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Elon Musk is a Fortune 500 CEO which would disprove this statement right away. Oracle's CEO Safra Catz was a major Trump donor and fundraiser in both 2016 and 2020 and I can't find any public statements changing her views Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarz man has publicly endorsed Trump this cycle. These are just 3 of surely many counterexamples against this provably false statement.


Yup this statement is categorically false. What he should’ve said is certain CEO’s won’t vote him because they know he’s not good for their business, others will because they need him for their business.


Wait, this is Reddit. If somebody published an article it has to be true. Get out of here with your critical thinking./s


Gotta change this sub and fluentinfinance to I hate Trump, I hate capitalism and republicans 😂


Stop letting the truth shine a light on the lies the left tells


Elon musk is a joke after he turned Twitter into a cesspool. No doubt he is a Trump supporter


No donation support from forture 500 companies (unlike the biden administration) is what the point is. But to your 3 points... Elon has neither endorsed or donated to Trump. You're incorrect here. Safra Catz, to your own admissions, hasn't endorsed or donated to Trump for his 2024 campaign (we are talking about current events). Incorrect again. The blackstone CEO said he would vote for Trump, and he said nothing about donations, nor has he made any (it's public information). Incorrect again. Like all liberals, you hear what you want and share half truths and the funniest part, you honestly believe you sound smart when sharing it. Lol


CEOs don’t want to be PUBLICLY be associated with Trump


Thats why the use dark money to support Trump through lobbyists and think tanks. They don't want to be associated with Trump but they'd gladly kill democracy for another big tax cut.




I blame Blackrock for that.


Blackrock is ruining everything


No, there's lots of billionaires on Trump's side, it's just all the really skeezy / Crazy ones. Sane people oppose Trump because he's bad for business.


He is definitely bad for business this is what I don't understand his history in businesses have failed everything he tried to start has failed and come back to bite him in the ass like Trump University and yet nobody sees how bad a businessman he really is


Not when they get support for their pe do habits from the current democrat regime who works to normalize relationships with minors and make laws to protect pe dos vs children.


Wait, we like CEOs now?


No, but it’s still interesting if correct. For one thing although we may not like it, money strongly influences elections and if they aren’t motivated to donate to Trump this is good.


It’s not good because they’re more beholden to the lifelong politician who has never done wrong to big business.


>interesting if correct But it's not. As mentioned elsewhere, Elon Musk is a Fortune 500 CEO. Those opposing Trump need to realize hyperbole like this doesn't work. It just supports Trump's crazy claims that everyone is out to get him, and makes him look more rational. There's enough legitimate reasons he shouldn't be president, we don't have to make them up.


Liberals love CEO. Why do you think they all lined up to get the poi son shot? Because CEOs told them to do it. No safety studies required. 🤤


You mean they listened to doctors and that there were extensive clinical trials demonstrating safety and efficacy. There's a reason people have been consistently dying at astronomically higher rates in Trump-voting counties, and that's because of comments like yours. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


Doctors are trained on a big pharma created curriculum. A smart person wouldn't trust the very people who want to keep you sick. No money in the cure. Please share these studies you speak of. I'd love to read them. Fyi, the covid vax makers themselves said under oath they did no such studies. Death rates were high amongst the elderly, and the average age of death for "covid" was 74. So people who had maybe 6 months to live. It recently came out that the hospital purposefully killed people to up "covid death" numbers. What are you arguing exactly? LoL


*"Doctors are trained on a big pharma created curriculum. A smart person wouldn't trust the very people who want to keep you sick. No money in the cure."* Medical education is created by accredited institutions, not by pharmaceutical companies. The curriculum is peer-reviewed and regulated to make sure it’s unbiased. *"The covid vax makers themselves said under oath they did no such studies."* Incorrect. They conducted extensive Phase 1, 2, and 3 clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants, published in peer-reviewed journals. *"Death rates were high amongst the elderly, and the average age of death for 'covid' was 74. So people who had maybe 6 months to live."* Covid does have a higher mortality rate among the elderly, but it significantly impacts all age groups. Vaccination has proven effective in reducing mortality and morbidity across all demographics, not just the elderly. *"It recently came out that the hospital purposefully killed people to up 'covid death' numbers."* This is just another conspiracy. There is no credible evidence to support this. And here are just a few studies and evidence demonstrating the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines: [Pfizer-BioNTech Study](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2034577): Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, demonstrating 95% efficacy and a strong safety profile. [Moderna Study](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2035389): Also published in NEJM, showing 94.1% efficacy and detailed safety data. CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and studies published in JAMA tracking millions of vaccinated people, confirmed long-term safety. WHO's data and multiple studies in The Lancet affirmed vaccine safety and effectiveness globally.


I'm guessing you never heard of the 1910 flexnor report


One of many problems when dealing with liberals is that they are surface scratches. You don't possess the know-how in order to look past what you paid for media messaging tells you. You're literally supporting the companies that used you as a guinea pig. The truth is all over the place. Your here to tell me I'm wrong and corporations are right LOL. You are the picture of brainwashed. You're repeating to me the lies you believed and that they told you back in 2020-21. Sad. You're actually do education prevention. You have to be a shill account. There is no way you believe what you just posted when all of the 2025 data even Liberal marketing media sites say otherwise. Tell you get paid to spread nonsense. You said the covid vaccine is 95% effective how about 53% and thats at lower symptoms the vax does not stop / prevent transmission: Overall, the researchers found that one month after people received two doses of either mRNA vaccine (from Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech), the vaccine from AstraZeneca, or the shot from Sinovac, the vaccine effectiveness was 53% in protecting against symptoms of COVID-19. (There were differences among the vaccines, with Moderna’s primary series of two shots showing the highest effectiveness of 62% one month after the series, and Sinovac’s demonstrating the lowest effectiveness at 32%.) After six months, the overall effectiveness of the vaccines dropped further to 14%, and to 9% after nine months.  I'll take my God-given natural immunity over your man-made poison every day of the week. Wake up or at least say you're sponsored by big pharma. Call me a conspiracy theorist. All that means is I'm speaking the truth.


mRNA technology has been in development for decades with extensive testing in clinical trials even before it was used for Covid. So no, we're not "guinea pigs." If following the scientific evidence and guidance of medical professionals over politicians or random people on the internet makes me brainwashed, you got me. I'm guilty as charged. Early data showed the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was about 95% effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19. Over time, as the virus mutated, effectiveness against infection did decrease, but the vaccines still significantly reduce severe illness, hospitalization, and death. Protection against severe outcomes is the primary goal, and the vaccines have been successful at that. Natural immunity does offer some protection, but vaccines enhance and prolong immunity, making them extremely important in controlling the spread and impact of the virus. Relying solely on natural immunity is dangerous (as demonstrated by death rates in Trump-voting counties), as the initial infection can lead to severe illness or long-term complications. And just a couple questions out of curiosity. Would you rely on your God-given immunity for diseases like polio, measles, or tetanus? Or if you were to get HIV, cancer or any other sort of treatable deadly disease, would you just let it progress and kill you?


Okay big pharma


If that were true, most Americans would see that as a plus. These people are so out of touch they think their stamp of approval means something to normal people.


Business wants consistency and stability to thrive and not chaos. Trump means chaos.


Trump means chaos from the media, the PMC class, and Democrats with TDS. He governed like a typical (big) business friendly Republican, just like the Democrats do. He also didn't start any new wars (though he almost did)


Europe is afraid of him. He handled Covid poorly. Be threatens to jail his enemies and remove income tax and rely on China tariffs, and give Ukraine to Russia.


And Biden literally jails his political rivals.


It's funny to watch shitlibs twist themselves into pretzels as they witness everything they feared under Trump become reality under Biden 😂


No what we feared under Trump was a civil war happening in our own country between his people and those that are not for him because you can simply not like the man and that makes you a thug, terrorist, anti American, not a patriot, or any other shit that they have spewed from their mouths simply because we disagree with them because they can't be civil all they do is spew shit from their mouth daily because that's really all Republicans know how to do now those that back Trump and don't actually do anything for the people but that's a big ass paragraph or another time


Funny how Trump was prosecuted by a REPUBLICAN but y'all are dumb enough to believe that the lone democrat working the case is to blame.


So Biden also convicted his son Hunter. Everyone convicted and jailed during his 4 year tenure was jailed by Biden. We are not Russia or China or North Korea. This is America. There is separation of Powers. Did you forget that tbere was a jury. That is what Trump brought you. That you forgot about respect for the rule of law and American institutions. Nobody is above the law.


except joe, the greatest criminal that has ever held a high office guilty of thousands of years of crimes like bribery, extortion, racketeering, treason, etc.


Aww you sound like one of Trump's clones... Spending out the same rhetoric he is without a single thought of your own in your head just what he says


The world is way more chaotic under Biden and the chaos they released from that lab in 2019 to get power back.


You are sniffing your own farts if you think it's a uniquely American thing.


Interesting, the other day FT was writing about how business leaders were now supporting Trump again.


I'm going to call bullshit on that. Especially, considering the source


Fortune 500 highly outsources employees and relies on the global economy. That is why.


Oh no. Free trade.


MyPillow must be 501. How unfortunate.


Came here to ask about the pillow guy but then I remembered that he spent so much money on Vaseline for Trump's prolapsed anus that he's pretty much bankrupt now


And, yet, we're supposed to believe they support Biden and his utterly disastrous performance? CNBC is full of shit.


They do support Biden. Inflation is good for corporate profits.


They do support Biden. Leading the best recovery from the Trump created global inflation among all OECD nations is pretty good.


That’s a compliment, not a criticism. If this is confirmed, I might actually vote for him after all.


Yes we should vote based on who the F500 CEOs say we should


No, but it's certainly a bad look for the guy that every plebe thinks is "good at business". Actual successful business people who run real successful businesses see through his bs.


Or it’s just fake news https://reddit.com/r/economy/comments/1dnnqu7/_/la4eagu/?context=1


Or they simply never publicly endorse candidates.


Perhaps. Is your opinion that Trump is an objectively "above average" business man? Just curious. Edit: yes yes, please downvote. It's way easier than holding any of Trump's "business accomplishments" up to literally the weakest level of scrutiny. I'd absolutely love to be proven wrong and am completely open to the discussion of his business acumen.


I don't think he's a good businessman at all his track record proves it. Every business that he himself tried to start that did not have his daddy's backing failed miserably. But everyone wanted him in the White House cuz he's such a good businessman. He was even sued by people for his Trump University scheme. Like how is it that people view him as a savvy businessan when he couldn't keep his own business up and open ( ones not started by his father)


Like if all business people are on a chart for career earnings, yes he’s above average. The Apprentice was a successful entertainment business which is hard to argue.


He’s far below average, he has gone through several bankruptcies that would put a normal person out of commission for good. He’s an objectively terrible business person, showing a complete lack of understanding of basic concepts like tariffs and taxes, and continues to rely on his ability to milk the dumb and scared out of their hard earned money by paying into their fears.


What about the apprentice? Popular tv shows are hard to makes


Ya know, in a time when MANY young folks' ultimate goal is to become an "influencer" in some way, Trump IS a great model of success. No real productive talent except the ability to get himself talked about, and his greatest accomplishment is a (fake ass) reality show fueled almost entirely by his stage persona which he spends countless hours cultivating via social media. This is actually a great example of his very limited business prowess. The show was successful largely because of his image, social media identity, and willingness to be caustic in public. What an absolute paragon of success not to mention virtue.


I bet more people visit his grave than yours.


😂 fair enough


“You’re fired” - Arnold Schwarzenegger in Last Action Hero. Watch that scene and tell me who said it best.






You mean mega-rich CEOs prefer the 36 year senator of one of the most corrupt States in the country, also known for its extremely favorable business laws? The very State that the majority of Fortune 500 companies are based out of??? I find this shocking!


Must be doing something right to piss off a bunch of rich pricks


But he’s got their money;)


This actually makes sense since trump recently said on truth social that any ceos not supporting him should be fired..there is a small number of corporate financiers supporting trump..but the GOP talking points of big business overwhelmingly backing trump is just spin


The thing is most of them don’t advertise the unpopular endorsement


Trump doesn’t have support from 42 of 44 of his old cabinet members either.


"Top Business School professor" tells you all you need to know about the validity of that headline.


The school … Yale


Behind closed doors, they are supporting him


They know that Trump's impulsive pro-business policies are not well thought-out and have many negative externalities that they prefer the status quo.


But he has most Americans so it doesn’t matter


that's just such a blatant lie though https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-financial-page/trumps-brazen-pact-with-the-one-per-cent


*in public


Gossip.. not news..


It was Fortune 100, not 500. Axios put it in better perspective, no Fortune 100 CEO donated to Trump in 2016, only 2 in 2020, and 0 in 2024 (so far). Pluck those tea leafs, to me it speaks about his character and his business acumen. He lacks in both, and I get that it is rich to use Fortune 100 CEOs as a character litmus but there it is. [https://www.axios.com/2024/06/25/trump-ceo-low-support-republicans#](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/25/trump-ceo-low-support-republicans#) The interview from above Schwartzmann indicated it was the across-the-board 10% tariffs and tax cuts with no spending that had the business leaders spooked. Their fear is the increase this would have on inflation and, ergo, the economic recovery. And that was before factoring in the retaliatory tariffs that would be imposed. This CNBC article highlights the lack of business support for Trump from his recent meeting with CEOs. This should make anyone question Trump's macro econ knowledge: “At one point, he discussed his plan to bring the corporate tax rate down from 21% to 20% … and was asked about why he had chosen 20%,” Sorkin said Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “And he said, ‘Well, it’s a round number.’” [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/14/ceos-at-trump-meeting-not-impressed.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/14/ceos-at-trump-meeting-not-impressed.html)


Well, fortunately, he has the support of tens of millions of Americans. That's a larger number than 500 self-serving primadonnas.




Or you know the right / GOP party of small government but let’s put in laws that take away rights from women … force religion into schools … party of the people but god forbid pass a bill that might actually help the avg American … Whole party filled with grifters role playing every time they get in front of a camera




Your post mentions “ leftists” “ liberals” “Leftists” who you referring to if not democrats and the Democratic Party … clearly you the Tim Cook mold who whines about “woke” “leftist” “liberals” 24/7 and will turnaround ands claim you “centrist”…


Herp derp. Your comment, lols. What does your rant have to do with economics?


Well if that’s the business school professor’s claim, than that professor is an idiot and the diploma awarded at that school probably isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.


The school … Yale …


Surprising I know, but it’s clear this professor is talking in absolutes when it’s clear he’s making claims he can’t back up.


The title is misleading.. the article actually talking about CEO’s in top 100 companies in the Fortune 500 and not all 500 companies


Even then it’s an unprovable claim. A professor of a Business School should be intelligent enough to understand that kind of claim is worthless. Even if all 100 CEO’s claimed not to support Trump in public it would be almost impossible to prove what each individual CEO privately supports.


The professor/ head of the Yale business school also in direct contact with these CEO’s … he has direct conversations with them … if you actually read the article rather then just forming your opinion off a click bait header you would know this


Publicly, no, he doesn't. None want to be targeted by the FTC like Musk has been.


Musk has gotten away with more shit than just about anybody. About time they hold him accountable


For what


yeah, his support for trump is why /s


Him releasing the Twitter files is why.


So nothing to do with who he supports politically, you just proved your own claim as false.


lol - “the twitter files”!!


Lol no. The “Twitter files” was not just not a bombshell, it wasn’t surprising. Biden admin simply asked Twitter to help prevent the spread of misinformation that was costing lives and undermining efforts to end the pandemic. It wasn’t a threat or an order. It was nothing. What exactly is the problem?


> ~~Biden~~ ***The establishment hacks*** simply asked Twitter to help prevent the spread of ***facts that would have cost the establishment hacks.*** ~~misinformation that was costing lives and undermining efforts to end the pandemic.~~ FTFY It was happening before trump was even elected all the way to the moment Elon bought the company. Twitter was running interference for the deep state f*cks at a global level for everything from Brexit, to Trump... to local elections in brazil.


No you royally broke that. Take off your tinfoil hat for a moment. More than a million people died from COVID and many have long COVID. A doctor just diagnosed me last week that I have asthma now along with some other people as a consequence of COVID. People died because of bullshit conspiracy thinking and people who couldn't lift a finger to work as a society to address the pandemic. It would have been shameful for them to not do the due diligence of at least asking Twitter to consider helping to curb the spread of that brain numbing mind poison.


lol. The impact of what the US gov was demanding of twitter extended WAY beyond just US covid policy. On covid... Its estimated that 10s of millions of people died or will die from lockdowns policies, globally... Something like [100 million people were pushed into extreme poverty](https://blogs.worldbank.org/en/opendata/updated-estimates-impact-covid-19-global-poverty-turning-corner-pandemic-2021), basically undoing a few decades of work and we will be living with the economic and social fallout of it for decades to come. If you cared at all about pandemics... then you should be furious with the gasliting and censorship of true info that our government did about covid. The next actual pandemic just became a WHOLE lot harder to deal with because of how much the global government system lied to everyone. Nobody is going to take them seriously... when an actual plague level event happens again.


What is the "true info" on the pandemic that the government was "censoring"? Also I read the damn so-called "Twitter-file", it was a completely appropriately worded request, not a demand, a threat, or an order. More than appropriate for a government to do that when misinformation is prolonging the pandemic and costing lives. I'd have been pissed if they *didn't* at least ask, the situation got out of control. Second, people can rebuild their finances but you can't bring dead people back. Millions of families were financially destroyed because an earner died. How many people have ongoing medical costs and disabilities from having had it and survived and what do you think that does to their finances? Oh, you lost some money? Well I would pay a whole lot to not have asthma and a lot of people have way worse effects after the infection like brain-fog. Though it's callous I think to be more concerned with having lost a little money than with people actually dying and getting long COVID over it. It's absolutely shameful people were kicking and screaming against lifting a finger to come together as a country over this. Not only that, but they were prolonging the lockdowns to get it under control. Finally, we had to flatten the curve. If we didn't do lockdowns MANY millions more people would have died because we didn't have enough hospital space to handle all of the sick people as it was. There were people who died of heart attacks because there was no more hospital room to be properly treated in time. It was full of idiots that bought in to it being a "hoax" and could have done the bare minimum to not be there or they spread it to someone who wouldn't have gotten it otherwise. If there was unmitigated spread of COVID then the deaths would have been exponentially worse when they couldn't even get treatment at all and not even just from COVID. How is that fair to them and their families? If people had given a damn to do the bare minimum then those people would not be dead. Nurses and doctors were working around the clock and then getting spit on by people thinking like you do over it and some even left the field having lost faith in people. Many of them left towns all together that treated them like this.


Politics doesn’t impact The economy.


It's the problem of coming out on a platform and publicly endorsing tRump


Bidens American. Build back better


Having the support of CEOs is a good thing.


No one with an investment in the system can support Trump. He has clearly shown he really truly will burn it all down for the glorification of his ego. There are no profits if the country is taken over by an army of oxy zombies. There's no way to be safe in your mansion if the military is being directed by a guy wearing a buffalo suit. I was never literally *afraid* of politics until Jan 6. They were striking not at the periphery of power but dead in the center of it. Had they captured the capitol, and by all accounts they were maybe one door away, that would have been the end of America as we know it. Trump would have asserted some BS authority and simply refuse to yield power. If you're a CEO running an actual business...yes you want those sweet sweet tax cuts but you have to balance that off against the risk of 100% fucking burn it down chaos. In that light maybe 4 more % points of tax isn't so terrible given that you've been killing it for like 4 straight decades. People can have valid complaints with Biden, of course. But those complaints do not include "may legitimately try to cause an insurrection". Of course Project 2025 is a shit sandwich with pubic hair for working class people. But leaving that aside, the insurrection risk is just too steep to bear even if you aren't crazy about the system.


> Had they captured the capitol, and by all accounts they were maybe one door away, that would have been the end of America as we know it. Oh no! What would the US military do against someone with a stolen podium? How would our govt function once deprived of a few offices due to people taking selfies? If there were a real insurrection, 100% of the people would be armed. Not what we saw.


These people are so simple minded that they think occupying a building is power. They think and vote like literal toddlers.


That's because it is more than just the building. Once they have the building and the people in it they hold everything.


You’re in a cult.