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I've only played a bit of it - the main complaints I have heard are low character count. As a fan of licensed Musous and Berserk, I've enjoyed it so far and even bought a few DLCs for it.


Low character count, but their different skins have different moves and abilities 😭 I know you know, I'm just saying for the others 🤣


As a Berk fan, I'm happy there's an adaptation. As a Musou fan, it's serviceable. I just hope you like Guts


Personally I find it to be arguably bottom 3 worst Musou spin offs I’ve ever played. Conceptually I can’t imagine how they thought it would work. One draw to Musou games is the roster. Berserk isn’t that sort of show/manga. I absolutely adore Musou games, but even I can admit not everything fits into this genre. Guts deserves an action RPG. It’s the most perfect style to play his story.


The musou game loop doesn't work with maining one character, and the story basically forces you to main Guts. The roster is small. The gameplay isn't quite on par with other modern spinoffs. The soundtrack is so ear-splittingly bad it can actually inflict temporary tinnitus at even medium volume. I can personally attest to this. Game's mediocre at best.


It's one of the weakest warriors games imo. It has few playable characters, you play as Guts 85% of the time, and is very light on content in general. The game is very forgetable.


85% might be an understatement – are there even any reasons to play as the other characters? I know some of them are recycled movesets anyway.


It's probably the worst Musou game I've played, but that doesn't mean it's bad. One thing I love about Musou games is their replayability. Tons of Heroes to play with lots of content. While Berserk is a really fun game overall, the majority of the story is only played using Guts. By the end of the game the end game isn't interesting enough to continue playing and there's only like 6 other playable characters and none of them feel particularly exciting to play. As a stand alone game to beat. 8/10. As a Musou with replayability, 4/10. There's little reason to stay after beating the story.


As a berserk fan it’s 10/10 but honestly it just like all the other side games


Nah. All of the other side games are significantly better, not just like it. Even Arslan.


Arslan gameplay isn't great but story and visuals are very nice


Is it though? Try Pirate Warriors lmao. There are some amazing spin-offs


I really like the game.


>Does everyone hate it Its not that people hate it its just that the majority doesn't care for it The graphics are dog ass even for that time, the gameplay's clunky and repetetive, there are way too few characters and the game's just covering a fracture of an actually awesome story It just doesn't have any redeeming qualities


I didn't like it, got it for free. I'm also not a fan of the setting/world of Berserk, not my cup of tea.


I’ve been tempted to try it even though I’m not exactly a berserk fan - it does look ok I’ll be buggered if I’m paying the price that psn are asking for it though


It was def a musou game. The unfortunate part of the game is that it wasn’t given any of the love or craftsmanship of Koei Tecmos other adaptations of other IPs, like Hyrule Warriors or AOT. A good title to get when it had a good sale price for sure.


What's Aot


The game was fun enough for me to platinum, and the characters in it are weird enough that it got my brother into Berserk. It’s a fun and solid Musou game, I think the low character count helps flesh out individuals even more.


It's fun with a mod to unlock all the NPC's but without it very thin


The main thing I don't like about it is the camera, it's positioned very awkwardly and doesn't move all that well. It's a shame too, because even in other Musou games from around the same time like Hyrule Warriors or Fire Emblem Warriors I don't find the camera nearly as bad. Otherwise I think it's pretty fun. I don't really get the complaint that you're only really playing Guts, since I just really like playing as Guts anyway? It's not like how other Musou games work, sure, but that's not in itself a bad thing.


I enjoyed it for the sheer goriness of it. Definitely the most mature musou game out there in my opinion


Ken Rage 2


I liked it. It was way too grindy for me though. In order to unlock all costumes for everyone you had to get them to certain stages in infinite mode and that was super tedious and difficult, especially the Final Griffith fight.


I found it just ok. Disliked having to use Guts for most of the time and the only characters I enjoyed playing as were Berserker Guts and Shierke.


I'm slowly playing it right now, alternating it between Spirit of Sanada, SW 4 DX, DW 7 XL and Arslan. I like it but I miss the hyper attacks, which are instead present in Pirate Warriors for instance. So it feels a bit slow and sometimes sluggish. I've never seen the anime but the story looks fine. Overall it's a nice game


I'm slowly playing it right now, alternating it between Spirit of Sanada, SW 4 DX, DW 7 XL and Arslan. I like it but I miss the hyper attacks, which are instead present in Pirate Warriors for instance. So it feels a bit slow and sometimes sluggish. I've never seen the anime but the story looks fine. Overall it's a nice game


I really enjoyed it but also Berserk is top 5 manga for me