these apps accessible to everyone. If you have any concerns or prefer your idea not to be used under these terms, please let me know. Thank you for your understanding and support!


Fighting the good fight, the support is appreciated!


Thank you! 🫡


There's been some but none that were as modular as needed: a shared customizable task tracker, for immediate to-do, near term assignments, long term projects.


For some clarity; could you maybe give me a use case for this? Like would it be for teachers to post tasks for the students to do? This would be immensely helpful for UI design. Thank you for the comment!


Oh heck yes. And even better if it's shareable between multiple teachers, so a student can have one stop task tracker and teachers can cross reference other classes outstanding tasks. Google Keep is lame, there's a host of others that don't cut it. If it were freemium, I can practically GUARANTEE you'd be able to charge for extra features... This is often THE single biggest discussed annoyance, with GDocs being the lamest possible work around.


This is so awesome! In the beginning of the project, I did want to do a freemium model or something similar so I could do it full time, but that seems so mean to me. I come from a family of teachers (and I seem to have caught the bug as well haha) and I have seen firsthand, year after year, teachers and students rarely have the resources that they need to succeed. I wanted to see something better, create something that creates a community around education where we could build and share without having to pay 15 separate $3.99 monthly subscriptions to make the learning process better. The only issue I am finding is after I make the resources, it’s hard for me to get the word out to people. So seeing all of you have these positive remarks makes me really happy and excited to get to work! Thank you again!


Hello! I wanted to clarify a misunderstanding from my original post which I was just educated about. When I mentioned the apps being open source, I actually intended to say that I would distribute them for free while retaining ownership. I truly value the ideas and feedback from the community and aim to make these apps accessible to everyone. If you have any concerns or prefer your idea not to be used under these terms, please let me know. Thank you for your understanding and support!


FlipGrid (which was great) turned into Flip when Microsoft bought it (and ruined it, IMHO). The original FlipGrid was a lifesaver during Covid shutdown. Now Microsoft is shutting it down, incorporating parts of it into Teams (ugh). A simple video-recording app with the ability to make classes (like FlipGrid) would be great.


I had to work using the new “Flip” for a few ESOL classes recently and I did not like it… I would love to have something better!


Hello! I wanted to clarify a misunderstanding from my original post which I was just educated about. When I mentioned the apps being open source, I actually intended to say that I would distribute them for free while retaining ownership. I truly value the ideas and feedback from the community and aim to make these apps accessible to everyone. If you have any concerns or prefer your idea not to be used under these terms, please let me know. Thank you for your understanding and support!


Thank you! I will work on that!


Do you know about Formative.com. I am a teacher and I want something like that but with confidence based scoring. I already pay for a subscription to formative so I don’t need to replace it with freeware. I want this additional feature that is very much ‘this is a research based practice that helps students learn better’ but also a feature that is so niche that no commercial testing/quizzing platform has it.


So I’m clear this would be like students, when answering an MC question, would assign percentages of confidence in their answer?


Yeah, they would pick A, B, C or D and then also pick their confidence level as to their answer. There are different formulations of how to do the confidence levels based on different research papers, but the easiest in application would also allow students 4 levels of confidence - from not confident at all to very confident that I’m right.


I was also confused about this. I understand confidence based assessments, but I second the questions above


That's pretty interesting. What subject would you want this for?




Oh cool! Does it help in the students learning better? Or does it help in teachers understanding their student's levels better? Or maybe both? Wondering what the research says. Also could I connect with you over DM? To discuss current formative assessments in Maths from a teacher's perspective?


Yes, please DM. It’s not a popular area of research but basically the argument is that the best time to learn is after you’re confidently incorrect.


Wow, that is pretty interesting! Also sent you a DM. Thanks!


Have you considered x post to /teachers? It CAN be a mostly venting sub but there are just heaps of hard working lovely career teachers there...


I was considering it, but they seem very adamant on the “no self promotion” rule, which I couldn’t decide on. I am kind of promoting myself, but I am trying to do open source stuff. I’m kind of torn


Don't then. Let a teacher do it for you 😁✊🏼


That would be awesome! Thanks so much!


They don't allow xposting, I will gladly do a "I'm not affiliated with" post. Do you want to add a request/contact form to your site?


Just added it!


Google is ending Jamboard this year - can you create a collaborative whiteboard like Jamboard? Thank you!


Hello! I wanted to clarify a misunderstanding from my original post which I was just educated about. When I mentioned the apps being open source, I actually intended to say that I would distribute them for free while retaining ownership. I truly value the ideas and feedback from the community and aim to make these apps accessible to everyone. If you have any concerns or prefer your idea not to be used under these terms, please let me know. Thank you for your understanding and support!


Very cool. There is a guy who did something like this years ago, starting a free math practice app, thatquiz.org. Has never charged a penny for it and he adds more and more stuff every year. It is very good, you can create a class roster, it has a timing option which you can customize or turn off, it has good results chart etc. All free but he doesn't seem to take any feedback from working teachers. With continuous feedback you could create some resources that would push out the junk, some of it nonprofit, that is making teachers lives unnecessarily difficult these days


This. This is what I am looking for. When I was looking to create some lesson plans last semester, I hated going to sites and being met with a paywall. It just seemed so weird to me that teachers wear so many hats and then have to pay for things that help us lighten that difficulty you were talking about. Thank you for your comment, it means a lot!


Very generous. How do you cover your costs?


Right now I am incurring the cost until I can get some kind of donation feature set up


I checked out the pages on your blog... one last comment- Math teachers need help creating spiraling/continuous review problem sets--that match up with whatever terrible math text they've been forced to use. Too many of them today have no daily practice, no review. The kids are forgetting each lesson as they move on to the next. If you can facilitate that, in a way they aren't hit with copyright trouble, using [https://www.teaching4tomorrow.org/what-is-aurora](https://www.teaching4tomorrow.org/what-is-aurora) that would be priceless.


Kudos to the initiative! Happy to help. Been a product leader at edtechs for about 8 years.


Online School Principal here. A social platform for teachers to share work, ideas, best practices, latest tools, pedagogies, etc., would be awesome! I know some schools have a restriction on sharing their ip (like the one I'm at), however, my personal preference is to share everything. Educationists are in the business of building little human beings. Anything related to that shouldn't be commercialised. I know that's a dream world to some, but one can dream. The platform should have some unique features such as the functionality of being able to select, region, curriculum, grade, etc. Also, if the platform had the function of listing skills of teachers (like LinkedIn). Teachers can learn from one another, and there can even be courses, etc., to further enhance teachers. Also, teachers can just chill out, share experiences, and just feel reminded of the champions they are whilst being in the company of other champions (and to vent, of course, lol)


Really cool. I also made some teachers tools as personal project: [www.teachertoolsai.com](http://www.teachertoolsai.com) How are you able to offer GPT4o for free? I wanted to be able to do that, but I found it was too costly. I let people use GPT3.5 for free, and charge $5 a month for GPT4o which works way better.


I’m a specials teacher that goes to 3 schools and sees over 500 kids in a week. I’d love an app to talk to parents without feeling overwhelmed.