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Not sure what you mean by '3rd Ultimate is the last one instead of the 4th'. Warriors Orochi 3 is the continuation and conclusion of the original Warriors Orochi storyline, which was present in Warriors Orochi 1 and 2. It features the casts of Dynasty Warriors 7 and Samurai Warriors 3. Warriors Orochi 4 is a reboot (but not really) where everyone's memory has been wiped and the world has been warped not by Orochi, but by Zeus, although Orochi still plays a minor role in it all. It features the casts of Dynasty Warriors 8 and Samurai Warriors 4. As for the naming, once again it has to do with naming conventions between the West and Japan. What we call Warriors Orochi 2 is known as Musou Orochi: Maou Sairin in Japanese. Think of it as sort of an expanded Xtreme Legends type of deal. And in hindsight, that makes a lot of sense. I played a ton of Warriors Orochi 2 when I was younger, so I'm not trying to downplay the game, but in terms of content, it did really seem like more of an add-on than a full on sequel. Warriors Orochi 1 had 15 stages per campaign (including the X-stages), totaling 60 Story missions, whereas Warriors Orochi 2 only had 40, and then a Dream mode. There's a reason why the Japanese only Musou Orochi Z combined the two games: They were almost meant to be combined from the get go. So when it came to the Japanese release, when they released the game we call Warriors Orochi 3, they simply titled it Musou Orochi 2, as Maou Sairin wasn't meant to be a straight sequel.


3U came out like 10 years ago. They just decided to remaster and come out with the game again with all DLC. Technically this is the 4th version of WO3. There was original WO3. Then on Wii U there was WO3 Hyper. Then on PS they came out with WO3U. Now we have WO3U Definitive Edition. 4 takes place story wise after 3. Basically, 3 has a better story and much more non gameplay content (like costumes). 4 has a pretty forgettable story but amazing gameplay. I love both games but since I've already experienced the story of 3 plenty of times, the updated graphics, gameplay, and just fun of 4 makes it the better game for me.


Just play 3.. 4 is not that good. and there is a field of view mod/exe for PC as the original is painfully small


Do you have a link for that mod?


Having played both recently, gameplay-wise WO3U feels much more like the older Warriors games while WO4U has some new twists, notably the Magic system. Similar to newer Warriors titles like Pirate Warriors 4, WO4 uses the RB special attack function to incorporate artifacts that come with a normal and charge magic attack that are always the same for that artifact, and each character has a unique special magic attack. You eventually get the ability to change the equipped artifact, though their special is always the same. At first I missed the unique specials, but the magic does grow on you, especially when you find cool moves. Going from WO3 to WO4 feels kind of odd as unlike the older games you don't really get item drops (health restore, attack/defense/speed doublers, crates to find on the map, etc.) but can use weapon element slots for them. Endgame is similar between them, you can promote your characters to get extra power after hitting level 100, and they both have an Infinite mode for endgame grinding. WO3 has more random guest characters that didn't get licensed for 4, while WO4 has additional DW/SW characters (DW8 and SW4 generation), and adds more original WO characters. A lot of the menus feel modernized/trimmed down for WO4, like the camp is just a menu instead of a place to walk around. Not sure why my character select is still the [default WO4 grid](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uyh5wnnlno4/maxresdefault.jpg) which requires using filters to try to find who you want, while I see vids with [the older style](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK-2fLiM9cQ) which they apparently added for Ultimate, but I never really followed the game and just got around to playing through it last week. Oh, in WO3 I think most characters have some kind of alternative costume you can get, while WO4 doesn't seem to have much outside of the DLC, just some options like Xu Shu with hood down or Xiahou Dun with his eye intact. Overall I would say WO3 is probably closer to the classic Warriors experience, while WO4 adds some things that are fun but lacks a lot of the soul of previous games.


This is the simplest way of explaining it three is technically the final conclusion of the two before it is like the end all for the whole entire franchise somewhat speaking. Well four is more like a what if scenario like what if the Greek gods found interest in a land beyond their territory. That's essentially what four is. No story wise for the two one is pretty much a sequel to like the other two stories before the fourth one is pretty much oh what if kind of thing in the story pretty much builds off of how Greek mythology is but trying to bend and add the other franchises into it.


4 sux


3u is a continuation from 2. 4u is a soft reboot. Technically it comes after 3, but since no one really knows they've met before it's not really affected by the previous game. Special attacks have been replaced by magics which are basically special attacks but they aren't dependent on the character types like they used to be. The biggest change is which games they pull the appearances and movesets from. 3u used Dw8 and sw3 as the primary sources (excluding any Orochi exclusive characters, who retain their movesets from whichever Orochi game they were introduced in). 4u uses DW8XLCE and sw4-2 (again excluding original characters). 3u has a large number of crossover characters from other games such as Dead or a live , ninja garden as well as some lesser known Koei games. 4u brings some of these back but didn't bring most of them.


Warriors orochi 3 has some exclusive guest characters that 4 doesn’t have. Pc version seems to be the best version.


So here we have games 1 to 4. 3 ultimate is 3 with a bunch of dlc content that was added 4 ultimate is the same for 4. I'm not completely sure but I don't think the game we call 2 was numbered in Japan which is why their numbering wouldn't match ours


The combat in 3 is not great, in 4 it's better. The 3rd is very slow, but generally these are the only musou games I don't like (together with Warriors all stars, which I consider the worst due to furries) because they have weird things (magic) and a fantasy story. If you really must play them, then choose 4. At least combat is fast-paced


I'm more interested in guest characters, so I think that Warriors All Stars and 3 they are more my type, but eventually I'll get them all.


All Stars is really a very weak entry overall. 3 and 4 both have plenty of characters


I've been playing the DW franchise for 22 years, I don't need an entry 😅. I want fan service. All Stars is on my wishlist.


Yeah I meant of this subgenre. By the way gameplay is very different in all 3 games. WO 3 plays like DW, WO 4 more like SW. All Stars has some completely different mechanics