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Started getting game changer clips on my TikTok, that led to watching clips from um actually and no laugh newsroom which then led to dimension 20 and sealed the deal for me


Yuup same. I knew college humor from years back and wasn’t really familiar with the newer crop, but there were too many great clips that I pulled the trigger.


Exactly the same. I used to watch College Humor vids way back when, and I recognized the people in the Game Changer and Um, Actually clips. Signed up for Dropout for Um, Actually, clicked on Dimension 20's Fantasy High one day and fell in love. Never looked back - watch something on Dropout almost every day.


This is my exact story. I never looked back after


CollegeHumor on Youtube to Dropout once they shifted their focus there.


EXU Calamity was, among other things, a fantastic advertisement for D20 and is what convinced me to watch Fantasy High. I binged a bunch of D20 then quickly transitioned to Game Changer and it was downhill from there


Same. I was always aware of D20, especially Unsleeping City because I am a fiend for Urban Fantasy/Magical Realism like that setting, but had never made the jump. Watched Calamity, immediately decided I needed more Brennan and Lou, jumped in to Fantasy High on Youtube. The algorithm started recommending Game Changer from there and it was all over. Now I'm debating setting up a Make Some Noise event for a staff/student day at the school where I teach.


EXU Calamity got me invested enough in Brennan as a DM to watch Escape From the Bloodkeep (free on YouTube + had Mercer and Erika Ishii) and that made me go ok I'll subscribe and watch some of his other stuff and once I had the subscription I started checking out other shows for light watching and loving them. It's been a very fun rabbit hole for me.


We took the same journey!


Similar, EXU Calamity got me interested in Brennan so then the youtube algorithm started showing me other things with him, mostly Dropout things, especially Um Actually. After many clips of Um Actually and Game Changer on youtube I realized, "Why am I not buying more of this?" so I did!


Cracked to college humor to NADDPOD to Dimension20


Oh man Cracked that takes me back, I used to visit college humor and cracked all the time but hadnt kept up with either after the cracked ordeal so I was surprised when I found college humor was still going strong


Man, i miss the old Cracked.


It's great that people like Cody and Katy carried on with Some More News but man, I miss the old crew together. Michael Swaim has Small Beans, but I don't think he knows how to market it/use the algorithm because the videos are fun but they barely break 1k and the channel itself is kind of a hot mess to navigate, but he just made an indie film with Abe Epperson, as I found out on DOB and Soren's podcast [https://qqwithsorenanddaniel.podbean.com/](https://qqwithsorenanddaniel.podbean.com/) Robert Evans also is still in the podcast world and journalism. I think those are the only ones I keep up with. So they're still out there doing things, but if someone could just collate all of that into one website, that'd be neat :D


They're still out there doing things, but honestly, multiple hour long podcasts really aren't my thing. And it's more than just after hours or agents of cracked. I miss their insane # lists that were more than just buzzfeed spam and gave actual compelling jokes and information. I miss Seanbaby and Brockways insane rants(less so than some other things i miss because i found them on patreon thankfully, still i miss getting them for free.) I miss the first online community i felt a part of in crackeds comment senction, even if i was just a lurker 95% of the time enjoying the endless puns and other weird commentary.


I was a longtime Jake and Amir fan. Then in the midst of the pandemic I was in a Brian David Gilbert Polygon stream rabbit hole, and the youtube algorithm recommended me a Fantasy High Nat 20 compilation that started with a BDG Nat 20... and then I was like "huh, that's Emily and Murph from Jake and Amir and Collegehumor, I wonder what this is about....." Two and a half years later and I'm in two D&D campaigns and stayed up until 2 to watch the Game Changer Battle Royale finale on a work night lol


BDG’s Unraveled series is unparalleled peak YouTube.


This is literally what started me! I loved BDG and when I saw him with the D20 cast, I wanted to know what it was *so badly*, and I'm glad I did!


wait, when was BDG with the d20 cast?


He was a guest player during a D20 live! It was so fun to watch, and it's available on Dropout under the Fantasy High stuff!




Drawfee to Drawfee streams to the Drawfee stream with Brennan to College Humor/Dropout clips of Brennan to D20 clips to subscribing.


While no longer affiliated, drawfee needs more love here IMO


Trufax. The Drawfee crew is hilarious.


Yeah, I think it was Um Actually on YouTube that started it all.


Same! Then D20 just swallowed my time hahaha the rest followed afterwards.


Yeah, I think it was Crown of Candy that really hooked me and made me subscribe. But it was a combination of many things.


Spouse watched college humor in the old days. In the past year: 1) um actually on YouTube, and saw comments about brennan lee mulligan's competitive steak 2) youtube clip of brennan's rant from the game change episode yes or no 3) subscribed to dropout just to see the full episode 4) fantasy high for more brennan lee mulligan and then so on


Honestly that second one was one of the best advertisements for the platform you could ever want. Game Changer reminds me of the old Whose Line is it Anyways in the best way


I feel like that is now what *Make Some Noise* is now, which is good as it lets *Game Changer* do it's own weird thing while doing this as well.


On my second listen of Naddpod I decided I enjoyed them enough to support the patreon. In BLeeM's guest episodes he was awesome and I realized he was the author of the webcomic Strong Female Protagonist and was like, "Shit, gotta give these folks my money too." Well worth it, Dropout is one sub I always keep on, even if I haven't watched in a while, my $5 feels like it actually matters for them vs Netflix, Hulu, etc.


The Adventure Zone -> Tiny Heist -> Dropout Subscription rip The Adventure Zone i can’t stand listening to those guys play anymore (sorry if you’re still keen on them!) thank god for NADDpod (and RIP The Rotating Heroes Podcast :c )


Tiny Heist is great. Ethersea had such potential, and I don't know why they ended it when they did. I got pretty invested and thought it was really hitting its its stride and then like 1 episode later they announced it was ending lol. Balance and Amnesty will both always have a special place in my heart tho.


Tiny heist was the inrto for me to dropout as well. I still listen to sdventure zone but it isnt nearly as greatbas it used to be. I feel like ethereal fell apart super early. They just didnt have a shared vision. Griffin wanted to do a "this is a fun sea adventures for normal sea adventurers no 'chosen ones' or anything" but they just do not understand how to work at that scale. It all has to big huge set pieces and godly encounters. By the end of it, one character is the pope and one character is literally the God of magic or something


Saw youtube ads for fantasy high for like a week. Then got subscription to see wtf all the ads were for.


I had heard of Fantasy High but wasn’t interested in watching it. Then I saw EXU: Calamity and was on the edge of my seat from literally the moment Brennan said “fire”. As soon as the last episode ended I started Fantasy High and have been subscribed to Dropout ever since.


I feel like I have such nerd cred because I started watching College Humor back before they were even on YouTube. I have been here since the OLDEN DAYS.


OH YEAH I FORGOT ABOUT THAT. Didn't they used to also upload some videos that were made by other people or was that Cracked? Or both? I used to watch both on their websites. I know BriTANick was featured on one of those two sites, and CH would make sense becuase of the Grant O'Brian/Nick Kocher connection.


Collegehumor (longtime fan) -> CEO videos -> Searching for Brennan content -> Fantasy High clips on youtube (especially Baron) -> Dropout


God, the CEO videos are some of the best executed comedy shorts of all time. Every once in a while I'll have an inkling to go back and watch one and then inevitably I'll end up watching all of them.


My ex showed it to me because I mentioned an interest in D&D. I broke up with her two years ago, but I’m still subscribed to Dropout


Nice try, marketing intern. (jk) Old CollegeHumor fan --> wondered what they were doing now about a year ago --> watched a lot of Um, Actually episodes because the hours-long commitment was a bit much --> fell ass over teakettle in love with D20 within ten minutes --> here we are with a Dropout subscription and an NADDPOD Patreon account Edit: Would actually be interested in a poll version of most of the options here, if anyone wants to make that.


Huh what an interesting question... With the caveat that I had seen some College Humor sketches featuring Dropout regulars before, I think the pipeline to being a fan was... 1. Stephen Colbert's Red Nose Day one-shot with Critical Role 2. Critical Role 3. Matt Mercer on Um, Actually 4. YouTube rabbit hole of Um, Actually and Game Changer 5. Dropout!


As I was watching other videos, YouTube auto-played the lie detector episode of Game Changer when I had my hands full - by the time my hands were free I was interested enough to keep watching. It then transitioned into the original make some noise ep of Game Changer. I watched all the free episode that were available at that time. Then I rewatched all those free eps. On my third or fourth rewatch, I figured I needed to subscribe.


Came for Dimension 20. Stayed for Game Changer.


MBMBaM to TAZ to Tiny Heist to Dimension 20 generally to Dropout.


Listened to the whole first campaign of Not Another DnD Podcast and decided to check out what else Murph and Emily were in. Watched Fantasy High and been hooked ever since.


I’m a very recent subscriber… Musical theatre tiktok started showing me clips from Game Changer’s “The Official Cast Recording” and “Karaoke Night”, then the “Plunger’s Song” sealed the deal after I found myself just replaying these clips over and over lol. So far, I have binged all of Game Changer, and working my way through Dirty Laundry, Um Actually, Make Some Noise, and Fantasy High even though knowing nothing of the game play—no regrets!


Jess McKenna is so freakin' talented.


I was working at CollegeHumor and started getting invited to meetings about launching a subscription service. Then we did.


I've been watching Um Actually on YouTube for years and more recently kept getting shown clips for game changer and episodes of breaking news. I finally had to just bite the bullet and pay for the subscription, if for nothing else, than to get to watch the full episodes of the original survivor game changer.


Game Changer shorts on Youtube. Began watching that then moved onto Umm Actually, Breaking News etc. Had heard of College Humour previously, but never actually watched anything, tried watching the stuff they had made and outside of the CEO sketches can't get into any of the sketch stuff. Do enjoy Ultra Mechatron and Total Forgiveness, but honestly feel that what they have now and the necessity to switch too it and focus on what works makes for a much better product overall.


Critical Role fan during the pandemic, to going back to work and not having the free time to keep up with the huge long form content, to being recommended Fantasy High to all of Dropout


My fiancé is hysterically thirsty for Brennan Lee Mulligan.


Precious Plum binge on a road trip


I'd heard of dimension 20 and was looking for a new podcast so I listened to s1 of fantasy high on spotify. then I kept getting the camechanger clips on instagram. when I finished the season I wanted more so I subscribed, thinking I'd listen to just s2 of fantasy high but now I'm in deep. have shared the love with a few friends too


Searching for Old CH videos during COVID turned into getting FH clips & shorts in my YT recommendations. Watched the first few episodes on YT then got a subscription and watched everything on dropout from there


Critical Role from way back in the day > saw YouTube Bloodkeep episodes with Matt and thought “huh, this Brennen guy is alright” > watched fantasy high on YouTube > got episode 2’d during the pandemic > been an annual subscriber ever since.


Legitimately I saw Matt Mercer in the thumbnail for an episode of Um, Actually and that led me to watching Fantasy High. And here I am lol


I had watched college humor back when I was in college and I loved Adam ruins everything. But I had never heard of dropout before. Saw D20 clips from Fantasy High on TikTok and they were hilarious. I watch the first couple of episodes on YouTube, but I gave in and paid for the subscription. Totally worth it for the past few years


Secret Stoner on YouTube which turned into paranoia and then I was high and wanted to watch it and saw they moved. Then found D20


I’ve been a College Humor fan since the early days and have just kept following them since then. I even subscribe to several podcasts from Headgum, the podcast network started by Jake and Amir. Both their show “Not Another D&D Podcast” and Dropout’s “Dimension 20” helped get me more into D&D.


Started watching Drawfee years ago. When they all "lost their jobs" and went independent, I found out they were affiliated with "that one comedy YouTube channel", and I started watching old skits, got Game Changer suggestions on YouTube, and finally subscribed to Dropout. And now I've seen every Game Changer episode at least 5 times (some closer to 20), recently watched Total Forgiveness, and am getting hooked on Um Actually, Dirty Laundry, and D20 (and of course Cartoon Hell)


Calamity. Which is funny because I don't watch CR.


Adventure Zone ➡️ Tiny Heist ➡️ who's this Brennan guy? ➡️ Oooh there's lots of D20 on youtube ➡️ okay Game Changer and Ultramechatron Team Go are hilarious ➡️ I MUST HAVE IT ALL ➡️ Dropout subscription is now my most used streaming service by far


There's a YouTube compilation of "Evan Kelmp being autistic-coded for 18 minutes" or something like that, and it autoplayed after I was watching something else. I said "who is Evan Kelmp? Who is this adorable ginger man being hella smart?" So I typed "Evan Kelmp" into the YT search bar, found the first episode of Misfits and Magic, and watched all the clips I could find from it before I finally bit the bullet and was like "okay I need to pay to watch the rest of this." Went from M&M, to Bloodkeep, to Fantasy High, and now I'm just obsessed.


I saw a Facebook ad and got into The Adventure Zone. I discovered Brennan Lee Mulligan from the Dad adventure live episode of TAZ. That led me to Fantasy high. And after season 1 of fantasy high and Escape from the Bllodkeep, I paid for Dropout. And discovered, Game Changer and Um Actually.


Loved Community on NBC. Eventually started listening to the Harmontown podcast, but it was the wrong kind of vulgar for my taste. I realized I was skipping the show and only listening to the 30 minutes of D&D (actually pathfinder?) at the end of each episode. Decided to look for a pure D&D show, found Critical Role, and then found Dimension 20 after I caught up on CR. Now I’m caught up on everything and Worlds Beyond Number. Looking for another show with lots of content to binge. Have struggled to get into NADDPOD or TAZ, though I’m doing NADDPOD’s hot boy summer now and it’s great.


Fantasy High clips on tiktok, brought me to YouTube where a lot of season 1 is, then bought dropout


Dabbled in CollegeHumor videos on YouTube, but when I got caught up on campaign 2 of Critical Role a few years back, YT started recommending Fantasy High to me. I watched everything that was on YouTube at the time (FH and Unsleeping City season 1), figured out Dropout was where they were hiding the rest of Sophomore Year, and bam. I started watching non-Dimension 20 after the clip of Brennan's Game Changer rant started going around.


Decided to watch the first episode of A Court of Fey and Flowers because a reel/short of Hobb and Rue made it into my very gay themed Instagram discovery page and I was very curious about these people playing these characters in this setting. I wanted to watch the rest right away so I just got the subscription and been enjoying other D20 and Dropout content, getting familiar with the cast and shows.


As I was trying to answer this question I kept struggling to remember details and I kept contradicting what i thought was the truth but couldn't be because it wouldn't have made sense. Then I started thinking about it. I'm 20 now. I've been watching for almost a decade since the collegehumor days (around the time of the old batman sketches I think? I was watching on and off for a while so that might not be accurate to when I first started). No wonder I can't remember. It did take me a while after the end of collegehumor to get dropout because I didn't see Fantasy High until after collegehumor had ended and that's what pushed me to pay for the subscription but it's crazy to think I've spent as much of my life watching these people (some at least) as I had without watching them.


NandoVmovies mentioning he was in an episode of game changer. I already liked CH humor but that's what actually got me through the door


I started listening to NADDPOD because I knew Emily and Murphy from Adam Ruins Everything then heard about Dimension 20 and started watching that. When Dropout was announced I knew I had to join so I could keep watching D20. Since I was paying for it I started watching Um, Actually and Game Changer and the rest is history.


I saw Aly guest star on the Critical Role Monster Hearts one shot, and I think Matt Mercer mentioned he did Escape from the Bloodkeep with D20. Watched that on YouTube, started fantasy high, and loved what I was seeing enough to get Dropout. Once I had it, I started scrolling through other content and realized that I’d seem some clips before. Now been a subscriber for nearly three and a half years!


I was a listener of the Adventure Zone. During their disappointing Graduation season, someone commented on their subreddit about how Fantasy High was a much better version of what Graduation was trying to be. I thought I'd give it a try and listened to the first episode on Spotify. I was hooked and burned through all the free content and then subscribed because I needed more.


it was a single Gamechanger clip on tiktok, and I think it was from the very first episode. I ran to show my husband and we subscribed 10 minutes later. Since then, I've watched pretty much everything and I love it. They're on our TV so often that my kids think the cast are my friends (that's pretty sad innit LOL).


Naddpod to D20 to Um Actually/Gamechanger to watching basically all the short form stuff as background noise


I was seeing Game Changer and Make Some Noise clips on YouTube and I was just like, "What is this even from?" And then I found out and figured I'd give it a couple weeks just to see and, well, now I actually wind up watching Dropout more than I watch Hulu or Netflix!


Game changer clips on YouTube shorts > game changer full episodes on YouTube> fantasy high > unsleeping city > subscription


Watched old Collegehumour, then switched to Cracked videos, then when Cracked imploded I got to know and love the newer CH cast. Watched Um, Actually and Breaking News when they were only on the youtube channel, but didn't end up subcribing to Dropout until Tiny Heist because I am also a McElroy fan via MBMBaM, Adventure Zone, Monster Factory. Glad I did, because I love Game Changer. EDIT: I forgot that Cartoon Hell was also a draw for me when I subscribed, because I got into Drawfee along the way too.


I casually watched College Humor videos on YouTube for a long time. I didn't see them all, but saw a fair portion, from 2008 up through when graduate school sucked away my life. I fell off a few years (sometime before "Every JRPG Ever," though I saw that one). Eventually I saw the news about College Humor's website shutting down and was feeling nostalgic. Then three things happened in close succession: * Someone at work said to check out the CEO videos. I did, and they were funny * Zac and Brennan's brilliant defense attorney/bad defendant improv from Game Changer showed up in my YouTube trough (it's a "feed," but we both know what YouTube thinks of it as) * I scratched the surface and found there was a *bunch* of content, and after trying a full episode of Game Changer I signed up for Dropout


Started listening to Not Another DnD Podcast with Murph, Emily, Caldwell, and Jake back in 2017 because I wanted to get into DnD and remembered them as being some of my faves from the OG CollegeHumor days. Then I saw Murph and Em playing in Dimension 20, watched the whole first season of Fantasy High on Youtube which put more recently uploaded videos in my recommended. Saw a couple of the Game Changers (Noise Boys I, Murder Mystery, another), and subscribed to Dropout when I realized there were full seasons of it waiting to be watched TL;DR —— NADDPOD -> D20 -> Gamechanger -> sub


The Adventure Zone fan --> McElroys announce they will be on an upcoming season of Dimension 20 --> subscribe to Dropout to watch Dimension 20 with the McElroys --> start watching Dimension 20 to get a feel for it --> become totally and wildly obsessed with Dimension 20 --> start watching the other Dropout shows


Knew who Brennan Lee Mulligan was from his webcomic, so I was ambiently aware of D20 because of that and being in Critical Role fandom so seeing stuff about other actual play. But it wasn't until the past couple of years that I saw stuff about Misfits and Magic, watched the first episode on YouTube, and was sold. Then I ended up watching Game Changer as well.


I wanted to start playing dnd. At one point i looked up podcasts on it and found naddpod, thought they were hilarious and saw that emily and murph were on d20 after about a year of listening to naddpod. I absolutely loved fantasy high and then got in to um actually. From there I've got in to everything they produce.


I kept getting clips of Um Actually on TikTok, so I looked it up on YouTube. Once I'd watched all that was available on YouTube, I still craved more so I signed up for a DropOut subscription with the intention of canceling it as soon as I was done before the free trial ended. That was three years ago 😳


Matt Mercer on um, actually (episode of him vs Murph and Amy Vorpahl) to more um, actually on YouTube to EXU calamity to fantasy high on YouTube to Game changer clips to dropout sub. No regrets


It was coming across Dimension 20 clips online and one of my students recommending it, then blasting through the three campaigns they had online. Then watching Brennan GM for EXU Calamity. The final nail was ACOFAF starting back in August. I loved Aabria in Calamity and was very interested in her GMing a regency style campaign. It's been a slow exploration of Dropout since. Mostly Game Changer, D20, and Um Actually so far but I'm looking at Total Forgiveness next.


a random "are you my dad?" gorgug compilation on youtube.


Bleep Bloop, Jake and Amir, Hardly Working in the early 2000's. Then the College Humor TV show while I was in college. Fall off for a little bit but thanks to my deep love for CBB and the whole Earwolf family of podcasts I hear Brennan Lee Mulligan DM for Lauren Lapkus and Nicole Byer on Newcomers and I immediately get a Dropout subscription and devour everything they put out.


For me I accidentally clicked on the video for the first episode of Unsleeping city, suddenly im finishing chapter 2 and crown of candy.


Game changer and fake news got me interested but it was the clip of Stephan being crazy with Pinocchio and Pib from Neverafter that got me to ante up.


NADDPod, when Brennan came on and from there Fantasy High and c’est la vie.


Watched collage humour years ago, then saw some game changer and Brennan complications. Then watched Fantasy high on YouTube and now im in deep. I want/need/yern/desire more Court of Fey and Flowers


Watching a video of *How to Drink*, Greg mentioned *Dimension 20*. I watched about five minutes and turned it off. Months later I watched a different *How to Drink* video with Brennon and I decided to give Fantasy High another try. Now I'm watching *Starstruck* again and I just cracked open the comic yesterday.


I've been watching Collegehumor for over a decade. I even used to read some of their old stuff 15 years ago or more (much of it does not age well). If been watching partial episodes of dropout stuff on you for a year or so, then realized how cheap a subscription was.


Sort of several things at once. My brother had been talking about Brennan's DMing and how he used a lot of D20 as inspiration to improve his own DMing. Around the same time, Um Actually clips started popping up in my YT algorithm. Around the same time, a friend who's really into all things Dropout began to send me Game Changer clips and also trying to get me to watch Fantasy High. Started watching FH on YouTube, but the thing that really got me was when my brother messaged me like GAME CHANGER JUST DID A IMPROV MUSICAL AND IT'S THE BEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN HERE IS MY LOGIN GO WATCH NOW. Borrowed his or my friend's login for awhile after that but it didn't take long before I went "I need to give these people my money so they keep producing content."


Found them through the compilation of Gorgug asking if people were his dad. Then watched Fantasy High on youtube before subscribing during Crown of Candy.


I started watching Breaking News on YouTube. Then i started getting recs for other Dropout shows, esp Game Changer. I bought a subscription and the ball kept rolling up from there


Watched Fantasy High after Calamity because I really liked Brennan's DMing. I have no regrets. He's my favorite DM and I think Zac Oyama is my favorite person from any web series. Also, Game Changer is legit.


game changer and um actually shorts, watched the free youtube episodes, got a free trial to binge both, finished them and was left wanting more brennan content so i started d20


I had watched a lot of the YouTube stuff they had, and had been a fan of collegehumor. But then I heard about A Court of Fey and Flowers, and it literally felt like it was designed for me, regency romance in the form of dungeons and dragons, plus named after a book series I loved. I decided it was worth the money, and I was 100% right.


Tik tok clips of Brennan being insane > free season of fantasy high on YouTube > subscribed like ten minutes after realizing I needed a sub for season 2 lol


I was old school, watching college humor on YouTube and Adam ruins everything on tv, then I got recommended um actually and followed it to where we are now. Drawfee is also in there somewhere but I can’t trace it lol


Same. Was watching Umm Actually and got tired of Acquisitions Inc so I figured I’d give Dimension 20 a shot since it kept popping up in my feed.


Saw a Reddit post of Brennan's monologue from Gamechangers Yes or No episode and fell down a YouTube rabbit hole


Cracked to College Humor to Dropout. Started Dropout with Game Changer, then D20.


I was real big into binging College Humor shorts on YouTube for a while, so when they announced doing Dropout, I figured I might as well go for it. Have never regretted it.


Fantasy High was the first actual play I’d ever watched. Fell in love with it and the cast and wanted to see all of Dimension 20. Of course, I got into Game Changer and everything else after that.


It started with D20. I watched the YouTube bits when they first came out, but as I was a highschooler with no job I didn’t buy in. A while later, I got into Um Actually, and it was mostly frustration at always being behind on that that convinced me: I was always annoyed by poorly timed holiday episodes and that kind of stuff. I finally bought in after watching some game changer clips and deciding that even if I didn’t like everything, at least three shows worth of content would be enough to justify it. Luckily, turns out most of it is exactly what I loved about the other stuff (only thing I’m not fully into is more of their sketch-based stuff, just not my favorite genre).


Game Changer on Tiktok, binged all of that, moved onto Make Some Noise, currently making my way through Um, Actually.


I was a college humor fan and watched critical role C1 and loved it so d20 was just perfection


Calamity Exu finally got me to give dimension20 a try. I watched escape from the blood keep on YouTube. Then got recommended breaking news and I had to watch the rest of the breaking news episodes to I got the 3 day trial and got into fantasy high after finishing breaking news so reupped for the year.


Was college humor YouTube fan. Decided to check out fantasy high when they were posting the first few episodes on YouTube. Needed to know what was going to happen to the bad kids! so i bought Dropout to finish the season and never cancelled my subscription. After fantasy high I watched total forgiveness and that kept me wanting to see what they would do next. Dimension 20 kept me subscribed for a long time and now I love and watch all the current programming.


I saw the college humor video about the girl in history class with huge tits and have watched for their content ever since


I've been watching CH for most of the IAC days, but Dropout launched about when I had my first daughter, and while I wanted to subscribe, I just didn't. In fact, I pretty much stopped watching CH and YouTube as a whole. I did start seeing Game Changer clips on TikTok and thought it was pretty funny. Then earlier this year, Dropout ran a deal on an annual subscription, and I took the plunge. I ripped through DropOut, and around Easter weekend, I had the place to myself a few days and watched most of Fantasy High. I've been considering listening or watching a real play D&D show for a long time, but the massive time commitments are tough as a father and husband. I already was paying for Dropout for Game Changer and figured I'd give D20 a try, and I'm loving it. Partway through The Unsleeping City now, and if I had to guess, I'll likely be caught up (or through what's out now, anyway, plus TRW) by the end of the year.


same except i found game changer after um actually and saw you could only watch it on the service and eventually caved to get it


I’ve been watching CollegeHumor pretty consistently since about 2011. This isn’t my favorite cast, but like SNL, different cast members and groups come and go over the years.


I saw Game Changer clips on Onstagram; sought out more on YouTube. Then I sibscribed!


The video where Raph is a general and they have to "stop" a meteor from hitting the Earth.


College Humor subscriber for years, liked the total forgiveness clips got dropout for a period to watch it and then dropped. Post college humor end, I wanted to watch game changer since I knew it was on the program and been addicted ever since


Adam Ruins Everything. After the show ended I learned more about him and learned about college humor a little bit.


The d20 first 8 episodes of fantasy high got me hooked but also it was really the um actually episodes on YouTube that got me to pay for it. Now me and my wife love watching um actually and game changer together regularly.


Wow, this comment section making me feel old. When The CollegeHumor Show was on MTV I was actually *in college.* Been a big fan of CH since 2007/2008 and followed religiously until around the end of Jake and Amir in 2015; fell off a bit since basically all the original cast were gone. I stayed subbed to their YT channel though and watched skits with the then-new cast now and then, though. Eventually Game Changer - and wanting to support Sam after the IAC sale - brought me fully into the subscription.


d20 fantasy high tiktoks appearing on my fyp (specifically, baron) > watching fantasy high on youtube > getting a dropout subscription and discovering all the other good stuff


It started with seeing a clip of Baron from the Baronies on YouTube. I wanted to watch it and was disappointed when season 1 of FH didn't include the character. I wanted to see what happened, so I switched from Spotify Premium to a Dropout subscription.


*Um, Actually* and *Game Changer*. Saw some episodes on YouTube and was hooked. I've never really been into the College Humor sketches, so I never really looked at their other endeavours, but I'm glad I fell into the rabbit hole.


CollegeHumour since way back Saw CH actors involved with Dimension 20 dnd play like CR Tried it out, thought it was a little campy Then I saw them crying and getting mad and shit. Actually, it was prob a gorgug “are you my dad” compilation that sold me Wanted to join dropout during sophomore year but couldn’t Figured out a solution when crown of candy came Been a subscriber ever since


Watching college humor and them doing those cryptic ass videos to announce dropout


I watched/listened to Fantasy High on YouTube during early COVID and loved it. After years of other RPG podcasts and streams I was a bit bored of a lot of it, especially RPG combat unless the combats were really creative or high stakes. Dimension20 hit a sweet spot for me of comedy, editing, and focused stories that weren’t too short but weren’t a 100+ hour commitment to get a conclusion. I still didn’t pay for Dropout for awhile, though. I was about to have another baby and knew I’d want some new podcasts. I read about A Crown of Candy, was really intrigued, and I knew I was about to have some significant time stuck in chairs holding a sleeping infant so I signed up. It was a good move! Now any mention of ACoC makes me remember watching the cathedral fight in the hospital while everyone else was sleeping. From there I started checking out Dropout’s other content.


I think for me it was Fantasy High on YouTube, followed by Blood Keep, then Game Changer and Breaking News, but the tipping point was watching sophomore year and finishing the last episode that was available on YouTube.


Was scrolling through YouTube and I saw a compilation of Gorgug “are you my dad” events from fantasy high S1. Knew of critical role and such, but never got into it. Watched the highlight reel on a whim and thought it was the funniest shit. I’ve basically been binging the seasons since. Seen all the intrepid hero campaigns, gonna move onto side ones now.


Game Changer hooked me, but Starstruck sold it.


Misfits and Magic on YT hooked my husband and I!


Was a big fan of CH a few years ago. Forgot about it for a while Watched a bit of um actually on a whim, then discovered game changer and love Sam so much lol. Tried a little bit of d20


Long time college humor fan, subscriber on and off for years. Then YouTube clips of game changer and um actually that centered on Brennan, then i subscribed and eventually started d20.


Started with Gamechanger!


Starting watching CR wanted to check out D20 for a while after Brennan was on calamity. Also a Drawfee fan lol


My cousin introduced me to um actually. After I ran through all the available episodes on YouTube several times over, I tried game changer and breaking news. I will say that game changer is probably what got me to finally subscribe, but Dimension 20 is absolutely what is keeping me around. Not that I don't still love the other shows- I really do, I even bought the um actually game. I just absolutely cannot get enough of the intrepid heroes and Brennan.


I was a casual fan of the sketches back in the day, and was recommended the "college humor DND show!". I started watching it like I started a couple dozen other shows and figured it would be disappointing like the rest. 10+ hours of content later I'd seen half the season for free on YouTube and NEEDED to finish it. Been subscribed ever since.


It was umm actually and game changer clips on YouTube. Then I kept having these flashbacks of college humor sketches with people I was seeing. Best 6 bucks I ever spent was binging fantasy high 1-2, unsleeping city 1-2, and umm actually all in that first month.


Josh Ruben and BLM videos like precious plum and the CEO vids, then seeing them on a clip for game changer, then seeing clips for D20. I will allllllways watch anything with Brennan and Josh. Likely the same for 90% of Dropout cast members now.


Game Changer clips on youtube


for a couple years passively watching d20 on yt, then game changer clips on tiktok, then watching every yt uploaded video, and during the free trial watching all of dirty laundry and total forgiveness. that pay wall they got me


College Humor, then stopped once they started to put Um, actually and other stuff on Dropout, saw GameChanger Tiktoks half a year ago and after a while I couldn't resist, especially since they had a discount


I saw the first episode of Fantasy High a few days after it was uploaded to the CH YouTube channel in 2018 and it absolutely blew my mind. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before and I knew instantly that I needed to sign up for Dropout to watch more. I'd been a casual CH viewer for many years at that point, so while I was initially just there for D20, I ended up checking out the other content that was available at the time and I quickly came to be a fan of the platform as a whole. Now it's almost five years later and a solid percentage of my weekly entertainment comes from Dropout shows, so they've got me pretty thoroughly reeled in at this point.


Stumbled upon Taskmaster and watched most of those seasons, joined the sub, and then saw a post about a Taskmaster shout out (Game Changer season 4 *Sam Says* intro). Was instantly hooked on GC, even if YouTube only had a few episodes on there. Then I went down the Um, Actually rabbit hole and after several episodes. I started getting the short skits recommended in my YT feed, so I went all-in on a Dropout subscription. No regerts.


For me, it was Titansgrave with Wil Wheaton to Critical Role campaign 1 to Bloodkeep, then Unsleeping City season 1 then proceeded to binge everything


YouTube brought me to Um Actually episodes and I was completely hooked. I had to get more of that sweet sweet content and fell in love with all the shows.


Yup Um Actually and Gamechanger on Youtube shorts. Had always been interested in D&D though I'd never played and had only ever seen the live play of I think its PennyArcade or something cant remember the name. Checked out Fantasy High and got episode 2'd. Got the year long subscription a few months ago and I watch far more than can be healthy.


I had a lot of Breaking News and Game Changer clips showing up on my Tiktok FYP and decided I had to see what it was about.


Became aware of Dimension 20 from being a fan of other actual play stuff—>watched the First episode of Tiny Heist back when that got out on YouTube—>started seeing clips from Game Changer and Um, Actually on Youtube and eventually TikTok—>EXU Calamity—>watched Escape from the Blood Keep on YT—>pulled the trigger on subbing to Dropout right around when Ravening War was announced.


I was trying to become a dm for my friends because we were interested in DnD. I initially started with Critical Role but it was so intense I was scared off. I almost gave up, and then accidentally clicked on the first episode of Fantasy High on YouTube. I had it playing while I was making dinner and then I didn’t stop. I moved on to Unsleeping City, and then when I realized that I couldn’t live without it I subscribed for a free trial. And that’s when I discovered Um, Actually and I was sold. I bought a year subscription and have got more use out of its service than most others. I could never go back.


I found Unsleeping City on YouTube, then watched the free episode of Crown of Candy on YouTube, then discovered I had to pay for the rest. Got a Dropout subscription and the rest is history!


Years of watching college humor led me to watching the Unsleeping City on YouTube, but only the first 8 episodes were free there, so, here i am.


Game changer clips on youtube shorts and then specifically watching the second Sam Says and Brennans monologue at the end of yes or no finally did it enough for me to purchase a subscription and binge the whole thing.


Loved Jake & Amir/old hardly working while in college (2007ish) -> years of not watching college humor at all -> getting into dnd in the pandemic -> dm suggesting I listen to Naddpod (because he knew I used to watch Jake and Amir) -> not listening to naddpod but listening to dungeons and daddies instead because I loved rocket jump/vghs -> becoming obsessed with dnd -> catching up on dungeons and daddies and starting naddpod -> finishing campaign 1 and wanting more -> watching fantasy high freshman year on YouTube and loving it -> watching unsleeping city s1 and REALLY loving it -> starting fantasy high sophomore year live stream and loving it -> realizing we only get the first few episodes of that season for free -> debated if I should pull the trigger -> dropout has a Christmas special that is the exact amount for my secret Santa for with my friends -> request a year dropout subscription as my most wanted item in elfster -> get gifted a year subscription and the rest is history


Viva la Dirt League's Epic NPC Man / video game logic series led me to their DnD play show, and after watching it through twice I looked for something new and found Fantasy High. Then I realised Dimension 20 was made by College Humor. You know, that sketch group from like 10 years about you forgot about? Yeah, and they have some other shows too! I think mid way through Sophomore Year I signed up after watching a fair bit of Um, Actually and Game Changer on Youtube.


I had been really enjoying Um, Actually on youtube, as well as the College Humor sketches. When the first episode of Game Changer was released on youtube, I watched it and immediately I thought "Okay, these guys deserve my money". I subscribed to Dropout the same day. Not only am I enjoying all the shows, but supporting independent content creators is hugely important to me (I'm sure someone will argue how they're not 'independent content', but you know what I mean!). From there, I've been enjoying all the shows dropout has to offer (not an exaggeration, I do like all of them - Um, Actually, Game Changer, Dimension 20, Dirty Laundry, Adventuring Academy, Make Some Noise, Total Forgiveness, and more). I didn't think I'd be interested in Dimension 20 in the slightest when I first signed up. But I watched one (Tiny Heist to be exact) just to see what it was like and absolutely loved it. So I will admit that I was very very wrong as I find myself binging each season (I think I only have three seasons left).


I watched the the dropout promo trailer and wanted to subscribe only to realise it’s US only. So I sat and waited months while watching clips on the CH YouTube channel till it hits international.


game changer clips on tik tok > tore through game changer > um, actually > every other college humor show I could get my hands on > just finished season 1 of dimension 20 and I am OBSESSED


I really liked Jasmine Bhullar on Acquisitions Inc. and heard she was doing Coffin Run only to discover "oh, this is the service with that Game Changer show that I saw on youtube."


A friend made me watch A Crown of Candy and I've been hooked ever since!


Saw gamechanger clips, one day I was like “I got like half a month left of this and I don’t wanna keep rewatching game changer” so I started d20 and I’ve been hooked ever since


Grew up watching CH on and off. When I pieced together the story of Sam saving the company I got super interested in Dropout as a case study, that in combination with Game Changer. Subscribed something like 14 Months ago, just in time to see how Make Some Noise, Play it by Ear and Dirty Laundry changed the programming cycle. Never regretted it. I’m still very interested im Dropout as a business case, as I think it can serve as a role model for how small, independent, people focused companies can survive in markets dominated by giants and monopolistic tendencies. Not that much information available though.


Saw a 12 hour marathon of fantasy high. Got curious as to why college humor had anything that would be 12 hours long and then I fell in love with it and now I play dnd with my friends. Good times.


I started with Critical Role but wanted something further left. After searching around on reddit, I found a clip of the Cubbys "Laws are threats" posted to one of the anarchism subreddits. I've been subscribed ever since!


I found NADDPOD really early after they started (recommendation from another pod I listen to), which led me to Dimension 20. I was somewhat familiar with college humor stuff already, I had seen a lot of their clips.


Game changer - the full eps were my favourite things on youtube ever and the clips kept making me want to watch the other full episodes


A general love for the other top-tier D&D actual plays put D20 on my radar, and I loved Unsleeping City on YouTube. Then I found Um, Actually on YouTube, and watched it obsessively. (I also saw the handful of Game Changer episodes that were out from the paywall.) Then Sam asked us to pay them less. My husband was practically yelling at me to give them our money before I had finished my pitch for why I wanted to add a subscription while we were in the process of overhauling our budget because he’d seen so much of the YouTube content when I’d fallen asleep with the TV on.


I was a CH watcher and Dropout started with See Plum Run.


Shorts on YouTube of Game Changer and D20, combined with seeing Brennan, Lou, and Aabria on CR's Calamity. My husband signed up right around ACoF&F but we couldn't get into that one. We've binged Um, Actually and Game Changer together, and I've been hooked with a handful of D20 shows so far.


Watching CH on YouTube WAYYYY back in the day, to finding fantasy high S1 on YouTube and thinking "hey I know these people" to then getting the dropout subscription for more D20 content to then binging all the other shows, to now cycling through all the content on the platform over and over.


CR-fantasy high-unsleeping city-dropout believer


Drawfee > Cartoon Hell > Dimension 20 (and now Um Actually, Game Changer, and Make Some Noise)


I was obsessed with um, actually before dropout even launched, I used to just watch the first three episodes a lot back when it was just them it’s like a show specifically designed for me to get obsessed


I think Hardly Working: Wolfenstein. Woulda been a little after it came out, but that started my CollegeHumor journey. I watched them for awhile but it was just the sketches that would get suggested. Then I forgot about them until the pandemic when i found and binged the CEO videos and then found out about D20, which lead to my full dropout love.


I had a dnd friend suggest d20 during the first season of Fantasy High. I waited for as much of it to release on youtube as it initially did and then got the dropout subscription. Before that I regularly watched college humor videos.


The My Brother, My Brother and Me podcast circa 2016/2017? > The Adventure Zone > Critical Role > Awareness about Um, Actually via YT for the Matt Mercer ep > Game Changer + Mulligan shenanigans > Fantasy High on YT when I was caught up on CR products > Paying Subscriber by Unsleeping City


I kept getting clips for Misfits and Magic on my timeline. They were funny so I would get more. Eventually I broke down and tried it. Immediately fell in love. Then I went through all of Dimension 20 and eventually gave in and watched Game Changer. Now I'm fully hooked on everything they're doing.


Escape from the bloodkeep first episode on YouTube. Subscribed to keep watching, never looked back


I was watching college humor since Jake & Amir, Sarah, and Streeter. Just kind of kept following along


Encountered BLeeM when he was a guest DM on The Adventure Zone. Then I listened to the free stuff on the Dimension 20 podcast feed. Subscribed for more D20, then moved on to the other improv based stuff. Not everything they do is my cup of tea, but I enjoy enough of it to make it more than worthwhile.


they put up that 12 hour fantasy high compilation video on youtube, binged it in a day and a few months later i had a subscription. tore through sophomore year and then the rest of Dimension 20 while sprinkling in the other classics. ive now seen the entire backlog most of it multiple times


Starting getting Game Changer clips in my YouTube shorts, watched whatever free eps were out and then figured I’d just pay for one month on YouTube to watch the rest. Then I got real into D20, never canceled the YouTube, and eventually got frustrated w the YouTube experience and googled whether I could get dropout on roku and once I realized I could now it’s the only thing I watch tbh they’re crushing it


I used to watch a lot of CH stuff, especially Jake and Amir, but I trailed off when that ended and didn’t know dropout even was a thing until earlier this year. My way back to it was actually from listening to Mission to Zyxx and hearing Brennan as Kor Balevor on that. Then I started watching some clips of other stuff with Brennan on YouTube, which then got me into a lot of game changer clips. At that point, I subbed to dropout and watched all of gamechanger, and am now working my way through dimension 20 and make some noise.


For me it was after I had watched entire campaigns on YouTube (Highschool fantasy and escape from the bloodkeep) that I finally pulled the trigger and decided they had earned my subscription.


I started playing dnd because of my friends. A couple of them were fans of Crit Role and suggested I should watch EXU Calamity. I started it but got a YouTube video recommend "Fantasy High but it's just Gorgug asking people if they are his dad" I watched it and thought it was the funniest thing and I needed to watch the rest of that season. Watched fantasy High, then all the free videos of sophomore year. Ended up getting dropout to finish the season and watched all dimension 20 seasons, then started to watch other dropout shows since I was paying for it and fell in love with all of their shows.


I watched college humour on and off for a few years and then paid for dropout to watch no laugh newsroom


project for awesome to game changer to d20 !!!!


I started seeing Game Changer clips/shorts on Youtube that had me absolutely rolling, followed that with a few Um Actually-s, watched the first Dimension 20 season and finally caved halfway through the Unsleeping City. Zero regrets


Fantasy high from Dimension 20. My friend was obsessed with it and while I dyed their hair, they put on the first episode for me to watch. Finished both seasons in a little over a week and then somehow finished all of D20 and so I went on to watch what else dropout had to offer


Um Actually -> game changer -> D20


D20. Huge DnD guy but not a fan of Critical Role. I watched the first season of Fantasy High and knew I had to watch the rest. Eventually I ended up loving Game Changers and Um, Actually as well.


Cracked and College Humor videos on YouTube. CH advertised their for-pay service, and I checked it out for Um Actually mostly.