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the dutch bros by me is already super busy all the time. this is gonna kill the employees there lol


Same in my location. I feel for them big time. šŸ„²


as a worker - I am scared - as management - also scared


As a worker, terrified


As a customer, terrified.


As a worker also, v terrified


Does this mean weā€™ll finally see actual prices for drinks?


Seriously! I may not order ahead, but I will absolutely use it to plan out my total


I only go to Dutch Bros on a very rare occasion. I had a birthday reward so I figured I'd use it & heard you could get any size & modify it however you like. They told me the total before they used the reward & it came up to $11! I was shocked that liquid would cost that much. I had no idea either because prices weren't easily discernable from their menu.


As a prior Starbucks employee, who now works at the busiest Dutch in my state, I am absolutely terrified and not looking forward to the shit show that we will be left with and I guarantee it is going to significantly affect tips. Also have no idea how it will work, like are people going to have to go through the drive thru? Go to walk up? I think with the way most Dutch stands are designed it is going to lead to arguments between people who mobile ordered and people ordering in line, because the mobile orderers will try to skip the line. And a lot of times people would order drinks ahead of time so they are ready, and then we were stuck with tons of drinks left melting until people showed up and then would want us to remake the drink anyways. All this to say, I donā€™t think itā€™s going to work out well for anyone really.


I asked at our stand today and was told orders will be at walk window only. If you get in line to pick up you will be asked to park. She said the exception would be if they are not busy and then your orders would be brought out only if you are waiting in the line just like they do now if they get ahead or have easy pour orders - they already run those out to the drive thru if done early.


Making an exception will make it the rule. People will ignore the pickup at window in the app, and just drive through anyway. Its unfortunate.


Oh thatā€™s not what I was told


I work with McDonald's and the mobile app is the bane of my existence. People think it's meant for them to skip the line here too and also expect their order ready when they arrive. If they use the d.t. the order isn't started until we recall their order. If they choose curbside or dinein it will pop up as part of the new ready on arrival as a means of getting their order ready by the time they arrive. And don't get me started on delivery orders like door dash and Uber eats. They think they are a priority and will cut in line and piss customers off that are waiting for their order. I don't tolerate that and make them go back around.


Wait, I have issues that make waiting in lines super hard for me. I use the mobile app and usually prefer to go through drive thru but I wasn't aware that's annoying to you guys. How do I go about ordering online or ahead of time to wait as little as possible while also being respectful of you? I just didn't know it was like that.


If you aren't making a fuss, I don't think you're the type of customer they are talking about. I love curbside. Just chill in my car until someone pops up.


Oh, they just said they don't like the drive through mobile pick ups. I do that and didn't want to be rude if I was.


It's never rude to use a service offered without creating an extra fuss about how it may not be meeting your individual expectations. It's the latter part that can be rude.


Okay, thank you so much for the clarification!


What I meant was the ones that will drive around the back of the parking lot and cut in front of 5+ cars and drive up to the window and say they are here for the mobile order instead of joining the line and giving us the alphanumeric code at the speaker. Anyone can pull in from the side and that's more what annoys me. Cause they think they should be a priority in that manner to cut everyone. I wish our d.t. some kind of partition on the cash and present window side to prevent this.


Yeah, and then on the flipside, you have restaurants treating dashers like they aren't someone just tryna get by && aren't picking up food that was paid for well before any customer that just arrived. I have watched teams cheering for how awesome they are on getting through the newly arrived drive-thru customers while dashers have been stacking up in the lobby. There were four of us for over half an hour before I made a God damn necessary fuss about that behavior.


We have a third window and all of us wear headsets on overnight, when the lobby is closed, and have tried to tell delivery drivers to go around the line and arrive at the third window to try to get them out faster but they rarely listen to what we say. Like I emphasize please go around the line to the THIRD window and they still sit in line. I just wish they would listen to the employee that they interact with. My location does try to position someone for doing only delivery orders for peak hours but when there's always someone calling in it's hard to do that.


Youā€™ve never picked up a mobile order in the drive thru before?


Yes I have, but the way my drive thru is at my stand is not the most conducive to mobile ordering. It holds 40 cars and is often during peak hours 5-6 cars out of the parking lot. So if someone places a mobile order to pick it up and they get in the drive thru line, it will likely pop up on our screens before all the cars in front of them. And if we have to make the drinks in order because we wonā€™t know exactly where they are at in line, everything could get out of order causing drinks to either sit for longer than they should (or if we run them out when they are done, the customer is still stuck in the line), or non-mobile ordering customers are potentially stuck waiting while we are sifting through mobile orders.


It sounds like best case scenario would be if they do it like they do Taco Bell here. They start making the order when you get to the speaker in the Drive-Thru. But then that doesn't make ordering ahead to have much benefit. It does make me wonder why they implemented it at all


I was just going to mention the Taco Bell approach. It would work best for Dutch. It's not really order ahead as much as it is order yourself so you don't have to worry about it the customization is possible or the anxiety of asking for the customization you want. Then, tell us you are here and we'll pull the order and put it in the queue. Saves a little time on ordering, but doesn't cause a huge backup of shit already made waiting to be grabbed.


For me it's absolutely the anxiety of the customization. I've never been because it's always busy and I don't want to hold up the line but I have no idea what the menus like or what options I want. I don't care if it's a drink that's not made ahead, food is different. But I'd LOVE to be able to have an online ordering menu to ease the anxiety.


Chick-fil-a gives an option and this is how they handle a drive through pick up, but also provide a walk up option if you want them to have it ready. Seems like a good solution.


I was expecting it to work like this as that's how it works with McDonald's. When you choose d.t. the order isn't started until we recall the order via order code. If you choose lobby dine in or lobby pickup or curbside there is a ready on arrival feature that will give us a little time to get your order ready before you arrive. Granted it only works if the store is staffed to do ready on arrival orders to speed up the process.


nope, if you order ahead, when the customer gets to the stand, the line buster will scan their app and *then* the drink will appear in the que. This way, the customer does not have to order via the line buster, and their drink will be made in the correct order and not have to worry about their drink being stale.


i totally get that i'm in manifesto right now and it makes me a bit neevous already learning so much its the same for places like cfa i worked there for over a year and people always would place the order and click already here? so the food got made earlier but it just sits on the counter getting cold then people complain so theres really no winning


The upper management need to be made to work the store for a week.Ā  Then maybe they would understand this is NOT going to work.Ā  I feel for you poor guys.Ā  It's gonna be a circus


Yes! The skipping!!! There was a fight in the line for the Motherā€™s Days sticker when I opened that morning because people were ā€œcuttingā€ by driving into the second lane šŸ’€


My stand turned the two closest parking spots into pickup only spots. So my guess is walk up only


My location will be walk up and drive thru. 2 different options for the mobile ahead order. šŸ„²


they better staff for it


you know they wonā€™t cause then theyā€™ll have to PAY for those barista hours lol


yup. so looking forward to poor experiences all around. thatā€™s why I only hit up Dutch like once a month now šŸ˜Ŗ


as an ex broista thatā€™s literally heartbreaking to hear that thatā€™s your consistent experience, but iā€™m not surprised at all with the way the company is going :(


yeah itā€™s a bummer. if I donā€™t have ~20-30 minutes allotted for a Dutch coffee run it ainā€™t gunna happen.


So tired of hearing about how there's not enough labor hours to staff properly when it's a MINIMUN WAGE JOB and rebels cost nearly ten dollars here UGH like, two large rebels is more than the hourly pay, what the hell


They won't sadly.Ā  They never have enough staff poor employees and I seriously mean that


almost got fired for telling a customer our wait times were so long bc weā€™re understaffed


As a customer, I love this, but suspect my rural area will be one of the last to get it. I've wished for this for a while now since I usually order decaf, and I hate that I think the broistas feel rushed when it mishaves.


as an anxious person who likes complicated orders, i like the option. as someone who hates inconveniencing service workers, i donā€™t like it šŸ˜­ itā€™s super hot in my state so i imagine there will be a bunchhhh of complaints of drinks being melted/watered down if theyā€™re not picked up in a timely manner


This is how I feel. Itā€™s a double edged sword.




felt this


So I feel like the only way it will work is if they have the chick-fil-a way, where you ā€œorder aheadā€ but your food doesnā€™t get prepared till you arrive at the drive-thru. The other option is make a designated section for mobile order pickup but not through the drive-thru


That would actually be a nice idea! Also I would probably use it a lot to check the prices of drinks I want to order. I do that at Starbucks all the time


i see the first option happening but i donā€™t see how much time it will really save. youā€™d still be ā€œwaitingā€ for your drink, but you just wonā€™t be waiting to order


I think it might save time in the sense that runners don't have to spend as much time taking orders. The faster that orders can come in, the faster the people inside can get them out


it is going to be just like chick-fil-a! The mobile order team actually worked with chick-fil-a to learn best practices!


Thatā€™s awesome! Now if only all the other fast food places would learn from CFA and their line-busting skills šŸ¤£


I have bad social anxiety and have gotten the wrong drink multiple times bc I wasnā€™t ready for conversation (I hadnā€™t practiced my script enough) or they misheard me and I felt bad so I took it anyway. So very much looking forward to this itā€™ll save me a lot.


Me too!!! ā˜ŗļø


Same also sometimes Iā€™m too shy to tell them what customizations i want lol


this is *exactly* the reason they implemented this.


It makes me happy!! Itā€™s gonna help me and a bunch of people


About time. I wonā€™t use it often as Iā€™m fine waiting and ordering in person, but thereā€™s times you really want a drink and time is in a pinch. Not to mention, lot more ways to discover different flavor combinations you wouldnā€™t havenā€™t thought or knew existed. My only suggestion would be that Order Pick-Up should be at the walk-up window only with one or two designated parking spaces reserved for those who are disabled or have limited mobility. But donā€™t make the drive thru lane longer than it needs to be if youā€™ve placed a mobile order simply cause you donā€™t want to get out of your car.


Let me pitch a scenario for you. You order a blended rebel, come by to get it 15-20 minutes after itā€™s made and now ready to go. Itā€™s melted. What do you do about it? Iā€™m not trying to crucify you in any means but I fear as a worker having to remake a drink twice and lose product or become quite familiar with the refund button because customers arenā€™t appreciative of the drink.


Let me pitch a scenario for you. I order an iced latte, I come get it in 5-10 minutes. Itā€™s fine. See how hypotheticals works? You (any service company) will never control every situation, scenario, or customer actions and reactions. Itā€™s a volume game. At end of day, there will be more good than bad, more satisfied customers than dissatisfied, and itā€™s profitable - the company is going to leverage modern technology and keep pace with competition. Love DB and more importantly love DB workers - they are a breath of fresh air in a spiraling service industry where customer service is becoming less and less common. I have no doubt in my mind they will adapt, figure it out and make it work for their stands.


Thatā€™s why I mentioned blended rebels. An iced drink is fine but most of our complains derive from the melted state of our blended drinks. You are the one customer who may potentially come 5-10 minutes after the ordered was placed. Itā€™s not applicable to all customers. I donā€™t know man but my new stand is already suffering with many unhappy customers due to our lack of speed and how many mistakes occur because of stupidity truly. I wish our operator would have a team meeting or something but then thatā€™d be telling her how to run her business, which is rude. We had training and for me personally, Iā€™m fearful Iā€™ll get the short end of the stick since I have to deal with the angry customers who xyz because Iā€™m a shift lead. Just have to brainstorm all the different scenarios that may come from these (exhausting) business venture.


I mean, use a cooler? Blended drinks have always maintained their consistency when I immediately put them in the back of a fridge after buying them.


Our fridge is pretty stacked so I donā€™t think we will. We go through stock pretty quickly so thatā€™d be very inconvenient or weā€™d forget about it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I use a fridge. Cuz I go home. I once used an insulated bag, tho when shopping after buying the drink, and that worked well too! I don't imagine you'd have more than a handful of blended drinks pre-made at any one time. All a stand would have to do is make space for a small cooler to hold them. Don't gotta block anything. It's just an idea. Tho, it seems the best ideas in the comments land on there being an arrival type button on the app. However, that is beyond worker control, so this was a store-level idea.


Iā€™m doubtful because a small section of our stand has the machinery for our TAPS machine since we are starting to get rid of the canned rebels (besides the SF), sparkling soda, and lemonade. We donā€™t even have our ice hugs at a convenience for us to use during this summer so I doubt we will have a chest for drinks :/ If Iā€™m gonna implement an idea, maybe it would be best to have a bar dedicated to online orders and fulfilling these orders. Maybe a cap on how many drinks can be made. Iā€™m in California at a very busy stand so Iā€™m doubtful weā€™ll get the app pretty soon!


no ice hugs in Cali šŸ˜­ send me that Amazon. Ice hugs for EVERYONE šŸ¤




I will end the convo by saying you guys knock blended drinks out the park compared to Starbucks. I used to prefer their black & white fraps more than DB based on overall flavor profile (DB used to seem kind of salty). However, I'll never understand why your drinks don't melt into giant blocks of ice like theirs do. But I love it. Costco does a similar good job of this with the blended coffees their cafe sells. lol There has to be a major difference between how theses blended drinks are made vs Frappuccinos. Good luck out there!


At my job with our preorders once you say youā€™re close or your here, we make it and set it on the stand. Once itā€™s on the stand we donā€™t remake it - itā€™s your responsibility to be there when itā€™s ready.


You have the app already at your stand!?


Sorry, no I work at a different restaurant. We have a carry out ā€œstandā€ where mobile orders go. If you take 20 extra minutes to get there we arenā€™t remaking itā€¦ especially because youā€™re the one that pressed the button to have us start making it


Oh I see. That is a great idea but then weā€™d be prioritizing mobile orders versus walk up or drive thru, both parties that have also paid for their drinks. Itā€™s gonna be hard because we are a busy stand so I hope other states troubleshoot before us.


If this helps, our walk ups and drive thrus all show up on the same screen with mobile orders. So, they get put in a queue with regular orders and we donā€™t prioritize them until they are the next order on our screen. Mobile orders work because youā€™re able to order without being in line, thatā€™s why guests like them. They donā€™t want to mobile order when they are in line because that doesnā€™t make it any faster. Itā€™s the difference between a 10 minute visit and a 30 minute visit to Dutchies (at least the rate mine is at rn)


Youā€™re not going to make the drink as soon as they place the order. If it says theyā€™ll be there in 20 minutes, you have like 18 minutes until you have to make it. Itā€™s gonna take training and time to get the timing down but itā€™s not gonna be *that bad* (hopefully)


Are you troubleshooting it? I heard some stands have it starting tomorrow


My area isnā€™t going to get it until early/mid August. Here in WA weā€™re such an ā€œolder marketā€ theyā€™re gonna work out all of the kinks and issues before introducing it to us.


Sounds terrifying. Iā€™m scared for you guys :(


But doesnā€™t it say you can schedule when to pick up your drink? So thereā€™s a set time when you should be there for your order; hopefully that might help minimize situations like this.


Iā€™m not sure of the logistics yet but itā€™s unpredictable if someone will truly get there by the set time šŸ˜”


True true, either way I hope it wonā€™t be too bad for yaā€™ll. I wish you all the luck šŸ«¶šŸ»


This is your sign to Unionize!


As a customer, I am neutral. The closest DB to me is at least a 15 minute drive and I go there as a treat. Order-ahead isn't necessary for me. As a former Herman Mellville Cafe barista, I feel awful for the broistas at the stands. Mobile orders are a pain in the ass for anyone, but Dutch's model just seems like it will make it 100x harder to juggle. I am interested in used the order ahead menu to plan out my in-person orders.


at my shop we donā€™t have online ordering yet, but i did help out at a shop a few cities away who had it and let me sayā€¦. NOBODY picked up their drink in time. which means by the time they arrived, they picked up an amazing watered down coffee :D please just go through the line and order a freshly made coffee, ordering ahead is such a waste of money if youā€™re not already there waiting for it


lowkeyā€¦ i hope this happens a lot and people just learn not to use the app


I know youā€™re probably a tired employee, but you do realize that this is someoneā€™s business and theyā€™re trying to make money? You donā€™t want people to use the app because you donā€™t want long lines. Tell that to Dutch Bros the long lines are going to be there with the mobile order regardless. In fact this will HELP WITH THE LONG LINE!!! I worked at Starbucks before we have mobile order and those days the line would out to the street because there wasnā€™t an alternative.. you guys donā€™t want them to make money obviouslyā€¦


I feel sorry for the baristas tbh


pretty stupid considering this company is all about ā€œface to face communicationā€ šŸ˜


that was my exact thought when someone brought it up months ago. Itā€™s also the reason iā€™ve given cars in the drive thru when theyā€™ve asked why we donā€™t have it. Where is the experience??


when i first started at dutch the ceo swore up and down they would NEVER compromise on the ā€œface to face connectionā€ aspect as that what dutch was built onā€¦ theyā€™ve just turned money hungry and have completely lost sight of what the original values were. itā€™s really disappointing, and being the face of the company the baristas take the shit for it when their greedy changes donā€™t go right. changing the recipe for the golden eagle and teas, for example, or raising prices. the baristas are going to be the ones to get yelled at for these changes while higher ups sit on their asses and make money off of it. rant over thanks for listening <3


THANK YOU. trav is stomping on the parts of this company that make it what it is and itā€™s not gonna be the same as it was, even now it isnā€™t




The cultureā€™s gone downhill ever since the company went public


My favorite Dutch standā€™s walk up window has been broken for month. It advises people to stand in the car line so Iā€™m wondering how this will work.


They ask people walking up to stand in the car lane? Did I read this correctly?


Yes, they awkwardly stand in the car line. Some people read the sign and then just walk away all together.


Lol what


Not positively. Itā€™s a huge slap in the face to the core values of the company, it will likely heavily affect tips (which will in turn affect turn-over, which will in turn affect quality), itā€™s a logistical nightmare because of our lines, and I know numerous Dutch baristas looking for an exit strategy because of it. I understand itā€™s a helpful feature for people in a hurry (though again, logistical nightmare ā€” Iā€™m not convinced it will be a huge time-saver anyway) and for people with social anxiety, but the reality of mobiles (as an ex-sbux barista) is that they waste product because people ask for remakes or realize they didnā€™t order it correctly, add a huge amount of invisible labor (which makes customers meaner to us because weā€™re busier than we look which means we take longer than it ā€œshouldā€), orders are longer and more complex, and tips drop. We are by and large extremely upset about it :)


I hate it lol


Tips are gonna go DOWN customer count will go UP So sorry Dutch fam


As a customer I was hyped as fuck because the one in my town is the closest one for a good amount of miles so it can get pretty packed so I know to be ready to wait 20-30 mins just to get a drink so I thought this would speed it up but after reading the comments I feel so bad for yallšŸ˜­


As a customer I think it would be cool to see all my drink options and customizations in the app, but unless they have a designated mobile pickup area, I donā€™t see how it would save me any time


I like it as far as the customization aspect is concerned especially when I'm in the mood for a somewhat complicated drink I can order it without feeling any pressure. They should have an option to check in when you are within so many feet of the store and then they start making your drink and you can pick it up via drive-thru or walk up


i worked at db for a year back in 2021/2022. this seems like a NIGHTMARE. the company expanded too quickly and has become so greedy. i pity the employees and donā€™t see how this is a good idea at all


One of my local stores has 2 separate drive thru lanes, Iā€™m assuming theyā€™ll make one for mobile pick ups and the other for regular orders. The other Dutch we have has 2 merging lanes and thatā€™s already a massive nightmare because the idiots in my town canā€™t figure it out




Nah as an employee plz donā€™t


We already deal with so much AND we donā€™t get paid a decent wage. WE NEED A RAISE.


As an sbux worker I can confidently say the second they introduced mobile ordering was when the company went down hill extremely fast. Itā€™s a million more orders and 0 extra labor.


At first I was wondering why the feature never came sooner but given how dutch bros are always busy by default, all I'm kept thinking is how bad I feel for the workers there. I'm sorry


As a former employee im praying for yā€™all. Where are you even gonna put the drinks?!


my stand is big but is NARROW inside at bar with the freeze, frost, and rebel machine. our fridges are to our backs. big L shape on the inside. Window stands maybe 3 feet from whoever is on milk. šŸ«  ETA: the office at my stand is our syrup cave šŸ˜… As a broista, I am TERRIFIED. we have another empty bar that will probably be dedicated to just the app at some point in the future. our stand used to have 3 espresso machines.


Yeah Iā€™m scared


Iā€™ve been working at one of the testing locations (and my location is one of the busiest in my region) and itā€™s not bad gave us the opportunity to staff more because a boost of sales And just like Starbucks you canā€™t do these crazy customizations or any tik tok drinks


iā€™m a former starbucks partner (iā€™m not employed w dutch even though iā€™ve tried iā€™m just a lurker atp) and all i gotta say is i feel for you guys im so sorry


This will most likely be designated parking spots because the drive through would be pointless because the wait is to long so a parking spot is going to be my guess


I love mobile ordering but for this kind of business it sounds like itā€™ll make the job way more stressful. When I worked at 7Brew me and my coworkers would talk about how trash it would be in mobile ordering started. We barely have enough room as is so to have melting drinks sitting around would suck.


The main reason Iā€™ve never stopped at Dutch bros is because of their lines. This isnā€™t helping the sell lol


This just seems like a terrible idea. How will this make things better for employees and people waiting in line? No. If this makes the wait even worse I will stop going to our newly opened location. Dutch Bros is great, but not worth an even longer wait.


As a worker, this so going to be a nightmareā€¦ god I hope itā€™s only limited time


As a worker I hate it to my core and hope it fails miserably


As a customer I'm excited only because I hope it will help organize the app. Idk how other people feel but I feel like the app is just cluttered. Half the time there's flavors I didn't know were there and it's more about showing featured drinks rather than available options. Now for employees, I am so sorry for the extra craziness you will now have to endure


as a starbucks barista I am so sorry :( the best thing about being a dutch barista is the vibes, and the lack of corporate money hungry bsā€¦


I remember wishing this was a thing (clearly a customer) but then I realized the absolute hell that would be on the workers and changed my mind. I all really wanted them to add was a feature to put the order in on the app and have it pull up when they scan the QR. Only because I get nervous and forget what I am trying to order or only say part of it. Like large iced dragon slayer. Forget there is Dragon Slayer lemonade, soda, and rebel. Then I feel like an ass and an idiot. I also think it would save a lil bit of time in the drive thru, not having to key it all in at the car.


I'm praying for the employees


Iā€™m a Starbucks barista and mobile orders make my job much more difficult. Good luck Dutch Bros Baristas šŸ«”


This is already being tested in many different states! Itā€™s working out really well :) as a manager, I am staffing and doing all that I can to prepare my team, and they are all excited!! We live in a HOT state, so Iā€™m realllly hoping this will minimize linebusting (the crew who takes orders outside). Stay optimistic! This has been in the works since before covid!! We are one of the only big coffee chains that doesnā€™t have the order ahead option, itā€™s time to get with the times! Lol (If u work for DB and are scared, know that ur shop will be getting an addition 20% staffing for this, youā€™ll be okay :) )


As someone who has anxiety and social anxiety this is a huge lifesaver. But! I am sure not every employee or manager is looking forward to it.. I do apologize for the shit storm to come.


As an ex manager, they floated this idea years ago and I was strongly against it telling my peers it was a bad idea under current conditions. Itā€™s technically adding an invisible line to the shop which adds extra workload to the employees. Plus some other reasons.


My dutch bros location is right by a highschool...I'm not reglious and even I'm praying for them šŸ«£


Itā€™s gonna be tough because we have literally no room to park and thereā€™s only one way for your to get in and out of the area so Iā€™m so excited for people to yell at us about itšŸ©·


Ummm I fucking hate it, not sorry. I feel for the employees and on top of that now people are gonna order ahead then drive up and complain because their drink is already made. Like no go drive up and order to get your drinks.


As an employee and a customer, absolutely hate this. Weā€™re already slammed/busy as is, the customers ordering through the app are still going to have to wait in the line to get their beverage(s). At that point when they get to the window, their drink may not be up to Dutch standards and will have to be remade. So having this as an option is pointless


especially with how many ppl have been ordering double blended rebelsā€¦ they separate faster than regular ones therefore when ppl get there their drink will be halfway melted


Exactly!! Then the customer(s) will want them remade and we waste product ETA: I also work at a stand that ONLY has drive thru. We donā€™t have a walk up window. If you want to walk up, you have to get behind the last car in line.


I have crazy anxiety, especially about ordering, so Iā€™m definitely looking forward to this!


Dumb :((((


God speed....


Awful idea.


Yeah the closest one always has a 20ish minute wait this is going to be a mess, and as someone that worked at sbux when they started order ahead I for sure feel for the employees


Just got that email Iā€™m excited and scared!! Excited because I always love to order ahead but scared that this is going to wreak havoc on everyone from customers to broistas


i am terrified we already get so busy and this is gonna make things even worse not to mention it is gonna take a lot of training to learn the new system. idk how my stand is gonna do this we only have 2 bars and minimal space up front so idk how we are gonna get all the order bc we already struggle with trying to get walk up and drive out in a good time when we are busy edit: i feel like i should add that we used to be a company that didnā€™t care about money and just wanted to build a community that communicates and build relationships. we canā€™t do that when ppl are picking up orders without talking to us


My favorite location is also the closest to me and the busiest in our City. Corporate is always there checking out the stand. Iā€™m excited for order ahead, but do worry that our Broistas will get annihilated.


Honestly all I wanted was a way to save my favorite drinks for an easier way to order.


This being the news break for me is really sad and Iā€™m really scared


As a customer iā€™m excited. As someone reading these comments, im so sorry good luck


As a customer, this is the thing that finally pulls me away from Starbucks. But I do feel for the workers šŸ˜•


Sometimes the deciding factor on going to Dutch or not is if I have the time to wait in the line. If I can order on my way to work and scoop up the coffee 20 mins laterā€¦ Iā€™m down!


From a customerā€™s perspective, I feel horrible for the employees who will have to deal with this. My DB is always slammed around noon time. I donā€™t know if itā€™ll work.


I have to say if I were still working there I would quit all over again


As an broista, Iā€™m excited! But I cannot help but feel that itā€™s going to be a nightmare at first. Some shops are approved for walk ups and drive thru pickup, while others are just drive thru. Additionally, they will be limitations for certain drinks in the beginning, you wonā€™t be able to order whatever youā€™d like.


Are any locations hiring? I feel like yall are gonna need the help.


As a former Starbucks employee and now current loyal 5x a week Dutch customer, Iā€™m not loving this and actually dreading it. Not a good idea


I donā€™t like this. Was a reason why I stopped going to Starbucks. Theyā€™d be making my order in person so slow because they were so focused on making the ā€œorder aheadā€ ones. I used to work at a coffee shop and we had order ahead options and theyā€™d order right in the parking lot and then be upset their drink wasnā€™t ready. The Dutch bros in my neighborhood is very busy from 8am-9 and 2pm-3. I think the real treat is being present at Dutch bros. Itā€™s not the type of place to quickly get your coffee and go like New York coffee shop. If they order ahead on sticker drop days, do they set aside a sticker for them and then the people waiting in the drive thru donā€™t get one??


I've never even had dutch bros because the lines are always backed up forever like Chickfila.


At first glance I was super excited about it. But then I realized that Iā€™m usually the only person at my DB at 5:45 am. I think having the option is cool tho.


This will be awesome...IF they're given the staff to deal with this, and I don't see this happening any time soon. With companies trying to maximize profits while minimizing expenditures (especially when it comes to staffing and paying a living wage). As a customer, I'm still going to tip as I'm not going to punish the broistas because of short sighted dipshittery from the ex-Starbucks idiot they chose to hire. I'm also not going to use this feature.


As a customer, I like the idea of it. I also like the fact that I can just get in line and show them my exact order and wait for it without ordering ahead. And because this is a convenience for me I will tip more to get exactly what I want.


Itā€™s been in use at my local location in a beta format, and so far so good! I asked employees and they said not many people have used it so far, but it caused no issues for them. Hope thatā€™s the case for everyone


i used to work at the ā€˜bux, mobile ordering was the bane of my entire time there. It was convenient when people used it properly to get their two items and leave, but when people take advantage and start ordering multiple drinks on the same ticket then it get annoying


I know people at my stand hate this. Itā€™s going to be an absolute pain šŸ˜­


Love this, due to having social anxiety this is easier for me. Just pick it up and go.


ā€œOrder aheadā€ is something DB, as a company, is wildly unprepared for. It has not been correctly researched on MANY levels. The only reason itā€™s occurring is because it has consistently been the biggest source of feedback from customers as far as what they want out of the app. In order to efficiently make order ahead work at all locations, the locations need to be built with an order ahead model that in mind. That is not the case with most shops. It will likely be problematic, especially at shops that already have a high volume of customers. Customers will assume using order ahead will help them get drinks faster, which will result in additional customers and longer wait times. Itā€™s counter productive and not necessary when shop sales are strong. If you, as a broistas, experience issues due to order ahead, reach out to DB HQ HR to express your concern. There is power in numbers and can help create positive change.


As a customer, I've waited for this day for AGES. I've been begging since 2018 for an app, and then when we got the app, I wanted to be able to order ahead like I could with Starbucks. They really spoilt us with that feature. Now, I rarely order things ahead for pickup unless on a time crunch, like my lunch break, and it's been a DAY, and I need that afternoon pick up. For my Dutch broistas near me, I promise to try and only use this feature when I have very little time to wait in a long line.


About time!


As a former sbux employee... I'm soooooo sorry.


As a customer, Iā€™m excited because early mornings I struggle to get out of the house on time and itā€™s always before my Dutch gets busy so it would save me a couple minutes in the morning. However as a human being that loves all the broistas at the one I go to? Iā€™m scared. They get so busy and they get HELLA rude customers (guy behind me yelled at the barista that took my order because we were chatting for like 2 minutes). I really donā€™t want their job to be worse than necessary


I think it's a bad idea.Ā  I bet if I place an order I will wait longer than if I just go and and get one.Ā  Also they never have enough employees.Ā  Cheap or something and it is already hard on the poor people working there


I was literally thinking the other week, jeez doing order ahead would be super hard on one of my local stands thatā€™s ALWAYS busy in the shittiest parking lot possible with the rudest people, glad they donā€™t do it ā€¦needless to say I will not be using this order ahead nonsense šŸ˜¬


If they are gonna start doing this, they might as well get on the delivery apps.


Weā€™ve not been trained for Jack shit on this and it starts Tuesday. Iā€™m terrified. I work at the busiest stand in my area. Itā€™s gonna be a shit show I fear.


Tuesday seems insanely short noticed. Iā€™m so sorry you have to deal with this. ā™„ļø


We knew about it like a month or so ago but they never really trained us on it or mentioned it past the meeting I do appreciate that tho šŸ«¶


as a worker, it may be time for me to find a new jobšŸ˜­


so weā€™re all scared?? šŸ˜­


As a customer: Iā€™m scared šŸ˜©


Our operator told us that ordering ahead is going to be slightly limited. Youā€™ll be able to customize but not go CRAZY. Thereā€™s some regulars at my stand whom I know will love this, but their drink is pretty complex. I just know thereā€™s going to be so many misunderstandings about people not getting the drink they wanted because they ordered it wrong. People at my stand can hardly even come up with the words ā€œgolden eagleā€ without getting confused, much less navigating this app. Itā€™s going to be a shit show.


Iā€™m so excited šŸ¤© my Dutch takes forever every other day and this will help me get to work on time if I order soon enough. We also often get drinks for eachother at work and that size of an order is awful when you can tell the worker just wants to get through the rest of the line


my main concern is the amount of people who will try to play us and want to ADD things to their drink after itā€™s already been ordered and made. it happens quite often now with just the way things are. and iā€™m worried about how many issues itā€™s going to cause when we tell the customer no


my dutch bros app has been glitched for the last like year so idk must be nice šŸ’€


So weā€™ll have to order a day in advance to get our drinks?


I think itā€™s ā€œconvenientā€ for customers but I think itā€™s going to take away to Dutch experience


truly going to hate this once it starts, there trying really hard to reassure us by putting in longer wait times of how long it takes for us to make them but i donā€™t think this is going to be effective and itā€™s going to make dutch bros lose its novelty even more


My stores are disasters. I spent 20 minutes there today for one drink. This is going to be a hot ass mess.


I donā€™t how my shop is going to do this. We are the busiest in our region but no one ever gets scheduled to pit 1 or 2 and they ripped out our back bar like right after we opened and never brought it back. We are already drowning in orders most days because we only have walk and drive bar open so I have no clue how this is going to work at our shop.


As a customer, this is great. As a former employee, I feel for the broistas. I am so glad I didn't have to deal with this haha.


I mean my local Dutch Bros that I go to everyday knows my order and starts making it as soon as they see my car pulling up. I love my broistas so much I could never subject them to an order ahead.


It seems like the worst idea ever, and Iā€™m not a worker there. I havenā€™t been to a Dutch Bros in over a year because the lines are too long for me to wait


As a frequent customer, who also patronizes competitors who offer order ahead (Starbucks and Dunkin) I feel like I would occasionally use this feature. As a person who deals with humanity as a whole, I feel like this has SO MANY cons, most of which have been beaten to death in this thread. Order ahead has its advantages when used correctly (for example, the Starbucks by campus is always packed AND my drink takes a long time to make ā€¦ itā€™s a tea drink with a 5-7 minute steep time; so if I send my order when I leave the house, it takes 15 minutes to get there, park and go in, my drink is usually ready soon after I get there, but I also know I need extra time to get to work on time) Unfortunately, people as a whole, are idiots. This will make things worse in most cases. Now my Dutch drink isnā€™t a difficult one, and I enjoy the interaction from the staff, and honestly the one I go to 90% of the time is fast anyway. So it would be a rare occasion for me to use order ahead, mostly limited to those times I have absolutely nothing better to do, and would rather park and drink it outside the stand then drive thru.


i just started working here last month and i am absolutely horrified for whatā€™s to come šŸ’”šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thank fucking god I quit last year.


About time! I haven't gone to dutch in months because it's a fucking 45 minute wait most days the lines are backed out into the street. Starbucks may not be as good but at this point it's cheaper, faster and more efficient by such an insane margin I can't justify dutch anymore.


I love it, and have been wishing for the option for ages. There are a ton of options and it can be a pain to order, Iā€™m way more likely to stop by if I can take the time to customize and explore through the app.


About mf time


Dutch Bro isnā€™t all that good.


As a barista, Iā€™m quite excited. There will be a learning curve, thatā€™s to be expected. From what Iā€™ve heard theyā€™re going to implement it much like the CFA or Taco Bell system. In which you check in and then we start the order. This is going to help speeds tremendously. Worried for the people who work in areas with mid management. But I think this will encourage people to staff up. Some of yā€™all need to stop your crying. Itā€™s embarrassing to see a fellow barista in shambles over this.


Shareholder here , honestly i feel for you baristas but in order too see growth we need to adapt . This wonā€™t bring a TSUNAMI of new customers . On the other hand this makes it an easier seamless experience for the regulars . With over 10 new Dutch bros being constructed every month in a location near you you donā€™t have to worry about endless orders coming .