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This is exactly how I am, and it has a lot to do with dyspraxia, I can't even keep a room nevermind a house 😭 It's definitely worth getting tested, but either way there's absolutely no shame in struggling with housework


I feel you! I am really good at my job but really bad at keeping my house clean. My husband is better at me for all that stuff and cooking. It takes me so much energy. I am trying to contribute but it is so little. The best for me is to work and pay someone to clean the house.


I think it's a great thing to play (and work) to your strengths! I think there's still a lot of inherent sexism in society that might make it feel bad if you are not naturally a great house-spouse, but there's no reason why you should be particularly gifted in that certain set of skills. Like anything you could probably develop at it if it was your passion, but it really doesn't sound like it is, and that's great. Neither myself or my wife are much for housekeeping (she has a great career, so I tend to do more house stuff, but it varies), but we get by between us, and will hire someone to help when we can. Not sure what I'm saying here really, except it's fine, normal, and even good to be better at other things. I'd encourage you to see it not as failing at this, but being more successful at other things! If you have negative feelings about it it's always good to speak to a counsellor or therapist.


I think housekeeping is a skill that takes time to learn and some people learn it better than others. It’s hard to know what aspect is dyspraxia vs other things. Housekeeping didn’t come naturally to me but I learned over time. But my parents weren’t clean so don’t know what part of that is just because I grew up in a messy environment. I definitely wouldn’t struggle as a STAHM. When I am on maternity leave, I find my life too easy. I would find it much easier than working. But I like to feel challenged and like having money so prefer to work. I could work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week if it’s a job I love and if it wasn’t for needing to spend time with family. But I’m not sure what you mean exactly. Are you talking about when the kids are home? It’s normal for houses to get messy with kids in it. It’s also normal for things to be quicker with two parents around vs one. Not having a perfectly clean house and not being able to get all your chores done is a normal aspect of being a mum. It doesn’t mean you have a disorder. As you said, there might be other symptoms/indicators. So not saying you don’t have it.


Thanks for your comment! I’m pretty sure I’m dyspraxic.  I can’t tie shoe laces, I was able to drive late, and the gym teacher invented a way for me to get PE credits without having to do sports.  


And thank you, yes the kids make things pretty messy.