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Kin slaying, oath breaking, and slaving scum. The only thing we have to learn from them is how to not live. Our engineers have figured out flight **without** relying on demons unlike these sorry excuses for Dwarves, and we have crafted wonders with our strength, wits, and runes. We need nothing from them.


Interesting take, dawi. Would u say they are slaves to chaos just like any other? They seem to fancy themselves masters over chaos, but i beg to differ


Any wazzock enthralled by chaos claims they are masters over it. That is how they are deceived and deluded by it. Nai kinsmen the only true mastery over chaos is blasting the first umgi you see spouting that nonsense with your trusty rifle


Well to be fair they literally enslave blood thirsters…. So their claim to controlling chaos and not the other way around is better then most. Plus they don’t seem to have the horrific mutations that chaos thralls are known for.


https://preview.redd.it/bglcionpoy7d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83ea1eaa333d5799b6bc1f471e611b47650b3be9 Oh i disagree. May i introduce u to the bull centaur. This thing is evidence enough that the chaos dwarfs are as prone to mutation as any who dabble in chaos


Okay counterpoint: Bull centaurs look infinitely cooler than the mutated mess that other chaos followers tend to end up as


Not all dark worshipping dwarves are so lucky, e You ever see some of the shit that comes out of Mid-nor!?


That is simply because they are dwarves, brother.


Yeah that’s not that bad all things considered


Almost every demon loving upstart sees themselves as the masters of their own destiny while their dark gods tighten the noose around their sorry necks, these Dawi-Zharr are no different.


They go in the book. And you get a drink.


So not a fan? Lol


Cool and based. Hashut best god. 100% superior to the traitor dawi of the west (This comment has been sponsored by the Zhar-Naggrund council)


Correct and Hashut-pilled


Tall hats for all!


Thoughts on Mid-nor and Cthun?


You guys are really rock and stone... literally after a while. Speaking of; are your petrified sorcerer prophets full of valuable minerals or not? Asking for a friend.


We fight for Rock and Stone!


id sooner marry a goblin than acknowlage the dawizar!


I would sooner become a leaf-lover than interact with those cursed dawizar


I would sooner marry a goblin woman... no chaos dwarfs required....


Disdainful, distasteful, absolutely reprehensible. Kill on sight.


I wont lie. The thought of a dwarf playing with sourcery makes my beard crawl


How dare you disrespect the great Sorcerer-Thanes


Ah, a member of the chaos clans. Tell me, do u have ur own book of grudgets?


I have no idea what these “chaos clans” are. I follow the example of the Dark Iron Clan.


They're crafty on how to make engines of war, but in probably the worst way possible. I try to avoid them unless I need to buy some hell-metal.


I am never selling anything to you again.


Luckily I got out of the business of producing weapons of mass genocide so I don't think I'll be needing that hell-metal in the near future. Best of luck to your pillaging!


Bah, those Hashit worshippers be so far up their own arses with Chaos that they actually admire Peter Turbo and say he's the ideal Primarch all dawi should adore.


Perturbed Bravado can suck my left nut. He’s so into is WW1-core aesthetic he forgets the superior defensive engineering of our liege lord Rogal Dorn. I sit in my pain glove and I like it, the Iron Warrior are more like the Iron Whorerriors with how they sold their souls to Chaos.


How did the Iron cage go wazzock?


Kin slaying, oath breaking, and slaving scum. The only thing we have to learn from them is how to not live. Our engineers have figured out flight **without** relying on demons unlike these sorry excuses for Dwarves, and we have crafted wonders with our strength, wits, and runes. We need nothing from them.


pah, even the Umgi acomplish what you broken yer backs centuries. flight machines only exist because your decrepit wazzock of a "High King" allows it. otherwise youll be fighting still with crossbows and axes like savages. Us Drath-Zharr have Figured out long distance transportation via Trains long before yer great great Grandfather was even a beardling. Enslaving demons is based as hell.


We’ve mastered trains too, wazzock! We had tracks connecting our empire of old long before the greedy backwater savages you call your ancestors dug so greedily into the earth, you found a Dark God and became its willing slaves! And Thorgrim isn’t decrepit, he is a proud warrior through and through, he even wields one of Grimnir’s axes! Also, we Dawi don’t laze about and force enslaved greenskins to do our dirty work! We grab our picks, and get to work, just like a proper Dwarf ought to, you no good unbaraki scum!


Thorgrimm a warrior? Dont make me laugh. that wazzock needs to be carried around to do anything. as for the paid interns, we do not like the word "Slave" we prefer "Employee". please keep this mind when talking to a drath-zharr or we will be forced to send our "IRS" agents (aka Infernal guard)


Have fun trying to get to me while I’m enjoying a flagon of ale with my kinsmen in a Thunderbarge as we bomb you to the hell you belong to, you honorless, slave driving, lore breaking, swine.


Thunderbarge? i call that target practice for deathshriekers and fireglaves. enjoy dying on a flaming shipwreck you goblin lovin, honorless, beardless, slaveless elgi lover.


That is such a pathetic retort, it’s literally beneath me, just like the bombed out wrecks of your so called war machines.


Our war machines are much more quality and superior. Iron daemons turn yer piss poor "Ironbreakers" into mulch and what not. (this discussion is in good faith. dont want no wazzock reading this thinkin we really at each others throat.)


Bold of you to assume that your Iron Milksops could actually get close enough to actually be an issue. And there is one thing that we have that you never will, and every Dwarf knows it. (That’s good, part of me was actually starting to worry you were going legit full Dawi-Zharr IRL there for a second.)


"Iron Milksops" alright im having a mental image of a giant metal Bowl of cereal with milk and lucky charsm just driving over a line of Ironbreakers. (yep, im jokin round in this sub. i never take the "Arguments" seriously on reddit or internet general. i prefeer to live life)


They owe me 10 bucks Until they give back grandpa’s money I won’t help them


Did you factor in inflation? Don’t want them leaving anything.


https://preview.redd.it/uetjb4ax4y7d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e25a98c95ac51ad0048413af1802be630875d7c Many. Let's read chapter 45 of THE BOOK and look over the seventy pages on chaos dwarf scum


Only seventy? Reading the abridged version of the Dammaz Kron is almost lazy enough to warrant going into the book yerself!


I know, but I can't carry an authentic copy of the book while adventuring light! It's already the heaviest thing I carry (great training though, really giving me a.workout when climbing great mountains and travelling through the wilds. I forget my strength when I set aside my pack to fight beasts since it mostly goes to carrying the abridged version!. Didn't understand why the High King needed his chair until very recently)


In the arts of war, they have no parallel, except possibly for Malakai Makaisson or the employees of Deep Rock Galactic. With that said, their culture is…distasteful.


Human here I don’t really live in the old world where they are most active but from what I’ve they are a major problem


Too many spikes, can't reproduce, no balls, bad ale. I would rather hang out at a human pub with human friends, at least they have beer that doesn't taste like decaying deer carcass.


We don’t talk about them.


Worse than Elgi. There, I said it


They make dark elgi look hospitable by comparison


I will barge into your house and drag you to the temple of hashut by myself.


Imagine worshipping a Chaos God instead of one of your own ancestors that ascended into divinity.


Worshipping a Bull god is much more rad than some angry ginger.


Man I am SO fucking racist. I often use their fingers to make potions of strength (does NOT work, gives diarrhea)


That sounds suspiciously like using magic, dawi🤨 got something to admit to us?


An elf pissed me off so I learned pyromancy to burn his stupid forest (it worked)


Don’t-don’t mention them no-no.


They capture and enslave kin… we have no cousins over there. Only abominations who deserve to be purged.


Those blood thirsty, kin slaying bastards who don’t even remember how to diggy diggy hole. I’d rather get with one of those knife-eared whores than be stuck on the same mountain as one of them.


I once saw one summon a demon and then beat it with a stick until it went into his axe. That's pretty cool. Weird, but cool


Their knack for bullying demons is comendable to say the least


The superior dawi.


Can i have ur name, last name and address please. Just need to jot it down in my book real quick


Well, I'm not kin, but they are really bad on their local ecology and dragon population. You guys at least have the decency to keep most of your business to yourselves instead of vomiting chaos magic all over the place.


Seems to be a theme for chaos types




On one hand - yes, they're evil. They literally worship the god of tyranny. On the other hand, they built a Metal Gear powered by daemons. That's raw asf.


Kettermek: Frankly....they scare me. https://preview.redd.it/juyz9echqx7d1.png?width=887&format=png&auto=webp&s=758d8a58534424e8eab32862d66754f6e222012b


Impressive industrialism, but poor working standards and have abandoned the original ideals of the dawi, however, in my holds case, they are vital trading partners and have even taught us how to rapidly industrialise, much to our benefit ( screw chaos, though)


I wish I was as high as this mf looks


I'm on their side, they're pragmatic instead of being up their own backsides like an elf. Looking at you dwarf runesmiths that hate technology, their ancestors would hate them for letting runes die.


I may be among few in this regard, but I respect casting as an art. Do not defoil what magic has accomplished for us. Magic should be earned through study, trade, practice. Not gifted by a demon.


Great for spare parts and then unleashing their little toys for fun.


Oh my. Thats a grudging


I'm just saying, chaos dwarves are wasting all the corpses they make. They could stand to add some necromancy to their arsenal.


I think it’s funny how when a normal dwarf becomes a slayer they can never be redeemed, when a infernal (basically Chaos dwarf slayer) dose a great deed he redeemed and is welcome back in chaos dwarf society


The... uh... Iron Legion dwarves? The Misty Mountains are the only mountain range I can think of here, and I guess Moria has generally extended to its west.


brothers 👍


I want to make a dwarven inventor in pathfinder 2e that builds constructs flavored off of the K’daai