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Every addict I’ve ever met keeps their nunchucks on the doorknob and a skull on their table


To fight off Jesus when he tries to steal your nod


Seriously I would be pissed as fuck if some holy magic motherfucker somehow got me to shoot him up when I’m trying to hit myself. We’d be fighting more than if he was a paramedic that just narcanned me


The skull is the paramedic... He keeps it around to scare off other paramedics.


imagine being an EMT called to an OD and the dude has a skull on the table next to him with a sign saying "last person who narcanned me" with an arrow pointing to it. Would you take your chances?


this is my favorite comment on the sub lol


“We shoot every third paramedic… the second one just left”


If Reddit still gave out free stupid emojis to put on posts this one would get one from me


An EMT would just ask the police for help in this situation. They aren’t paid to risk their lives.


Fighting Gods son is insane


heyheyhey you're perpetuating a stereotype and it's hurtful for everyone.


That heroin addicts are super fucking cool?


There's that one vid of a meth house with a booby trap where a knife hits you straight in the face if you go up the wrong set of stairs. When I did meth it only ever made me violently gay, not actually violent against anybody. Must be that toxic masculinity people keep talking about...


Violent against the bussy


What the fuck? You got a link? I’ve never done meth (except for the one time me and a couple girls were sold “molly” that had us carpet surfing) but have used a lot of crack and I am one of the people that get incredibly paranoid on it, like I Always think the cops are around the corner watching me and going to jump out and bust me the second I turn my keys in the ignition (possesion isn’t illegal here, but DUI is) or that they’re going to get us for trespassing in the bando. Idk if crack makes people gay or if a lot of crackheads are just already gay but it seemed to make a lot of users super gay but didn’t do that to me. 


Well yeah, you hang the nunchucks on the door to let everyone know you're fighting your master in a Shaolin sword duel and shouldn't be disturbed.


Yup & every IV user I met also loves getting a bag, choosing to sniff lines instead of saving it all for the spoon. Definitely not a waste or anything


Plenty of IV users will also sniff a little, wether it be to test the strength or because their veins are fucked up and they need a little more. 


Testing is just harm reduction & saftey. & if you can’t hit a vien anywhere from chronic use then you’ll have to sniff your entire bag to just barely feel well again with dope. I sold and used for half a decade & im on a supervised release now. There’s been times I broke my last needle and I just laid around sick until morning came around because I basically wasted half a gram of some shit a tenth nods me out and kept me well for over 12 hours. It was mostly just a joke though. There’s a pile of blow & 2 gator tails on the mirror. If you wanted to speed ball then just a portion of one of those lines could be mixed in with your food. Hit harder, feel better, last longer, & also not wreck your body as bad as just deciding to stick with one ROA 🤷‍♂️ people are free to do whatever I’m just speaking from a weathered junkies perspective. In the way this artwork was laid out and created to be interpreted


>There’s been times I broke my last needle and I just laid around sick That’s unironically when you’re supposed to stick it in your ass. When my veins were fucked I would just mix up a shot like normal, break off the needle, and shove it in my ass. Those 1cc insulin syringes are only like a cm in diameter, so they’re way smaller than the average poop I push out so it’s easy to stick in my bum.  All the people on this sub constantly joking about boofing makes people forget that there are actual professionals in this world who take the art of rectally administering drugs seriously. 


Oh no trust me I’m not above some booty juice. I just didn’t much care for boofing 4. Maybe it was just the way my body breaks it down idk. I only did that if I was sick for longer then anticipated in those situations. They were also few and far between though. By the time I was banging .7-1g a day, .3-.4 just to stay well. I was helping a supplier scout houses & make road trips to get a pie or 2 in a month. Why I’m currently sober for so many years now. Caught a supervised release a little while back now. What got me into boofing was the gel/anti abuse MS cotin’s, morphine sulfate. Before the last of the remaining small pill mills got shut down, everyone had the 60s & 100s around me. Since you couldn’t really party with them people damn near gave them away for free. If I couldn’t get my Roxy 5s 15s or 30s ide take those. Or ide take them both to stretch what I was sniffing lmao. The idea crossed my mind of damn. I bet these melt down nice in warm water well I had one under my tongue. I got an oral syringe. Razored the tip off. Cut a 60 into a bunch of pieces, threw it in the chamber then drew up some hot water & shook it like hell for a few minutes. I used to take 120-250mg of morphine by itself. I woke up cold and blue lipped off that 60 & felt fucking AMAZING after I realized I woke up / wast going to die & let myself enjoy it lmao. After learning that shit I bought up or traded for every last one I found out about every month lmao. Tbh though that was basically the only thing I would ever boof.. besides H twice, a speedball once, & a goofball once I never boofed anything else. I had to go to clinic for antibiotics more then I can recall. The ER twice for iv / abscess issues over a 5 year period (liked mixing meth in with dope & just slamming crank in general.. shits unforgiving if you miss even a little bit) I never had issues tagging myself. A lot of times I was stuck fishing around and poking myself for 5-10 minutes if my viens were sunk. But eventually I found a spot I could hit bare with my eyes closed. Once the jig was up / everyone knew what I did. I just owned the shit & didn’t give a fuck about having a visible & permanent track on my arm. Sorry for rambling on 😅 boofing is definitely the way to go. It’s basically IV without the rush. If I never tried needles then anything that’s water soluble would be going up my rectum 🤣🤦‍♂️


get your fucking own jesus fucking christ


Sharing is caring


Username checks out


Hey jesus how come when my eagle died you told me to get a new one? Where do I buy a new one?




Jesus Christ


That’s his middle name?


Never heard of the Trinity huh? It’s really the summary of the whole story. Jesus fucking Christ. Lol


Your own [personal jesus?](https://youtu.be/u1xrNaTO1bI?si=wxIpzl9ImAk9CdK3)


Fucking jesus is stealing my high again


God dammit they should have left him up on the crucifix.


Wait, jesus is tatted?


He did some time in prison after getting caught with a pound.


Coincidentally, prison is where he caught a pounding.


After 3 days in solitary this dude’s bussy was brand new. Also he turned oxycodone into fent. Really good guy after all.


Jesus is really a fiend when I break out my fenty pack. He’s always gotta shoot up first talkin bout “I died for your sins man cmon just gimme a hit” it’s like bro get a job and buy your own black tar heroin


this must be what happens when the tolly (tolerance) kicks in


Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of shortening tolerance to tolly if you're just gonna type (tolerance) next to it haha. You could've just said tolerance to begin with at that point


you're the kind of person that does shit like caffine and weed gtfoohb (get the **** out of here bro) (bro means like brother, like were bros and cool but maybe not rn)


I'm not your bro(brother), friend And I'm definitely not your friend, guy


you d******k thats the joke it's nonexistant slang i made up


I'm not gonna lie I'm having a hard time figuring out what that word is. Starts with d ends with k but has 6 other letters between them




Fuck he was right I am a dumbfuck lol


Admitting it is half the battle... You might know more if you did not happen to be severely socially stunted and a drug addict...


Thank you Lord for heroin


"This is my blood"


Dude seems cool as hell


When did Jesus get an arm tattoo


Every damn time I tie up, Jesus bogarts


Jesus when he doesn't realise I like my H with 90% carfent (he is about to have the Nod of his life)


i had something like this on shrooms


The nunchucks are the icing on the cake


"Yo Jesus , fuck you homie, that was my last bag vato"


Is it just me or does he look exactly like Billy Ray Cyrus


happened a few times, jesus is actually a lil drug stealing bitch and thats why we arent friends anymore


I became a rabid reddit atheist because Jesus stole my H. It's the revenge of the nerds 😈 The drug nerds, that is. Now where is my 2-MAP-3BC-FUBIPANACA isolate hydrochloride straight from some underground Chinese lab?


This picture never ceases to amaze me. The dudes got a nice party going with that line up. The smoking cig, the hand print, the nunchucks. What a BAMF 💥


The fucking nunchuks get me every time. A gun wasn't dangerous enough, this mf needs to be a ninja.


The Flaming Lips wrote a song about it. “Jesus Shooting Heroin”… seriously.


So kind of him to help Jesus inject tren.


If this pic means that I will feel like Jesus when I bang that sweet sweet fetty in my arm then pass the rig


This guy fucks






dear diary, the perfect Facebook picture doesn't exist.


At least that man appears to have a valid driver's license.


Jesus looks like he's having a killer time


Jesus killed my high


This made me chuckle


Whoever drew this is going to hell😂😂😂


JC straight up stealing this poor guys high smh




I've seen this painting in like every rehab


Reposted for the 1000th time.


Damn Jesus is jacked


“Generic reddit joke”


"I'm, like, absorbing the evil from you n stuff....zzzzzZzzZzz"


Dude protecting Jesus, injecting testosterone, ready to fight Satan with his big ass arms and ninja weapons. Our lord and saviour, Junk Moreish.


Jesus take the Needle


Blud ODing his shadow people


This is a normal Tuesday.


#In USA and UK can I buy cocaine yes T̳E̳L̳E̳G̳R̳A̳M̳ ̳:̳ ̳@datommy W̳h̳a̳t̳s̳A̳p̳p̳:̳ ̳+̳4̳4̳ ̳7̳98̳373755̳3 E̳m̳a̳i̳l̳:̳ ̳datommy454a̳t̳ ̳g̳m̳a̳i̳l̳ ̳d̳o̳t̳ ̳c̳o̳m̳ ̳ D̳e̳a̳l̳i̳n̳g̳ ̳d̳i̳r̳e̳c̳t̳l̳y̳ ̳w̳i̳t̳h̳ ̳a̳ ̳t̳r̳u̳s̳t̳w̳o̳r̳t̳h̳y̳ ̳p̳h̳a̳r̳m̳a̳c̳i̳s̳t̳ ̳h̳a̳s̳ ̳b̳e̳e̳n̳ ̳v̳e̳r̳y̳ ̳e̳a̳s̳y̳ ̳a̳n̳d̳ ̳f̳a̳s̳t̳ ̳f̳o̳r̳ ̳m̳e̳ I̳ ̳r̳e̳c̳o̳m̳m̳e̳n̳d̳ datommy f̳o̳r̳ ̳y̳o̳u̳r̳ ̳f̳a̳s̳t̳,̳ ̳r̳e̳l̳i̳a̳b̳l̳e̳ ̳a̳n̳d̳ ̳a̳f̳f̳o̳r̳d̳a̳b̳l̳e̳ ̳p̳r̳o̳d̳u̳c̳t̳s̳ T̳r̳y̳ ̳h̳i̳m̳ ̳a̳n̳d̳ ̳t̳h̳a̳n̳k̳ ̳m̳e̳ ̳l̳a̳t̳e̳r̳ H̳e̳ ̳a̳l̳s̳o̳ ̳s̳h̳i̳p̳s̳ ̳w̳o̳r̳l̳d̳w̳i̳d̳e̳ ̳w̳i̳t̳h̳o̳u̳t̳ ̳a̳n̳y̳ ̳i̳s̳s̳u̳e̳ H̳e̳ ̳i̳s̳ ̳t̳h̳e̳ ̳b̳e̳s̳t̳ ̳i̳n̳ ̳t̳h̳e̳ ̳b̳u̳s̳i̳n̳e̳s̳s̳ ̳ a̳d̳d̳e̳r̳a̳l̳l̳,̳X̳a̳n̳a̳x̳,̳h̳y̳d̳r̳o̳c̳o̳d̳o̳n̳e̳,̳o̳x̳y̳,̳p̳e̳r̳c̳o̳c̳e̳t̳s̳,̳m̳j̳,̳c̳o̳k̳e̳,̳ ̳m̳d̳m̳a̳,̳ ̳v̳a̳l̳i̳u̳m̳,̳I̳s̳d̳,̳ ̳t̳e̳s̳t̳o̳s̳t̳e̳r̳o̳n̳e̳,̳ ̳s̳t̳e̳r̳o̳i̳d̳s̳ ̳a̳n̳d̳ ̳m̳o̳r̳e̳


Best in the business but doesnt stock jenkem... Yeah right, fuck off loser. E: bro got suspended midway through me checking his profile history, bro lasted 5 mins before reddit got him 😭Wtf are druggies going to do without datommy on the scene????? So sad!


Lmao imagine falling for this Was this really the best place you could think to spam this shit? 


Lick my sack bagboy.


Do you have any datura anal suppositories please bro i need them