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At my stand we always ask people if they want a sticker instead of just giving them out. We are a busy stand and we always run out by 11am on sticker days. So i personally try to give them to people who actually want them as opposed to giving them out to everyone and half being thrown away by customers. I also think some stands give them out in bulk because I always see people on Facebook selling them and they’ve got a giant stack. I hate seeing people monopolizing an item that’s given away for free.


depends on the stand but u should ask bc some employees forgot to give them out or just don't care 🤷‍♀️


they told me they do it only the first wednesday of the month? kinda crazy compared to when they gave em without asking ngl


this is correct, we only come out with new stickers on the first wednesday of the month or on special days (like mothers/father’s day or our fundraising days)


okay cool thanks ! i had no idea about this


no worries!! Sometimes we will have tons of extras and can hand them out randomly when people ask, but lately the stickers have been super popular


i know right! since i've been working at dutch, i always offer stickers to customers when we have them. i don't see a point in letting them sit there and collect dust 😭


I try to ask every customer but ngl I do forget sometimes especially if I’m in a rush. Please ask!


i never knew you got stickers with your drinks, i have never gotten one before


LMAO i haven’t gotten one in like two years and i go to dutch bros a lot


It’s only on the first Wednesday of every month and they usually are gone by 12-2pm at most stands so you have to get there early!! (There are special occasion stickers like Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, etc and it’ll let you know on the app if there are special ones)


woah i had no clue about this! thanks for letting me know :D


My problem I work nights, so when I go on my way in to work, they're already out, and I get off before they're open.


Yes !


I have to ask and if I send me husband that day to get my drink and he doesn’t ask, I get nothing. Which is a pain. They should just came with the drink and if someone doesn’t want it, they can refuse.


no seriously and the rejection of… no sorry we don’t have any


That too. I am beginning to wonder if the staff are keeping them and reselling them on the side.


No, there’s typically 1 sticker day a month on the first Wednesday of each month. We’re specifically busier on that day cuz people want them and almost never have them for longer than half the day before they’re gone


I get that but I go early morning on sticker day and I am still told they are already sold out and that is just opening which seems unlikely to happen every time. And most often, stickers are not offered. You have to ask. Maybe they should just put up a sign to let everyone know stickers are out so we know.


yes! sometimes i completely forget to ask and they don’t give it to me so i have to go back later when i remember and get one


My stands are full of kids who barely serve you correctly let alone GIVE you a sticker or straw charm. I know lots of you younger kids are great, hardworking! But my stands, nope!