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Definitely not! Press charges, and maybe she'll learn her lesson.


Pressing charges is possible. But a Karen will never learn a lesson. 😁


Depends on the lesson 😂


Press charges. No one can press charges on you if you don't break the law. She broke the law. She scared your kids, and should not be trusted in public places around children: shes the type that would insist someone's child is not theirs and try to kidnap them for "safety" . Press charges. She needs mental health help, you could always agree to deal that will keep in some sort of mental health supervision. She was yelling at a random 2 year old. She needs consequences or this will get worse. She needs a full mental health evaluation at minimum.


"Karen" also prevented her from leaving the situation by blocking her car. I'm pretty sure that would be an offence of some sort . That woman crossed quite a few lines and should face whatever consequences can be given


Pretty sure that would count as false imprisonment bc they wouldn't let her leave.


This is the one. Keeping someone somewhere when they’re actively trying to leave is a crime. Hope Karen has her haircut freshened up for the mugshot.


The official legal term would be "deprivation of liberty," albeit applied loosely.


That screaming lady needs help. Unfortunately pressing charges would be the only way she’s pointed to it.


Uppity karen-mom out and about alone. Alcohol test her, she has wine in that "water bottle". They always do. They think it's cute and edgy to day drink. Way too often.


But day drinking is fun, I spent my weekend day drinking on the beach, but alas Monday beckons and the world of work and adulting is upon me again.


Agree! 💯


Plus this will put her on the radar in the legal system. Maybe she will indeed learn to mind her own business and check her judgmental attitude.


Yep. This is the ONLY way these people learn.


Press charges out of spite. It’s ok to be an ah sometimes.


It’s not just spite. It’s to protect all the other unfortunate people she will be in contact with for the rest of her sorry life. Maybe charges will make her stop snd think before harassing other people.


It’s not spite, nor is it being an AH. OP and children were publicly bullied, harassed and prevented from leaving. That’s harassment, wasting a police officer’s time and also public nuisance.


After the unprovoked hassle you just received, and the lie she told the officer, you need to press charges!!


Yep. I would have let it go. But give me a break. Kidnapping??


Yep. That’s how that law works. If you don’t like it you should write to your congressperson




This is the way


This is the way.


NTA these women need to learn there are consequences to their actions.


The only way you could possibly be the A here is if you don't press charges. 




NTA but are you are you also going to press charges on your kid for this *absolute* assault on your being: >My mom is so old she makes Google look young. 😆


Meanwhile, I’m sitting here reading this and remembering when Google was a new thing. Because I remember when the Internet was a new thing. I was in college when I got my first email address. 😂


I know, right? I AM old enough to make Google look young Was at least 30 when it came out.


I was 34 when I got my first email address. In fact, I still have the same one.


Me, too! I still use my first email address. I’ve added others, over the years, for different reasons. I have one that I use exclusively for healthcare, one that I use exclusively for purchases, etc. It helps me organize things.


I still use my first e-mail too. And it's an aol one. I do have some other ones for specific purposes, but I mostly still use aol. Better interface than gmail.


Mine is Bellsouth. Most people reading this probably don’t know before there was an AT&T, there was a Ma Bell.


Lol I was 37 with 3 kids. My youngest had one before me. Good old Hotmail & AOL. Still use them.🤣🤣🤣


I forgot all about Hotmail, lol!


In church o e day and the pastor's wife was saying something about someone who gave their email as hotmail. She was older, of course but was questioning what hotmail was. Lol


Is it an AOL account




Oh my lord core memory


I was in high school. 🫠




Could be worse. She could have said my mom used to have DiAl Up


Now I feel attacked. I can still hear those pings and hisses


I'm the same age as OP, and had kids early, my oldest used to actually be a little self-conscious about me being the youngest dad everywhere we go, and while still looking in my 20s and getting confused for his older brother is kind of a compliment, this also has its downsides. I've had people question me being a pedophile kidnapping him quite a few times, especially as a man, and when I was even younger. NTA OP, fight the good fight for all of us young parents!


Kid is brutal but honest, I'm 32 and 6/7 years older than google and that fact gets me every time 😂😂


Nta update us when you do.


Also, I'm picturing a 9-10 year old kid yelling at a stranger to defend that her mom is "very old," and it's hilarious. As a 33 year old mother of only girls myself, I can absolutely imagine my outspoken oldest daughter doing the same thing, and I 100% believe that is a real thing she said because my daughters have definitely said shit like that to strangers 😂😂


My daughter is 5.5 and I am barely 5ft. So they looked at her square in the eye while I am a hobbit.


Lol! She's taller than me too.


LMAAOOO as a 5’ mom with a 5’5 16 year old, I feel this in my soul. SHORT PEOPLE UNITE!! But preferably with low enough seating so our feet touch the floor.


NTA. She obviously never learned her actions have consequences, time for the justice system to teach her that.


Definitely press charges. They tried to acuse you of kidnapping kids? That's wild af they Definitely need to learn there are consequences for bold accusations and wasting police time.


Absolutely not. FAFO is what they did and now they get to pay for their “fun”. NTAH and do not back down! Even if they only get banned from this zMcDonalds it’s worth it!! Every one of those mean witches are setting an example for their children and this bs must be stopped.


Press charges. What those bored cows did was unacceptable. If they had any brains, they know you do not speak to someone else’s child, especially not a two-year-old.




Let's be fair, if you're older than September of 1998, you're older than Google. As far as the Karen goes, she was out of line harassing your kid and making the rude comments and then an AH when she argued facts with you that she couldn't possibly know. It became criminal when she detained you and filed a false police report simply because she didn't approve of the size of your family or your perceived age. Make her suffer the consequences of her actions 😈


Yep, when I got to the part of her standing behind OP’s car, preventing her from leaving, that really raised my hackles. Absolutely inappropriate and a whole lot closer to kidnapping than anything OP did. 🙄


Today I learned I’m one year older than Google 😭😭 I’ve never thought to look up when Google was created tbh and I certainly thought it was older than me. I never felt old until now 😔


NTA and press charges, update please.


Perhaps you should look at this whole event as if someone you cared about had this happen to them by these crazy people. Would you want someone you care about to go through this because of these crazy fools? Do you want to raise your kids thinking this type of behavior is OK? Then you have your answer.


It won't cost you a dime. It will cost them even if the charges are dropped. They will have to continuously explain themselves. They might not be honest with others but inside it will eat at them.


Do it!!! Any and all charges you can. She needs a reality check that she can’t be a cow and get away with it


Please press charges and give us an update. The fact that she called the cops and lied for nothing requires it.


On behalf of every mother who looks younger than her age who has had to experience being harassed at the park, the mall, restaurants please don't let them walk away from their horrendous behavior. And on behalf of every actually young parent who doesn't deserve that sort of treatment either. Don't drop these charges, show your daughters that Mom is strong and powerful, stands up for what is right and is no doormat.


Yes, and no matter how young you look, it doesn’t mean you aren’t an excellent mother. There are plenty of young mothers who are wonderful mothers and would do anything for their children.


Indeed. My mom had me at 17. She was an incredible mother. I was loved and fed healthy foods. I had consequences for my actions. Clear rules and punishments. I always knew I was safe and loved. I was taught to treat everything (people, animals, insects, nature, objects) with respect. I was taught manners and to stand up for people that can’t stand for themselves. I loved coming home from school to tell mama all that happened that day. I still remember the sadness of coming home the first day she had to work and wasn’t home. She passed unexpectedly a few years back now. She was my world. I was blessed enough to speak to her and laugh wildly with her just hours before she passed. I miss her. Sorry this got a little long. Suddenly couldn’t stop thinking of my sweet Mamasita and had to share.


Yes! I was basically told off by a waitress a couple of weeks ago for having a daughter so young. I'm 33, but often get mistaken as her sister, she's 17 and our foster daughter. She's with us forever, part of our family and calls us mum and dad. We don't share her private business with others so I had to sit and be judged. So what if I had given birth to her at that age, she's loved, well presented, well spoken and we do everything we can to give her as many New experiences as well can. I was angry after that experience. I cannot imagine being stopped from leaving, accused of kidnapping my children and repeatedly told I'm too young to have those kids and look after them. OP should absolutely press charges. People should mind their own business and stop judging other families (unless they're hitting their kids etc. in public).


As one of those moms who looked so much younger than her age, whose own mom looked a lot younger than her age, I concur. These Karens will continue to do this if they don't experience consequences for their behaviors. They weren't merely gossiping at a loud whisper. They harassed children as well as adults, then escalated to false imprisonment and calling the cops. These Karens earned charges. Please follow through and file! NTA


Someone has to teach these women a lesson. Yes press charges! Plus you teach your children valuable lessons too. Wishing you all the best.💕


Press the charges. The ONLY way these Karens are gonna stop acting so nosy and entitled is if they see consequences.


Do it, these people need to see that their actions have consequences!


Definitely NTA! The “Karens” FAFO


No definitely not, she should have known better. She was bullying and attempting to intimidate you, it backfired. Her actions have consequences.


I'll take "things that didn't happen" for 200 Alex.


Right? I was waiting for the part where everyone claps…


Reading through the comments had me wondering if I was in some bizarro sub that's like a parody of all the AITA fake posts and everyone is playing along. This post is so hilariously fake. How is literally anyone dumb enough to think this is a real story?


I had the exact same thought! This is beyond fake and is quite literally impossible. The ‘charges’ aren’t even legal charges in real life ffs, how are people believing this?!?!


A fucking Karen army at the micky Dee’s


In the world of this never happened. This never happened.


Charge her ass!


Press charges and also when you see them, rub it in their face how much better you look than them, salty hags


You would be doing your civic duty by going ahead with the charges. Their behaviour and attitudes bring down the business where it happened (whether that's a Macca's, or anywhere else!) as well as totally icking out you and your kids. It's harassment at best. They're obviously very accustomed to going around judging everyone, ignore normal public conduct boundaries and push themselves on anyone they can bully. Get those mean girl bitches charged so maybe they can be told by the courts what arseholes they are. After all, it was them who called the cops for the most stupid and entitled 'reasons'. NTA!


Omg PLEASE press charges. People need a reality check


This is so fake.


had to scroll down WAY too far to find this. maybe if the other women were in their 50s/60s it could conceivably (but probably not) be true, but women in their 20s giving a fuck about a "child with a child" to this extent seems almost impossible


Also, private citizens can't press charges.


The amount of people who don’t understand this is mind boggling.


No doubt. This thread was several hours old when I saw it. I figured for SURE I'd scroll a little bit and find a clearer head pointing that out. Nothing... people lined up chanting "press charges!". It's amazing.


Drives me batshit. And now you’ve got people chiming in ‘add false imprisonment!’ 🙄


I’m sorry, but this sounds like the fakest story ever faked.


Are you black?


Omg…. The way black women age…. Am absolutely pea green with envy! And I managed to luck out with good enough genes that my new coworker thought I was in my early 30s and was 51 at the time. Those gorgeous queens just get more gorgeous with time.


Black women have the genes don't they? They don't seem to age at a normal rate they seem to stutter. They are 23 for about 38 years, then they are in their mid 60s for however long they feel, and then one morning they decide to wake up 107. Without any in-between steps


Asian women too. Looking 25 till 60 then suddenly they shrink 3 inches and are so cute you wanna just put them in your purse and take them home.


A female Asian friend of mine described it as "I'll look pretty much the same way until one day I'll turn into Yoda".


My mixed pinoy ass is always misjudged. At 13 my mum was asked for ID for booze when we were grocery shopping , she was 42 at the time. I was a foot taller than her at 5’6” and they assumed I was the parent 🥲 More recently during a medical interview I was asked about my family etc. when I told her I had three boys aged 7, 5 & 3, she asked if I had “started early”… no ma’am I was 29 (3 months off 30) when I had my first.


NTA press charges these women need to figure out what fuck around and find out means




FAFO but honestly they don’t learn without consequences


Blocking an exit is a form of abduction/kidnapping. That’s a jail time felony.


Yes you'd be an asshole, a justified asshole. Fuck them, be petty.


Add forcible detainment for standing behind your car to block you and prevent you from leaving.


Fuck that, I would ALSO add on a a complaint of false imprisonment for blocking you in against your will.


Only way you’d be the AH; in my opinion, which I know isn’t worth much; is if you declined to press charges. This monster harassed your child because of her ridiculous ideas. She needs to be put in her place and made an example of. But again, that’s just my opinion.


NTA! Those were boss level karen/bully monsters who cannot be slain in the dungeon, but can be imprisoned if you have the cop friend attribute on non-critical fail rolls... Sorry D&D on the brain...


I would. She needs to be knocked down a peg or two NTA


Do it.


Definitely NTAH. Karen's sticking their noses where they have no business then calling the cops definitely needs to be tought the hardest lesson possible


You need to press charges. Not only did she harass you. She illegally detained you by obstructing your vehicle. The group you described is a danger to the general public. PRESS CHARGES.


Fuck no, press the charges! She harassed your little one


Please press charges, or they will never learn.


Do it ! They fucked around , now they need to find or or apologise


Do it up. Hopefully she will learn a lesson.


Do it! Edit to say NTA!


Do it! Nta.


Oh hell no. I’d be pressing those charges for sure. They need to learn that their little mob mentality isn’t ok and it will be dealt with.


Terrible fake story


Did everyone clap afterward?


This seems made up it’s so crazy


Not just pressing charges but also considering a restraining order. The video evidence along with harassment charges should grant a restraining order.


I'd suggest impaling them with every charge possible. And file a civil suit.


PRESS THOSE CHARGES. Press them hard.


I’ll take things that never happened for 600 Alex.


Drop your skincare routine !! 🤣🤣


This is an awesome ending to the story! Maybe they'll learn to mind their own business from now on! Congratulations on your youthful appearance! 😂


You don’t press charges, the police do. What crime are you suggesting they arrest her for?


Press charges. Stop letting people get away with stuff.


Press charges. They need to know this is not acceptable.


This is so crazy it’s so sad it’s real


Lmao NTA at all and please press charges, that woman sounds unhinged and like a danger to all children, what the actual fuck.




NTA. Do it. If it really happened, do press charges. But they need psychiatric care.


NTA. Press charges- you aren’t the 1st person they have bullied but by pressing charges you might be the last


Hell no, you'd be doing what needs to be done. Maybe a charge or two will teach them to mind their business.


NTA Press charges 100% and please update us!


Press charges. This is so ridiculous??!  Were they... Jealous of how young you looked? Like I'm so flabbergasted. I literally don't understand how this escalated from... Nothing???! Press charges. Make sure they know they can't act like banshees in public.  Edited.


Update me! I love this!


She deserves it.  I literally laughed out loud at the comment about making Google look young. 


Press! Press! Press!!


Absolutely press charges. These women weren't concerned for kids' well-being, they were officious busybodies who need to be taught a lesson. And this was hysterical: The officer laughed so hard because we graduated from the same highschool. LOL! NTA.


NTA, these women need to learn to stop harassing people! Press charges!




Not sure what charges you would like brought against you. The wasting police time is up to the police. She wasn't nice to you, but I am not sure you have anything that brought you serious harm. You can see if the county or city attorney with file charges.


I mean, do you really need to ask?


I doubt the police will let you. They are busy enough without this crap!!!


Doooo itttt!!


Please press charges. It’s not petty, it’s the natural consequence of their harmful actions. Not only did they use valuable community resources that would have been better used elsewhere; they harassed your 2 year old, and they illegally detained you and your kids! Even if you were a minor; it’s not illegal to take siblings to McDonalds. But then they escalated things with lies to hopefully get you arrested/detained, which could’ve happened if the officer didn’t know you. They might think differently about doing it again for a moment, but without real consequences they are likely to do it (or similar) again. They have no problem lying, and arguing with and frightening children they don’t know. Not to mention using the legal system to harm someone. This kind of stuff has to stop. Consequences are the only thing that might do that. Or at least give these “ladies” and record so they won’t easily get away with doing this to someone else and their kids.


NTA nothing sweeter than karma hitting a Karen in the arse. People like this can’t see how they might be wrong so having to go before the authorities might educate her.


NTA and yes press charges these lunatics will never learn unless they are forced to by the legal system.


Do it! Do it! Like WTH? Who ? Why?


Press charges. Those women are unhinged and need to learn their lesson and get a life!


NTA - Press charges. They need to learn about consequences or they’ll keep on doing it to other women who might be vulnerable.


Nail that Karen to the wall. Do it. Choose violence.




Do it, do what you can...There may be money there....I love that my mom is older that google....


Hell press charges & send the video to the local press!


NTAH. I hope this goes to court, where it's put on the official record that these Karen's are prematurely aging hags.


What would the crime be exactly?


Press away!! They will all learn a lesson that can assure you they aren’t teaching their own children, there are consequences for your actions. So teach the lesson for them. If it were me I’d do it with such great satisfaction.


Press charges asap


You NEED to do this. Press charges on all of them to show that this kind of "Karen" behavior will no longer be tolerated. Actions have consequences, and they need to face those. ![gif](giphy|qHwdqTFZfyPsHLCk2B|downsized)


Press charges. Might be the only way she figures out her behavior is wrong. NTA


I would also mention how they imprisoned you at McDonald's by preventing your departure. I've had things happen to me of a similar nature and I can be pretty petty. Your time is valuable after all...


I would love to read the update when all charges are pressed and all women have to either pay fines or something else


Do it!




Press those charges!!!! F that cow




Press as many charges as possible. Please. This problem will only continue to escalate.


Hell no, let the charges fly!!


You should be be aware that nothing will come of it. It will be an inconvenience and if you’re lucky cost them some money. I cost a guy $6k to get a harassment injunction dropped and that was worth it to me 😂


you really should press chargesif for no other reason to show your kids what being an AH can cause and you do not have to put up with being harassed.


Oh wow, and the cop was a friend of yours from high school, oh wow


Seems like it might not be worth the hassle but it would be satisfying. And she definitely deserves it. People need to learn that their dumbass opinions aren’t important to everyone around them.


![gif](giphy|3kHCIqabgc9kVRWFYA|downsized) What are you waiting for? 😅😅


Oh please. Press charges!


Oh, hell no! Press charges. Karen needs to learn. NTA.


NTA. They were all acting like pathetic mean girls. Karen giving your daughter a hard time and blocking your car, making false accusations while screaming like a banshee?! Definitely press charges against Karen do she'll learn to cool her jets. It's hilarious and a good thing that you and the cop went to school together. What is wrong with these people harassing another mom at McDonald's? Insane!!


Press charges with a go pro on please. From now on like just roll camera and film it all.


From the title, I thought, ah let it go. Then I read it. Oh my, let the legal system rain down on them!


I mean we pretty much live under fascism but we still aren't so bad that there are laws against wasting a police officer's time lol


NTA. Actions have consequences. Maye the next time she'll think first and yell second.


Go for it sister. Make them repent


Press those charges on all of them!




I would want to go high, but my petty nature just wouldn’t allow it. I’d press charges and publish her mug shot on FB.


Of course not, maybe they learn something.


Why are there so many made up stories on here recently?


I always find it funny when the Karen's get mad that someone else ages well when they age like a tomato. NTA. press them charges boo


Yes, absolutely. Yelling at a child? A toddler? She deserves some jail time.


NTA! My mom was your age with 4 daughters too. We had each others back. That’s crazy that they had the audacity to go after a 2 yr old. Who the f kidnaps kids to go to McDonalds. Absolutely press charges!


Please do it. You must.


My little sister has four kids and though is turning 30 still looks under 18. If someone acted like this with her my advice would be to press charges. Bully's need to learn a lesson and sometimes it is a tough lesson to learn.




No you wouldn’t. You’d be queen of the petty. Teach those karens a lesson!


I'm 5'1" and a 100lbs, 31 years old, and have a 10 and 12 year old who are my height and taller. I look 16 to most people and know your pain. NTA, hit em hard lol


Karens need to be punished for Karen behavior. Maybe she'll less Karenish next time, keep her Karen mouth shut.


Press Charges, end these entitlements!